April 2011 Highlights

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02 Apr 2011 23:26 #1 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
April 2011 Highlights was created by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
I was only able to show up and play for 3 hours, but I was very glad to see all the faces and get the hugs from the people I care about.  I saw some great RP from various folks, and my trip back to work was made very easy.

Kudos to Joe B, MB, Jeff, Terry, & everyone else staying in the Alisandria room.  Looked amazing as always.

Many thanks to Judge for driving me all the way to Harrison so I only had to take the PATH back to work.  The conversation during the meal & trip made me realize WHAT a player plays & HOW they play it can turn a good game into a great game.  It was a "Yoda-teaching-Luke" moment.  I need to up my RP skills.

The interactions and sparring matches Lucien set-up were hilarious and great.  Amalthea's freezing of Simon will be something I won't forget.  ;)

Learning some "unique" skills made me appreciate the toughness of how some skills are to get and make available.

Hope you guys continue having fun & next time I will try to stay longer.

IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
02 Apr 2011 23:46 #2 by Father Jerec Lightbringer (Jerec)
Replied by Father Jerec Lightbringer (Jerec) on topic April 2011 Highlights
Causing the Church vs State chaos... mwahahahahahahaha (old Jerec proud!!!)
NPCing the infinite rat mod, what a workout
Getting to use, if briefly, my new florentine mastery skill
Getting set up SO nicely for my next class
NPCing the Oris's death mod
Being able to celebrate 6 full months here at KR  ;D

The thorn bushes in the new combat area... getting "fish hooked" repeatedly is just not fun
Being stuck at the monastery almost the entire event
Missing main mod....

once again thanks to everyone for a great weekend

Priest of Galladell

Every time a PC takes himself out through his own stupidity does not let me sing the Oompa-Loompa song.
The barbarian must remember that 'human shield' is a figure of speech
Before facing the dragon, not allowed to glaze the elf.

Adam B.
03 Apr 2011 17:27 #3 by FreeCookiesforU (FreeCookiesforU)
Replied by FreeCookiesforU (FreeCookiesforU) on topic April 2011 Highlights

Event recap, for anyone who wishes to help the staff make KR as good as it can be.

-Crispin VanDyke

Christopher K. (AKA "Ginger Guy")
03 Apr 2011 18:27 - 03 Apr 2011 19:08 #4 by SerenityMoonstone (SerenityMoonstone)
Replied by SerenityMoonstone (SerenityMoonstone) on topic April 2011 Highlights

Possessed clown doll instead of main mod. Hope they didn't need me. But that doll was awesome.
Hammish practicing fighting shirtless.
Had fun NPCing as one of the Alpha Dire Wolves, even if I didn't end up hitting anything.
I got plenty to eat at the feats this time around, the last 2 didn't happen so much.


Kaldonia being attacked while I was in the inn.
Being alone in a tent Friday night in Kaldonia, I still say it's nothing short of a miracle I didn't die in my sleep.
Spending $3 on margerine and honey for the Kaldonian pot luck I thought was Saturday morning, but was friday night while I was npcing.

My name's Ahmetia Campbell and I am so happy to be here! ^_^
Last edit: 03 Apr 2011 19:08 by .
03 Apr 2011 19:25 #5 by Sannyiah Amarie Tempest - Na (Sannyiah Na)
Replied by Sannyiah Amarie Tempest - Na (Sannyiah Na) on topic April 2011 Highlights
Highlights :)

Feast <3 lol was really awesome
role playing with the other girls especially Liz when it came to our healer adventure
{ Laying down on a table in freezing coldness screaming at the top of your lungs can make a girl cry lol }
Arguing with Ilana and the others about what just happened :) 
Working the bar from 11-4 friday night , making new friends is always a cool deal too
Photo shoot with Olivia :}
Working and making money most of the weekend
Walking around Travance with Master Shen and Olivia
Trying to figure out what the hell happened to us with Aquena for a good amount of time
Market Faire hanging out with Shamus and Bran, and getting drunk most of the morning always a good time
Being adopted by Argale :}  { pretty sure I spelled that wrong lol }


Being tortured in ridiculous cold weather :|
Stupid clown doll -_____- whoever thought of that .. I hate you :-p
The amazing best tasting brownies being gone lol =[
Running out of booze
, other then that everything was pretty darn fun lol
Feeling like I was being followed at some point in time

-> Sannyiah ' Syn ' Amarie Tempest Na

Healer of Travance
Ambassador of Alisandria
Apprentice to Aiden DelDragon
Apprentice to Gregor Borowitz
OOG: Karla

And though she be but little.. she be fierce,,
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03 Apr 2011 19:40 #6 by Shiver (Shiver)
Replied by Shiver (Shiver) on topic April 2011 Highlights

Stupid clown doll -_____- whoever thought of that .. I hate you :-p

;D See you in May!


