August 2010 Highlights
- Matt D
- Platinum Member
- Photographer extraordinaire!
- Posts: 1998
- Thank Yous: 557
> Conversations with Rayna watching the rest of the town.
Rayna: I wonder where all the nobles are?
Rayven: I'm not entirely sure, they were in a meeting earlier. *twigs snapping* Who goes there?
Count Winterdark: It is I, the Count!
Rayna just stares at me blankly....
> Finally realizing WHY I want to become a Templar, and couldn't think of WHAT I said the entire ride home...
> Steve's Chaos/Coffee Demon
> The looks of half-terror when the dozen or so people looked at each other and realized that we were everyone designated as high level for main mod. And Liam/Sorel's tears.
> Believe it or not, dying to some sort of fireball/inferno/incinerate 29 times in the same fight. I was up and down so many times, people started catching me before I fell.
Overall, for the 6-8 hours I was there, pretty fun.
Elias Ashby
Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store
Lord Templar Rayven Nightwing of the Order of Holy Light
(OOG - Matt D. - Photographer)
- Alphonium
- New Member
- Posts: 13
- Thank Yous: 0

+ Went on a crazy romp through the forest the first night with the fellow dryad teaching me to meld with a tree, coming into contact with almost every mod on the first night. One of the biggest and scariest adventures of my character's life so far. (I joked about it later in our group by the tree that it was like a Harold & Kumar adventure).
+ Had a great lesson on utilizing a staff from a weapon master
+ Post-feast washing, interesting conversation for a long while
+ Splitting off to chat with Teeg, his elf companion, and one of his other friends.(I swear the elven shaman reminded me so much of Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII with the hair)
+ The crazed main mod. And the relaxing aftermath after everything was done.
+ My NPC Shift as Gibbles, the pet goblin that was a bit dumb....ok maybe really dumb. At least I didn't get killed haha.
Loved being there, hope that I can go one more time (since I got classes starting up soon) before next year.
"I'm a Dryad....Dry.....Ad..."
IG: Alphonium, Dryad (Druid)
OOG: Alphonsus
- GJSchaller
- Platinum Member
- Character is to a person, what carbon is to steel.
- Posts: 10421
- Thank Yous: 1379
* NPCing Daerth - It's fun to play an unabashed villain some times!
* I was planning on playing Garrun until the last moment, when I decided to NPC for Steve. I show up, and Maria is there - "You gonna play Garurn?" *sigh*
* I barely saw Diane all weekend. When we're both so busy we don't see each other, it's a good game!
* More Valence Training! Each time I learn a new spell, it's a story that peeks into the lore of Knight Realms, and a new adventure!
* New Dra sleeveless shirt. SO much more comfortable...
* Main Mod - seeing a bazillion PCs lead by Brogan and Janus coming towards us. Steve, Tim and I had discussed how to encourage the PCs to split into two groups - in the end, we left it up to the PCs to decide, and not force the issue. When I saw the mob approaching, I thought the entire town had come to roll us, then move on as a whole to roll Steve after we were cleared.
* Dragoon Combat Line! When I fled Brogan and went for someone smaller to pick on, I chose the other end of combat... and got my ass handed to me by a bunch of under-20th Dragoons. The new 2H rules are working well!
My apologies to everyone that I wasn't able to do Blacksmithing for - I'll most likely spend the Sept. event at the forge the whole time catching up on tasks for the town.

- Tyra Silverfang
- Premium Member
- I eat dark god babies...
- Posts: 274
- Thank Yous: 0
- seeing Amalthea again and catching up on Quinarian fun times! Also Meeting Belegchand (sp?)
-low level mod invisible book stealing lmao and being dominated and told to fight to the best of my ability which meant Invisible, Blind, Invisible, Pin, etc.
-also low level mod doing "the time warp....again"

-NPCing as merchants with my handsome husband Marco and Gibbles the Vegetable Goblin and the hilarity that ensued
-being trapped in a kitchen with Steve's chaos demon and being forced to make coffee while watching him and Tim put up walls to block others out while Steve was chaotically crazy and trying to lick Sorel's face lmao
-sleep = good
-Mages guild meeting needs a coffee pot... just saying
- New business opportunities (IG and OOG)
- Doing some... fun.. things * mischievous smile* giving another Quinarian a heart attack pretty much
- Drow? Tomb? Undead? Lich? those are four dooms... >.<
-sitting at the lake and dunking my feet, all the conversations were hilarious. Especially Ben Tanning and becoming a Nyad

-Ming Na... i

-didn't get to eat feast, only ate a small sub all weekend >.< kinda sucked, i gotta start eating more at KR
- getting a spell book from Nutmeg!
-learning 2 new languages and being introduced to Master Gideon's version of Ethan Archangel's school of magic lmao... need to improve my spell packet aim on the run

-Misaki after hearing i learned 2 languages "I speak 3 languages; common, Khitanese and MURDER!!!!!!!!" lol
-also Ib: "Victor can you teach me how to be a farmer?"
Victor: "I can't teach you how to farm, but i can teach you how to plow." *smirk* we all laughed
-being a 2 body mage gurading the healers since i could erect a wall... i am SOOOO not a hero lol
-having an unknown wild mage cast earthen armor on me and being so disgusted that her tainted magic was on me that i ran around asking people to hit me until the unclean was off of me and seriously considering learning a weapon skill in case it happens again and no one agrees to help lol
-Supa Priest!

