November 2015 event

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08 Nov 2015 14:04 #1 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
November 2015 event was created by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
I'm currently sitting on NJ Transit platform, waiting to board my train home. I made a promise to myself to try to not forget many wonderful things and people I saw at this event.

1. Renee Day... her NPC running from the town, only to get hit with an insult, skids to a halt on the gravel road behind the Inn, spin 180 degrees, then go charging back into the fray with a foul curse on her lips.

You are my hero, Renee.

2. Seeing all my friends. Whether IG or OOG... the warm greetings & hugs made me feel 1000x better than I've been feeling for a long time.

3. Carrying a wood stump from Alisandria to the Inn and back. Marcus maybe an idiot, but I'm dumber as I asked him to teach me Strength +1.

4. NPCing Sat night, main mod made me realize how old and crappy I am. Yikes.

5. I hope my super-cowardly thief didn't drive too many folks up the wall. Still, some of you carry some nice stuff.

6. Shenanigans... Just shenanigans.

7. Paladin tipping. Godric brooding. Time Cops. Nuff said.

Sad I didn't get to do more stuff, but my time was limited.

IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
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08 Nov 2015 17:33 #2 by Alex (Wormwood)
Replied by Alex (Wormwood) on topic November 2015 event
Seeing friends. I miss you guys!

OOG: Alex B.
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08 Nov 2015 19:21 #3 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic November 2015 event

Alex wrote: Seeing friends. I miss you guys!

OOG: Cool! Alex is back!

IG: Crap. Orias is back.

At least it was just like old times...


Talks with Jed.

Creepy Hugh meetings. Makes me miss the old days with Klarington's manor and the background music.

RMing Main Mod. It was nice to be able to watch the town's strategy as an impartial observer, and see the bigger picture.

Getting to teach some younger members of town new skills.

After stewing all Sunday morning from an IG incident, unloading in full Papa Bear Fury on some poor trolls.

More Sunday Morning NPC shenanigans:
Brute: "Hey, he's got nice boots."
Companion: "He's a Lord. We're leaving him alone."
Gideon: "I can hear you, you know..."

There's got to be more, I am le tired now.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
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08 Nov 2015 20:06 #4 by Dunn Ironwill (JackDimms)
Replied by Dunn Ironwill (JackDimms) on topic November 2015 event
This event was so awesome and cool! A lot of personal discovery! A lot of new friends.

Here a a list.

Meeting Cagen, Orias, and their other companion (Sorry! Blanked on your name!)

Talks with Brigetta

Talks with Kledin

Intimidate lessons with Arygle ans a kitearn.

Walking around being invisable and just observing for a little.

So excited for the next few events, so much happenings!

Professor Dunn Ironwill
Cenobite of Agaura
Vassal of Ostcliff

OOG: Dane Williams
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta), Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt), Fenri Kantaris (Miked)
08 Nov 2015 21:34 #5 by Arradir Go-Dringol (DaPhysicist)
Replied by Arradir Go-Dringol (DaPhysicist) on topic November 2015 event
Paladin Tipping was my absolute favorite thing from this month. The Adventure's guide event was incredible as well, so thanks to the marshals and NPCs that helped make the "finale" even better!

One other moment stands out amoung the rest. Late Saturday night, several raids hit the inn, resulting in about 12 people, including high-ranking PCs, having broken legs slowly dragging themselves back to the inn after finding out none of them could fix them.

The Insightful, Knight of Pendarvin
OOG: Joe Glaser | Marshal
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08 Nov 2015 22:02 #6 by Cyrik (rez413)
Replied by Cyrik (rez413) on topic November 2015 event
"John" and his ambush party, and the chase that ensured afterwards.

Bringing the Adventurer's Guild plotline to a conclusion.

Beginning my Master Warrior training with Magnus.

Learning about Bob's trials and tribulations.

Being a Romani hex test-dummy.


Cyrik Hale
Corporal of the Baronial Guard

OOG: Will Alvarez
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Fenri Kantaris (Miked)
09 Nov 2015 00:47 - 09 Nov 2015 00:48 #7 by Illyrin Soral (Gaeth)
Replied by Illyrin Soral (Gaeth) on topic November 2015 event
Okay so I'm about to slip into the post-larp coma so I am not very coherent and will write more highlights later, hopefully.


Best thing I was part of this event was Kaladonia's mod. They were not ready for that anarchy (fairly certain nobody would be) but they definitely seemed to enjoy it. Had a whole lot of fun as Crow, being a pain in the butt to catch while still flitting about and teasing my pursuers.

Brother Illyrin Soral
Seeker of the Veiled Truths

Archibald Blackmoore,
Monster Hunter Extraordinaire

OOG: Galen F, "The Frozen"
Last edit: 09 Nov 2015 00:48 by Illyrin Soral (Gaeth).
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09 Nov 2015 02:15 #8 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic November 2015 event
Most of my time this event was spent with newer players, even before lay-on, and I had a blast!

I sang at Feast! By myself! All day, I sang the song quietly to myself. I had the lyrics memorized and knew it inside and out. When I got up to the front of the room, though, my mind went blank and forgot at least half the words and some of the melody. But at the end, everyone applauded--twice--and I walked off to the side of the room feeling like my cheeks were about to catch fire.

Trent/Chad, thank you for forcing me up there. It certainly won't be the last time.

Wandering around with Jackdaw while meeting and befriending his crew. All of the shenanigans that followed, including pig-like creatures "snuffling" through the woods and "Glommy bears." Sitting down late Saturday night, when there was a lull in the fighting, to have coffee with Rook.

Wormwood's return, if only briefly.

Verrill showing up at just the right moment before Nalick did something stupid--I mean, he can't be everywhere at onc--well, you know what I mean.

All morning Saturday, I was a giggly mess, at one point dropping to the ground after someone had sneezed and not returning to my feet for almost a minute. Tessa threatened to fetch a physician but (un?)fortunately never followed through.

"Concluding" my Master Warrior" training with Magnus and finding out that I still have a way to go.

Joining up with the Adventurer's Guild on Sunday morning, laughing at all the wrong moments and some of the right ones too. I hope Fenri and Henry are still friends! Afterward, I joined Wili in the Blackbird for tea. Ivan Solvei came in soon after and we all died laughing. Thanks, guys!

Not long before Feast, Nalick began acting funny. He used third-person speech to describe his actions and it confused him greatly. Not only did it confuse Nalick, but friends and fellow townsmembers started to worry about him. No fewer than three people psychoanalyzed Nalick to no avail. He started to wonder what was wrong with them. Later, Nalick ran into Bob, who had an aha moment and discovered that Nalick had been cursed. Almat lifted the curse and interspersed with those joking about his speech, were people with genuine concern about Nalick's well-being.

"How is Nalick doing?"
"I'm great."