Lucius Blackthorne
Lord of Alisandria

Guild Officer of The Black Orchid Merchant Company

Of the Ram and Raven

“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."

"The godly tongue distills honey, mankind's tether of amber and gold. This is my verdict.

For neither are kingdoms conquered by iron, Nor dies the mighty by the spear.

Men are felled by what they fail to believe in."

((Joe Bondi-Marketing Officer))
03 Apr 2011 19:57 #7 by SerenityMoonstone (SerenityMoonstone)
Replied by SerenityMoonstone (SerenityMoonstone) on topic April 2011 Highlights

Stupid clown doll -_____- whoever thought of that .. I hate you :-p

;D See you in May!

What was the line of dolls by the way, I think I know the brand, I think my sister (Mary Noname in game, not my sister in game though :-P) has one, but I can't remember what they're called.

My name's Ahmetia Campbell and I am so happy to be here! ^_^
03 Apr 2011 20:22 #8 by Gabriel Llopiz (Xenas)
Replied by Gabriel Llopiz (Xenas) on topic April 2011 Highlights

Stupid clown doll -_____- whoever thought of that .. I hate you :-p

;D See you in May!

What was the line of dolls by the way, I think I know the brand, I think my sister (Mary Noname in game, not my sister in game though :-P) has one, but I can't remember what they're called.


Always a pleasure,
Felix Suarez
[OOG: Gabriel L.]
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03 Apr 2011 20:46 #9 by Liz (Liz)
Replied by Liz (Liz) on topic April 2011 Highlights

Finished my training at work! Huzzah!

Showed up at around 430 am. Then proceeded to talk to people and such. (I dont really remember much heh)
Being Adria again and just walking around talking to people and making them laugh.
Shaloks funeral....hehe
Talking with the other gypsies
Shen + dancing lesson = dreamwalk :)

The bottlenecks were ok
I hate axes
It was fun :)

Sat night-
*clears throat* WOW again
A superb job by all involved. I look forward to the next encounter :)
Rezzing 7 people as I wanted to go to bed. Aquene and I were just delerious a bit at that part.


Fantastic event. Will event again. Take care ;)

Lieutenant of the Baronial Guard

Mae Fang Zhang
Healer of Khitan
"Go with honor and your ancestors shall guide you."

Lt. of the Baronial Guard
"Well... who likes a dull life? There's work to do."

OOG: Liz Reese

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03 Apr 2011 21:21 #10 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic April 2011 Highlights

About 5 people before Lay-On: "You bringing out Carlos for the Gypsy Party?"  Me: "Nah, he's retired."

Playing Carlos at the Gypsy Party.  ;D

Alex B's werewolf NPC, and walking him to the Waterfront with Tobar.  Alex played the horrible part of the lycanthropy perfectly.  It's the little things that make this game great.

Saturday - Chicken Curry.  NOM!

Feast was AMAZING - thank you, Goose!

The return of reasonably warm weather - not quite summer yet, but better than the winter.

Frikkin' Xolton doll.  OK, I know it's trying to creep me out... just ignore it, it'll go away.  Really.  (Living Dead Dolls, BTW.)

Finally becoming a Priest of Brazen, after all this time.  So many people thought I was one already, now I can finally say I am.  I just can't do anything yet... ;)

Having an OOG dream on Sat. Night about going into the Inverted Tower.  You know it's a good event when your dreams won't go OOG, even when you're asleep OOG.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
03 Apr 2011 22:20 #11 by Baoyu Kunsai (Baoyu Kunsai)
Replied by Baoyu Kunsai (Baoyu Kunsai) on topic April 2011 Highlights
Bramblus, Vaccumus, Fire Placiust, Trophius! Summon Shadow Dojo!

"Strength +3? Strength +8?..... Strength +9?!"