-the banana farming lesson and the hilarious jokes that followed. Bananarama! Ib's banana imporium! Ib! you're the banana king! etc.
-Brogan saying "Ib you'll make a great farmer! You have green thumbs!"
sleep again = good
-waking up to find i still had time to go in game and being shocked lol
-more talks with my Quinerian friends

-being the bearer of bad news unknowingly to Brogan about Dorian >.<
-constantly being Brogan's coffee elf made me laugh... a lot!
and how could i possibly forget??? my first event smoking hookah. been going for over 2 years and never got the chance! thanks Christian and randy for that

"There is a difference between a hero and a coward. A Hero wakes willing to risk death. A coward wakes wishing for it."
OOG: Adi
- Belegchand
- Elite Member
- Posts: 865
- Thank Yous: 163
-Catching up with Chroniclerites as to what happened last month. Fearing for my life is always fun.
-Getting back to the Inn at the perfect moment for a low-level thing. Yay being a Chroniclerite scholar and actually having a notebook on me!
-Teaching Literacy: Dark Elven as my first time teaching ever. Wound up teaching that 4 times, High Elven once, Ancient Elven once, and Sylvan Elven once, which was EPIC!
-NPCing late shift, playing a True Warlock, getting destroyed, and kidnapping Kwildar (sorry lol)
-Not sleeping so that I could do scholarly things.
-Father Emar's lessons on Enax: Lesson One - Don't wake up for breakfast, we wake you up for not listening.
-Mage's Guild Meeting. Thoroughly enjoying being the scribe.
-Watching a sorcery ritual for the first time. One of what I consider the 3 biggest magically-related moments in Belegchand's life to this point (all 3 occurred during this event.)
- I concure- Doing some... fun.. things * mischievous smile* giving another Quinarian a heart attack pretty much

- Tomb Mod. Getting asked by various things that are being struck by people far more seasoned than me what I hit them with, saying "12 Fire", then the smirks before saying they'll take it.
- Studying with Rainier over a book with Master Julian. SO EPIC!
- "Quick - to the Guild! No, wait, they'll just trap us in there... TO THE INN!"
- Having Valence magic cast on me for the first time. SUCH a huge thing for Belegchand.
- Main Mod. Belegchand bragged AT LEAST 20 times about how he took down 3 Wall of Fires singlehandedly
- Small meeting in the Guild. Learning so much from Janus and Julian that I felt like my head would explode.
- Actually going to sleep at 4 because I am nearly passing out on the book I am copying the text from.
- Not waking up until 12 and thinking I missed the entire day.
- Giving startling information to those who would require it.
- Teaching and learning various things, including Lore: Chaos!
- Marshall on duty - "Why would you learn that?
- Me - "I'm a scholar, I can't turn down a lore."
- Marshall - "Wait, aren't you a Chroniclerite too? You seriously can't turn that down!"
- Getting the perfect Minor Insanity for my character.
- Only Low Light - Having to rush leaving in order to get to where I needed to be close to on time.
OOG: Matt Calo - Marshal
- Tiriel
- Banned
- Posts: 133
- Thank Yous: 1
Religious plot is getting better every month, and watching plotlines dovetail together seamlessly is an awesome experience. Much praise to Doug P. and his team for Friday night's Religion mod, it was by turns terrifying, awe-inspiring, brutal, and touching. The repercussions will echo for months.
Really getting into it with the Baron and his entourage, the Count, and several prominent Chroniclerites. Actions have consequences, and so does inaction. Kudos to everyone involved here as well, as the gravity of the situation was maintained without any resulting bloodshed... well, mostly without bloodshed.
Having the Tellinghast crew back in such strength (Sabatheous, Aradiel, Celestine, Barak, Yngvie, Angelica, Halfstaad, Caleb and Orlin, plus a NEW Tellinghast, and hints that Merrin in on his way as well? Things gonna get a bit hot 'round here). It really felt like old times, and it was great to see everyone again.
If it's nice to free a great man from bondage and service, it's even nicer to meet him in person, and return his stolen property to him. Vince was excellent as Sorrow, and I wish I would have had more time to speak to him. I am sure that the way things are moving, the opportunity will be there in the near future, so here's to hoping.
Once again Turin missed his chance to talk religion with Celestine and Cinder. Don't worry guys, we'll get our chance soon enough.
There really were too many great moments to mention them all (Mixolydia, Osred, Aldous, Lorna, Siobhan... really too many), but everyone seemed to be spot on this weekend, and I had a great time. Thanks, and I will see you all in September,
Brother Tiriel Tellinghast
Valrkirin Urulokion, in service to Lord Blackthorne
Turin MacLeod (NPC)
- Gabriel Llopiz
- Senior Member
- Posts: 201
- Thank Yous: 12
Giving Kamei a gift and promising to protect her.
Opening mod! Fighting off lizardkin and smashing the demon alter, unleashing demons onto travance.
Getting beaten for said acting, then being sucked into the portal.
Going slightly insane from being sucked into the portal.
Heading back to the inn, silently crying and fighting back lizardkin the entire time.
Finding the first key and actually feeling hopeful for redemption.
Being put in time out by Kamei
Becoming Magnus's student. And answering the witch hunter question just before killing werewolves.
Saturday morning: NPC SHIFT!
Going out as lizardkin and being resurrected at the focus by emar. Very fun roleplaying.
Then going out as a demonic imp and annoying the crap out of travance with flashes and windwalker.
Saturday afternoon:
Hearing Kamei was kidnapped and running out in a fury to save her.
Moving out with a HUGE group of people to kill off a lich, death knight, and death assassin.
Killing off the lich and finding the second key and "holding it" so tightly my knuckles turned white.
FEAST! thank you again Magnus for putting your all into each serving.
Saturday night:
Main mod was so crazy!
Using yado to not dodge an arrow. Nothing more dangerous than friendly fire.
Random Travantian: Prove it!
Going on a suicide run with not sword or shield to save Heros fallen behind enemy lines.
Running out again to save Lasy Mixolidia only to find out she was already saved.
Seeing the chaos demon sealed.
Shen's snoring
Sunday morning:
Walking around the waterfront and hearing "F**K!" come from nowhere, only to find out mizaki's lizardkin friends had been eaten
by fire tribe lizardkin.
Hearing Cy say: "Proof that everything Mizaki loves dies"
Mizaki believing it was the end of the world and near throttling me as he yelled it out.
Yoshi's death.
Always a pleasure,
Felix Suarez
[OOG: Gabriel L.]
- Baroness Hartwoode
- Senior Member
- My life is worth but a song
- Posts: 171
- Thank Yous: 72
- Gabriel Llopiz
- Senior Member
- Posts: 201
- Thank Yous: 12
Always a pleasure,
Felix Suarez
[OOG: Gabriel L.]
- Odo Garaath
- Platinum Member
- Back and Ready For More!
- Posts: 1968
- Thank Yous: 12
Thanks to all those that made this a very enjoyable weekend for me.
Seeya in September!
"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."
(Tom Senger )
- Misaki
- Senior Member
- Dark Sith? Where?!
- Posts: 228
- Thank Yous: 23

