June Event Highlights

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24 Jun 2014 12:26 #31 by Rane (Sammyelf)
Replied by Rane (Sammyelf) on topic June Event Highlights
had a fun event. for what I can remember. it's always too hard to remember everything anymore. X3

- sneaking around the woods, evesdropping the people in pendarvin. I'm getting good at it.
- Going to edwins mass. unfortunate I didn't get to listen to the whole thing but my character saw the whole scene as interesting, not to mention that right after the excommuniconis show up to not only lisrten to his mass, but damn near invite him to run their communion.
- should of taken my own advice not to jump into strange green portals to god knows where, but curiosity has a way with my character and I.
- where the portal tooks us. well done with the set and the rp. It really did feel like I was somewhere else, and I was playing this character with a strong sense of curiosity. I wish I didn't pass out in the middle of it. I guess my character really felt safe there.
- the portal took us to pretty close to the grove. we were ambushed by dark lorestri and undead. I died up there, character didn't even realize she was dead.
- getting my dead body passed around for the next half hour. then finally getting passed to Dr. Maxwell, who then reanimated me during his lunch break. with goblins blowing up at the inn. I thought the whole ordeal was hilarious.
- Immediately after I came back, the rp with nicole as her dark elf. It was awesome and I loved it. too bad it didn't go as planned. still, had fun.

- having people ask me if I was alright. with the reanimteing and the dark elf. and the role play that would come right after it.
- meeting the other rayne in town. I had a feeling it was going to happen eventually. XD
- fire! I'm glad everybody got out alright, and that it was taken care of so quickly.
- rp at lao kun's (I think that was the character's name) table. I do owe you for the hospitality at some point...
- watching people attack the ice cream truck. I think someone wanted to give him a roleplaying point.
- Helping with feast! I love cooking and I'm so happy that it all got done when it did! thank you so much for the people who kept their composure making it and the people that cipped in and helped out. you all get a gold star sticker.
- Immediately running to npc shift right after. thank you for being so lenient.
- Playing tag with other npcs while playing the hurry up and wait game.
- running through the woods in the twilight with only fireflies lighting your way, off in the distence you hear the main mod music. it was my own little highlight.
- main mod was cool, except when people don't watch their swings or you fall and land on a sharp rock with your back.... yay....
- looking into the white tent. there was a sword and a shield. I would of taken it to see what would happen, but kanas was there and I think I had enough curiosity induced pain for one event. XD
- chilling with kaladonia. always have a good time there. thanks for the hot dog guys! X3
- I hope no one found the skunk in ostcliff.

- ewww tent is so hot.... on the upside, we weren't attacked. real rangers peek through the holes in their tent to keep watch of monsters.
- taking down the white tent, then a bit of rp with amaziar.
- helping out with a lesson. it seems like people like enough to let me help with lessons. =D
- picking up civil service after being informed that I may need to track the corpse trees in the wildlands. This has peeked Rane's intrest...
- helping out in the kitchen! I didn't even mind doing the inventtory. I quick note to everyone. Please stop bringing in ground cinnamon. they have waaaayyyyyy too much. =)

I had so much fun this event. I almost thought just not coming back to game for awhile, but I think I'm going to keep coming to discover just what Rane is capable of doing and how she feels about certian situations. I did figure out a lot about her over the past 2 events, just based on her interactions with people and her experiences ig and oog.

can't wait for next event.....

IG - Rane Nightflute
OOG - Samantha Stassen
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24 Jun 2014 16:50 #32 by Brian T. (Renthios)
Replied by Brian T. (Renthios) on topic June Event Highlights
In no particular order:

1) Paul as his NPC Saturday, along with our other cursed NPC friend whose real name escapes me at this point(sorry!). These 2 guys were running around with the hexed gypsy treasure box, and at one point we were being led down to the lake to look for more gypsies, and Paul just blurts out, "It's a well known fact that gypsies love water." Headband or not, I couldn't stop myself from cracking up for a good few minutes.

2) Molten hot monastery lava at 1:30 Sunday morning, always a good decision.

3) Cheese and crackers, I really need to do the prep work for this ahead of time, but I'm glad it's always well-received.

4) Watching people messing with Ib on the porch of the monastery after molten lava consumption as he's falling in and out of food coma.