OOG: -Adam C. Schaeffer
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04 Apr 2011 01:59 #12 by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby)
Replied by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby) on topic April 2011 Highlights
I just gotta say that the one thing abot this event that made it awesome is that it was the ENTIRE Rochester crowd, not just two of us, that were able to make it this time.
Death metal rick roll before lay on was called
arriving just in time to get a spot in the attic (and only hitting my head once when setting things up)
I was so happy when I found out that the first thing to attack was a pack of wolves with werewolves mixed in. as odd as that may seem, I was finally able to put the silver polearm that Gideon made to it's intended use!

order mod, getting my innards cut out and getting turned into a fools mummy, then being sent against the other PCs before getting turned back and having a complete mental breakdown.
realizing just how bad Elric's anger issues were when I bull rushed a skeleton, then beat it down while growling like some sort of animal and swearing my head off while I pummeled it into a pile of dust, just because it hit me while I was fighting another one.

Elric got his first insanity! WOOT! I just wish I rolled 4 lower...

two words: Da's Strongest


Market faire, selling Truffles, and getting taken over by the doll... (I hate you doll) finally coming to with a sword to my throat, and being surrounded by people who told me that I attacked a noble.

Guard tryouts... and someone telling Magnus that I was a fast runner and being ordered to chase him from the guard's barracks to the monestary. (unfortunately making my knee decide that it did not like me any more... again)

convincing a pair of trolls that I would taste like a pile of rocks if they were to eat me.

missing the portal due to an OOG wardrobe malfunction, then finding out that I was the only guard left behind and therefore the one in charge of maintaining order while the captain and the rest of the guard was away.

taters at feast, sitting between two lovely women.

main mod:
due to my knee rebelling I did not go out with NPC roles, well I will admit that that was only part of the reason, the other part being that my OCD took over and I wanted to clean up logistics (that's right... I am that crazy)

After main mod: being baptized to Galladell, and then heading up to the attic (the ceiling does not like people and the head-sized hole up there may have been my doing from last event) and as soon as I lie down I hear dark elves running around in the inn. after hearing the dark elves running around I decide that the armor was going to stay on.

finally getting around to sitting down and learning first aid and armor patch I have been meaning to do that.

my knee rebelling against me (again) and causing me to have to sit out of most of the fighting from Saturday afternoon on.
and accidentally breaking someone's glasses, I know they ducked into the swing, but I still feel horrible about it.

Father Elric Ashby, Artificer, Priest of Galladel, Master of the Adventurer's guild, Warden of the Phokus.

Dr. Viktor Solvei, Pioneer Surgeon

OOG Benjamin Oakley, New Player Marshal... of doom
04 Apr 2011 08:59 - 04 Apr 2011 09:44 #13 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic April 2011 Highlights
-Arrived at 1:30 *grumps about job* But got a few tidbits of information before NPCing. Getting told after NPC about everything Ilana had to deal with (exciting for me at least)

-Walking down the path with a bunch of lower levels and running into a whole group of... not lesser elementals. Encasing the elementals in ice and panicking a bit... till Kleidin showed up.

- Getting a lot of information from the Winterdark scholar earlier in the day. Trying to spread that information before and after war time and getting shot down. The healers getting 'captured' as a result. Ilana's freak-out over that.

-Not having time to make a cake so Tom being nice and getting me one ^^ Chocolate + Strawberry= yum

-During the actual battle, seeing the platform and trying to listen to what was being said and just going 'O.o'. Getting to the platform and suddenly super excited because Ilana realized an 'extinct' civilization was also beating the crap out of Markovia. Almost staying with Elezar but then him deciding it better (he could go *poof* in a cloud of smoke if necessary. Ilana, could, well, smile nervously and hope for the best.)

-Jasper and Ilana were about the only people in the bottom portion of the inn when the Drow were running through. We were sort of hoping they'd poke at us. He might have just boom-packeted them and hoped for the best (between us we had enough defenses...hopefully)
-Running around after them because they were going after Pendarvin's maps... ><

-Finding out a tent full of Ilana's friends died. There was a bit of RP before the reanimating and Ilana might have been the only one in the room for the longest while but she got to talk a lot to a corpse. Explaining myself later to Kwildar and him completely happy with the reason.