Sunday afternoon, Amizar, Imrahil, Jack, and I helped Ketryn to realize the one, universal truth. ;)

Shortly before the end of game, a brief yet incredibly poignant scene with Ketryn. It ended with her promising not to stab me. With her crown, of course.

During main mod, Kreylin was turned into a stone statue and I alerted Keavy, telling her that he was "stoned."

Laughing, she told me that "now is not the time!"

Dimetri gifting Nalick a rose pin.

Matt M's hilarious Satyr's Wine mod.

Innuendo and walking into conversations at the best moments, especially with Dominic.

Keeping Tari company on Friday night.

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Faila (Faila), Kreylin Ulvar (kreylinulvar1), Fenri Kantaris (Miked), Cara Easton (Raeelle)
09 Nov 2015 03:18 #9 by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933)
Replied by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933) on topic November 2015 event
Well, another event has come and gone. Wow. Props to the crew who worked on this. Well, on to the highlights.

Friday: I took first shift in the kitchen. I really enjoy this part, as its allowing me to expand as a human being. I'm actually learning to cook, which is something I'm not terribly good at. What I do know of the culinary arts I learned from my father, who was a cook before he became a soldier.

Saturday: interesting day. Started by going to Brazen mass to support a brother and a fellow celt. Venier fell prey at the end to a tactic I call "The MacFhionnlaigh missile of bladed death"-running in on a distracted enemy from a flank or from behind. Welcome to a concept called violence of action.

Donald got jilted in romance, so that meant more fury versus the Venier. Many felt his pain, in the form of a killing spree on the enemies before him. included in these were a marauder/dragoon, and several chaos warriors. One funny interaction:

"Chaotic Alteration!"

"No effect."

*eyes widen*

The undead just before feast made me pay for it in spades.
Valosian meeting. Enough said.

oddly, I fought with the other Valosians during main, as there was no time to co ordinate with anyone else. That was fun. Almost died, but still enjoyed it.

Final master warrior lesson. Learned a lot, both in and out of game.

Talks with, and lessons to Donald's sister. Her getting mad at him for almost dying. I think I'm slowly turning into another Travancian family patriarch. Slowly, the softer side is being coaxed out of the warhound.

Till next time....well, you know the rest.

Donald MacFhionnlaigh
OOG: Sean Farquharson "Jarhead"
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09 Nov 2015 05:42 - 09 Nov 2015 10:08 #10 by Dethie Blackeby (DethieBlackeby)
Replied by Dethie Blackeby (DethieBlackeby) on topic November 2015 event
-Sunday Kaladonia mod.
"I'm mad with power!"
"Put the good doctor down!"

-Watching Jack Thorn's utter glee during conversations about the new Decay Druidics.

-Undead pirates at the Stone Bar. IG, Dethie was scared as all shite and hoped they'd leave quickly. OOG, Merideth was laying in her tent giggling like a fool and wishing she could have watched.

-Also wish I could have been there to watch for the time Nalick encountered some nasty goblins on the road, but alas, paperwork.

(ETA: Also whilst I was doing paperwork, I heard there was some pretty righteous wild mage tag-teaming.)

-I'll spare the details of the actual conversation, but my Sunday morning trip to the bathhouse was hilarious. I have no idea who any of you were, but thank you. It wasn't the best weekend for me and you gave me a good start to my day.

-Hot water in the aforementioned bathhouse! I never thought I'd see it, and it was glorious.

-Tharivol. He knows why. Go raibh maith agat, mo chroí.

IG: Dethie Blackeby
Vassal of Kaladonia
OOG: Merideth P.... or you can still call me Dethie :)
Last edit: 09 Nov 2015 10:08 by Dethie Blackeby (DethieBlackeby). Reason: addition
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09 Nov 2015 06:54 - 09 Nov 2015 08:32 #11 by Alia D'Font (DatStephy)
Replied by Alia D'Font (DatStephy) on topic November 2015 event
This was my first "real" event (played friday night in sept, but had to leave Saturday morning for an emergency), and man.. I have never had so much fun in all my 28 years. Why did it take me so long to find this!?

I feel like this is going to be a pretty long post, so I apologize ahead of time. :P

I was pretty nervous, because I had never done anything like this, but people were talking to me before game as if they had known me for years! I even got compliments on my kit and my homemade shield. It felt awesome.

I had missed the newbie "seminar" before game when I tried to play in September, so I hopped into that and man, they really made it fun. My cheeks were hurting from smiling and laughing by time we were sent out for the Lay On speeches. .. And then back for the Caravan. That caravan. I was not expecting to get my character dropped below 0 in my "welcome to travanace!" experience! But overall, it was actually a pretty cool mini mod, getting yelled at by an angry, mourning mother, and the chanting.. Uuuhhgg, that sent chills down my spines.

That first night was tons of fun. Ayla made a friend with a Goblin (of which she had never seen any before, outside of the ones that had assaulted the caravan-- But Fickle the Goblin had been on said Caravan, so Ayla couldn't hold it against Fickle in the slightest), whom she had met back up with outside of the inn, as Fickle was hard to miss-- A star struck goblin staring up at the ever imposing Magnus. so fun was of course had as we followed around a "Baby Paladin" of Magnus's, Anora(?), for a bit, eager to try and help Fickle understand the ways of Paladins.

Fickle and Ayla got to harass a strange fellow who was trying to buy up businesses, and ended up wanting to take the lake as his own! After a bit of harassing from Fickle, stating that taking things was bad, and not doing good (as Fickle was told to do by Magnus), the man relented to saying he would buy it instead. A dragoon told him it was a stinky lake, the man became disappointed, scratched off the list, and hurried away to the next group of people.

Saturday was by far the most fun for me, and for Ayla. Nerve wracking, perhaps. But fun. Nothing like getting hit with Painful paralysis while trying to get breakfast. The fight was over before the paralysis could even wear off, and undoubtedly Ayla was pretty miffed about the whole situation. She just wanted some breakfast meats!

Honestly though, Breakfast was worth the wait. It was so good. And Ayla got to have breakfast with Lord Gideon Weaveforger, and have a small, but interesting conversation. Ayla also got to see that not all Lords are what she thought they were. ... She may have been eaves dropping "accidentally" on a conversation he had after theirs. But to be fair, he WAS right beside her, and her chatty guardsman companion from earlier had rushed off to defend the inn. .. Ayla wanted her bacon. The inn had plenty of people to defend it.

Learning Strength +1 was fun, and I got off easy compared to someone else on Saturday who had to lug a log around! I just had to pick up picnic tables a bunch, and do sit ups in my armor. Uncomfortable, but better than hauling a log. And the conversations during said work outs were pretty fun, even if they did boil down to "pick up heavy things", haha.