5) Getting surprised by a friend of mine that I didn't expect to show up at their first event but did. He picked a hell of a weekend to be a full-time NPC and a first time player.

6) Agreeing with Thalia to guard the focus, and remembering the barrier just in case things got a little too out of control. Thankfully, we didn't have to resort to that and I was able to join in to help protect everyone else during the main mod fiasco parts 1 & 2.

7) "Shady" Acres Retreat meeting, and actually getting to attend the earlier one.

8) Teaching lessons, getting approached about discreet teaching, and just role-playing the ideas behind instruction in general. You don't actually miss it until you come back from a game that didn't require teaching of skills by other players.

9) The -loooooongest- Marshal shift ever. We were in that building for ages, and all of my encounters seemingly went out and got destroyed or solved too quickly. I list this as a highlight and not a lowlight because it forced me to think on my feet to get more encounters out for my first shift back in a few years, on top of what plot was running.

10) Getting sassed by the dark elf as she was running around, and giving her just as much attitude back. I was really hoping that she would meet a grisly fate, but if she did I never caught wind of it.

11) The very resolute honking of the conch.

That's all I can remember for now, I'll add/edit more as I think of them.

OOG: Brian T.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett), Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
24 Jun 2014 18:10 #33 by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf)
Replied by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf) on topic June Event Highlights
This event was awesome! From the scary villain (played by the awesome Romeo), to the intricate and confusing plot, to the npcs who did a great job being our baddies/friends/source of moral questioning and confusion, and to the feast which was amazing despite the fire that happened. 11/10 would larp again.

I would like to thank everyone for being very welcoming to my friend who I brought larping for the first time. You all were very friendly and warm, and I have a feeling he will be going to more events in the near future. So thank you all. You all are great!

So here are my highlights:

1. The sole survivor of Jade'Arith showing up to make me almost go full rage. Thank you Nicole for playing a character I can truly get pissed off at. You were awesome and I want to see you again.
2. Getting to see my friends again, both ig and oog. Especially ig. It's good to have people I can always talk too that trust me no matter what happens.
3. NPCing Tower mod. I really wanted to see what it was like to fight the new players as an NPC, and to see the fledgling Travancians. They did great, but I might have to start telling them to put people to protect the healers and archers. It's not good when your enemy can get to the back and start nomming on the healers.
4. The Order of the Cheese Grater and the Church of the Hat on the center of the table in the center of the inn. Both groups I joined, both groups that are going to make Travance a brighter and even more humorous place.
5. The reaction people have when I was carrying around a polearm.
6. The reaction people have when they found out I was a berserker.
7. Teaching Bear Strength. Never gets old to yell at my students about how weak they are compared to Arawyn.
8. All the birthdays I was at. I think the only ones who broke the curse were Brunner and Imrahil.

That's about all I can remember. But such an awesome event!

Kanas Silverfang

OOG: Jeremy Schwartz
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett), Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
24 Jun 2014 19:28 #34 by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks)
Replied by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks) on topic June Event Highlights
Such an amazing event for many different reasons. But I have two primary highlights that are thanks to three specific people: Goose, Jenn W, and Zach.

Unexpected Feels: For the last couple years, Winks has been working on an ongoing project, and in May was finally at the point where he needed to talk to the Baroness. I expected it to take a couple months, as she's always so busy with ALL OF THE THINGS. So color me surprised when she walked right up to me Saturday morning and insisted on having that chat. Jenn, that had to be one of the most meaningful discussions I've had throughout the entirety of Winks' project. You gave Winks so much to think about it, and I'll most likely remember it for years to come. And then Feast happened...your song was wonderful, and when you disappeared I found myself just as emotional as people who've had the pleasure of interacting with you much longer than I have. As for Goose, well, when Maja started singing one of my favorite songs in the world ever (and one of the few guaranteed to get me crying), I was done. Goose, I know I already told you a couple times, but your rendition of that song was incredible, and thank you so much.

The Bromance Lives On: Winks and Tobar, a friendship for the ages. When Tobar and Ruindol were getting married back in May, Winks took it upon himself to be Tobar's best man when he saw that even though Ruindol had Morwenne, Tobar didn't have anyone. Fast forward to the plan for them to get married again in front of Cymoril, and Tobar says to Winks "how about we make it official this time...Winks, will you be my best man?" Zach, I continue to thoroughly enjoy our roleplay and look forward to seeing everything that happens in the future.