-The Valerians (sp?) showing up and getting to sit in on the little meeting. Afterward, during the discussions, Doug coming over and whispering information every once in awhile so Ilana could go 'Oh, right! There's this too' (Worked perfectly for how she usually remembers things anyways)

-Going the whole event without the 'enemy' finding out my name and then, by accident, it being slipped next to one of the healers. After realizing this, offering them a cake when they decided to come and find me. They found this amusing.

Marcella Torres
Land System Deputy
New Player Marshal
Last edit: 04 Apr 2011 09:44 by .
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04 Apr 2011 11:31 - 04 Apr 2011 14:04 #14 by Kadin D (Katie D)
Replied by Kadin D (Katie D) on topic April 2011 Highlights
-Going out to look for trouble with a group of other low level people.  Always fun.
-Being very thankful for my new armor after being attacked from behind by a werewolf.  Also being told I'm never allowed to walk in the back of a group again, bad things happen.
-Going to the gypsy party and being the only dwarf.  Got good food and tobacco  ;D
-Amazing Order mod, just wish someone didn't die every time.  
-Walking into the inn and first thing I see is Bran standing over two drunk gypsy and seeing that he had painted them up in wode.  Just turning and walking out again cause I didn't want to know.

-Selling out of food at market fair.
-Watching poor Elric being taken over by the creepy doll thing.  
-Having Rayven (spell?) hand me fire drake scale armor.  THANK YOU!!!!! ;D
-going packet hunting with Kleidin, Thomas, and Razial (spell?).  I really hope she didn't here the conversation between the guys at one point, I don't think my face could of gotten redder.
-just making it to light mass, very happy to have been baptized last month.
-learning more healing!!!!  (also Tobar volunteering to have his arm torn off was quite entertaining.)
-Great food at feast.  
-Actually ending up drunk at feast.  A drunk dwarf, what a novelty. ;)
-only taking a few seconds to get sober again, yay neutralize poison.  Then acting grumpy till paperwork cause I didn't like being completely sober.
-NPCing a lobotomized soldier, so fun being able to just giggle at weird moments but noone thinking anything of it.  ;D
-The fire works were awsome at main mod.
-playing a bandit and convincing the PCs that we hadn't stolen anything and even getting them to give us directions to the inn.  Then having them realize what happened and following us.  They finally caught us at the bar after we had used the gold to buy drinks.  Then having Daralith (spell?) put a dagger to my neck telling me to give him everything in my pockets and my boots, then telling him I didn't have any on.  Then running away as fast as I could..  Too bad I was killed as I ran.
-Learning the last of the things I wanted to learn.
-getting to teach for the first time.
-helping to rescuing people from slavers, and actually being useful.

-pricker bushes to the face hurt.
- knowing I can't go to the alt event

Dr Marlena Ashby


Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store

OOG - Katie DeFranza

New Player Marshal, Safety Marshal
Last edit: 04 Apr 2011 14:04 by .
04 Apr 2011 15:29 #15 by Mother Marika (Ophelia)
Replied by Mother Marika (Ophelia) on topic April 2011 Highlights

-Gypsy party rocked, even if I was only there for a little while
-Getting to run (walk actually) headfirst into a fight and having a legitimate reason WHY I wasn't staying behind like a healer should. Yay first Witchhunter event!
-FINALLY getting to meet Carlos Magellan... I think he out-purples Moirya
-Having to skip out on my midnight bar-shift... Sorry Destiel!
-Ilona being baptized as an Andorran Priestess.  Way to go!

-Working breakfast, always nice
-Father Tristan Lumington...'nuff said
-Feast was delicious.  I will NEVER say no to an endless supply of mozzarella cheese, tomatoes and olives
-Main Mod:
-Feeling absolutely useless for the first half as only 10 people could fight at a time
-Then suddenly people are dropping into Crit left and right...wtf?

NCP Shift:
-So...apparently my face just SCREAMS damsel in distress.  Playing Jucinda, the girl from Pendarvin who lost her brother in the war
-Charm'ing Seamus into getting someone ELSE to get me gold for my brother's funeral
-Bandit Mod. Thanks Sam D for the amazing bruises on my face...I can't believe I got all the gold back @_@
-Grim Guardian Mod:
-Worst...druid...ever...I couldn't heal lolz
-Um, someone let the druid walk off alone with the vampire. Smart
-Epic calm conversation WITH vampire.