The most fun though for the entire weekend was certainly the "newbie" mod that was put together for Saturday afternoon, with Ravek's mother. Lord Gideon Weaveforger had told Ayla that the Mother of Ravek had asked for a "delegation" and that those she had assaulted and kidnapped on the road were asked to attend, as we had not soiled our hands with her son's death. After speeches and back and forth (thankfully Ayla had asked around at the scholar's table for information as to WHY this Ravek had died), we as a group demonstrated that we had a basic understanding of the Great General's death, but as we had not been there, well, what more could we offer?

Apparently, what we could offer, was a fight. She had brought 4 of her general, two experienced, two learning, and demanded that we offer up 5 people to fight (1 for each general, and 1 for her). OOG-Stephanie was a bit nervous, as the most "fighting" I had ever done was getting walloped for more health than I had by a gang of goblins on the caravan, in the dark. IG-Ayla wasn't about to let the mother of the Ravek end up picking someone (as we didn't have too many volunteers to go head to head with goblin generals. Can't blame them. ) , so Ayla took up one of the last slots.

The fights were amazing to watch. Of course, as if people could sense unease, Ayla was made to go first. Attempting the best Bravado she could muster, she tried her best to fight the honorable combat with the first general. Who of course also had a shield. Of course it ended up as more of a shield dance than a real "fight" , but it was outrageously fun to do. I was proud of myself for blocking as many hits as I did against an opponent who seemed more skilled than me, and had an easy foot in height on me.

After the mod was done, I got a lot of compliments on my fighting, which felt amazing! IG, Ayla had been taunted a bit for dancing with her opponent rather than assaulting him, but OOG people clapped my shoulders and said I fought well, which made me swell with glee.

The rest of the fights were a lot more action packed than mine own, and in one case, hilarious. Perhaps two cases. The one that sticks out to me the most though, was when Ib(?) walks up to do his fight.. Both combatants squared off and lowered into their positions. A brief moment of Silence. Something uttered from Ib that no one besides his combatant could seem to hear.. Then.. A flurry of strikes from Ib! INCINERATE. INCINERATE INCINERATE INCINERATE .

The whole group was silent for a moment before the Goblin Mother leaned forward from where she was seated to watch, broke character "Yeah... that was like 800 damage dude. You're done." and we all started laughing. It was glorious.

The other fights were awesome to watch. A person with a Polearm and sweeping strikes, a man with a shield, whom someone besides Ayla had whispered to her to have been a squire from Pendarvin, whom also struck awe and inspiration in her as she watched him fight so well with a shield. That man had also complimented her fight as they were leaving, which had cemented in Ayla the need and will to become a better fighter.

The main fight between the man heading up our group, and the Warlord(?) mother of Ravek was amazing to watch, and hilarious to listen to the occasional commentary OOG about wanting to "Ship" the two characters. At one point, someone at the far end of our grouped yelled for them to get a room already, as the two had so much back and forth banter.

Eventually, the Mother of Ravek was satisfied enough with our display , and let us leave; saying she would consider all of this, and we would find out, one way or another, how she decided this conflict would end.

There were lots of other small things, like watching Ib trying to taunt piggies that were just digging about, by holding up his swords to his face and taunting them about how his tusks were bigger. The pigs became agitated, but nothing broke out as what seemed to be a Druid rushed up and scolded Ib, saying they were harmless and friendly,and he had already fed them. We assured Ib he had blown up enough things for this bell, and eventually he left the piggies alone.

Making a friend with someone from the guard was fun as well. And Bar Mass was awesome. Questions getting you a cookie? Two birds, one stone, my friends. .. And those were some delicious cookies. .. Oh, and the answers were awesome too. .. But those cookies...

So many little things made this weekend feel amazing. The world felt alive, and I loved it.

NPCing main mod was such a cluster of excitement of death. I had a ton of fun with fighting players, AND other NPCs! Barbarians have no love for filthy wild mages, after all.

My favorite part from NPCing main mod, was probably when I squared off against a PC Barbarian. We had roaring matches between our blows, and it was glorious. Eventually he took me down, stood over my body as if to killing blow me.. hesitated, leaned down to look at my face, grunted as if I wasn't worth his effort, and left me there to bleed out. It felt very right, and it was very awesome.

Unfortunately I took a shield to the face and got sent back to Logistics. Got evaluated about a half hour later Stacy/Tari was in to check out another NPC that got his face/neck stepped on, and then was told about my head incident, and she warm heartedly scolded both of us for not letting Safety know sooner about our mishaps! It was good to see how much everyone cared about safety.

Eventually I was evaluated again by both Stacy and J.Tinney, and put in a dark corner and told I apparently had a mild concussion. Slept it off, and ended up having to skip the Adventurer's Guild Mod Sunday afternoon, as I was told I still had to be green headband :( . I'm sad I couldn't be there to help the other adventurers I had met, but going against J.Tinney's orders seemed worse for my health than the shield to my face!

I kid of course, because it's really great to see how much safety is taken seriously in this game. Even with the mild concussion, I still walked away from this weekend feeling amazing, overall. It's the most fun I've ever had, and I can't wait to come back again for more.

Crowley is happy in her new home.


"There is no more chaotic a storm than that of the battlefield, and as luck would have it, I am a Stormwalker."

"Stubbornly persist,
and you will find that the limits of your stubbornness go well beyond
the stubbornness of your limits."

Stephanie B.
Last edit: 09 Nov 2015 08:32 by Alia D'Font (DatStephy).
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09 Nov 2015 08:19 - 09 Nov 2015 08:21 #12 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic November 2015 event

Crowley wrote: Eventually I was evaluated again by bother Stacy and J.Tinney, and put in a dark corner and told I apparently had a mild concussion. Slept it off, and ended up having to skip the Adventurer's Guild Mod Sunday afternoon, as I was told I still had to be green headband :( . I'm sad I couldn't be there to help the other adventurers I had met, but going against J.Tinney's orders seemed worse for my health than the shield to my face!

Nah... not worse for your health. Its more like I'd *reaaaaaaaaaallly* scold you and then possibly send for the Magic Bus as you might be considered delusional from your melon-ringing.

Or send for Norm. I mean, defying medical and all... ya can't be thinking straight, right? ;)

After that, you get on to the "List of Difficult Players Where Health and Safety is Concerned." (a real list, I assure you!). An auspicious list... maybe?

Granted, most of the names on that list are the various medical types on camp (EMT and former medics/corpsman)... as they tend to be the absolute worst patients. :)

On a serious note- Green Head Band mostly means no fighting for you. You could of went if there was something not-fighting for you to do.

And thank you for being a cool patient!

