April 2010 Highlights!

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11 Apr 2010 20:53 #1 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
April 2010 Highlights! was created by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Oh, man, what a good feeling to be back at Shehawqua...

Friday night - Boss tells me it's OK to go to KR that night, instead of staring a computer Sat. morning waiting for an email that something went wrong at work.  I had my iPhone, I kept an eye on my email during the game (discretely, of course), and nothing went wrong. :)

Drive out on Friday - Is that SNOW coming down?  Son of a....

Being able to set up the Forge in full again.

Having a cabin full of people.  Chuckling to myself OOG at the fact I'm staying with 4 wild mages, although I don't know it IG.

Giving Hamish his new toy.

Saturday - warm weather, at last!

The new Coffee Pot of Brazen!

Walking in to see Antrim finish a Sorcery ritual - very, very impressive RP.  I am always amazed at these things I rarely get to see.

Teaching.  More Teaching.  New Smiths.  More Teaching.  Mages' Guild Meeting.  Did I mention more teaching?

Realizing I am the de facto Enchantment teacher for Bards.

Finally opening my first Higher List as Gideon - after 5 years playing him.  Yes, you can go for over 5 years and still be effective without a higher list!

Mug, post-game.  Always a good time.

As I told Vince, post-game, I somehow managed not to be involved in the Plot at all, again... but I still had fun.  It's a testament to the game and it's players that even without being involved in plot, one can still have a good time and awesome RP.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
11 Apr 2010 21:00 - 11 Apr 2010 21:53 #2 by SerenityMoonstone (SerenityMoonstone)
Replied by SerenityMoonstone (SerenityMoonstone) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
Friday in my mind: This better be petals.

Saturday: Highlight: Being able to sing at the feast.
Highlight: The special wine (cider)

Sunday: The map is a lie! ((note: It dose need correcting on where the Kalimore bathroom is, it says it should have been next to where I was staying))

My name's Ahmetia Campbell and I am so happy to be here! ^_^
Last edit: 11 Apr 2010 21:53 by .
11 Apr 2010 21:36 - 11 Apr 2010 21:38 #3 by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas)
Replied by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
It was really just good to be back after a long while gone it's indescribable...


1.) Got to see everyone I've been missing IG and OOG (aka the barbarians and the YHATZIS! ^_^)

2.) Got lots of service points from extra NPC shift and feast clean up.

Surprisingly a lot of my favorite times were in NPC Highlights.....

1.) Being Grim Guardians on gank shift (shift after main mod) we were really nice... not over powered but just right and we worked together and had fun role playing it, also it was nice I wasn't dieing from out of nowhere in 2 hits.

2.) Taking extra NPC shift for the high level main mod.

3.) marching out to main mod yelling with Gwar ^_^ (very funny btw guys nice job)

4.) Looking over the horizon to the Inn for main mod and the 1st thing I see is Malyc, the Baron, and two others dressed as Kiss.... seriously I didn't know if I should run away and fear the hard glam rock or get angry that they found our weakness XD (very very very nice guys)

5.) Being an Ogre on Gank shift with another Ogre and talking about who we would attack, then picking the nice "shiny one" (the Baron) and then getting hit about 5 times and running away screaming "YOU CAN KEEP YOUR SHINES!"


1.) sleeping almost all Friday night

2.) Not being able to talk to Emar much about becoming Enaxian, and then talking and not giving the right answer.

Rupert the adventurer

OOG: Cody Robert Queen
Last edit: 11 Apr 2010 21:38 by .
11 Apr 2010 22:13 #4 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
I also knew only a fraction about the actual plot and I will admit, I still had a lot of fun. I was pretty low this month and this really helped out. Great work guys :)

...Snow? Really?
-Lots of people came to Ilana asking about how it was like as a wildmage. I love RPing that and explaining her different views. At least people learn she's not biased.

-Spending about an hour trying to find the Pendarvin meeting and turns out... it was actually in Pendarvin *facepalm*
-Worked a few extra shifts in the inn for free but not minding so much.... though I didn't get pay for any of my actual shifts either...
-Being baptized to Galladel. Jimbob, you are an amazing RPer, need to hang out more.
-called 'wildmage caretaker' by several people. Not sure if I should consider this good or not... probably not.
-Lots of work during main mod. Yay Physician!
-KISS and GWAR... I wish I had been there to see it.

NPC: Death fiend- Running away from Erdrick while he was distracted to hide in the shadow of a tree... and Seamus just walking down the path right there to see me... really? REALLY?  :P  I had fun. Also, 38 bane?  :o
-Mal, you did a very good job with mass ^_^
-almost had a phase spider statue. Forgot about displacement.
-There's a difference between wildmage hunters and child killers.