-I can't say it was a highlight how many people died at Kaledonia.  But the RP afterwards was pretty awesome
-Convincing Kwildar NOT to leave...that was difficult
-My blanket of gypsy men
-Epic RP with the healer's. I feel SOOOOO bad that I missed healer mod...and that poor Aquene and Sonaiya (sp?) were taken...should have been me
-Being told that I can't have my name spoken out loud...nor the names of ANY healer

-Even though it was a torture session, I wanted the RP of healer mod ;_;
-WHY was it so cold in April again?
-Did I mention missing Healer Mod?

Master Marika Korsova Laurent Belmont
Priestess of Galmachis
Soul Warden
Shadow Hunter
"For eternity."

Doctor Winifred Sterling
"Oh dear...now I'll have to cut it out...again..."

OOG- Samantha Maksoud
Logistics Marshal

"Intelligence is the wife, imagination is the mistress, memory is the servant."-Victor Hugo
04 Apr 2011 16:20 #16 by SerenityMoonstone (SerenityMoonstone)
Replied by SerenityMoonstone (SerenityMoonstone) on topic April 2011 Highlights


-Gypsy party rocked, even if I was only there for a little while

Awww :( I missed a gypsy party?

My name's Ahmetia Campbell and I am so happy to be here! ^_^
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04 Apr 2011 16:58 #17 by Seámus Aeislin (Seámus_Aeislin)
Replied by Seámus Aeislin (Seámus_Aeislin) on topic April 2011 Highlights
First and foremost, my biggest highlight... Being back after missing the last three events for stupid freaking reasons. Also, having everyone from Rochester there again. Just putting that out there.


Order Mod, good as always. Had a great time holding the line against the undead in the Ruins like a good lil' Galladellite.

RP with Bran and Destiel (Sp?) in the aftermath of said mod

Giving Bran the idea to woad the faces of Tobar and Viggo after they tried OUR whiskey. Da's Strongest is not to be trifled with...


Market faire went incredibly well. Sold out of our new creation and most of the truffles. Also, having Sannyiyah accompanying us at our table and the funny drunken conversations she was having with us.

Got my new pair of demi-gauntlets courtesy of Chris A., they turned out beautifully.

FINALLY getting to use my new armor, sword and dagger.

Being the one who got to set off the fireworks during Main Mod, due to knee complications.


NOT getting sold into slavery first thing in the morning.

Learning Incapacitate. I still feel bad for Donnovan... My turn is next month...


Badly mucking up my right knee only about 15 minutes after lay-on, severely impacting my ability to go out and do things during the rest of the moon.

Main - Sir Seámus Aeislin of the Clan MacInnes

Alt - Boryev Solvei, Baro of the Solvei Kampania
OOG - Shane Johnson
Monster Marshal
04 Apr 2011 17:34 #18 by Sannyiah Amarie Tempest - Na (Sannyiah Na)
Replied by Sannyiah Amarie Tempest - Na (Sannyiah Na) on topic April 2011 Highlights

Stupid clown doll -_____- whoever thought of that .. I hate you :-p

;D See you in May!

^_^ Darn it .. I mean, I'm looking forward to the evilness  :P

-> Sannyiah ' Syn ' Amarie Tempest Na

Healer of Travance
Ambassador of Alisandria
Apprentice to Aiden DelDragon
Apprentice to Gregor Borowitz
OOG: Karla

And though she be but little.. she be fierce,,
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04 Apr 2011 19:34 #19 by Laura (Laura)
Replied by Laura (Laura) on topic April 2011 Highlights

"How are you Shen....I mean Camen! (sp?)" My bad.  Sorry Derek.

RPing with Bran and Seamus after Rione died and then getting drunk off Bran's Da's finest.
Followed by the Woad-ing of Tobar and Viggo, until Miso was a spoiled sport and neutralized poison for both of them.


Bran saved me a brownie at market faire cause he knew I wanted one.  So delicious.

Running down to help someone with Octavius, Brick and Gynned and getting encased in ice at the beginning of the battle. This is the second time I've missed an entire battle due to be statue-ified.

The fricken doll on the pathway going down to the monastery while Maxwell, Derriel and I walked back up to the Inn trying to find Brogen.
'Does anyone hear a bell?'
Then being told by Kleidin what that bell was.  Really glad we kept walking.