Father Duncan MacKenzie

Templar-High Priest of Brazen
Chaplain, Bloodspirits Mercenary Company

Janos Beecham (alt)
Dragoon of No Importance

John Tinney
Safety Marshal/ EMT
Last edit: 09 Nov 2015 08:21 by JTinney (Swordsaint).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Fenri Kantaris (Miked), Alia D'Font (DatStephy)
09 Nov 2015 08:31 #13 by Alia D'Font (DatStephy)
Replied by Alia D'Font (DatStephy) on topic November 2015 event

JTinney wrote:

Crowley wrote: Eventually I was evaluated again by both Stacy and J.Tinney, and put in a dark corner and told I apparently had a mild concussion. Slept it off, and ended up having to skip the Adventurer's Guild Mod Sunday afternoon, as I was told I still had to be green headband :( . I'm sad I couldn't be there to help the other adventurers I had met, but going against J.Tinney's orders seemed worse for my health than the shield to my face!

Nah... not worse for your health. Its more like I'd *reaaaaaaaaaallly* scold you and then possibly send for the Magic Bus as you might be considered delusional from your melon-ringing.

Or send for Norm. I mean, defying medical and all... ya can't be thinking straight, right? ;)

After that, you get on to the "List of Difficult Players Where Health and Safety is Concerned." (a real list, I assure you!). An auspicious list... maybe?

Granted, most of the names on that list are the various medical types on camp (EMT and former medics/corpsman)... as they tend to be the absolute worst patients. :)

On a serious note- Green Head Band mostly means no fighting for you. You could of went if there was something not-fighting for you to do.

And thank you for being a cool patient!

Hahahaha. Yeah, I could have theoretically shown up for it, but voices were sounding loud and hurty, so I decided to just avoid loud situations and help clean up instead :) .

I was so happy to see how much everyone, including just other players in general, took safety seriously and always checked if someone seemed legitimate hurt OOG. It's the main thing I witnessed in my brief stay in September that made me want to reroll as a combat character.


"There is no more chaotic a storm than that of the battlefield, and as luck would have it, I am a Stormwalker."

"Stubbornly persist,
and you will find that the limits of your stubbornness go well beyond
the stubbornness of your limits."

Stephanie B.
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09 Nov 2015 09:10 - 09 Nov 2015 10:17 #14 by Cara Easton (Raeelle)
Replied by Cara Easton (Raeelle) on topic November 2015 event
I just want to say thank you everyone for a fantastic weekend. This was my first time LARPing ever and I was so worried going in that I was going to be totally over my head, but I had an utterly amazing experience and can't wait to go back

Some highlights that stand out-

A huge thank you to the Crew of the Winged Victory for bringing me in on your shenanigans. Even if Rook spent half the weekend snarking at Jackdaw.

Walking around Travance as a group on Friday night and clearly seeing all the people following us, which saved out asses in what would have been a surprise attack. All of us hiding in the pitch black darkness pretending not to be there as we're listening to people was higher level than us fall outside, and all of us hoping they wouldn't hear or notice us. Having one of the barbarians walk into the room with us, look me straight in the face and go "oh I thought there were people in here" and leave (thank you darkness). (In the future, if you're near rook and she tells you she sees people in the darkness, listen! She's ship's lookout for a reason (and I have super good night vision) )

The amount of people that were super welcoming to me as a new player. In game- Through items, sword and weapons upgrades, gold, potions, everything. Through conversations and new acquaintances for rook. Also thank you to People who kept handing me stuff and I didn't even realize half of what I had until I went through everything after the game ended. Out of game- the amount of marshals and players that stopped me OOG to ask and make sure I was having fun, if I had any questions, etc. it was so amazingly kind and very appreciated.

Asking Nalick and someone else (I'm not 100% on names yet; sorry!!) about gods, listening to the very very long cliffnotes version, deciding that none of those gods appealed to us because none of them covered crime; and deciding we were starting our own religion and I was going to become the goddess of crime.

Going to the inn to avoid main mod and realizing once we got inside for a drink we'd made a horrible horrible mistake.

Also middle of the main mod Nalick getting Rook coffee for their coffee date. Rook is super confused and thinks people from Travance are way too relaxed about invading wild mages.

"Puppetry and chill", glomybears, snuffling, mind protection, "this is the least relaxing theater ever", the sheer amount of innuendos.

Getting gold thrown at me to get my attention. Fun fact, if you do that Rook will pay attention to you.

Ib becoming my primary source of gold this game.

The most hilarious first NPC shift. Saturday graveyard shift is now my go to shift.
-Getting to make some creepy rattling screeching sounds while being greater undead and hearing someone inside a building go "nope" and refuse to come out.
- undead pirates. Best thing.
- getting to be the very very low level goblins that didn't get the memo that the goblins weren't attacking, just to die and have our bodies dragged out but angry corpsemen
- Orc chaos chess. My new favorite game, and definitely the rules I'll be playing by in the future.

Adventure's guild mod on Sunday morning. Being the first person to go to the dream realm and being there alone and being like "shit I was not prepared for this". Volunteering to go back in there to back up people once we realized everything was happening over there that people needed help with.

Jackdaw showing up and trying to talk to the father of sin only to be forced silent. Rook was super excited and may have yelled "finally! Thank you" to the confusion of everyone in that group. jackdaw was not amused.

And so many other things I can't remember before I've had coffee

Just overall this was an amazing weekend and I'm incredibly thrilled to be involved. I won't be there in December (I don't think any of the winged victory will be) but I'll see you all again in January!!

EDIT- OH and Magnus(I think that's who it was. Again, names and I were not friends this weekend) calling Jackdaw a good man and inviting him to join he guard. Jackdaw grumbling about it all weekend was hilarious.

Alt : Laurel Astraeus

OOG: Rae L
Card Staff
Last edit: 09 Nov 2015 10:17 by Cara Easton (Raeelle).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Fenri Kantaris (Miked), Garlan Tanwyn (GarlanTanwyn)
09 Nov 2015 09:35 - 09 Nov 2015 12:16 #15 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic November 2015 event
-So many new players and a few returning ones too! (It was good seeing so many Friday night. After her mother's death, seeing Leon and Nym alive were just about as great as Ilana could feel at the time)

-Waiting impatiently at the 'Noble's Meeting' trying to warn them about an army, only to hear the army from Winterdark and head back to the inn. Finding out Ilana's mother had been murdered for a blight ritual. Just. Great.

-People quickly learning about Ilana's part in things and the questions from people. So many questions.


-The Loez fashion 'experts' and Papa's prank on them.

-The odd 'waiting game' of Saturday tensely waiting for the inevitable. Very much similar to my Bloodtide event experience.

-Surging willingly with a packet I've been holding onto for months for this event.

-Ulrich being very kind and letting Ilana have the chance to save her father and succeeding.

-The more Torin fought like Balfurous, the more tense the battle got. People were dropping like flies around him, including me X.x (Got to use Mind over Matter effectively at least!)

-It's going to be science time with alchemists and physicians in the future. Need to figure out the mystery Ilana's father left behind.


-A numb little funeral pyre.

-One issue down, two others to go.

-Dr. Walker

-Not immediately recoiling from a Decay druidic being cast on her.