A couple other random awesome things:
-Stuff and things with certain people...yeah...
-Getting a couple more runes for Winks.
-Playing the goblin slap-drum with the bards at feast.
-Getting a white dragon spirit on loan for main mod...what a rush! Also the RP afterwards with Danny, Philadin, and Takouri was pretty great.
-Chats with Dr. Maxwell.
-As William, hearing that my cousin has arrived in Travance, yet completely missing her.
-Also as William, a very surprising discussion with the Seneschal.

See everyone at Dexcon, and if not, then at the July event!

In Service to Travance
Ser Winks Sharpthorn, The Resolute
Knight of Drega'Mire
Soul-Blade of Galladel

Alt: William Sterling
Chief Mechanic of the Kormyrian Sky Flotilla
Lead Engineer of the Travancian Railroad

OOG: Walter Soto
Cannon Marshal
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix), Baroness Hartwoode (jadelet), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett)
24 Jun 2014 22:37 #35 by Kunkel Anvilhorn (Kildrig)
Replied by Kunkel Anvilhorn (Kildrig) on topic June Event Highlights
Was great returning to Travance and seeing so many familiar faces and quite a few new ones. Didn't get to participate in as much due to health issues but still had a fantastic time observing, helping where I could, and interacting with players. Couple thank yous:

- thanks to Kaledonia for hosting two dwarves and two younglings in their lands
- thanks to Norm and the Safety team for their efforts and potential assistance should I have needed it (luckily didn't)

Other highlights:
- interesting mass in Pendarvin on Friday night.
- watching the determined efforts to get feast done in a reasonable time and getting to help wherever I could
- short discussion with the Baroness Saturday afternoon
- the Baroness' solo followed by her disappearance
- fantastic discussions with Thalia and Birgitta while guarding the Phocus
- record number of entrants in our drawing

Truly was great to make the trip to KR and so enjoyed the time there. You are all fantastic people and together, as a community, make your story live and breathe. Truly amazing!!!

IG: Eldest of the Anvilhorn Brothers & co-owner of DwarvenPaths Smithy

OOG: Jeff J
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24 Jun 2014 22:47 #36 by Rowan Uidhir (Teresa)
Replied by Rowan Uidhir (Teresa) on topic June Event Highlights

Brendan Barrett wrote: Realizing I hadn't used a single periodic through the day.

Dude, you walked up to a slaver I NPC's and did this awesome spin thingie and called Trip! Nice combat role-play!

-Rowan Uidhir
-Fira Sinclair, Ambassador of Valdalis

(OOG) Teresa Amore
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25 Jun 2014 00:56 #37 by
Replied by on topic June Event Highlights
This was the most romantic and most adorable event for Zellara ever. For that, I send a completely sincere thank you to Biron.

The kitchen went through hell, moment of silence for her struggles...

Lifeguarding, chilling with Geo, Eddie, etc. (forgot names)

That giant death killing murder terror nightmare squad that came down the path to the lake...

Mermaids giving Zellara a seashell top :). That whole mod was wonderful, Jenny and Katie looked gorgeous!!!!! Never underestimate Travance's citizens when it comes to riddles. And Steve, your playing was beautiful. Welllllll done!

Main Mod was stunning, visually and content-wise, and really overwhelming. Haya's voice is magical.

Chilling in the tree, nbd :)

In the middle of telling me he wasn't going anywhere to keep me safe, he literally dissapeared.

Got a little worried when I heard people were talking about me at the Kaladonia campfire, but after being told what was said, id like to thank all of you for your kind and generous words :D

Meeting June was fun, thanks for that Dustin! Your blunderbuss is awesome :)

Gypsy thangs. Ivan ;)

I'm scary, right Chuck?

Sunday morning singing :)

I am so happy for Zellara. She done good <3

New costume pieces coming in the mail soon, yay!!
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25 Jun 2014 02:25 #38 by Imrahil (Brendan Barrett)
Replied by Imrahil (Brendan Barrett) on topic June Event Highlights

Rowan wrote:

Brendan Barrett wrote: Realizing I hadn't used a single periodic through the day.

Dude, you walked up to a slaver I NPC's and did this awesome spin thingie and called Trip! Nice combat role-play!