Everyone returns after Main Mod and overhear
'We're under attack!'
"He better be kidding"
And then the army of undead against the door.

Getting to NPC a wildmage.
There are so many good quotes, mostly from Illana during this little bandit excursion

'Really guys, it's called bad acting' followed by being encased in ice and then,

Illana: Alright, I'm gonna unfreeze her
Someone: 15 Damage!
Me: Hold! Boom!
Someone: She's a wildmage?  Crap! *five people drop*

Playing a merchant and getting my face RP licked by Lucien.

Getting to run around as a drow until a lantern fell on my head.  Still awesome though, thanks Derek!


Why is it cold outside?

Kressara Skytte

Alt: Jinx Kainen

Laura Wernsdorfer
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04 Apr 2011 19:40 #20 by LStarling (Kwildar)
Replied by LStarling (Kwildar) on topic April 2011 Highlights

-I can't say it was a highlight how many people died at Kaledonia.  But the RP afterwards was pretty awesome
-Convincing Kwildar NOT to leave...that was difficult

Kwildar's post-Focus rage + his horrible stubborn streak = awesome RP.  I almost felt sorry for everyone that gave a 'wrong' answer to him, and the glare that I could feel coming over my face.

Lawrence Starling -- IG
"Really, bee! I don't smell flower-y!"
Malcolm Mallardi -- OOG
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04 Apr 2011 20:07 #21 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic April 2011 Highlights
Subcontracting all of Edwin's dinner and breakfast work.

A great Event for RP.  I taught skills from all 5 lower lists (the 5th being Commoner),  First time I ever taught the circuit.  Of them all, I most enjoyed teaching literacy to Uva.

Many great RP scenes.  It is always both enjoyable and informative when Rob shows up as the Grand Inquisitor.  When he suggested we take a stroll before dinner and discuss some of the finer points of Church Bureaucracy, neither of us thought it would end with my resusitating Jeric.
Me - "Mordecai, can you assist a physician?"
Rob - "Really Edwin, I only know how to take them apart.  I have underlings to put them back together."

My favorite, and most intensive, was an absolutely unimportant (in the grand scheme of things) encounter with two NPCs who had a civil matter they needed resolved.  I had a wonderful 15-20 minutes working through it with them.  Thanks Matt W for sending out that encounter.  Would like to see more.

Starting to dissect Mal's earth elemental only to have it attack.  "Your hands were crossed over your head," to which Mal replied "I was adjusting my mask."

"Why are you wearing a skirt?"

It is possible to save the barony. literally, with a few strokes of a quill.

Words mean nothing if the actions they represent are not implemented.

Nobles are quite capable of besmirching their own reputations, and really need no one's assistance.

One of Napoleon's statements "Ask of me anything but more time" certainly has many applications in Travance.

Driving home with Mal and discussing various possibilities for Kwildar's future.  One does not need any agents outside a vivid imagination to paint a hysterically funny picture.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
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04 Apr 2011 21:20 #22 by Alex (Wormwood)
Replied by Alex (Wormwood) on topic April 2011 Highlights
while my attendance is less than regular, and my posting here rarer still, i must give credit where it is due. the standout performances, as i experienced them:

doug pasko???: or whomever played the archdevil. the credit here truly goes to the designer of this role, as the devil never actually saw combat, preserving his air of invincibility. execution and effects were the name of the game here, not statistics. well played.

Joshua as Rione: if germaine had a daughter, rione would be that "fine military lad" he'd be pressuring her to date. seamless and crisp, joshua's portrayal of rione is the perfect example of a person playing to their strong suit to make a character feel exceptionally real. a true hero, or perhaps a bitter old general, in the making.

jake as elizar: a big thank you to jake levine for making a pretend battle plan feel risky, real, and calculable. while each of us knew damn well out of character that we could not predict the quantity or statistics of main mod npcs, jake's delivery of casualty expectations made anything less than full immersion impossible. his face expressed a hundred secret equations of risk before solemnly offering "i will need 8. expect 5 to return."

aaron as corporal culpepper: at two separate points, aaron convinced me that he had indeed been a military man for his entire adult life. first, when he greeted germaine with the respect he knew a knight would demand, but the brevity he understood the situation required. secondly, at the siege battle with a call to arms that convinced me he ate, drank, and breathed first and foremost for the glory of the king. as an aside, it was fun and refreshing to experience genuine friendly fire. coming across friendly soldiers you do not recognize on a chaotic field was a rare and nearly-disastrous treat.

