Leather Jerkin and Leather Vest for SALE!

16 Oct 2017 20:08 #1 by Briarthethorn (Briarthethorn)
Leather Jerkin and Leather Vest for SALE! was created by Briarthethorn (Briarthethorn)
1. Leather vest, used once or twice. Has ?brass? clasps on the front. Will fit a medium to large depending on desired fit. Sides and back can also be loosened. Like new.
-Looking for $125

2. Green, Red, and Brown Elfish/Woodsy leather vest/hood. It is entirely leather except the hood, which is a thick but soft cloth material. In addition there is a short half cape attached made of the same soft material. I suspect it would be ok small through medium. I am 6'2 and it fits except for the shoulders, which are tight on me. Newish, I am not the first owner.
- Looking for $175

I will be in attendance this event. Will consider barter/trade of fair value.

Ryan A.
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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