Marcella Torres
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11 Apr 2010 22:40 #5 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
I had fun.  Many thanks to Steve B., Joe & MB, Ryan & Kristen, Andy & Jackie, Dougal, Beardo, Alex, Jason, Charna, Malcolm M., Mike S., Emily G., and Tom S..  Each of you had a part in my enjoyment of this weekend.

If I seemed stand-offish, or didn't interact so much with folks... it was just me having "1 of my days".  :P

Still, it was a fun event... I learned many things, stood corrected on what I thought was a joke, and made some strides towards my character's future.

To Jenna L., we finally made that deal.  I will use my new throwing daggers with much fun.

IG: Tyran Radley
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11 Apr 2010 23:33 #6 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
i am exhausted, and will post tomorrow.  The arms of Morpheus await me.

However, I want to say that in the space of 20 seconds I both caused a Satyr to blush and recoil in disgust.  Yes I am rather proud of that moment.

Edwin Haroldson
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11 Apr 2010 23:50 - 12 Apr 2010 00:47 #7 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
So I would like to take this time to tell all of you:

April Fools Knight Realms! You just pwned GWAR!

But in all seriousness, Vince and I put a hell of a lot of effort into this weekend and wanted to thank everyone who put up with our nonsense.  We want to thank James, Andy B., and the rest of the story tellers for all the help they gave us.  And I personally want to thank Jake L. for really helping us out as well.

The whole weekend was a highlight for me.  Nothing but excellence from everyone I interacted with.

-I personally enjoyed entertaining the low levels and making playing that goblin fun for me.
-Main mod was so much fun, I never enjoyed hating my own minions so much.
Once again, you guys are fantastic and made this all too much fun for us to run.

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
-Steve Oros
Assistant Director
Last edit: 12 Apr 2010 00:47 by .
12 Apr 2010 00:42 #8 by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507)
Replied by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
Realizing that most of the people I know IG live in Kaladonia which I had already planned to join anyway
RP with Kwildar Friday Night
My Wolf Shrine in the Kaladonia House gave my character a sense of permanancy
Being given the distinguished position of Alarm screamer
Smash Door
Becoming a citizen of Kaladonia
Learnign Catlike Grace, Poison Ivy and ID Compound
NPC Shift
after NPC shift
Shash Door II: This Time They Enter
Learned Nightshade
Barbarians help protect young wild mage ?
Beign given an oppurtunity to say "None Shall Pass!" but none to the Wildmage killers followed us to Alisandria

Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga
Hero of Auralion
Warrior of the White Wolf

- Druid

David Reyes
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12 Apr 2010 01:13 #9 by Oryx (Oryx)
Replied by Oryx (Oryx) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
Suprised Dryad is Suprised.

Perhaps it is because I am so new at this and am taking a bit to get the swing of things, but this is the event where I have been the MOST involved in plot.  Mostly because I finally discovered where the coffee was hidden.

That being said, I had an AMAZING WEEKEND.

Arriving on site at 2am on Saturday morning and still getting to go out and mod for the journal.

THE Journal. Tee hee hee!

Sleeping in full makeup and mohawk and waking up...intact. WIN.

Being able to eat!

Goblin/ Jar Mod. *impromptu staff cracks* damnit! *impromptu staff breaks* Damnit! *impromptu staff breaks again* DAMNIT!
Alazar: *holding out orb* "What does this do?" Sticks the Goblin: "IT GLOWS! GIMME GIMME GIMME!" Alazar: "Yes, but what ELSE does it do?  This conversation repeated itself for five minutes before Alazar finally handed him the orb and he...made it glow brighter. GIGGLE GIGGLE.

And in between that: Fire Puzzle/ Weeping Angels.  Don't BLINK! Also, Dryad close to scorching fire unable to take her eyes off the statue in the corner? Whilst her best friend is practically dying in said fire puzzle? Not so awesome.

Graveyard mushroom stomp party!

Finding out what Oryx needs to do to improve her staff, GREATLY. This is one Dryad who understands the importance of being able to defend herself, and the gold it takes to get there.

Lemon Whiskey, petting Logan and the Baron.

Kissing Remi in front of Malick.  Later that night, before going off to barbarian land, having it earn me 110 Mage Armor.  The surprise on Ardentfyre's face when this happened.

Running into a random compass in Pendarvin when going to greet Mixolydian and the Drow. The ensuing story was a wonderul thing to be a part of.

AAND... Epic battle of epicness against the Cardinal! Chaos, pure, fantastic, chaos.


Having to pee and therefore leaving a very warm bed. Shivering uncontrollably for quite some time after.

Performance at feast. There are just times when you know you can do better.

Lack of Mother Rosa.

Having to run like a mad tree to get any lessons before lay off!

Ardentfyre and others not allowing the Celts to try their Barbarian plan, and forcing them to have no other choice but to not do it.  Not your people, man, if they want to die it's on their own heads and in my opinion it was handled with a closed mind. Weapons are not always the answer.