- Dr. Kamei Kunsai
- Senior Member
- 医者
- Posts: 244
- Thank Yous: 36
-Got there a bit late, but at least we didn't miss lay on

-Going right into Khitan stuff
-Seeing a portal go off not even ten minutes after we got to the forge looking for Baoyu, then being a leader, leading all low levels back to the inn.
-Running back down to the same spot to join Mae and Baoyu to see what craziness was going on
-Hearing something about a Drow tomb..and crazy. Kamei was really glad she didn't follow the groups like she wanted too.
- *makes a weigh scale out of hands* "Drow tomb for gold....or relaxing on the couch...hnn. What do you think Rosette?" XDD
- Setting limbs! I think that is one of the things Kamei loves the most, hearing people scream as she sets their limbs back in place! Man I need salves of soothing haha
-Putting Alexander into time out and scolding him motherly style about setting the demons free
- Making friends with Winks!

-Having Camen give his empty bottle to Jing (A new girl khitan, YAY) and telling her to get him more drink. Not having her understand, then chase after him with the empty bottle.
-Then...having her yell at him in "Khitanese"
-Thank you Creed for deterring further yelling that Camen was going to do at Jing
-Watching Creed and Camen spar
-Getting to wear Hakama in the daylight, and looking pretty awesome ^^
-Helping Adam/Baoyu cook for Khitan plot stuff
-Being put into Slave labor making WonTons..NEVER AGAIN
-Learning how to climb! Yessssssss!!
-Going down and setting up in Kaledonia for Khitan meeting
-Having Kamei get kind of ticked that the person who was supposed to show up and didn't
-..Then realizing that didn't matter at the end of the meeting..

-Setting more limbs!!
-Swimming at the water front, the water felt so amazing
-Crazy talking

-Being called off because of 'urgent business'
-Steve...Vince...have I told you guys lately that i absolutely freakin' love you?