last, but certainly not least, lauren as amalthea: goose's feasts always have their highlights(you're amazing), but they rarely come by way of Enaxian dogma. lauren delivered a true standout moment when she coupled a look of dread and embarrassment with a quick retreat behind her hat, perhaps sensing a confrontation between germaine and a then-preaching utgard. convincing emotional response is what makes these things worth doing!  that said, it is no surprise that amalthea's response to war was similarly enjoyable for me. while it was andy (and an embarrassingly clean blow to my chest) that reduced germaine to a heap, it was the pounce and squeal of a then-unidentified healer that made me truly feel like a gory mess. i remember laying on the cold ground and thinking to myself "whomever is frantically prodding my vital areas is convinced i am a real dead man". and in doing so, made the experience that much more real for me. highlight of the battle, to be sure.    

thanks for a good time,

now, it is a time honored tradition that my posts be edited for content. to that end, i offer this profanity:

OOG: Alex B.
04 Apr 2011 21:20 #23 by SerenityMoonstone (SerenityMoonstone)
Replied by SerenityMoonstone (SerenityMoonstone) on topic April 2011 Highlights

Getting to NPC a wildmage.

That was you? I felt so guilty sleeping in the inn because of that. :(

My name's Ahmetia Campbell and I am so happy to be here! ^_^
04 Apr 2011 21:36 #24 by Sergei Petsho (Bran MacInnes)
Replied by Sergei Petsho (Bran MacInnes) on topic April 2011 Highlights

-Firstly, FINALLY being able to come back.  I have missed KR terribly, and this was a great welcome back for me

-Seeing how much people have missed me (and Bran) made me smile a lot.
-Order mod.  Serious fun rage fighting, then Bran actually having a good idea and saving people.  Who's got two thumbs and tries to punch out a djinn?  This guy.
-Da's Strongest. Also known as Liquid Shenanigans.  Yes, I got the gypsies drunk.  Yes, I painted them with woad. I regret nothing.

-Being clean
-Market Faire.  Seeing how many people bloody well loved my latest improvement to the MacInness brownies and the joint effort of the truffle brownies just makes me want to make them even better.
-Accidental inclusion in the portal mod turning to hilarity. 
-"Bring them closer, I want to hit them with my axe!" as Germaine fireman carries me across the field after being hit with a Cripple.
-The potatoes at feast.  So good, so good.  Goose, you're determined to spoil me, aren't you?
-NPC shift of good times.  No more babies...
-Meeting Lucien as Sergei.  Oh the fun we shall have... -rubs hands together in anticipation-

Sunday: Being the only survivor of the one ambush, only to almost be captured and sold into slavery.  Despite having only one leg.  I guess they like amputees...

-4 hours of sleep all event. 
-Low blood sugar and dehydration Sunday leading to feeling sick until I actually ate on the way home.

I have missed this terribly, thank you all so much for giving me a great welcome back to the game.

"What do you take me for? Some kind of big damn hero?"
Sergei Petsho, Voivode and Steward of Inovar, Owner and Masseur Extraordinaire of Magic Hands Massage.

"What, it's for my research, I swear!"
Nigel Whitworth, Gentleman Apothecary

"Here, kid, suck on this and shut up for a while."
Aengus MacAengus Hesperus, Professional Old Person

OOG: Chris Zipeto
05 Apr 2011 00:13 #25 by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks)
Replied by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks) on topic April 2011 Highlights
Really fun event, and great to see everyone again.

-The assault on Oris' castle, and all the cooperation between everyone there. I'm really enjoying working with the Baron my last couple events, just because of the intensity he brings.
-The insults directed at Oris...'nuff said.
-Enormous plate of turkey bacon, Oren is a wonderful person  ;D
-Heart to heart talk with Brik, was definitely needed.
-Teaching, always fun.
-Markovian Caravan mod, and getting to use my throwing weapons more than I've ever been able to in a single mod so far.
-Accompanying Magnus and the guard to a diseased village and helping to save a poor little alchemist who'd been accused of being a witch.
-Coming back from said village and immediately being called by Paetros: "I seem to find myself leader of a tribe of goblins...ummm, help?"
-Getting that tribe passed to me and Brik, and sending them to my land in Drega'Mire. Gonna have to do some expanding.
-All the planning we did to get the Markovian castle portcullis open, having the two covert teams ready to go...then getting there and having Elezar come back to us and say, "well, that was so much easier than we thought it would be."
-Absolute insanity during main mod. The whole thing was very well done, and watching the climax with the archdevil was incredible.
-NPC shift and playing the Enaxian evangelists with Malcolm, and finding Emar to pay a visit to his altar.

