consider the cost?

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17 Jun 2009 04:06 #1 by schmoopy (schmoopy)
consider the cost? was created by schmoopy (schmoopy)
hey everyone!

i've been checking out the site (very nice by the way), and getting involved looks like it could be fun.
it does, however, look like it could get fairly expensive (what with gas, food, event costs, big time latex weaponry, and righteous armor).

i guess what i want to know is, what would be the damage ($) on average for approximately one year of half-hearted involvement?

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17 Jun 2009 05:55 - 17 Jun 2009 06:19 #2 by Amizar (Amizar)
Replied by Amizar (Amizar) on topic consider the cost?
Registration (prepaid, plus one extra build): $50
Costume: $20 - $100
Armor: $20 - $300 (and up, for fancy "righteous" armor)
Weapon(s): $20 - $200

Food: Saturday evening feast is provided, other meals, say $20
Gas: varies as to where you're from and the world petro-situation.  We have many folks who car-pool.

Leaving the real world behind, fighting monsters, using magic, being chased through the woods, living for 45 hours in a whole other realm with the coolest folk around.....


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Last edit: 17 Jun 2009 06:19 by .
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17 Jun 2009 06:20 #3 by Cameron (Galen)
Replied by Cameron (Galen) on topic consider the cost?
Let me start off by saying welcome to the site, and I'm glad you're interested in Knight Realms.  I'm nobody official or important, but I'll try to help you as best I can for early in the morning. :)

It all depends on a lot of things.  Ignoring, for a moment, the gas question, which depends on how far away you live and if you can car pool with anyone (saves money and the environment, keen!), let's take a look at what you absolutely need to play.

Do you need a super-fancy professional outfit?  Nah.  I mean, looking nice helps, don't get me wrong, but you can totally look good without spending a lot of money, especially if you talk to some of the people here who are willing to make costumes for others.  A good outfit set may set you back $40-80, depending on materials and complexity.  Heck, if you've got access to a sewing machine at home and someone who knows how to use it (an understanding mother, for example), you can cut things down even further.  Remember to have some place to put things, storage for cards and items is a must.

Weapons don't have to be latex, boffer ones still work fine and some even look really cool.  Offhand, I'd say $50 should get you pretty much any combination of weapons and/or shields you're looking for, and it's most likely less if you make it yourself.

Footwear, well, that's up to you.  I recommend good hiking boots, you can get some very good ones for about $100, if you don't have a set already.

Armor, well, that gets tricky, but if you know where to look you can usually get decent deals on several sites.  This is usually in the $100-300 range though, and really should be something you wait to get until you know you're going to be playing for a while.

Events are going to be your biggest yearly expenditure, simply because you don't generally need to buy new clothing every year, that's more of a one-time cost.  Event Fees are listed on the site, there's generally 1 event per month, sometimes 2, sometimes it's a festival instead of a full event, once a year we have a Masquerade Ball and after that an OOG Awards Banquet.  You should be able to figure out the basic costs from there for a yearly "subscription" to the game.  If you NPC, of course, that cost is much reduced, as costuming and weapons will be made available to you through logistics.

Now, you'll also want to have some blankets/sleeping bags/other living essentials for night time, and be aware that it can get rather cold.  Base Layers and Thermals are highly recommended for the winter months.  I know I went my first winter without and I learned my lesson darn quick.

As far as food, I know that saturday mornings there is almost always someone making something along the lines of pancakes or french toast with sausage for the tune of $2 a plate.  Sunday mornings there's almost always [strike]me[/strike] some crazy guy making omelets, also for $2 a plate.  During market faire, there are usually people selling food for in and out of game money, and the prices are usually pretty reasonable.  Saturday Night is the feast, so food is taken care of there, so really you're just left with Friday Night to fend for yourself.

Less money per year than a single trip to Disney World, unless I miss my guess, and a lot more fun.  I mean, they don't even let you beat up Mickey Mouse.  Lame.

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17 Jun 2009 08:08 #4 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic consider the cost?
I started out with a $30 shirt, $25 pants, a $30 staff (which I still use almost 3 years later) sandals I already owned plus the entrance fee.  As time progressed, I bought lots more (primarily in decorations), but the point is, I could still be playing for about that much.

Edwin Haroldson
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17 Jun 2009 09:44 #5 by Erim Walker (shiva14b)
Replied by Erim Walker (shiva14b) on topic consider the cost?
The costume I'm wearing now is made entirely from materials and clothes from around the home, that I slowly added to with "found" items. The only thing I bought outright was a leather pouch (a splurge at $35) and the cloth to make my shirt (cloth = $10). I think the entire cost of my base costume was $50.

Admittedly, I was a little luckier than most, as I'm an expert at getting my hands on things I want without paying for them (or breaking any laws). My cloak came to me at a discount in an exchange from a friend who was selling them, and my sword is a $200 high quality job but I received it as a gift when I did some work for the company that makes them.