Oh yeah, derp. Card Marshalls go ahead an knock a trip off Sunday morning. I know I had one of three to burn.... Dammit.

Call it two days of underslept Teresa; as always you're a doll! ([likewise] Southpaw too?)


-Lieutenant of the Baronial Guard

(Amos Oberjonois - Trapper and Spirit Speaker)

OOG - Brendan Barrett
Kitchen marshal
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25 Jun 2014 15:53 #39 by Morwenne (Morwenne)
Replied by Morwenne (Morwenne) on topic June Event Highlights
First – Goose, I had buckets and barrels of fun with this Hollow Song plot. Thank you. And to all of the weekend plot NPC’s, (I know I’d leave someone out if I tried to list you all) thank you too! Every time I managed to get around to interacting with you all, my socks were knocked off. Superb job everyone, take another bow, you deserve it.

Secondly – Oh my goodness, kitchen crew. We now have a new benchmark for above and beyond. Thank you so very much for not giving up, for persevering, and for giving us such a marvelous, memorable, and delicious meal. There’s going to come a day when I’m in a group recalling the feast when the Baroness left us, and it’ll go something like this: ‘Oh yes. That was when Mixolydia ascended. And the kitchen caught fire. And they served the most incredible salads….’ Thank you for all that you do, it is appreciated and does not go unnoticed, I promise.

This event was largely a barrel of laughs for me, because sleep deprivation. I had a ball with all of the little, seemingly inconsequential PC interactions as both of my PC’s, and a sincere blast with NPC.

Despite the lack of specific highlights here, my 14th anniversary event couldn’t have been better. All of the hiccups, fires, and first responders only served to reinforce why I’ve been doing this for so long and will keep doing it for a long time to come. Thanks for being awesome you guys, see you in July, and don’t ever change!

Morwenne D. Archangel-Worthington
Lady of Alisandria
Guild Master

(oog: Alisia, Card Marshal, Story Teller)
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26 Jun 2014 01:36 - 26 Jun 2014 01:46 #40 by Swyft (agentswift)
Replied by Swyft (agentswift) on topic June Event Highlights
This was an amazing event for Swyft. Being accepted into the gypsies on Friday night was such an impromptu and delightful surprise! I'm so glad I remembered to bring the in-game letter that revealed her father as a Romani! I was astounded by how supportive they were, and really quite touched. Thank-you so very much!

Saturday morning was a visit with Jed, who is very approachable for a Glommite and all. Talks with Jed are amazingly immersive.The discussion of whether or not it was possible to corrupt death into life was fascinating. And all the while he talked about this deep and dark stuff, he happened to have this appropriately creepy music playing. I felt like I was in an elaborately staged play. What a freakin' awesome time that was.

Fighting undead in the day! Hooray! Two Necromantic Terror Insanities: Not hooray!
Dr. Maxwell: “Sigh.”

Accidentally getting Zathir and myself involved in an odd experiment. Atrus has a talent with his gently persuasive words...

Caldor, I love you! Every time we see each other it's a buff party. <3

Feast shenanigans. We managed to do it up because we had a great and helpful team. I feel truly sorry that we ran out of food as quickly as we did. We tried our best, guys! I know some got left out of stuff and that makes me sad. :(

Bringing two silly kids through the Phocus, lol.

The intensity of the Baronness' disappearance. Quan Lu's reaction almost brought tears to my eyes. So many feels! Poor Angeliana. Her grief was palpable.

As we were lining up by rank and title or what have you before main mod, Yaya was watching with irritation.
“I don't have the fancy title, Knight Protector, Squire, Rain of Sky, whatever.”
I died.

Getting spirited away at main mod was awesome! Well, not at first. It really sucked leaving my friends to die. But we discovered we were all there because there is fae blood in our lineage, somwhere. Neat! Once we found Rowena in her lovely home (Omg, it was SO pretty by the way!) she ended up lyrically blessing us with the power to channel ancient warriors of sorts. I ended up channeling a gnome druid who happened to have 4 Barskskins, 4 Wrath of Natures and 8 (LOL) Mauls – Surge Casted. (WHAT) So we all went back and just opened a can on the evil creatures wrecking the town!
I felt so badass. Like, seriously. That was AWESOME.
“Uh, Swyft? “How are you... Are you... mauling people?”
“Don't worry about it.”