-Finding out that if put too it..I can change into costume, run to the inn, and make it to a mod in less than ten minutes.
-Learning a little bit more about my character, which is always a good thing. She was HAPPY for once!
-Being captured by a Gnoll (whom of which was Cy/Misaki, so it was okay, lol)
-Rescuing! And being told by many how they were worried about me, and came to rescue me. Made me all warm and fuzzy inside.
-Learning something very interesting about Baoyu IG, and then Baoyu learning something very interesting about Kamei IG. Great roleplay! Thanks Adam.
-Relaxing and walking about until feast
-FEAST!!!!!!!! Yummmy
- Helping cleaning up after feast, YAY TEAMWORK!! Rinse, fill. Rinse, Dry, put away!
-NPCing Main Mod, oh where to begin!
-First being a Greater Skeleton and kicking butt! I didn't encounter one witch hunter! So I had fun without dropping right away lmfao
-Ancient Imp! Getting to Surge cast third rank fire spells!
-Getting to see Steve act so chaotic...greatest thing ever. Two people watching the stars, Steve bothering them, trying to chaos blast high armor and sword. Then giving up and laying down next to the guy really closely watching the stars. "Look at those stars...I HATE STARS!!!" Then chaotic blasting a shield and using the pile of dust as a pillow as he watched the stars before the PC's came down.
-"PROTECT THE SHIELD!" -Chaos to Minions.
-Getting to be on High Level mod!
-Going back into game as Kamei...with a pink face from red make up xD
-Playing cards with "Tyler", and having Kamei be rather charmed. Found out later from Chris/Bran, that I was the only one to beat him at Black Jack all night. Also..sleight of handing the two silver into my bag, i saw what you did there

-Getting to the point of tired, "Im going to bed, I don't care if I take a death, as long as they let me sleep". Then passing out as soon as i hit the pillow.
-Getting up and packing our stuff up into a little pile, then heading down to the inn.
-Teaching is always a good time

-Hearing something about Yoshi using necromancy and killing Creed, and kind of blowing it off.
-Hanging out with the new Khitanese, Watching a big group of being spar/train/teach.
-Chasing Bran around because of something he did...
-Tricking him, then waylaying him. Letting him lay on the ground a bit because Kamei wasn't too pleased with him
-Hearing what Yoshi did was true...and was VERY surprised, and kind of upset, because she knew he wasn't a necromancer.
-..Execution and banishment...Kamei..was..FURIOUS.
-Burying Yoshi. D;
-Kamei leaving in a haste, very livid...
-Having to leave early..-sad-
Overall was a great weekend! I don't really have any low lights

[Kamei Kunsai, Vassal and Health Administer of Kaladonia]
[Luminista Petsho-Aeislin]
(oog: Shannon F.)
- Oakroot
- Senior Member
- We all hope for happy endings... right?
- Posts: 107
- Thank Yous: 1
Best event of the year for me thank you all who were in charge
-Getting to meet a lot of new people IG and OOG.
-NPC shift was really awesome this weekend, getting turned good by Mr.Director himself and fighting along side the PC's and then 20 mins later being grabbed by the throat as a new NPC and have James make me take 500 DIVINE!
"Your body goes up in flames"
"*loud bloody scream with hands in the air while on the ground*"
-Getting Role play with the chaos demon whom I did not know was the chaos demon.... Even though he sat on my lap and got right in my face
Thanks Steve.
-Getting to scare a True warlock as I charge him out of No where sad thing is I had 2 Body at the time...
Cain-"Oakroot he's being bad and decaying the trees"
True Warlock-"WHAT!!!!!"-with a mocking tone
True Warlock-*