-Kaladonia 'mobile shells' game. The Trickster unexpectedly saying some very kind words for Ilana's parents.

-A bundle of emerald gems

-Some reflection down by the lake.

Marcella Torres
Land System Deputy
New Player Marshal
Last edit: 09 Nov 2015 12:16 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood).
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09 Nov 2015 09:58 #16 by Velius (Velius)
Replied by Velius (Velius) on topic November 2015 event

Alex wrote: Seeing friends. I miss you guys!

Orias has proved once again that he is the living definition of the perfect V.AS.S.AL (Violence, Adult Situations, Sex, Adult Language)

OOG: Drew C.

"I don't always NPC. But when I do, it's for years at a time."
The following user(s) said Thank You: Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta), Erik Silverfang (ASchleicher), Fenri Kantaris (Miked)
09 Nov 2015 11:04 - 09 Nov 2015 11:54 #17 by Fenri Kantaris (Miked)
Replied by Fenri Kantaris (Miked) on topic November 2015 event
Walking in to the barn and wondering why the heck there were so many bunks in there, learning how the winter time works......AKA Shanty Town.
Having multiple issues with my character sheet and knowing that James is going take care of it personally is a good feeling.
Getting to see some of my old friends, making many new ones, this statement seems to stand for every gathering.

Getting attuned to the Phokus and making sure another Healer friend came with me. During the ceremony, a large battle broke out outside of the Phokus but we were ultimately uninterrupted.

Going out of game for a short second to compliment an NPC's nail color choices, later finding out it was the same person that Fenri was being flirty with (something that I am terrible at OOG)

Making a comment that people really have a hard time making sure their Healers are tipped. Argyle telling Fenri that he make sure that his healers are well paid and, having watched Argyle in action, decides to stick around with Argyle as long as possible in the hope that he would need some healing deperately, until I saw him get serious, then Fenri realized that Argyle, tipper or not, would be one of the best people to spend time with to make sure I stay alive.

(I got a nice Blue cloak to go with my...mostly blue ensamble)
Nalick, "Why so Blue Fenri?"
Fenri, "Ah, there's an old Quinarian saying about this fashion... ahhbo dee aboo dai"
*I am not sorry at all for that awful joke*

Not sure if Henry or Nalick would be better to challenge to a special competition with wordplay, Fenri still
needs to educate Henry why being a High Elf is synonomous with being a High Race...."nothing personal but we're just ... BETTER"

Meeting up with my friends from Pendarvin, which resulted in an invite to a Pendarvin meeting and meeting Lord and Lady Silverbow.
It was a good meeting, Fenri likes the people of Pendarvin and thinks they have EXCELLENT taste in color. Although perhaps Fenri's eyewear could have a color change away from green...

I believe that my first ever interaction with Clytie (at an earlier event) was telling her how beautiful a shade of blue she was...finding out from someone that she has recieved MANY marriage proposals, not quite beliving that until having a casual conversation with her about other things and Clytie told me about all her marriage proposals. Fenri doesn't just want to be a statistic but ALL THAT BLUE!!!

Best feast I have ever had the pleasure of attending at KR. Should any Vampires have been around me they surely would have been forced away by the combined garlic breath of Travance.

Someone: "Where are all our healers?!"
Fenri: "We are all here....all three of us....and I think I am the strongest Healer here....which isn't saying much."
Ser Hurgar (spelling probably wrong) looking at the three of us with a sense of dread on his face and I think he said something about everyone being in deep trouble and FIND MORE HEALERS!

At the triage after most of the carnage...
"Did we win?"
"I think it's over..."
"I HOPE it's over..."


"It's not over...."

Fenri, completely exhausted at this point, couldn't even heal anyone at this point and couldn't find any potions of refreshment so he decided to rest a bit.

Adventurers Guild mod was great, healer triage kicked ass...or...saved asses? Also, Fenri felt like dancing and began to freak out thinking Pride was still around somewhere....

The rest of Sunday afternoon was more or less discovering what things can be done to completely incapacitate Fenri in good ways.
Then I blew up a frog.

Also, Cuddle Puddle with Clytie, featuring Magnus

Fenri Kantaris

OOG: Mike Daly
Last edit: 09 Nov 2015 11:54 by Fenri Kantaris (Miked).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood), Faila (Faila), Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Dame Clytie Silverfang (itsgonnabemay), Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt), Alia D'Font (DatStephy)
09 Nov 2015 12:51 - 09 Nov 2015 14:00 #18 by Garlan Tanwyn (GarlanTanwyn)
Replied by Garlan Tanwyn (GarlanTanwyn) on topic November 2015 event
My second event, so much more fun (now that I know where things are, who people are, and a few of the rules). Main highlights in no particular order:

- Brought my friend Phil, was his first event and he was a barbarian which led to everyone and their mother asking if he was Venier. He loved it as well.

- Meeting more people throughout the weekend and enjoying the consistent, "ANOTHER Tanwyn?"

- Buying most if not all of Dunn Ironwill's supply of potions of true heroism to hand out to fellow Adventurer's Guild members before our mod Sunday.

- Speaking of Sunday, awesome mod with AG, lots of people turned up and we definitely needed them.

- It was a pleasure accompanying Argyle and others to hunt bad guys Saturday (even if they shouldn't have been killed).

- Listening to many characters asking Nesterin if he'd learned Germinate yet (he did eventually).

- Main mod was absolute chaos despite trying to hold a line and I enjoyed it thoroughly (despite multiple downs and being turned to stone).

- Speaking of those downs, a big thank you again to Magnus for healing me via empathy (I think that was the skill) at the cost of his own health.

- Volunteered with Nesterin to be runners prior to main mod for Ulric and then volunteered to scout with Argyle and Lorelai. I may volunteer for things too much...

- NPC shift was entertaining to say the least (the shift after main mod). I got to first be a Ghast that was the target of dissipate undead in every fight I was in. THEN we got to be ghost pirates and visit Kaladonia and the Inn. Both occurrences lead to us being destroyed by Magnus. Capturing Kairus (spelling?) and making him our captain was one of the most entertaining mods I've seen so far.

- Sunday was fairly laid back besides AG mod, which was a relief.

I'm sure I've missed things, but a huge thank you to everyone who I met and saw again this weekend for making it so awesome!

Editing to add that Lorelai and myself were walking past Pendarvin only to be outnumbered and downed by Venier. Luckily they brought us back, unluckily they broke all of our limbs and blinded us and deafened us...