Hill. both a blessing and a curse. *pant pant*

Gank shift. I simply cannot last that long sleep wise. Remind me to pick a different one!

Thank you to all for making this event so epic!

AAND...oh my gosh I almost forgot feast.  Can we all give three cheers for that amazing roast please? Jackie, you worked your butt off all day in the hot kitchen...and you did it in a bodice and made one of the best roasts I've ever tasted! Thank you for filling our bellies so wonderfully!

"When they're gone out of his head, these words, they'll be gone, everywhere, forever. As if they had never been."

~Mother Oryx the Dryad
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OOG: Paige C.
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12 Apr 2010 05:45 #10 by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing)
Replied by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
so i had fun for the short amount of time i was there!

-omg! its much colder than i was expecting... and is that... snow??? UGH!
-creed trying to marry me constantly and me refusing!
-dragoon patrol getting pwned against soul harvesters.
-chris' throat + sam = whoops! :-P
-warm fire is warm
-silly fun times with the barbarians
-finally getting too cold and tired and just driving home for a real shower and bed.

-arriving to find that i could keep my warm furry cloak on for NPC duty and that Jimbob was the marshal! yes!
- i <3 break limb
- getting to torture poor angel and scalp her :-)
-chuck: "please! don't let me get questioned by Kwildar again! There's only so much love talk i can take!"
- finally going on bob plot. efgail fight was pretty cool... went on too long though.
-Brogan thinks Tyra eats dark god babies.... my event is complete!
-a love note and a crystal rose was awesome in game although the source was highly unexpected for Tyra!
-main mod was awesome, except getting stabbed in the eye twice with a calamacil weapon = suck
-fun convos with Jacquie Adames.
-Great outstanding role play with Kwildar about St. Astrids Day and Philidin about Spirit of the Dragoon! Thank you guys best role play allllll weekend!
-ridiculous late night convos with Kyle, Jake, Chris, Tim and Sonya.
Brik: um, cardinal Haigen... can you fix my face please? it's like bleeding and falling off...
Cardinal Haigen: yes, well, i think you need a lesson in humility Brik.
(20 minutes later)
Brik: umm... Cardinal... can you fix my face now?
Haigen: ah hmm yess well i think you learned your lesson.

finally getting sick and tired and having to go home... im coughing like crazy and i could barely move this morning... i hope no one else got sick!!!

"There is a difference between a hero and a coward. A Hero wakes willing to risk death. A coward wakes wishing for it."

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12 Apr 2010 06:44 - 13 Apr 2010 17:20 #11 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
- Spirit of the Dragon
- Master Warrior
- KISS Army
- Tenacious Defenders

- Gas Money
- Cold Weather
- Something listed previously as a highlight for someone else
- Being told I can't learn a lower list skill by someone.  Really?  It's a lower list skill, don't make it something it's not.

Though mostly a good event.
A+ Rock, would Rock again.

Squire Lucas R. Brand
Squire to Lord Antrim Ardentfyre
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OOG: Chris Goley
Last edit: 13 Apr 2010 17:20 by .
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12 Apr 2010 09:11 #12 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
Friday was a very rough day. But everything settled after the dust cloud of confusion left! Sorry to those that I came off as being harsh.

Friday Night:
-Too cold to change into costume. So I waited until my shift, changed, then hung around.
-Fire good. Fire very good.
-Not having the forethought to get more weapons, and having to duel Shalok and The Baron with only one sword. Yeesh.
-Ogre B&....Leave? Thanks Cy, Travis, and Cooper's friend who knows who he is.

Saturday Morning:
Odo Time!
New Licences! Woot!
Sparce Marketfair (I blame the cold) and focusing more on getting new licences out.
RP with Malcolm McBride and BSing about masonry.
"CLAY?!?! Why not build a F@#$ing wall out of broken pottery while they're at it!"
Odo Love Tiny Pickles!
Battleformations going off super well.
Kaladonia Potluck and shoeless hookah.

'I'm getting Birchwooded'
How tinted do I look? mint ice cream or grass stain?
Glad to hear the news. IG and OOG
RP fun with Hamish, as always!
Another valuable lesson from your friends of Drega'mire!
It's always nice to find some quiet time to yourself in the Mage's Guild.
Returning to the guildhall and mispronouncing Ranthor for Rancor, twice!
KISS vs GWAR. My heart imploded. Then I remembered it was a week after april fools day, and laughed.

Planning for May and enjoying the lovely weather.
Drinking from a pitcher. And drinking it all.

Good event, but that weather was brutal.

Mahoney almost headstomping me after jumping up to hang from the rafters to 'find loot' hidden up there. We didn't have loot to begin with. Not cool.

"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."

(Tom Senger )
12 Apr 2010 09:53 #13 by Mother Rosa (Kate)
Replied by Mother Rosa (Kate) on topic April 2010 Highlights!