RPing with Malcolm's NPC was awesome!
-Getting an A+ from Lord Brightstrar for my witty banter with Janas.
-Papa Jingeling was hilarious.
-Going treasure hunting with Ranith before feast and finding lots of awesome stuff including my new Exalted Superior Electrum spear so happy.
-Main Mod was just AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved walking through or jumping over walls durring low level main mod.
-Steve's Chaos demons performance of "NO I'M NOT GOING BACK!" ect. made me laugh when I shouldn't have.
-Watching Yoshi walk himself to his execution with dignity and poise, a great way to send off his character and cleaning himself up reminded me of an old movie awesome job Chris.
Getting some great RP with Tobar wishing there was a Marshal there for us...
-Blood Pact with Toravisu "We will never forget"...
-Going to the graveyard and using 45 Druid Points erecting the entire area with flowers to pay my respects to the man who saved my life countless times.
-and last but biggest highlight of the event... GETTING ATTUNED TO THE GROVE THANKS SO MUCH KRISTEN!!!!
-Um... the event ended? Best I can come up with flawless for me good job again all who helped and were in charge.
Brinden Oakroot
Vassal and Gaurd of Kaladonia
Student and Squire of Lady Elawyn Brightstar
Follower of Chronicler and Son of Arawyn
*Clark Livengood*
- Oren Tenderson
- Banned
- Be better than you were the day before.
- Posts: 602
- Thank Yous: 172
two biggest low lights for me were:
-not going to the event
-being complained at before, DURING, and after the event that there was not enough bacon in travance this moon.
- Ekatarina McKraegar
- Premium Member
- Don't scare the squid.
- Posts: 418
- Thank Yous: 66
During Main Mod:
*Misaki and I are standing back to back "Misaki I'm glad you have my back!" "Ug... I wish I could say the same."
*My tendinitis in my hip flared up during main mod and Travis and I went and sat in the shadows watching everyone. People looked right as us and didn't even notice we were there... It was kind of awesome
Templar Ekatarina Esmeralda Kisslinger McKregar, Prophet of the Kindred Oak
Neina Avaren
OOC: Ann A.- Logistics Marshal
- Ali
- Senior Member
- Those Who Hear Not The Music Think The Drummer Mad
- Posts: 116
- Thank Yous: 36
I have to say that normally I do not eat all that much as a person but usually on a regulated diet it's funny when I play a hobbit haha!
-Eating tons of food and shoving some into peoples mouths (I'm sorry I don't remember your names)
-Meeting New people
-Nutmeg making friends with the loud Celts like always
-The secret society (I'm waiting for the cloaks and punch)
-Having to crash early because I was way to tierd
-Being woken up the first time by NPC to talk to Nutmeg and automatically offer them Naan that I had left on me and fallen asleep with.
-Random ghostie that came in while I was sleeping didn't even realize I was there wooo!
-Demons coming in frighting the poor hobbit "Aww shes so cute" then them giving me nightmares It's a shame they couldn't see me sticking my tongue out at them
Saturday M:
-Waking up extremely early by the night crew and the hilarity conversation. "You made the door disappear now how am I getting out?!?!"
-Long conversations in the morning
-Stuffing my face with morning grapes and muffins and feeding lots of other players
-The hilarity of early morning chess
-Trying to feed anyone I could
-Early morning wake up call for those who are supposed to be disciplined
-Did you get training for that thing that we talked about early that nutmeg can't really say about it right now?
-Learning about Gods and Goddess
-Finding out that the God Sermon she was going to was related to Hobbgoblins and then getting up and leaving
-Early morning tea and the awesome pot!
Saturday Afternoon/ Evening:
-Feed the poor starving hobbit! The Hobbit needs feeding, Hobbit is soo hungry!
-The amount of food people kept shoving at me
-Will trade goods for food!
-Training by a dragoon
-The Armored Chaos Hobbit!
-The Dragoon Celt Khitan Hobbit!
-People just leaving stuff everywhere!
-I'll give you my Armour and you can wear this, (Zelda theme pops into my head *Item acquired*)
-SWIMMING!!! soo much fun, explaining what I was to the life guard and discussing the many differences and experiences
-Walking around barefoot most event (the paths sucked but the grass was nice)
-Dagger training from Teig (sp?)
-The long conversations and learning all about Dryads
-The entertainment was great at feast!
-Showing Nutmegs eating power at feast!
-Meeting all the new people.
-Loving the Celts talk about the other Celts
-Apparently sleeping right through the murder right beside me

-Chopping up skeletons and hucking anything I could at skeletons and then Chopin them up!
-Having to go to bed because I was just too tired to go on main mod and sleeping right through it
-Wake-up shift was interesting
-Watching the fabulous roll by Jake
-The guard role play with Teig and Necromancer
IG: Nutmeg, Hobbit and Chef Extraordinaire
OOG: --Ali--
- Rannick
- New Member
- By the Sword - Live and Die
- Posts: 39
- Thank Yous: 0
+The venture into the Drow Lich's tomb was loads of fun: Beating a bunch of skeletons to dust with my fists, taking on a death-knight (or three) for the first time, and earning my first insanity. I wasn't sure at first, but think I will keep it. And name it George.
+I LOVE eggs in-a-basket for breakfast. There are MONUMENTS dedicated to how much I love eggs-in-a-basket for breakfast. That really perked up my morning and set my good mood for the day.
+Thanks to everyone who made food for the market day
+The weather held out very nicely.
+I really enjoyed playing with Bran and Seamus for the first time. Looking forward to seeing you both again!
+My NPC roles were just too much fun to describe. They were nothing but role-play, but it was a really fun way to get involved with the meta-plot.
+Thumbs up to the feast cooks. I love greek food - especially that sauce that I can't spell or pronounce.
+Steve plays a right funny chaos demon.
+Ladies and Gentlemen; Ming Nah.
+The weekend's ... "solution" was an interesting tactical challenge. As a low-level PC, I didn't have a whole lot to do with making it happen, but the idea of herding an invincible enemy into a portal takes thinking and planning beyond simply, "Let's kill them all." Presenting players with a challenge they can't simply beat to death is a hard thing to pull off, but when done well it lends the right sense of uncertainty, as well as a chance to strategize. Well done.
+The "three-boss" nature of it meant that a lot of people got a chance to get a piece of something big.
* Dragoon Combat Line! When I fled Brogan and went for someone smaller to pick on, I chose the other end of combat... and got my ass handed to me by a bunch of under-20th Dragoons. The new 2H rules are working well!
+Facing that Stone Demon down was the best part of my night. Thanks for your great job playing it, Geoff (the rules callings were a nifty cordial contrast to the savagery of the battle), and thanks for the shout-out to all us little dragoons! The fact that we could take your spear and turn right back around and start using it was pretty dang neat.
Yay being a Sunday highlight! However, it's worth noting I didn't drop the F-bomb. Just saying
+That was probably me ...
Those who draw a line between the soldier and the scholar will have their thinking done by cowards and their fighting done by fools.
- Derelith
- New Member
- You cannot believe what you can't conceive.
- Posts: 15
- Thank Yous: 9
-NPC shift as a Gnoll and getting fed at the inn (still as a Gnoll )
-Taking on 2 werewolves alone while my comrade donned armor (only level2) got a 'broken' limb in that fight, I have to thank Creed on saving me on that one
odd highlight:
-Low bloodsugar causing me to feint on DrMaxwell after he restored my limb, talk about awkward roleplaying, i will repay the Baron somehow for taking care of me after that incident
IC: Derelith
OOG: Ray Hunter
- Secarius
- Elite Member
- Cinis et Cinis Pulvis Et Pulvis
- Posts: 505
- Thank Yous: 1
2nd: weather... not bad at all. was afriad it wuld be beastly hot/humid./.. or miserable and rainy. glad it was neither

