August 2010 Highlights
- Eden Heimdell
- Senior Member
- Posts: 208
- Thank Yous: 163
Low Level plot, awesome-
Feladryn, thanks for stealing the hilarious yet possibly useless ramblings of an old man.
Also, thanks to whoever made the three-hour cookies!
French Toast on NPC shift was awesome
Getting to be a Lizardlady brought back to life by Emar, some fun RP there
Standing in the Positive energy circle during the lich mod and NOT getting dead
Thanks to Seamus for being a envenomed so I could learn to fix it
Being woken up first by Friendly NPC Bard
Then woken up by stabby gnolls
And finally waking up/leaving the guard barracks hearing a confession to use of necromancy scrolls and "Incinerate!"
Lowlight: Shower in the guard house turning to a trickle about when I stepped in. Otherwise an all-around great time!
Eden Heimdell
Vassal of Albriar
OOG Lauren F.
- Sergei Petsho
- Elite Member
- Posts: 788
- Thank Yous: 443
-Bringing another friend from my old larp to KR and having him fit right in.
-"We're sleeping right by the forge? Cool, maybe we can ask Gideon to help us out with armor. Wait, he's 'doing paperwork' most of the event? Ah hell, sleep lightly, lads."
-Feeding people chicken I had marinated for three days. I love feeding people and seeing the looks on their faces as they bite into my food. Thank you everyone for the compliments.
-Realizing that Bran is crazier than I thought. Always interesting to learn more about one's own character that one didn't quite expect.
-Tending to the torsos of Seamus and Rione with a broken leg.
-Actually sleeping Friday night.
-The grand opening of Bran & Seamus's Fine Highland Imports. Thanks to all our lovely customers who made it a successful business venture. Also, oh my gods the lamb...
-Off to do the stupid in a tomb with a Drow lich, skeletal knight, and skeletal assassin. Squaring off with said undead with naught but my fists and proceeding to thoroughly enjoy meself in pounding the crap out of them, then playing out one of my minor insanities at the end. Thank you, Rannick for some entertaining rp by litterally carrying me over your shoulder down that hill.
-Dwarven Snack Time is officially more awesome than Hobbit Second Breakfast.
-Feeding people Guinness brownies and Bailey's chocolate cheesecake, and overhearing that they are slowly becoming legend.
-Spending time with my merry band of idiots and friends.
-NPC shift full of lulz and entertainment. Having "Tyler" learn that Travance, with the exception of Kamei, is rather bad at blackjack (I think "Tyler" amassed more gold and silver during that shift than I did my first two events combined) and certain Tellinghasts enjoy Go Fish. Also, being well and truly schooled in chess by Charlie. Always fun to see a highly skilled player in action.
-While trying to cellect my thoughts after just waking up, being attacked by npc's, pulling back the tent flap and Fearing the first troll I saw. That's what you get when you disturb Bran first thing in the morning.
-Post-wakeup shower. It felt good to be clean, even more so when I realized the npc's were attacking the room next door.
-Being called upon to help teach Rannick, then having Belegchand approach me and ask to learn Gaelic and Lore: Chaos. Always a good way to end an event by making an elf almost cry by using chaos to break his mind a little.
Once again, a fun-as-hell event made even better by awesome people and good food. Thanks to npc's of every shift for keeping us all entertained and on our toes.
"What do you take me for? Some kind of big damn hero?"
Sergei Petsho, Voivode and Steward of Inovar, Owner and Masseur Extraordinaire of Magic Hands Massage.
"What, it's for my research, I swear!"
Nigel Whitworth, Gentleman Apothecary
"Here, kid, suck on this and shut up for a while."
Aengus MacAengus Hesperus, Professional Old Person
OOG: Chris Zipeto
- Belegchand
- Elite Member
- Posts: 865
- Thank Yous: 163
-Being called upon to help teach Rannick, then having Belegchand approach me and ask to learn Gaelic and Lore: Chaos. Always a good way to end an event by making an elf almost cry by using chaos to break his mind a little.
The a Chroniclerite Scholar cannot turn down free knowledge lol... and thank you for that, Bran... I felt like it was good rp for both of us
OOG: Matt Calo - Marshal
- GJSchaller
- Platinum Member
- Character is to a person, what carbon is to steel.
- Posts: 10421
- Thank Yous: 1379
Friday Night, someone put up a Wall of Earth - I didn't see who on the dark path outside the Portal. I began to go around it as my Demon, and ran into Emar and a Wall of Water. This one was passable with an Elemental Shield, so I did so, and smacked the mage with the Wall of Earth. 2 seconds later, I called a Roundhouse Throw as the town tried to jump me all at once.
What I didn't know at the time is that I'd thrown Ib's bleeding corpse off the path, into the woods, where he took a death. NOT what I wanted to do, honest!
That night, Ib was swearing revenge and riding backpack on Brogan as he tried to kill the two Generals. No matter how fast we threw spells at Brogan, Ib was putting Fire / Earth shields back on him. Every time my NPC roared in fury, somewhere inside was Gideon being more and more proud of his student. A goblin under 10th level turned the tide of the battle for the town...