Lack of Mother Rosa.

Aww <3. You were all missed too, although I didn't miss freezing in my sleep!

Mother Rosa
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"That which yields is not always weak."

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12 Apr 2010 10:12 #14 by THENPC (THENPC)
Replied by THENPC (THENPC) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
I want to echo Steve's thanks. Without the help of Those named, the Monster Marshals, and all of our awesome NPCs, this wouldn't have been possible. I also want to thank Frank for setting up the grid for the fire puzzle for us, and everyone that donated anything at all for us.

My absolute favorite moment was charging into Main Mod to see Quinn, Kendrick, Malyc, and the Baron dressed as KISS. Touche', salesman, touche'.

We had a lot of fun running this belated April Fools of a plot, and we hope everyone else had a great time as well!

Adversus Nox Noctis,
Sir Lethias Discretion Nathaniel Peregrin Christopher Wrathchild VonRitter
Knight of Travance
Putting the Shiv in Chivalry Since 1202

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12 Apr 2010 10:26 #15 by RashaVonMorrgan (RashaVonMorgan)
Replied by RashaVonMorrgan (RashaVonMorgan) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
-Being taken under some rather suprising wings  ;D
- Lots of things to do.
- NPC Shift/Main Mod was amazing. I saw everyone dressed as KISS and think I never laughed so hard.
- Getting in trouble for singing too loudly in a group right before MM.
- Making many new friends both in and out of game.
- Keeping warm.
- Running to the bathroom in a group at four in the morning in the snow.

- Snow?? Like....Really??? SNOW?!
- Too many barbarians.
- Heartburn Dx
- Having to wake up when its cold, really cold outside.

All in all it was a great event and it was really good to be back again. I'm happy I waited to come back till April because I don't think I could have handled the event in ALOT of snow. Brrrrr. Everything was well done though  :)

Ch1: Rasha Von Morrgan
Ch2: Oska Menos


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12 Apr 2010 10:34 #16 by Misaki (cbodnar)
Replied by Misaki (cbodnar) on topic April 2010 Highlights!

-Ogre B&....Leave? Thanks Cy, Travis, and Cooper's friend who knows who he is.

Yeah, fantastically awesome time that night XD.  More highlights to come when I finally come to my senses after this whirlwind weekend

Misaki Xianlu VonRitter, the Nemesis

Vassal of Pendarvin

"Evil Must Be Destroyed"

OOG:  Cyril Bodnar
12 Apr 2010 10:44 #17 by MirellaLovel (MirellaLovel)
Replied by MirellaLovel (MirellaLovel) on topic April 2010 Highlights!

Ohh I had so much fun!

Newbie mod ^_^ My first battle
Hanging by the fire in the Inn, getting a free hotdog from a nice man :)
Freezing to death Friday night (uuughh)
First NPC shift saturday ^_^ I LOVED IT. War paint and going RAWR. Getting calmed and acting silly
Tarot Readings and earning Gold in the process (not to mention RP points!)
The Inn being raided by oni
My first looting of someone earned me a 10 gold piece!
Two free shots of Dragon's breath and being drunk as hell
Meeting other Gypsies <3
Main Mod organized chaos!!! Holy crap!
Getting destroyed in my sleep by stupid trolls saturday night >_< and Torvisu saving our asses but having all of his limbs broken in the process.

I had oodles of fun, made lots of new friends and cannot WAIT until I can afford to come again!! I love you all!
12 Apr 2010 11:06 #18 by T. Grumblegut (Yngwie)
Replied by T. Grumblegut (Yngwie) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
Seeing (and being part of) players coming together to make a good time for themselves despite the current circumstances. It was kind of magical and I just wanted to say thanks to all those involved.

Alex T.
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12 Apr 2010 11:34 #19 by Jack (Keeperofdice)
Replied by Jack (Keeperofdice) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
It was such an awesome event.  So much going on.


Friday Night-

First shift bartending.   Oh what fun!  I can't wait to do it again!  Tips were awesome thank you all.
Women trying to get free drinks from me.  Never in my life have I heard.  "But, you wouldn't refuse a lady would you?" so many times.
Debating Order vs. Chaos with Julian.  Great RP.


Waking up and going to work the bar at 10am.  Man I really gotta see if I can get Jonas to give me weekends off. :-P
Erims hot peppers.  Deeeeee-licious
Portia being patient with me for sending out half a dozen candygrams, and then being told "You could give Victor Sylus a run for his money"
RP with Wolfgar and getting the complete opposite reaction of what I expected.  
Baronial Meeting.    28 billion hours longer than was expected.  But some very very intense RP.  Good times. :D
Feast.  Jackie.  Is.  A. Goddess.    Can I hire you to cook for me?
Main Mod.  Kiss vs. GWAR,  screaming MUSHROOM.  Getting Baron William Simmons to do the tongue thing for me.
Sitting around the inn and trading war stories


A lazy day.  Relaxing and enjoyable.
Teaching Ming about Ettiquite and Magic.
Learning High Elvish from Portia.  I will remember to not make people think i'm pregnant!