friday night: Dinner and tea with Evernight... AWESOME!
got to have a very interesting conversatin with a Vampire Lord = Sweet
Dan Gill.. the tea and food was OUT OF THIS WORLD! you or whomever prepared it should get 3 cookie shaped medals for it
getting to learn some really cool ig stuff that will probably bring Jing some sweet trouble
Saturday Morning: having a 90 minute conversation with Tiriel about being a Cleric "Clericy" (his term) lols
the rp was out of htis world! cried REAL tears while telling him the "creation myth" of Brax's people and explaining about how his people see the gods and know them. and how brax has been able to correlate his racial gods into the gods of the Light, dark, & neutral pantheons.
Goose your lamb chops were PERFECT. nuff said
Saturday day: playing my A-hole Psion. was SOOOOOO much fun. the look on Adi's high-elf's face when i walked up.. joined the conversation between her, janus and Aerin Feist for a minute or two.. and then asked "So who are all you people" and she said "oh your an A-hole and walked off.. thent he following conversation between myself, Janus and Aerin.. made me SOOOOO happy. theng etting to go on the drow cave mod. and spending 90% of it inside Steve Myers' posi bibble... such fun conversation there.
NPCing main mod was such fun the "looks" in peoples eyes when i just kept spitting out those petrifies.. "like really again? wtf!" made me smile inside. repeated "assails" and "20 or 40's to the back from vince.. awesome!..
Saturday night watching creed get ganked.. so much fun.
then sunday as brax. being bothered while in the midst of getting dressed by 2 Gnolls, 2 Kobolds, & 2 Trolls; Telling them "Go away or you will be turned into a Blood Red Mist" their choosing to not go away.. and then proceeding to keep to my word.. broken limbs, cleaves, and a berzerker rage later.. i turn and see Kwildar.. charge him.. and as soon as i get within striking distance he hits me with with his Calm prayre. and i collapse... SOOOO AWESOME! then wandering around Rping with people on sunday was an awesome cooldown rp time after the intense weekend
A++ weekend would weekened again
ALex S.
player of Brax the Barbarian
- Winks Sharpthorn
- Premium Member
- Posts: 471
- Thank Yous: 104
-Trying to help when the demons were first released from the portal, but when I realized what they were capable of I ran like a little b*tch...there are times I hate having to play the "cowardly goblin" racial RP requirement, but this wasn't one of them
-Teaching a couple things as well as getting taught, always some great RP
-Fantastic conversations with quite a few people about various subjects
-Planning and plotting with Lord Apollo and some great possibilities for Winks' future
-Fighting alongside Lethias once again on the Markovia mod, and then being entrusted with the box we recovered...some great RP trying to pick that lock, too bad I wasn't successful
-Helping Kamei with her problem, and in the process discovering some things about Winks' personality that *I* didn't even know...
-The absolute craziness that was main mod, which of course was the point...I had a couple good moments myself, and heard about so many more
-Misaki and the lizardkin Sunday morning...absolutely priceless
-Messing with everyone's heads as the Psions, too much fun even if I personally hate the class hehe
See everyone next month!
- Liz
- Elite Member
- Posts: 664
- Thank Yous: 173
Healer shifts.....just saying....awesome idea...should be implemented.
Not going to sleep until 730 am- bc of monsters and ppl needing healing right after the winds changed
I dont really remember most of it.....just fighting and healing and fighting and sleepy and fighting....
Shen waking me up. Me stumbling to him. Him looking at me and telling me to go back to bed. Stumbling to bed
LEARNING. Well.....following/tracking/looking/searching for Shen. In his own words "This isnt faaaaair." Lol.
Really loved the lesson and the sparring though when we got there.
Yummy food. Adam- get into the kitchen!