Sunday morning, I was telling Lukas and Zathir to hurry up because we could get attacked was met by some mild scoffing.
Minutes later 7 gnolls came along. Luckily Zathir and I were already on our way out of the tent. The shenanigans that ensued were hilarious. Zathir did a wonderful job of fighting a couple people at a time while I ran around with the others until he could sort them out. Imrahill your sweet duck-trip was awesome.

Becoming a member of the Fancy Jacket club!

Finally opened a martial tree! I learned from Zathir, whom I spent the better part of the weekend with, watching him Ronin around

Being menaced by Karkat is horrifying.
Being told “Oh look, you're all alone...” by him is even worse.
Jonas Kane, I love you, but you are going to get me killed one of these days. I do, however, appreciate your confidence in my badassery! I also think we should continue on with the fight against Kitieran racism!

This was such a fun and action packed weekend filled with wonderful immersion and rp. Thank-you everyone for making it such a wonderful place to be. :)

Dame Swyft T. Glitterfang-Johnson-Ludwig
-Knight of Corvancia
- Carnifex of Aguara
- Designer of Stonefall Couture: "Because you're never too bad to look good!"

(OOG: Renée Day)
Last edit: 26 Jun 2014 01:46 by Swyft (agentswift).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Angeliana (Angeliana), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett), Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
26 Jun 2014 15:36 #41 by Cyndra Stagsblood (Taylorfischer)
Replied by Cyndra Stagsblood (Taylorfischer) on topic June Event Highlights
-enjoying the crazy amount of fire flies!
-getting to visit the origin of song!
-more treasure hunting!
- running across battle field to learning skills in the middle of combat
- napping close enough to Jed and Atrus as to not be eaten by undead
-listening to Mermaids heckle people
-more fishing !
-debating when to jump into the lake to escape greater undead
-"not standing in Valos"
-waiting around for appointments with everyone, (of which no one showed! harump :P)
-dancing my undead heart out in place, during combat holds
-being undead was generally a lot of fun, main mod was a blast! and people out as PC's were really trying to solve the problems we were giving them!

of course getting to meet new characters and knowing my way around town has been my favorite :)

im sure I will think of more! shwew!

OOG: Taylor Fischer
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett)
27 Jun 2014 09:51 #42 by GinGinny GinRum (Pyai)
Replied by GinGinny GinRum (Pyai) on topic June Event Highlights
My highlights:

SO MANY!!! It was epic – so epic. I can’t even process it all.

First, primarily because I forgot to mention it in my feedback form: Order of the Cheese Grater! (It’s a metaphor.) The idea for this order-with-no-meetings came from someone telling Ginny that she should be content with what she can do, and know her limits. As if. Thanks to everyone who joined, and my apologies for not having enough actual cheese graters – I just ordered another 8 dozen so I’m set for the July event.

Other amazing things:

Getting to meet Rowena – who has been a subject of conversation for years – and the final realization of travel-through-trees was amazing. Goose/Mark/MaryBeth & everyone else involved decorating the Temporus Keep did an amazing job. Also, James as the Keeper of the Tomes, inviting Ginny in when she had snuck around to the back to ask him questions through the wall/curtain. Btw – she’s going to be the writer of his new favorite book, she just hasn’t written it yet.

Getting resurrected and coming back all badass in Rowena’s Army. That was a super emotional evening, and props to poor Nalick who held a sobbing Ginny. (I’m totally wearing that tabard every main mod now guys. For serious.)

Helping Rowan not die, not dying when gnolls came around on bathroom mod, feeling elated for Mixolydia, being nervous and excited to do feast stuff, only finding out later Maja died and having to hold it together until later, thanking everyone for being there to fight, and facing off against Nathan during main mod and being able to tell he was laughing at me while he was still singing. (AAAH!)

NPC shift waiting in the woods, and then walking around with two kick-ass girls trying to find out about religion. “Do you have the religion? We heard it’s a good thing to have and we’re looking for it.”
“Compassion and patience? I’m not very good at that.” “No, she’s really not.”

Meeting a murderer and turning him in to the guard. Yeah… that’s going to be interesting.

More lessons! More shenanigans! (Using a fainting goat to teach warlockery to a satyr? Genius)

The standing in Valos comment was brilliant, I’ll agree with Cyndra.

Heroic Bard List.