Not thinking it would be as cold as it was.

Ser Jack Siefer
Knight Of Drega'Mire
Head of Research & Development of Kormyre
Sky Marshal
Captain of the K.A.S. Tarrasque

OOG: Gus M.

“Men learn from their failures. I prefer to learn from the failures of others..”
"Sometimes what the world doesn't need is a hero. Sometimes what it needs is a monster."
12 Apr 2010 12:30 - 12 Apr 2010 12:32 #20 by Mother Marika (Ophelia)
Replied by Mother Marika (Ophelia) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
Well, being that this was my first event at Shehaqua...

-Not so much a highlight, but amusing...someone told my gypsy she had TOO many jingles. IMPOSSIBLE!
-Elona gave Marika some good tips for walking.  Apparently Marika can't walk properly
-8am bartending shift.  People tip when they feel bad that you're up that early
-NPCing the Agaurian High Priestess was so much fun!  I got to order around barbarians and my two dark clerics.
-Mini jailbreak mod. And attempting to outrun Hammish, but to no avail
-The roses for St. Astrid's Day were nice
-Awesome RP with Kame when i learned to regenerate Limb.  Don't worry, she burned the old arm afterwards
-Having Wubbles the Goblin run up to me yelling "SHINY-GIRL!!!" whenever he saw me

-Snow in April, seriously?
-Being stabbed continuously by thorns in Kaladonia just to get to my cabin.  Although, they proved to be an amazing defense
-During my NPC shift, I was supposed to sacrifice someone for Agaura.  But SOMEONE kept True Distance healing him!
-Had to leave early Sunday.  But hey, it was either leave early or not go at all

Master Marika Korsova Laurent Belmont
Priestess of Galmachis
Soul Warden
Shadow Hunter
"For eternity."

Doctor Winifred Sterling
"Oh dear...now I'll have to cut it out...again..."

OOG- Samantha Maksoud
Logistics Marshal

"Intelligence is the wife, imagination is the mistress, memory is the servant."-Victor Hugo
Last edit: 12 Apr 2010 12:32 by .
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12 Apr 2010 12:33 #21 by Michael P (Michael P)
Replied by Michael P (Michael P) on topic April 2010 Highlights!

  • I have to say that I regularly enjoy the dynamic role play that is involved with being a wild mage.  While often being hated or feared isn't enjoyable most of the time... the role play dynamics it produces at times are fantastic.
  • Celt and Gypsy role play.  Many new faces in Kaldonia, and pulling them all together was so much fun.
  • Explaining to other wild mages and friends that chaos isn't always destructive... sometimes it is just a coin in mid air.
  • Finding out my derangement somehow augments my personality instead of crippling my roleplay.

  • Pulling slight of hands during bottle/goblin mod, in a group of twenty people, without anyone catching me do it.  Giving the palmed treasure away to Brick less than an hour later because evidently Paetros can't say no to women.
  • Main mod low level side.  People worked well together in small clusters and were working quickly to pick each other up.  I know I burned out 4 trinkets, and others were throwing spells, potions, and trinkets to save each other left and right.
  • Gaining a powerful blessed axe from main mod... and again turning around and giving it to a different woman.  >Sigh.<
  • Hookah talk, Knight Realms the snacking, and the fact that a quickly planned Kaldonia potluck is equivalent to a 10 course meal.
  • I loved late night NPC shift.  Running as a Grim Guardian covered in latex scars and horns was a blast.  I actually saw some looks of fear or concern before combat began (even with some high leveled PCs).  Thanks to everyone who complimented the latex/scars/makeup.

  • Child Wild Mage.  Crowning RP of the weekend for me.  I found myself standing between a young wild mage girl and her would be executer about to die... until I realized that the entire inn had respond as well and were in line next to/behind me. (Whew)
  • Teaching the child wild mage about what it is that she is, keeping her calm by teaching her to read and reading the newspaper with her, and then running out of town to catch up with a leaving caravan.  
  • Fencing Sunday afternoon with .

  • Heard more people dropping character this weekend than ever before, mostly well established folks... which surprised me a bit.
  • Fireplace in Kaldonia Statehouse not drawing smoke at all... freezing cold to point of health concerns.