Garlan Tanwyn

OOG: Sam P.
Last edit: 09 Nov 2015 14:00 by Garlan Tanwyn (GarlanTanwyn). Reason: Adding another thing that happened this weekend.
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09 Nov 2015 13:17 #19 by Valanye Kennyr'renaith (daniela franceschetti)
Replied by Valanye Kennyr'renaith (daniela franceschetti) on topic November 2015 event
Ok I haven't done this in a while but this was the best event i've had so far so I really really had to XD.

so to start off my highlights list..... druid plot was an absolute blast!
like i always have so much fun with rangers and druids but it was especially this event that my character not only felt very welcomed but also useful to her allies. LOVE the feeling of a character finding a direction

great times with the stonebars +chyrus as always (even happening across your corpses whilst trying to wake you up for breakfast)

well speaking of getting slain, being extremely near death twice in one event was certainly a trip (that hilarious moment when half of travance walks past your dead body because they cant ssee it by the edge of the woods...oooppsssss )

the next instance of that happening in the kaladonia state house when a turned anhil walks in and uses slay without a word lmao #whyValhastrustissues (being 3 and a half minutes into the count and fully accepting your own death when people finally happen to walk into the statehouse and find me )
strings of fate and caelvin taking the damage results in valanye realizing she has pretty damn good friends

representing flora in a druidic ritual was SUCH FUN TO ROLEPLAAYYY AHHH

trickster- "what did you learn?"
val- "I've learned that extreme confusion does not always result in immanent death"- me
*after next round*
trickster- "ok what do you think you've learned now?"
val- "i've learned that though extreme confusion does not always result in immanent death it does however result in severe exhaustion"
keavy- *hugs* "you're my favorite"

bob- "well now we know who voted yes on winter....."
val- "you're acting like the seasons changing is a democracy"

after main mod npc shift as a romani who doesn't speak a lick of kormyrian, an invisible cat, and a corpseman was the best time ever to be honest. I had so much fun solely speaking to players in Italian (as a romani tongue) (shoutout to the jacksuarian that patrizia "married" that was hilarious lauren!) also magnus' reactions to all that conspired was the absolute best so thanks for that, mat XD

another shoutout to haze browne and andrew poe for fantastic post-feast cleanup conversation

when the person who volunteers to help with your lesson gets waylayed mid-lesson and suddenly you're learning poison ivy AND revive

I probably am forgetting a bunch but those are some that come to mind right away


thanks for an all around great one year anniversary event for me! not only was it great but it blew my first ever trip to kr out of the water , so many thanks :D

- Valanye Kennyr'renaith, Scout- Network Devision.
- Wayfinder of The Asterism

(OOG: Daniela Franceschetti)
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09 Nov 2015 13:18 #20 by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
Replied by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell) on topic November 2015 event
Ahhhhhhh event! Ahhhh seneschal! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!

I am *terrified* of public speaking. I'm actually incredible shy ;-) I hate having people look at me and focus on me - my hands shake even if I'm just answering a yes or no question in front of a group. I was super panicked to stand up at Feast and give the toast and announcements. But I looked out at all of you, and realized that y'all would forgive me if I screwed up, and I didn't shake at all :) (Sorry about forgetting about the benediction, though, Dave! Chalk it up to being a Londwyn :p) Thanks especially to Pluvious, Trent, Aldric, and the Blackthornes for backing me up :)

After events, I can barely remember what happened. I just remember thinking "everything is fine. Travance is handling it. The Baron is not going to come back to an exploded town." So thanks, everyone, for not exploding the town ;-)

Loved the scene with Blacktree after the DEEP CROW OH NO incident.

Short talks with Ilana - next time, hopefully they will be longer :)

Hearing (OOG, after game) about a hilarious plan to marry Lois off to someone by dressing him up as a bad boy, because people somehow think that's what she likes :p


Shade's pants, and the interactions with the Fashion Police.

I enjoyed bar mass! Who knew? ;-)

Probably a bunch more stuff that I'm forgetting.

Can't wait to see y'all next game!


((OOG: Cassie Stanley, Marshal Deputy))
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09 Nov 2015 13:23 #21 by Magnus (hippy g0th)
Replied by Magnus (hippy g0th) on topic November 2015 event
Are you here to fix the pipes

Matthew Majchrzak


Lord General Magnus

"Not Dead Yet!"
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fenri Kantaris (Miked)
09 Nov 2015 13:43 - 09 Nov 2015 13:48 #22 by O. Nesterin (kuemanner)
Replied by O. Nesterin (kuemanner) on topic November 2015 event
This was my second event and I would say it was so much more fun than my first. Last event I felt almost completely ineffective. Now that I understand my abilities things got a bit easier. I'm bad with keeping things in chronological order so I'm just going to throw some stuff out there in no real order.

-brought my friend Tyler and he expressed to me how much fun he had and that he would definitely like to return (possibly with a new character)

-I got to see the friends I made in October and that was great. Making new friends was equally as fun.

-spent 2 days getting ragged on for not having germinate as a druid. (I learned it Saturday and now I'm a real druid haha)

-may have come across the dragons burial site and may have accidently shown some disrespect to the lightning front of a dragoon. It wasn't on purpose so I was graciously spared.

-getting to fight the Venier and but being able to be defended against made me feel great. I got to feel really useful.

-the hunting party with Argyle was so much fun. Having to carry my blind dead and dumb friend, (the venier got him good that night) Garlan with all limbs broken back to safety was great haha

-I got to participate in main mod this event and I had so much fun! It was hard since I am still low level but I enjoyed the challenge.

-I got to learn many things druidic from Cyndra, which was very informative. Her views on the world are a lot different than I had ever thought. I now have a new look on druidics. I can't wait to get involved with the decay domain.

-Npc mod was so much fun! Ghost pirates and goblins at 3am, who wouldn't enjoy that?!

-Sunday I got to watch the druidic ritual and I feel that that had given me some ideas of some great things for the future

-volunteering with Garlan do go on a suicide scouting run and to run to kaladonia to collect purple for main mod was fun and terrifying

-getting to use cloak of green to save myself and friends when the venier attacked was nerve wracking

-I can't wait to start getting involved in the druid storyline!

There was so much more but I'll just stop there. Thank you to everyone for making this event so much fun. I'm glad I got to see everyone again! Hope to see you guys next time!

Ser Oacenth Nesterin
Knight Advisor of Alisandria
Dragoon of House Melebrine

OOG: Nick Culberson
Player Rep
Last edit: 09 Nov 2015 13:48 by O. Nesterin (kuemanner).
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09 Nov 2015 14:05 #23 by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
Replied by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell) on topic November 2015 event

Magnus wrote: Are you here to fix the pipes

I think that plumber skipped out on her job ;-)


((OOG: Cassie Stanley, Marshal Deputy))
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fenri Kantaris (Miked)
09 Nov 2015 14:31 #24 by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt)
Replied by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt) on topic November 2015 event
So this event was intense!!!

My biggest and best highlight this event: the new players! When they said they had nothing to do...I got this! You were great, you role played well, some humorous lines that just shouldn't be restated.

I was asked THREE times if I worship Galmachis, nope I'm a Valosan that doesn't do "Agaura worshipping Venier."