Yeah… best weekend ever. My voice still isn’t recovered, but when it does, I’m recording the Rowena/Emerald path song I wrote.

IG: GinGinny GinRum
Ambassador of Alisandria
OOG: Megan Coppock
RP Marshall
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27 Jun 2014 11:06 #43 by Caldor Eirson (Caldor)
Replied by Caldor Eirson (Caldor) on topic Re:June Event Highlights
I have to add a nod to Goose and MaryBeth for the Xod stuff again. Xander is so obsessed with the plot and events of last game that he's writing things into Xod's story and keeps talking to me about it.

Caldor Eirson,

Gothi and High Priest of Gaia
Wedding Planner, Match Maker,
Spiritual Advisor To Kaladonia

OOG: Jason M.
Deputy Kitchen Marshal
Land System Marshal

Q: How many people does it take to teach a barbarian how to read?
A: 1 knight, 3 squires, and 1 master of the mages guild.
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27 Jun 2014 13:02 - 27 Jun 2014 13:03 #44 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic June Event Highlights

GinGinny GinRum wrote: That was a super emotional evening, and props to poor Nalick who held a sobbing Ginny.

That's what Andorrans do.

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
Last edit: 27 Jun 2014 13:03 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nadya (LGwilson08)
27 Jun 2014 20:51 #45 by Lucien Belfast (Lucien Belfast)
Replied by Lucien Belfast (Lucien Belfast) on topic June Event Highlights
Thanks to everyone who helped me put on and take off my armor all weekend!

Fun coming back to KR after another multi-year hiatus.

All the new players are really putting their best foot forward, very fun interacting with everyone.

Behind the scenes things are running better than ever and it shows, great job to all the volunteers and NPCs.

Looking forward to July. *clink clink clink*

Seek the truth and walk in the light,
Lucien Belfast
Priest of Valos

[OOG: Craig E. O.]
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28 Jun 2014 00:45 - 28 Jun 2014 00:52 #46 by Keavy (Dani)
Replied by Keavy (Dani) on topic June Event Highlights
Friday night was more about shenanigans than anything else.

Like going all the way to towards the grove only to find out there wasn't anything there.
Having a man offer to read my fortune in tea leaves to which Billiam takes over hilariously.
And playing blackjack of the first time and actually being decent at it.

Of course there was the serious moment of Caldor's mass, trying to find all the bards, scouting with Grim, flipping out over a new Dark Elf in town, and learning about the Hollow Song from Almat.

But then Saturday was crazy!
As in Logistics was BUSSSYYYYY

Heroic Buccaneer mod was awesome, despite the fact that Keavy's not a sailor in the slightest. After just portaling to Port Valandra:
Jun: Hey, Lord Aleister! I found your ship!
Aleister: Awesome!.....Wait. Why is it going away from port? Crap!
So then we plan shift to the ship and thanks to being the only druid on the mod, YOU get a Cat-Like Grace, and YOU get a Cat-Like Grace! EVERYBODY gets a Cat-Like Grace! Keavy gave everyone sea legs while they dealt with the crazy pirates.
Keavy: -looking over side of ship- Wow! Are those what they call dolphins? I've never seen them before.
Arza: Yes!....Well, that one is a shark.
Keavy: What's a shark?
Arza: It's like a dolphin only angry.
Coming back and telling everyone Keavy is now a sailor was hilarious.

And then....
All day Sean had been taunting me saying "You're gonna die~!" and I didn't know why until he started mentioning at Feast. I kept Keavy clueless, though.
Squire Keavy!!!! I honestly didn't expect this to happen, and especially not this soon. Keavy was very surprised and overwhelmed.

And by overwhelmed I mean SO MANY FEELS AS SOON AS IT ALL HIT THE FAN.

Scrambling to get away from the inn, trying to convince Tori's Lorestri to keep moving, using my first Terror on Haroldson, being told grim news from Anhil in front of Tori's Lorestri, watching Alister disappear...
Then getting hooked into making a group of fighters because Hey, Ima Squire now! Immediately shouting for Arden, forming my group with Tyros, Cinder, Lathiel, Aquene, and Tari. Our target: The Dark Elf Hollow Song.


Leading the 7 of us into the first battle and all of us failing miserably. Nearly died on the porch if it hadn't been for Harldson seeing me. Irony!

Heading back to the Barracks after hearing the news that people had disappeared, worn and completely overwhelmed.