Khitan plot........./mindbreak
Feast- good hot and not nearly enough!
Washing dishes.....heheheheh hilarity ensued
Hobgblin priestess out to teach. Soooo much fun and nearly creamed soooooooooo many goblins.....
The endless fighting that was main mod
Going home, taking a hot shower, and sleeping until work on Sun.....priceless
Misquitoes....kill zem....kill zem alllllll!
- Piggy Punch
- Senior Member
- Posts: 129
- Thank Yous: 35
+ The Tellinghast/Templar mod was a ton of fun. I was told to call one of the Tellinghast a blasphemus whore, result was the rest of the Tellinghast telling me valos wouldn't approve of my language lol.
+ Fighting the Count. I don't know why but fighting nobility is just so much fun to me.
+ Was sent out with a small group as gnolls, kidnapped Kwildar and took him back to logistics to be tortured lol
Random Travantian: Prove it!
Tim walks up to paladin, heals him for 4 body then kills him again.
+ Mark during main mod. Mark throws a spell packet to banish a demon and hits Apolo right in the chest. Result of this is epic laughter.
+ Start of main mod when Liz's spell packet hits the perfect shot to someone's eye. Good job Liz, next time aim lower lol.
+ finally going out on sunday and making half of travance believe for a little bit that the world was going to end. The best rp's for that were Ming, Dan that was awesome rp I thought I was going to die it was hysterical, Bran taking off like a bat out of hell yelling for seamus, Jarrett, I didnt really think that you and Dan were both going to spit out the water onto Garrett and yell it was tainted lol. Garrett, I am sorry for making you believe that the entire clergy all the Tellinghast included were priests of glomm lol but it was funny. Also I dont know who the last person is but it was funny to see the look on father Edwin's face when he was accused of being the High priest of glomm.
overall great event and I now love rping psions but only when I get to screw with peoples minds lol.
Baht A'tal Damien Mograinne
Champion of Galmachis
OOG Josh LaBar
- Seámus Aeislin
- Premium Member
- Glaine ár gcroí! Neart ár ngéag! Beart de réir ár mbriathar!
- Posts: 280
- Thank Yous: 30
+ More or less officially having inherited the title of "Seámus the Sane"
+ Low level mod at lay on. Elvarin always seems to do a bang-up job.
+Dinner friday night was great, despite several interruptions.
+ The battle at the forge Friday night against various undead, ghosts and ghouls included. Took down several before one paralyzed me and proceeded to eat ALL of my limbs. (Let it be known, I despise ghouls now, but not the folks who play them.)
+ Being a limbless body for about 4 hours with my IG friend Rione. We were unceremoniously dumped on a couch in the in with a saintly Miso catering to our needs. (Someone get that man a medal.)
+ All of the jokes that came along with being a talking torso. Such as when all around the forge were threatened to shut up or be hit with Maul. I turn to Rione and say "Well, we're exempt from that. She can't strike off any more--... Wait a tick, I fergot about me Celtic kickstand... I'm goin' ta shut up now..."
+ Breakfast was awesome. French toast and other eggs. Thanks Creed and others.
+ Strength training with Kane to beef up my "new limbs" (did I mention I hate ghouls?). Mostly due to playing tag with Nutmeg in full armor, and then doing laps around a tree with a pretty elf on my back. (When the words "Seámus, get on your knees so I can climb onto your back." are uttered by such a person, you ask no questions).
+ Small weapon training with Teeg (sp?) and meeting him and his Elven friend Shaman in general.
+ Father Morgan's lamb. Enough said.
+ Volunteering to be poisoned to help in Amathea's lesson to learn Cure poison.
+ Meeting the Hibernians. Hell, meeting all of the new folks I did this weekend.
+ Actually knowing and being able to sing along to the song Rannick performed at feast.
+ NPC Shift: Convincing a drunkard that the Count was lying to him and that he should punch him in the mouth (Sorry James). Then, immediately after, pestering the hell out of Steve Oros with another four NPCs just to try and get him to fight us.
- During main mod catching a sword tip in each eye and getting several more sword blows about the head and neck within the span of about 10 seconds. It sucks not being able to actually see in dark woords at midnight.
That's about it... All in all, I had a great time this weekend and throughly enjoyed myself yet again at my second event.
- Simon
- Administrator
- Posts: 287
- Thank Yous: 125
-Accidentally causing the senile scholar to cast a spell that dominated some people and caused them to attack the rest of the time by asking about immortality. Zelretch felt terrible about this, but I was trying not to laugh when nothing happened to him.
-playing one of the ghosts on Saturday morning
-Only played Rhamulus for a few hours, went on a mod with Mr. Jingaling to get some chang chang and was downed so many times that Mae Fong said she no longer wanted to touch him and true-distanced healed me standing about a foot away
-Tobar calling about 10 lores on Rhamulus when asked to teach master florentine
-changing in to Zelretch after the mode to save Kamei and Demitri from gnoles, looking outside my tent, and seeing a group of 10 or so spiders maybe 3 feet from me and living
-seeing those same spiders get destroyed by Brogan a few minutes later
-winning that foot race and having the person who organized it having no idea what to do with the money because nobody bet on me, then somebody saying that I should race Magnus. Maybe next time.
-Ib's banana farm lesson "Bananas So Cheap You Can Be A Serial Arsonist"
-deciding at about 9:30 on Sunday morning that it was time to sleep when I oogly thought the bar was attacking me
-and I'm sure there was a bunch of stuff I forgot
-Forgetting to learn Literacy: High Elven on Sunday from Belechand (sp?) after sleeping from 9 until whenever Yoshi was executed
-Rhamulus should have been there for that, but I was too tired to go to my tent and change
-Getting home, looking at my feet, and counting twenty some mosquito bites between them, including on the bottom and on my toes
OOG: Nick H.
- Winks Sharpthorn
- Premium Member
- Posts: 471
- Thank Yous: 104
Hobgblin priestess out to teach. Soooo much fun and nearly creamed soooooooooo many goblins.....
What you may not realize is how close those goblins came to creaming you