- Gabriel Llopiz
- Senior Member
- Posts: 201
- Thank Yous: 12
Always a pleasure,
Felix Suarez
[OOG: Gabriel L.]
- Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga
- Premium Member
- Posts: 432
- Thank Yous: 39
Staying in a tent this is what Typhon would normally do anyway if he doesn’t prefer to sleep under the stars which we came pretty damn close to doing Saturday.
Introducing Lily the new Druid to Elawyn only to find that she and the more experienced Druids (and everyone else apparently) are going to Evernight. She asked me to keep an eye on Lily and I made sure to be her protector.
Belegchand: “Bay of Lune? How do you spell that?”
Other Scholar: “What kind of Scholar are you, can’t even spell Lune?”
Typhon: “He’s not a scholar. He’s a loon!”
Putting up Walls and Protecting people.
Using Inviolate Form thank you Lizardkin.
Getting to lead a pack of wolves with Animal Empathy. Sort of wish I had used Animal Companion. Jenna’s wolf: Look take out Khitanese delivered right to your door.
Main Mod shift being sent out as a Lizardkin Poisoner and getting one arm broken being subdued grasped with roots and then when the lizard kin was let go I still tried to attack getting the other arm broken and then getting Charmed “It Hurtssssssssss” All the RP of being Vigo and Lily’s Lizardkin friend.
Learning Commune which in my mind is the end all be all of Druidics.
Teag wanted for torching Ib melded with tree leaning after learning that the guards saw him go into the tree I just leaned on it and said to no one in particular. “I am just going to lean against this tree and if anything comes out it may find itself protected by a Wall of Thorns.”
Going to the Grove and being totally and completely lost with what was going on but still being glad just to be included in something despite only understanding every other word.
Waking up Saturday morning and hearing someone calling for help and thinking “I should go get Kwildar maybe we can help that guy.” Turning the corner and seeing that the person calling for help was Kwildar.
- geezer
- Platinum Member
- Posts: 4349
- Thank Yous: 448
Light Clergy mod had OK fighting, but was truly a tour de force of RP.
Noticing the ceremonial nature of the defense around Holdstaff, I asked Doug if the Ceremony of Dispelling can be done silently, to which he said yes. Grabbed Jackie A to assist me, put an arm around her waist, and told her to follow my lead. Halfway through, Ben (Tirsen) says to me "Father Edwin, this would be a great time to use that Ceremony you discovered."
<<NPC shift was really awesome this weekend, getting turned good by Mr.Director himself and fighting along side the PC's and then 20 mins later being grabbed by the throat as a new NPC and have James make me take 500 DIVINE! "Your body goes up in flames">>
I had been fighting the above, when I witnessed my second bona fide miracle. My research platter will be full for some time.
Intense scene with Fr. Morgan/Goose, in which I used Willpower to control my temper
Teaching a BC skill to Aleister while the two of us took a walk trolling for muggers.
Master Teaching Lore: Lycanthropes to three others
Walking with the Baron who told me an execution was impending, either Misaki or Toravisu, he was not certain. I explained they look very different and he should be certain which is guilty, as it would be poor form to execute the wrong person.
Excellent scene with Toravisu when he heard about the almost mix-up.
Finding a way to use Light Prayers like artillery to punch holes in an opponent's line.
Feeding Jeff/Aradial a platter of meat Sunday morning. Expressive face.
Getting to sleep 9 PM Sunday, after having 6 hours from Friday 9AM until then.
Will probably remember more later.
Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild
An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.
OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal
"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
- Misaki
- Senior Member
- Dark Sith? Where?!
- Posts: 228
- Thank Yous: 23
Master Teaching Lore: Lycanthropes to three others
Walking with the Baron who told me an execution was impending, either Misaki or Toravisu, he was not certain. I explained they look very different and he should be certain which is guilty, as it would be poor form to execute the wrong person.
The Lycanthrope lesson was greatly appreciated. And Misaki...executed?! * holds own throat*
- Werlydd Trueforger
- New Member
- Posts: 7
- Thank Yous: 0
Werlydd: Time to fight the evil spiders!
NPC Spider gives a quizzical look at my left hand full of chicken drumstick....
Werlydd: No, it's okay. Haven't you ever heard of chicken florentine?
Werlydd: I was going to go to cleric school, but Mom and Dad said I was too dumb. So I went to cavalier school instead.
Sorel: You weren't too dumb for cavalier school?
Werlydd: No, they gave me a manual.
Gorfen: So what did you learn from the manual?
Werlydd: Rule 1: Face pointy side towards evil.
Sorel: That's a good cavalier school!
Trading epic food with Bran!
-Dwarven Snack Time is officially more awesome than Hobbit Second Breakfast.