Michael Pucci
Player of Paetros of the Yhatzi Kompania

12 Apr 2010 12:50 #22 by Ashling MacKreagor (Ashling MacKreagor)
Replied by Ashling MacKreagor (Ashling MacKreagor) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
Very good, very strange weekend.  My biggest lowlight (aside from being stuck in bramble patch at 4 in the morning for a good ten minutes)  actually turned into a highlight.  I don't know what exactly was going on with the friday night "we're spying/infiltrating, wait no we're not, wait yes we are, no we're just going to attack, no just kidding wait here while we get more people, ok you can go, no just kidding DOMINATE!"  Thing, but man was it fun to play pure, blind Celt RAGE.  

other highlights
Winks:  I think I want to get Brik a present.
Ashling:  You should pick her some flowers because its spring and all the flowers are blooming and they're so pretty you should give her some!
Winks: That is by far the girly-est thing I've ever heard you say.

WTF Camin...Awesome role play, but wtf.  way to complicate my life further. But way fun.

Girl talks with Zafrin and Rose, thank you for helping me keep the love struck crazy-dragoon at bay (see previous statement)  

Getting to use my spirit, though dark-sith running away when it was finally my turn to rock out was kind of weak sauce.  Though it did designate your name as simply a string of words that I cannot type of this forum, mostly because I can never remember your characters name.

Coming to terms with what it mean to be a yellow dragon

Some really good conversations.

fun times in the Kaldonian state house.  

New Ax, and a future new husband to go with it ^_^ I tried choose  the suitor that would piss the most people off. 

Finding out that there is a good chance that said new husband and I may not explode after all.

GWAR?  KISS?  Really?  Hilarious.

Ashling: whats on your head?
Billium:  I scalped him!
that wig made me die a little inside. 

Go big or go home

ooc:  Terri DePrima
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12 Apr 2010 13:09 #23 by Sargoson (raalin2100)
Replied by Sargoson (raalin2100) on topic April 2010 Highlights!

As always getting to see people I've been LARPing and friends with for 20 years now is always top of my list.



Kristen getting her first official LARP beat down while cooking breakfast Saturday morning. Thank you Trolls for beating my wife.

All of Saturday afternoon on the benches the hookah, and the yummy especially:

-Marcus discovering he could kill by staring at someone really hard.
-Learning that F.P.S. is indeed a major seasoning for nearly all cooking.
-Trying to convince MaryBeth that MaryBeth should steal something from MaryBeth.
-Watching Radley make a Quilldar's Mom / Cookie joke with Quilldar a foot away while we all went “shh shh shh” and then choking on his feet as he jammed them in his mouth


The NPCs on main mod singing so loud at the monster cabin oog that the PCs had to tell them to be quiet they where breaking the mood.

(I'm going to break with the trend here) All things Gwar at the event (and this from a guy that has been to about two dozen gwar shows.) I don't LARP for the Monty haul / Monty Python moments.

-Ryan Alin
12 Apr 2010 13:15 #24 by Demitri Veisgart (Fitzpatrick McLauren of C)
Replied by Demitri Veisgart (Fitzpatrick McLauren of C) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
What a great event to make my return to Knight Realms! I missed everyone so much! To clarify I started my new alt character Demitri Veisgart, fire mage. I had a blast RPing a totally different character.

-Returning to KR
-having a meat-sheild army to deal with those pesky monsters.
-Re-meeting everyone as Demitri
-not wearing a kilt (no offense, i like wearing it but they have some issues...)
-Learning Flare from Gideon! Very awesome!
-Mage guild meeting
-not taking a single blow as Demitri except for two waylays.
-Mushroom plot lol!

-sleeping in van waking up in morgue...
-shitty spell packet hit ratio... i have terrible vision without prescription glasses...
-the headache that followed the previous lowlight for not wearing glasses...
-my glasses falling of as and npc...
Maybe I should get contacts??

Anyway, I had a great event and can't wait to play Fitz next event!

IG: Demitri Veisgart & Fitzpatrick McLauren
OOG: Garrett Varady
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12 Apr 2010 13:35 #25 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic April 2010 Highlights!

-Learning that F.P.S. is indeed a major seasoning for nearly all cooking.

Oh gawd... let's never bring that up again.

IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
12 Apr 2010 15:25 - 12 Apr 2010 19:21 #26 by Iz'tel Cloudunta (iztel)
Replied by Iz'tel Cloudunta (iztel) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
First time back since August. I'm so glad I was able to make it.


-Goblins! So many goblins at this event.
-Lots of headscritches for Iz'tel. Happy goblin was happy.
-Whoever told me "It looks like a gypsy threw up on you!", congratulations. I used it many, many times.

-Talking and giggling with a Kiterian until Professor Cypher agreed to give us free drinks. Feminine wiles, hooray!
-Hanging out with Utgard and Hugo at the Inn and in Drega'mire. It was especially fun watching Hugo's attitude towards me change over the night.
-Talking with Father Emar about Enax and Father Edwin about the laws of Travance.
-Developing the habit of kissing people on the cheek, usually to thank them or put them off guard. The reactions to that were...amusing.
-"Oh no, it's Wolfgar. I'm too young to be talked to death!"