Aggie,"Stop eating that woman's arm and leave, just leave and no has to die." While looking at a war band of Venier.
Venier,"Who is going to stop me, you and what army?"
Final Count 130 dead, 57 prisoners of the Venier.
"ME and those new to town, that's what army!" They really shouldn't have messed with those healers. Thanks NPCs for the reinforcements.

Forest knew that it was over the top...Argyle not so much. The A Team was too busy, that's just fine with me. Hand me the ball, with some of the New Players, and watch the show!

The do we kill them, do we take prisoners, as them kept breaking out and attacking...Brogan and Magnus that RP was great.

Feast: it was sooo good. Thank you!

Ben Oakley: next time you want to hand my PC his arse please take time to gift wrap it! So good it is is a Highlight

Witch Hunters just kill ghosts, no talking, no problem...aka We ain't scared of no ghost...Renee your rp was so cute, I loved it!

Being carried to bed by a fellow witch hunter, you know who you are...I love you like a sister, and we damn butt heads like it at times.

Vince, "yeah, if they ask where Argyle is I will look right at them and just say the number, that should stop any questions."

Venier chain gang of prisoners congo line...such good rp

Helping the Enaxian and Scholars with the Goblins, Chen Jing, so proud of you. Your fellow Enaxians will be proud of you. "Told you had that, great rp, your my PC of the month because of it."

The folks that run Adventures Guild, I was sick, but you show up every month and put in work, I can too. YOU make the difference, you helped shape my PC, and your hard work continues to mold New Players for years to come. If I can, I will always NPC for you, always!

Gus and Taylor...You two, just wow;)

Lauren: I can't type all of that, simply put, you scare the shit out of me, will rp with you ANY time.(tell Aaron he was missed)

All and all this was a great event, emotional, combat heavy, I had to step my game, and wow...So proud of the New Players!

I can't WAIT for the next event, oh and without details, The Baron and Sir Pluvious, holy poop can you two role play!

Charlie, way to keep me on my toes, I was speechless for the first time in a long time.

Luis, as is always is, you make me a better person in and out of game, I can't say enough of your rp. If your a new player and haven't met Quan Liu, FIND A REASON!!!

You all make this game and community better and better. The Story Tellers and Marshals worked their asses off and it SHOWS! Thank you all. Can't wait for the next event, seriously...this might have been my best event to date.

Del Dragon, Argyle
(OOC: Forest Dougan)
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09 Nov 2015 15:28 - 09 Nov 2015 22:34 #25 by Amilia Tolunda (AmyTenchi)
Replied by Amilia Tolunda (AmyTenchi) on topic November 2015 event
Awesome fun, Awesome time, I only wish the weekend was longer (And I needed less sleep, so more things could be done!)

1.OOG, I have to side with Bladesworn's comment:

1. Renee Day... her NPC running from the town, only to get hit with an insult, skids to a halt on the gravel road behind the Inn, spin 180 degrees, then go charging back into the fray with a foul curse on her lips.

You are my hero, Renee.

During Main mod I had a massive claustrophobia based panic attack and just white head banded out and sat on the various porches until I got my senses back (after main mod). Watched that encounter, as well as spoke to some awesome new players about things they want to do in game. I may have inspired a handful of non-combat based PCs, and I think that in itself is awesome! Welcome new kitchen staff and consistent bartenders ladies and gents!

2. I walked up to a lot of people, and when they asked what I was doing/what I wanted to do/why I wanted to join them, Aimee and her wonderfully childish dryadness smiled and said "I like shinies!" Every time she told someone that, they handed her some variety of coin. No kidding, Aimee made about 10-15g through that, good job players.

3. I have to thank a million people, in specific Chris Z. and Shane J. for not actually slapping Aimee upside the head when she kept prying about "What does that mean?" and "I don't get it. This is one of those turn-of-phrase things, right?" Someday, maybe next year, she'll understand civilized humanoids and their language. But if this is any indicator, having Creepy (the mia bard) and Shade as examples for her to learn/live by? She's going to be an interesting Dryad.

4. First time baby Junior-Logistics Marshal! 10/10, would marshal again after actual training (Please let this happen, I want this to happen, really really. I like it much more than combat NPC, I hate combat.) Also had to die laughing at the mod I saw go out: "You are worshippers of Enax(I think, still learning the religions), and you want to party! Your wife just died in a horrific manner? Time to party!"

5. Jerky shall return. It was crazy well-liked, and I went through about... 20 packs. Om nom nom! Here's hoping that's enough incentive to send the boy out again.

6. Adventurer's Guild mod! Fun times, threw a lot of beanbags, used all the magics, would chase nasty things between realms again. And then be promptly decimated by them as well.

There were a crazy million more things happening, but this is what my exhausted brain reassembled pieces to after 12hrs of sleep. Probably more will filter out over time. Like exactly what the joke was between Arden...and Alister maybe it was? and hand motions about pants...

Amilia Tolunda - Romani - Healer
Aimee "Whisper" Whisperleaf - Dryad - Druid - Bard
Maive Lusterwryn - Londwyn - Alchemist

OOG: Julie Anne B
Last edit: 09 Nov 2015 22:34 by Gallion (Gallion).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Sergei Petsho (Bran MacInnes), Swyft (agentswift), Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
09 Nov 2015 15:59 #26 by Erik Silverfang (ASchleicher)
Replied by Erik Silverfang (ASchleicher) on topic November 2015 event

Garlan Tanwyn wrote: Editing to add that Lorelai and myself were walking past Pendarvin only to be outnumbered and downed by Venier. Luckily they brought us back, unluckily they broke all of our limbs and blinded us and deafened us...

It's much more fun to leave people tormented then it is for us to kill them. Well at least from a Venier stand point. Was my idea as the priest in the group

ig: Erik Silverfang
Captain of the Royal Guard

alt: Yoska Yahtzi
OOG: Alex Schleicher
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09 Nov 2015 20:04 #27 by Matt D (MattD)
Replied by Matt D (MattD) on topic November 2015 event
Adventurer's Guild - Every month you guys impress me more and more. Great job guys! Your logic, ideas, and problem solving are just spot on.

Templar Testing - Dave, that was brilliant. You solved in one night what has stumped many since May. And the conclusion was perfect for a Valosion.

Gene - Fighting your NPC, unloading everything I had, only to be told "Chip Away for everything".

Spending most of main mod sneaking around and tagging Venier from behind. I actually enjoyed fighting barbarians when NOT playing a barbarian.

Jackdaw - Your RP with the Father of Sin was perfect. A+, would RP again.

Having long discussions regarding heroic lists and taking a total turn from the path I was going to go due to RP.

Hearing Venier outside, turning to Hurgar and saying " Imma go fight them", only to walk outside, and have an Agaurran packet cast Divine Negation on me. I was so dumbfounded I just turned around, went back inside, and continued eating cheese and pepperoni.