- Erim Walker
- Elite Member
- I love Travance. There are shirtless men EVERYWHER
- Posts: 708
- Thank Yous: 0
Hobgblin priestess out to teach. Soooo much fun and nearly creamed soooooooooo many goblins.....
What you may not realize is how close those goblins came to creaming you
"Ok we can attack... but if we miss, we'll hit the villagers."
"I'm willing to take that chance!"
Things I am no longer allowed to do in an RPG :
31. The backup trap handler is not whoever has the most HP at the time.
73. Not allowed to name my cudgel Ceremonial Whoopass Stick.
74. My thief's battle cry is not "Run And Live"
[OOG Jenna
- Dorn
- Senior Member
- Posts: 106
- Thank Yous: 45
Roleplaying with Kyle, Vince, and Steve was great best in a while for me.
Holding Jon closely when he was stressed about something. :

The overall roleplaying as a whole being pretty dam good. I have no complaints.
Seeing a lot of new players and some great old friends. I wish I had more time to Ropeplay with everyone.
Market fair meats....I love you Goose.
Sunday morning PC driven execution. Though I am still confussed why he didn't punch a hole in his chest n stead of using undead....sigh.....we may never know. Maybe its like the JFK assassination.
Dorn Marblecarver
-Killer of goblins and Trolls....the filthy gits-
(Jeff Mclean)
- Platinum Member
- Assassins Do It From Behind
- Posts: 1185
- Thank Yous: 126

80% of my time as my PC this month was spent teaching, which was great. It's good to see the Witch Hunters I've trained leave the nest, so to speak as I give them students of their own. Taking some new apprentices myself to fill the void makes me look forward to the new crop of Witch Hunters coming up.
Main mod was a blast, and I can't believe how many times (over a dozen) the following scenario happened:
I sneak behind the enemy lines, my target would turn around, look right at me, and then disregard me as an ally when I said something like "Come on, they can't take all of us" in a demonic voice only to be wrecked in the back the second they turned around. Except Steve, who every time called my bluff with a chaotic alteration.
Playing Sarrow was a blast, as always. Between the Evernight dinner where I missed all the sausage until it was gone and my time on Saturday with the Tellinghasts and Lord Brightstar, I look forward to bringing him back out to usher in more big things in the future. Also looking forward to see where Andy is going as Valkress (sp?)
- Piggy Punch
- Senior Member
- Posts: 129
- Thank Yous: 35
Baht A'tal Damien Mograinne
Champion of Galmachis
OOG Josh LaBar
- Aleister
- Administrator
- Posts: 3950
- Thank Yous: 1504
-I was thrilled when a PC had destroyed the "altar" causing the main plot to start. Was a great feel to the idea that it wasn't something forced on the town, but something to town did themselves.
-Jen, your coffee was absolutely delicious and I just want you to know that you brought a great help to stopping me at main mod because of it.
-Kyle not standing for a demon just carousing about the town however he feels. That was just perfect.
-The one new Galladelian priest actually keeping a casual conversation with the demon. That's some balls. A+ sir
-A+ Matt Welsher, would A+ again.
-Saturday was all around awesome, between the lizardkin mod going in a completely different direction to the whole town showing up to fight the lich, outstanding.
-I'm actually afraid of what Winks is capable of now.
-I was pleased that the town actually worked out the strategy and did what I was planning all along.
-Actually getting tackled for reals into the portal was just fun with the actions that ensued. PCs willing to lay down their lives for the greater good.
-Rob following me invisible the whole time tricking me into killing my own NPCs
-Finally getting to the portal and thinking "Oh shit. I need to book it." Only to have my windwalker counterspelled.
-Late night nonsense with Yngwie and Aldous
-Sunday conversation with Aradiel and Lethias. When Sabatheous came by, I thought I was going to get murdered.
All in all, this was a fantastic and fun weekend to run. I can't wait to do it again!
Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix
* * * * * * * *
-Steve Oros
Assistant Director
Random Image
NPC of the Month
Al Mone & Gen
Al Mone & Gen as the Templar and king’s niece during evil mod. The two of them stayed in character the whole time: the princess would ask questions of her protectorm, Arthur. Al would tell her stories and quiet her fears of the sounds of battle and then go outside to tell the guard what to do. It was really amazing role-play!
Al Mone & Gen
Al Mone & Gen as the Templar and king’s niece during evil mod. The two of them stayed in character the whole time: the princess would ask questions of her protectorm, Arthur. Al would tell her stories and quiet her fears of the sounds of battle and then go outside to tell the guard what to do. It was really amazing role-play!

Random Quote
"Sleafus, don't go!"
"Do you love me?"
"Do you trust me?"
"I do."
"Then I will return to you."
~Commodore Sleafus Donnerbane to his fiance Evangeline before attacking a horde of demons.