-The wrestling/cagefighting/whatever it was match between Billiam, Oakroot, Hamish and Cyric. I think Toravisu was involved at some point as well. The sheer hilarity of the thing made up for missing the Goblin mod.
-Some really excellent RP with Father Kwildar regarding Andorra and St. Astrid's Day.
-Oryx's insistence that Iz'tel has the best handshake in Travance.
-More really excellent RP, this time with Magnus. There was an oddly adorable moment where he switched our hats and told me, "Now you're a hero!"
-Smoked bacon cheddar. In Iz'tel's words, "It tastes like campfire and wonderful."
-Charm lessons from Remi and Tobar and teaching Winks how to waylay.
-The letter that was supposedly from Colin. It was great how big a joke "keesing" became later on.
-The GWAR, the Knightly Interceptor Safety Squad and the Tenacious Defenders.
-Main Mod was wonderful at this event. Creepy and hilarious at the same time, and it was nice being effective for about five minutes (thanks to Hugo). Some fun RP stuff came out of that as well.
-The NPC rogues in Kaladonia on Saturday night. Not so much a highlight as a commendation to their screaming skills; I was absolutely terrified and nearly had a panic attack OOG. I'm not being at all sarcastic when I say that it was fantastic.

-Speaking of NPCs, playing Eva (the tiny Wildmage) was one of my absolute favorite things this weekend. I was actually kind of worried about it, but everything turned out beautifully. Being protected by Ilana, Wolfgar and about fifty other townsfolk, hiding in Alisandria, learning to read from Paetros (and later racing him) and just being completely, adorably innocent...that really was an excellent mod.


-Ticks. I found one on my hair and one on my back this morning.
-My right leg got banged up something awful this weekend.
-The weather. Oh, the weather.
-I managed to arrive too late for the feast, which was unfortunate.
-With some of the mods, there was a lot of "hurry up and wait" going on. Didn't affect most of them, but Winks and I managed to miss the Goblin mod on Saturday because of it.
-Sometime during the course of the event, I lost the phys rep of my black leather bracer and the mug I brought with me. Both are pretty generic, so I'm not really hopeful about their return.

Iz'tel Zero Sharpthorn-Cloudunta
Matriarch of the Sharpthorn Clan

"I've done some things I'm not proud of, but they were very adorable."

-Jacqueline Bryk
Last edit: 12 Apr 2010 19:21 by .
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12 Apr 2010 16:05 #27 by wayland (wayland)
Replied by wayland (wayland) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
First event at this camp...it was amazing. even though the hill to and from Kaldonian sucks it was amazing

+ made great time getting to the camp.
+After some minor confusion in Kaldonian about where we were going to sleep we joined the Celts and the gypsy in the Kaldonian state house. which was awesome
+Getting to see everyone again before lay-on was called.
+First NPC shift was awesome. played a Ronin guard first then some other pretty strong creatures. however it could not have ended with anything better...i got to play a brand new creature(at least that's what i was told) a big kick-ass fire drake.
+Making it back to Kaldonia and getting some sleep without being attacked to much.
+Getting some sleep and thinking it wasn't that cold though waking up with a blanket from billiam(thanks gene)

+Woke up and worked at the forge for a while. fixing some armor and making a couple of weapons for people. good times.
+hanging around Kaldonia and exploring the new travance was fun.
+Fighting A LOT of barbarians and other evil, which for some reason always comes to Kaldonia.
+fighting a group of super spider things....Strength +1 crush skull....finally got to do it. lol
+Blood oath with the other members of the new barbarian militia.
+Kaldonia martial training was fantastic and what lord brightstar taught us worked really well on main mod.
+the potluck after that and right before feast was awesome.
+teaching myself ignore pain...with the assistance of Wolfgar...it only hurt for the first 20 minutes.
+Main mod was awesome, KISS vs. GWAR was funny as hell.
+Also working amazing with everyone who marched in the name of travance against the barbarian hoards.
+Winning a yelling match against an NPC on main mod...funny as hell
+After making it back to the Kaldonian state house for the night securing the door with a lock and laughing with Zafron(sorry if its spelled wrong) as whatever was trying to get in couldn't break the lock...that is until it managed to.

+Waking up and not being attacked...at least not right away. fixing some armor and some weapons from the assault the night before.
+going to the in to learn from Gideion...well trying to as many many interruptions came about. but i did learn what i wanted.
+Wolfgar Vs. the wildmage hunter....close but no cigar. no one kills a child wildmage or not.

No low lights this event for me. i had an awesome time and i loved the story plot. cant wait for the next event and what amazing things it could bring.

OOC-Anthony O'Connor
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12 Apr 2010 16:56 - 12 Apr 2010 18:16 #28 by Kelly (Kelly)
Replied by Kelly (Kelly) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
It was great coming back to the PA campground and I really enjoyed the April Fool's game.