IG- Werlydd Trueforger
OOG- Erin
- Baoyu Kunsai
- Senior Member
- Posts: 121
- Thank Yous: 7
-Presenting Ninjin with his new armor
-From the forge, seeing the sky light up with a brilliant flash and going to investigate with Mae Fong. After finding out the flash was related to things that, as a Khitan, I dont quite accept or understand, we took a stroll toward the waterfront, and stumbled upon the low levels and their portal. .....Right as someone hits the altar.
-The subsequent retreat from the demons in the portal.
-Somehow this is a highlight, but getting attacked a bajillion times by undead until stupid o'clock in the morning. My undead bane sword is so broken-in now, that I don't think I need to kill one for about the next 4 months. I was so delirious that at around 4 am I was struck with uncontrollable giggles when a ghost kept coming back to our campsite going "ooooooooooooo." I completely lost it again mid-battle when he showed up again doing the same thing right in the middle of the battle field as though it wasn't going on.
-Getting woke up by master Shen and then walking around the long way to the Inn and having an enlightening conversation about leadership and the current atmosphere of events surrounding the Khitanese,
-WONTONS! Apologies to everyone that didn't get one, i know i was making alot of people hungry but i will more than likely be bringing them back for Market Faire next month
-The Meeting of the Khitan
-Seeing Kamei get captured by gnoll and rallying a group to go rescue the prisoners. Being absolutely out for blood during the attack on their camp. Great Role-play with Kamei afterward where she managed to calm Baoyu; kudos to Shan.
-Feast, though there was not enough
-Going out as a group of skeleton before main mod.
-Main mod playing a demonic Troll and hitting Sorel with Freeze ground every chance I got.
-Sunday was gloomy, but searching for Yoshimatsu, his interrogation, and his execution.
-Yoshi's funeral and its effect on the Khitan.
OOG: -Adam C. Schaeffer
- geezer
- Platinum Member
- Posts: 4349
- Thank Yous: 448
Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild
An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.
OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal
"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
- Ming Na
- Senior Member
- Strength Through Unity!
- Posts: 225
- Thank Yous: 24
Misaki, Yoshimatsu - what's in a name? Smiley
In service to the people
Ming Nagata
OOC: Dan Gill
- geezer
- Platinum Member
- Posts: 4349
- Thank Yous: 448
The old joke has "Iceberg, Goldberg, what's the difference?"
Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild
An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.
OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal
"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
- Odo Garaath
- Platinum Member
- Back and Ready For More!
- Posts: 1968
- Thank Yous: 12
Water chestnuts! My one weakness!
"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."
(Tom Senger )
- Baoyu Kunsai
- Senior Member
- Posts: 121
- Thank Yous: 7
Whoever cooked that food from the meeting with chicken, rice, and water chestnut. Thank you. I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and went to town.
Water chestnuts! My one weakness!
I'll make sure that you get some next month. It's my Dragon General's Chicken
OOG: -Adam C. Schaeffer
- Odo Garaath
- Platinum Member
- Back and Ready For More!
- Posts: 1968
- Thank Yous: 12
"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."
(Tom Senger )
- Ninjin Khun
- Junior Member
- Death by Cookie!~
- Posts: 50
- Thank Yous: 0
-Meeting up with Khitans
-Receiving armor crafted by the honorable Baoyu (Its so well done~)
-Telling Alexander it was not his fault about the portal
-Chatting with old friends
-Paralyzed and being used as some sort of mannequin (Oh you guys...)
-Running all night, good exercise
-Khitan feast, I love all my kin
-NPCing as chaos spiders and gargoyles
-Toribishu lending me his sword, it was very handy
-Main mod
-Epic wake up battle
-Yoshimatsu' execution
Ninjin Khun (Chanin Jaksarn)
Honor bound to House Zero
Runaway from Kingdom of Night
"How can someone like me see the light, when I was born in the Night."
- Chris D
- Senior Member
- Posts: 230
- Thank Yous: 63
Friday Night.....
Sorel's face when he had a skeleton hand on his shoulder.
Fighting the demon general's and turning to someone after being told it was out fault they were there, Of course it is....
Not sleeping at all because of the warlock and undead that just kept coming up.
Getting asked to help fix the issue and pinning poor Malcome down as hs scholar and getting the story or else.....
Morkovia... what do you mean the portal closed again?
Lich fight... Hey steve if you need a breath just go invisible lol He did
Main Mod half way through realizing I am a fighter but not the best leader
Watching the earth general run from me
Thanks to Ib the best back pack
Thanks to shaman walking over bodies because she was just healing me
Trying to solo tim at the portal since the he was trying to close it
The tackle... and Ilona's crying after I vanished
Thanks to Shen for stealing my small moment of glory lol
Late saturday being told it wasn'ty heroic to tackle the demon just stupd... thanks but i will stick with heroic
Ok he has to get the healer.... hold abundent step ... sorry reactions forgive me baron
Great job to Steve and everyone else that had a hand in this one
Cyan Bloodbane
oog- Chris D
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Billliamm: "I found his weakness."
Liadann: "Oh? What is it?"
Billliamm: "My fists."