Caelvan's rousing speech. I remember Keavy thinking "That's my husband!"

After everyone coming back, charging back again better than ever with Arden until we finally found the Dark Elf.


Also: "~Why are you attacking me~!?"

Chasing him all around until he ended up inside and being the one to call the last blow, a Slay, on him. After a victory scream, I hear Caelvan go:
"That's my wife!!"

And then chopping off his ears!

Later on going back to Kaladonia to sit by the fire and chat. Wall of bunnies hitting the fire and other shenanigans.

Coming out as Malakai. I was very exhausted from the night before that I felt a little lazy to get his full sarcasm, but he had some interesting conversations with new friends. Also meeting Tari and the Guild Master, giving him a possible place to stay in return for handiwork around the guild. Also Ice cream. In my hand. And a clearly drawn illusionary script drawing showing that Malakai is indeed a man. Tari and Malakai get along very well and I'm interested to see where this friendship goes.

Groundhog's Day Travance, however, will be interesting to see next event!

In Loyalty to Arawyn,
Keavy Lylas Kennyr'renaith
Servant and Protector of Arawyn
Druid | Totem Diviner | Herald of Nature
Svedlana "Svedka" Zarkovya
More vodka, less complaining.
Danielle Sanfilippo
Last edit: 28 Jun 2014 00:52 by Keavy (Dani).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Narcis (ChrisR), Rowan Uidhir (Teresa), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett), Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
28 Jun 2014 01:35 #47 by Templar Aldric (Selrik)
Replied by Templar Aldric (Selrik) on topic June Event Highlights
Busy event, and in a lot of ways important for how I conceive this character. First of all, thank you to staff and NPCs for giving us a challenging event and one that pushed boundaries all over the place. Second, but no means secondary, thank you to the kitchen Staff. Not only were you awesome cooks, and in getting the feast back on track, but you guys make a fair Volunteer Fire Department!

Friday: Set up of the Monastery, finding who had the key, dragging stuff out only to have to wait for the fabric to arrive. I finally gave up and wandered the camp. The lighting was really good however this event and I cant wait to be able to RP in that space. After lay on, went to my office. Found out about somebody being named a saint, which made me curious, and then there was some sort of gathering at Pendarvin, chided Jack Dimms for a while, observed and left. Noted what I needed to and then went back to my office, chuckling. Met with Caldor and headed to Caladonea for his Mass and wound up fighting our way through to get to it. Mass was nice, interesting interactions after the Mass and a pleasant stroll back to the Tavern. Later that night the Monastery gets attacked by a Shadow thingy, and it seemed like chaos was breaking out all over. Running around was tiring, but how could I refuse Aleister when he greets me with, "Hey, there's one of the people that do not make me crazy, good. Come with us." and then when I ask what I can do to help, his response: "Keep me sane." That became my theme for the event.

Saturday: Undead in the Daytime? Odd. Though the amount of Undead made me feel useful this event. Church of Light Mass had a pretty good turnout this month, even got Jonas Kane to speak at the pulpit. :) Everyone was respectful and patient with some of our clergy, and it was a really positive event. Holding it outside had the effect of allowing curious people to stop and listen as they were walking past. Might do that more often, weather permitting. The Monastery was taken over as a food prep area due to the fire, so it was kind of a make shift decision to hold it outside, but I liked it and it was a great day for it.

Saturday Night; Feast, Main Mod and such. The Feast was great. I will say it again, the Feast was great. Some of the cooks have said they were disappointed about the fire changing their plans, but honestly you guys ROCKED. As the Feast was winding down I got that feeling that we were due for a Feast interruption, call it veteran larper's plot sense, so kept my gear close and finished the feast quicker than usual. Then BAM, we get hit by the Hollow Song. The Baroness disappears, and chaos reigns. Withdrawing to the Manor allows the smart people to come up with a plan, while the rest of us are itching to fight. I get approached to join a group that is taking out a Hollow Singer, but that plan quickly breaks down into kill whatever is attacking you. Wield Faith is a useful crowd control tag skill. I have never used it as much as I did that battle. Pretty much took it upon myself to protect the flanks of whatever group was charging or doing something, after the second push, managed to keep the entrance walkway into the Tavern free of attackers, mostly.

Sunday: Clean up and leave camp for work. That is sucking by the way, I am so wiped after the event. I managed it though and its a small price to pay.