Tommy's RP as the Psion Benefactor. The look on peoples face when the Father of Sin appeared. Priceless.

Elias Ashby
Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store

Lord Templar Rayven Nightwing of the Order of Holy Light

(OOG - Matt D. - Photographer)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Sister Danae (Danae), Onca (Lorelai), Faila (Faila), Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Belketra Folles (pleasantexample)
09 Nov 2015 20:27 #28 by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta)
Replied by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta) on topic November 2015 event
OMG So many things.

Wonderful event. Guard duty - Untold. Boss why were we asked to meet here? All the council comes down. My reply. "I think I know stations like this with one rover float your stations call on sight on your paths..."

Alex Blockus well damn huge smiles and hugs. Orius Wormwood and company well well. well.

WIELD FAITH WIELD FAITH. Hold the road work in sync. "Where the hell is Argyle." "He's getting dressed" Oh great." Dodges long pole arm and attempts a backing counter in time with WIELD FAITH! IN the back of my mind I can hear SHaaalll we Dance 1 2 3 ...

Things that shall not be spoken of. I know. I thought so. Yes I suspected. Yes that was me. NO don't do that! Do this... 3 greater Undead and a split party means time to send for help in case there are more. Back thoughts isn't feast going on? Shit... I hope we get someone. EVERYONE comes down. Birgitta- "This is when I love this place. Overkill IS underrated especially right now."

Finally Coming in walking across in front of the head Table a silent look a quiet report and I'm going to eat...

Feeling like this Kitchen Skullery Maid looking for something from others plates.

"So what your saying is the advice I have the Warlord was exactly these issues down to the hands? Seriously. Good. Now what did they do with it? NO the Issue."

The heated talk at the Guard Barracks and a hugely sad miscommunication between friends. So much of that I can't say. Just amazing RP. I love you guys and there is nothing like a group you can go head to head IC with and OOC not have a care in the world.

OOG: Steve O. you were my hero through thick and thin.
IG: Pluvious was the hero and loyal friend. Amazing reveals and understandings.

Two great guys Two great Characters.

Leading to Inn Keeper Kane "I think Lady Kleiden Killed the Bards this morning. Should we arrest her for murder or reanimate the Bards just enough to play again." Alister looking thoughtful. My laughter and all the fun of three old jaded friends on the back porch could muster.

A quiet talk with Swift. Haroldsons on point perfect thank Valos you said that responses.

Later seeing him in some sort of pained attack thanking me for my concern in coming over to check on him.

A package for a newer member of town offered for sale and speaking of a murder and stolen things and they needing at least a little something. Getting a decent deal. Delivery made of course. Whomever sent out those merchants...very nicely done. Guys your making the merchants respond to what happens around you also NPC on PC (Haroldsons pain response)was great.

ON plot. Just a fantastic set of stories great inclusion awesome - problem solving necessary scenarios. So much to swing at so much to listen too and so so much to solve for XY and Z.

This was just fantastic.

Love you all welcome back old friends!

Birgitta Drexel (Primary)
Commander of Training Baronial Militia
Blood Spirits (Cmd/Sgt)
Blue Dragoon

"Amateurs Practice Until They Get It Right; Professionals Practice Until They Can’t Get It Wrong"

Callisto Boyington (Alt)

AKA Leslie McCormack
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
  • Annora
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09 Nov 2015 20:48 #29 by Annora (Karen)
Replied by Annora (Karen) on topic November 2015 event

GJSchaller wrote:

Alex wrote: Seeing friends. I miss you guys!

OOG: Cool! Alex is back!
IG: Crap. Orias is back.

This, exactly.
Sad Annora didn't get to interact with Orias though. Next time!

Fickle <3 Dani, too adorable, cannot handle.

moatbeast, cheezits, hungry hungry heroes, and going mad with power!

"James, detect malicious intent on the hill."

main mod:
line? what line?
chasing a certain pain in the ass crow around the battlefield. BEN THIS ISN’T OVER
pulling off a perfectly executed IRL intercept/deflect, no tag skills needed.
teaming up with Zelretch long enough to torment an NPC with simultaneous itching powder and blinding fog.

intense talks with people Annora cares about, and trying to help. Why can I not do the words thing? :(

Friday night, getting into a shouting match with Hurgar, but being reassured that the right people have my back :)

Paladin talks n’ things

Paladin tipping…gods damn it Gannon!
Poor poor Godric.

Post druid mod…Acolytes are still allowed to have some fun!

Spooky bathrooms and butt portals.

Interacting with Lauren’s adorable yet psychopathic Namierra.

Popping transmute form and going full drake-raptor-cat on a mug :P

Venison Jerky.

OOG: Karen Y
Card Raptor
The following user(s) said Thank You: Alex (Wormwood), Eden Heimdell (amalthea), Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
10 Nov 2015 00:23 #30 by Charani Yhatzi (MaliHH)
Replied by Charani Yhatzi (MaliHH) on topic November 2015 event
Between last event's encounter with space plague, certain encounters this event, and a certain hilarious mod, I feel like Almat has kinda gotten some lovely perspective into who she is and especially who she's become over four years in Travance.

Which is FANTASTIC, as this month was my anniversary of being on Travance a full four years.

Many great moments this event, and I am so pleased with the many many many notes I have in my book from this month. Lots of really good quotes from Savava and Domag Ravik, as well as some wonderful moments from Magnus.
The best ever though, to quote directly from my book: "...I honestly don't know how to write this insane farce down"
And a little later:
Me: "This is find the lady"
The Trickster, somehow writing in my book: "You're not playing. Don't give away the ending"
I have NEVER laughed as loud and long as I did in that mod, and Almat's remembering a side of her she had tried to squash when she became priest.

Other special moments:
*Dominic's sorcery ritual. Created by someone who has no knowledge of sorcery or rituals. Getting him to show it to Tari.
*Late night talks with Jack and Cyndra (and I feel like I'm totally misspelling that name! Eek!)
*Listening in on Cyndra's druid lessons
*Getting to go on the meeting with Domag, seeing the wonderful interactions, especially Guo Chenjing's interaction at the end, and my own short but meaningful interactions with Gorg.
*Bittersweet: My first time resurrecting someone!
*Moat beast moat beast moat beast. Watching that group sitting around the table, especially Alistair's face when the goblinoids were chanting "victory lap!"
*Realizing just how much gold I could be making from rune production
*Small discussions on Songweaver time travel vs. sorcery time travel
*Teaching! I love teaching, and got to teach scholarly and bardic lessons this month
*After game, OOG realizing just how many friends I have IG and OOG, and how many people do actually value Almat and her abilities

~Charani Yhatzi

OOG: Sharone Horowit-Hendler
kitchen staff
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dame Clytie Silverfang (itsgonnabemay), Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt), Belketra Folles (pleasantexample)
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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