-Getting to camp early on Friday to help set up (Andy in a wizards cloak @ 9 in the sleep deprived morning was awesome)
-The large group of relatively low level characters in the Kaledonia Statehouse. We can definatly hold our own or at least scream really loudly until someone decides to leave their warm beds to tear *ss to our rescue :)
-Getting attacked in Kaledonia while the Kaledonia combat training was happening in the field up the path, the timing was perfectly planned.
-Jackie's feast was INCREDIBLE and she couldn't have been more accomodating about it. Jackie, you are amazing.
-Teaching Hammish how to be a better Entertainer using a sock puppet and a shiny scarf. I'm glad I used to work at a day care...
-Tarot card readings on Sunday were incredible and I think the characters who I RP'd with can only understand why.
-My favorite RP was with Derek as Camen Warclaw on Sunday, sometimes the moments one on one are better than what you see while gathered in a giant group.

-Missing most of the low level mods because I was doing something else (not a huge lowlight because at least I had tons of stuff to do)
-Needing to use a flashlight when I was traveling to and from Kaledonia because I don't trust my nightvision on those hills, kind of made me a huge target to get attacked

Thank you Steve and Vince, you guys ran a great event!

Dame Zafrin Yhatzi
Knight of Drega'mire

OOG: Kelly Osborne
Last edit: 12 Apr 2010 18:16 by .
12 Apr 2010 18:22 #29 by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred)
Replied by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
Finally wearing my Mithril Chainmail!!! WOOT!
Scolding people for not listening to my weather advice.
Getting ganked by a mass of undead friday night, fortunately someone heard the sounds of battle, and saved me from bleeding out.
Awesome foods all around, market faire and feast!
People getting me food when I was late for feast!

reports of anonymous people not properly taking damage, and not being able to discern the truth, though it seemed plausible after seeing several people's cards.

time for a rant:
Scamming your HP hurts the game as a whole, and really hurts those who play fairly.  The rules marshals, plot marshals, and monster marshals work to make encounters challenging, so if you feel the need to be a 'hero' by ignoring damage, what you are really doing is causing others to get trashed because by the next wave of NPCs, which will come out even stronger in order to pose a challenge.  What happens then?  People fudge their HP even more, then the NPCs come out even stronger.  I am not talking about losing count and missing one or two hits in the flurry, I'm talking about poor sportsmanship and outright cheating, which will be dealt with harshly when caught.  The same goes for overusing skills, items and other abilities.

However, I don't want to make it out that this problem is pandemic, but it does happen.  Most of us enjoy the game, most of us realize that the game is about the RP and the combat is just an extention of that RP, and that near death experiences or even death experiences are sometimes even more enjoyable in the long run than pwning, provided they were truly a challenge to overcome (In the short run, they suck, I know, I get grumpy when a character dies too).  I think Gene, Frank, and their band of merry Celts are a perfect example of embracing the RP of battle, as they are often the ones I see going down most often! :-)

-OOG Michael Smith
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12 Apr 2010 18:35 #30 by Bsaurfang (Bsaurfang)
Replied by Bsaurfang (Bsaurfang) on topic April 2010 Highlights!
First i want to say that should be in the random quotes:

~While in hold:Wolfgarr talking to Npc1 about battling~
Wolfgarr: Well now you know.
Npc2: And knowing is half the battle
Group of Npcs shout: G.I JOOOE!!!!!

(Which was basically the NPC thing to say apparently the entire event)

Friday: Totally excited to be back tp KR from a 2 year break and still didnt get to be a pc  :'( but stil  ;D none the less because i get to chill with awesome people as an NPC. Got to meet some old faces who knew me as "E.G.G" and some new faces who gladly didn't. Went to the cabin and looked at every square inch for tics. (lol last event...tic mania) In a way made me feel like this was a second home and i so wanted to PC.

Saturday: Barbarians GALORE! Chaos warrior etc etc. I soon fell in-love with the fact that i was basically a barbarian. Enjoyed being ego bait for the PC's  ;). Under domination i was given a second chance to live by the mercy of (omg i forgot your names except for wolfgar lmfao) and i started to think of a history for my future PC that i pray will show in the next event. Being in the high level main mod that night fighting for GWAR was the best. I started the marching battle cry that started to grow was we marched to our DEATH seeing a column formation on top of the hill at least attempting some kind of de-morale with out shouting. (Lost my voice now haha)

Sunday: I took the time to reflect on some things as i did my clean up duty. I decided to make a notebook of tips for newbies being always in the background of NPCing for quite a long time. I thought of a name for my PC character and now im starting a history as we speak. Like i said i really enjoy Knight Realms. And now i think its time to be fully apart of it then just being in the background.

[OOG] Eddy "J.J"
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