So thanks to all the PCs and NPCs I interacted with this event and again a super big thank you to Staff and Kitchen Staff for all your work!

Templar Aldric
Champion Fisherman of Amanthyre
Prophet of the Holy Light
Templar of Valos

"The sacred writings are quite specific on the subject of killing, but are a bit fuzzier on the topic of kneecaps."

OOG - David McCormick.
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29 Jun 2014 21:29 - 29 Jun 2014 21:30 #48 by Rowan Uidhir (Teresa)
Replied by Rowan Uidhir (Teresa) on topic June Event Highlights
I still don't have suitable words for that weekend, even after collecting my thoughts for days after the event.

Thank you, all the plot NPCs. Every single one of you are incredible role-players and I enjoyed all the interactions with you guys and gals. Antoine, Romeo, Nathan, Christine, you guys made main mod as incredible as it was. I never loved hating friends as much as I had with you talented monkeys! Tori, MB, and Goose, I absolutely loved being on your side and creating personal relationships with your NPC and I hope that in the future, (with all the crazy, wibbly, time-funk rules and tangents) we'll get to see more of the Lorestri we all love.

There are a few moments that flash back to me almost every time I close m7 eyes, so I'll share that with you crazy ducklings:

-Being face-to-face with Cymoril to see and hear all of her pain/hatred/guilt/love/acceptance up front.
-The Temporis Keep. It felt like real-life magic. I was in awe IG and OOG.
-That wave of inspiration. The purpose of the story clicked together at that moment and I was reminded of how much beauty and creativity there is in storytelling.
-Discovering wonderment with the Silverbows.
-Myxolidia's great performance. Thank you, Jen, for the invitation to make some incredible music. I'm gonna take you up on any future offers :P
-Singing the bards in the clearing and the events afterwards with Eralynn.
-The beautiful scene at the Lake and the Mermaids, as well as the excitement and pressure of the trials.

Goose, thank you so much for everything about the event and all the planning that happened leading up to it. So much work went into this plot and in the end, it wasn't only the bards that got involved, but so many groups of characters and players that got to experience such a sense of awe.

-Rowan Uidhir
-Fira Sinclair, Ambassador of Valdalis

(OOG) Teresa Amore
Last edit: 29 Jun 2014 21:30 by Rowan Uidhir (Teresa).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett)
01 Jul 2014 09:46 #49 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic June Event Highlights
One to add since it amuses even my non-KR friends: Ilana, devourer of molten lava (Saturday night Monastery knows what I'm talking about)

Marcella Torres
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03 Jul 2014 02:52 - 03 Jul 2014 02:54 #50 by Sindarion (Steven SA)
Replied by Sindarion (Steven SA) on topic June Event Highlights

Welp, June was a fun.

- Temporus Keep. My jaw nearly hit the floor out-of-game. Sindarion stood in stunned silence for a good few minutes even longer than Steven did.
- For a little bit of context, every time the Lorestri had been in town, Sindarion had wanted to speak with them, but for whatever reason (finally mustering up the courage, running back to get his harp, a portal closing right when he was about to step through) they always left the moment before he was about to approach.... so when Rowena herself called his name, it came as quite a shock! Marybeth, that scene was amazing, and I was rendered speechless both IG and OOG.
- Playing with Teresa and Jen after feast. Mixolydia, it's been an awesome run as a squire.
- "Hey Arza. Guess what I did. I played harp for a mermaid queen."
- The battle at the inn, getting wiped from time, and then coming back... WITH A VENGEANCE (and shiny white tabards). Engaging in sing-offs with some of the other Dischordians was fun as hell, even if I wasn't really doing anything. :D
- The final visit to the Keep. Seeing the way the lights were slowly going out over the course of the event was heartbreaking, once again IG and OOG (some serious bleed goin' on here this event). At least Sindarion remembered to bring his harp this time... and he spent most of it quietly playing in a corner as a remembrance to Rowena.

~ Knight Morgan "Sindarion" Sinclair
[strike]Vagabond[/strike] Harper

Steven Sebastian Amore
Last edit: 03 Jul 2014 02:54 by Sindarion (Steven SA).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Lina Marinescu (Ismaesumi), Arza (Calder Putnam), Rowan Uidhir (Teresa), Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
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