Unfortunately I'll be missing the alt event, so I'll see everyone in May.

In Service to Travance
Ser Winks Sharpthorn, The Resolute
Knight of Drega'Mire
Soul-Blade of Galladel

Alt: William Sterling
Chief Mechanic of the Kormyrian Sky Flotilla
Lead Engineer of the Travancian Railroad

OOG: Walter Soto
Cannon Marshal
05 Apr 2011 00:49 #26 by Father Jerec Lightbringer (Jerec)
Replied by Father Jerec Lightbringer (Jerec) on topic April 2011 Highlights

Many great RP scenes.  It is always both enjoyable and informative when Rob shows up as the Grand Inquisitor.  When he suggested we take a stroll before dinner and discuss some of the finer points of Church Bureaucracy, neither of us thought it would end with my resusitating Jeric.
Me - "Mordecai, can you assist a physician?"
Rob - "Really Edwin, I only know how to take them apart.  I have underlings to put them back together."

1. its Jerec
2.  do u know how hard it was to NOT laugh during that part

Priest of Galladell

Every time a PC takes himself out through his own stupidity does not let me sing the Oompa-Loompa song.
The barbarian must remember that 'human shield' is a figure of speech
Before facing the dragon, not allowed to glaze the elf.

Adam B.
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05 Apr 2011 04:00 #27 by Miso (rafael45)
Replied by Miso (rafael45) on topic April 2011 Highlights

RPing with Bran and Seamus after Rione died and then getting drunk off Bran's Da's finest.
Followed by the Woad-ing of Tobar and Viggo, until Miso was a spoiled sport and neutralized poison for both of them.


May the spirits guide your path
(OOG Rafael Mayorga)
05 Apr 2011 08:55 #28 by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar)
Replied by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar) on topic April 2011 Highlights


About 5 people before Lay-On: "You bringing out Carlos for the Gypsy Party?"  Me: "Nah, he's retired."

Playing Carlos at the Gypsy Party.  ;D

UG... I'm so annoyed I couldn't come due to plague!

Templar Ekatarina Esmeralda Kisslinger McKregar, Prophet of the Kindred Oak

Neina Avaren

OOC: Ann A.- Logistics Marshal
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05 Apr 2011 09:18 #29 by Michael P (Michael P)
Replied by Michael P (Michael P) on topic April 2011 Highlights
Event Highlights-

Rushing down pre-opening announcements to fill plates and bowls with food for the gypsy gathering, when just as we are finishing loading the second hookah a howl comes from outside the tent... and then two wolves start pawing at the flap.  Best way to IMMEDIATELY drop into character.

Fitting a dozen people into the Gypsy tent, and then another dozen plus outside at the fire.  Good start to the season I think.  The visiting gypsy NPCs added much to the feeling of the environment.  Thank you all very much.

Cigars, shisha, pipes, and food with friends. 


Waking up and walking around the camp before the world woke up.  Seeing the sun just before it was hidden by clouds. 

Walking into a group of Goblins, and because my default response isn't attack being able to have a good if not somewhat bizarre RP with some hungry and scared goblins.  Hill goblins that now wear at least 3 colors.

The RP leading up to sneaking into the Arch Devils keep as well as being able to act my way through the lines.  Standing alone with a 20 foot devil laughing behind you is one of the most unnerving experiences Paetros has had.

That pretty much wraps up most of the major high points for the weekend.  See you guys at the alt event if not sooner.

Michael Pucci
Player of Paetros of the Yhatzi Kompania

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05 Apr 2011 09:58 #30 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic April 2011 Highlights

Event Highlights-
Walking into a group of Goblins, and because my default response isn't attack being able to have a good if not somewhat bizarre RP with some hungry and scared goblins.  Hill goblins that now wear at least 3 colors.

Hope shades count, because earth-tones aren't exactly vibrant.

"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."

(Tom Senger )
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