If you went for a cheap boffer ($30?), I see no reason you couldn't do a good weapon and costume for under $75. $50 if you're really slick. Armor of course is a different story.

"Ok we can attack... but if we miss, we'll hit the villagers."
"I'm willing to take that chance!"

Things I am no longer allowed to do in an RPG :
31. The backup trap handler is not whoever has the most HP at the time.
73. Not allowed to name my cudgel Ceremonial Whoopass Stick.
74. My thief's battle cry is not "Run And Live"

[OOG Jenna
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17 Jun 2009 10:01 #6 by Matt D (MattD)
Replied by Matt D (MattD) on topic consider the cost?
My roomate and I set up her brother and all his friends for their first event.  She tailored a pair of pants, tunic/shirts, and I made weapons for each one, all in all running about $100 each.  Boots and camping gear they already had, but you can manage a decent costume and weapon for $100 or less.

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17 Jun 2009 11:06 #7 by Noctra (Noctra)
Replied by Noctra (Noctra) on topic consider the cost?
Welcome Schmoopy (watch much Seinfeld?  :D)

It looks like you are getting a lot of good estimates on what things cost.
One request now though, we're a freindly group and like to know at least the first name of who we are talking to.
Our forum policy is to please sign all you posts with your real name.

Thanks and hope everything works out and you can come join us!

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17 Jun 2009 13:45 #8 by Kendrick (Kendrick)
Replied by Kendrick (Kendrick) on topic consider the cost?
A good approach to the costuming issue is build it up over time. Pick up a new garment or accessory as you grow into the larping experience. Find out if this is something you plan to do alot and then invest more into your look. Learning more about the character you create will also help you make purchases that make sense.

Ex: I remember buying a drinking horn thinking it would be a cool touch. Then when I saw how it wasn't suitable for my needs and was too bulky, I never used it again.

Brother Kendrick Maeldun
Paladin of the White Fox

oog Chris K
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17 Jun 2009 16:04 #9 by Erim Walker (shiva14b)
Replied by Erim Walker (shiva14b) on topic consider the cost?

A good approach to the costuming issue is build it up over time. Pick up a new garment or accessory as you grow into the larping experience. Find out if this is something you plan to do alot and then invest more into your look. Learning more about the character you create will also help you make purchases that make sense.

Ex: I remember buying a drinking horn thinking it would be a cool touch. Then when I saw how it wasn't suitable for my needs and was too bulky, I never used it again.

Chris has the right of it. Start with a simple cloth costume you can pull together from items at hand. You can add to it as you learn more about your character.

*anxiously awaiting her new sword and dagger in the mail, and looking forward to buying a leather vest*

"Ok we can attack... but if we miss, we'll hit the villagers."
"I'm willing to take that chance!"

Things I am no longer allowed to do in an RPG :
31. The backup trap handler is not whoever has the most HP at the time.
73. Not allowed to name my cudgel Ceremonial Whoopass Stick.
74. My thief's battle cry is not "Run And Live"

[OOG Jenna
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18 Jun 2009 02:47 #10 by schmoopy (schmoopy)
Replied by schmoopy (schmoopy) on topic consider the cost?
hey, thanks a lot everyone. thats a whole poop ton of much appreciated solid info.

it actually turns out to be a whole lot cheaper (yearly) than smoking... which (as soon as i can knock it off) is excellent.

...and for your help, heres a joke:

a man from Virginia and a man from new jersey are standing together, taking a leak off of a bridge.
"man...this water is cold" the man from Virginia says.

"Yeah, its deep too!" the New Jersean proclaims.

all jokes aside, i'm also curious about the contact factor in Knight Realms. is grappling allowed? checking? knocking people on their rear ends and whatnot?

by the way, the name is A.J. (sorry!)
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18 Jun 2009 10:21 #11 by Simon (BigZ)
Replied by Simon (BigZ) on topic consider the cost?
Though I'm rather new myself and am by no means a marshal, grappling, checking and other forms full contact are not allowed.
This will probably answer all questions you have regarding combat:

OOG: Nick H.
18 Jun 2009 11:03 #12 by Birnum Pyre (Birnum Pyre)
Replied by Birnum Pyre (Birnum Pyre) on topic consider the cost?
Look at all you people making my job easy. Yeah, the link Nick pointed you to is your best answer.

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18 Jun 2009 11:27 #13 by Erim Walker (shiva14b)
Replied by Erim Walker (shiva14b) on topic consider the cost?

Though I'm rather new myself and am by no means a marshal, grappling, checking and other forms full contact are not allowed.
This will probably answer all questions you have regarding combat:

Knight Realms-style LARPing should not be confused with War Play (which is in itself entertaining for entirely different reasons).

See: Battle of Forsyth

"Ok we can attack... but if we miss, we'll hit the villagers."
"I'm willing to take that chance!"

Things I am no longer allowed to do in an RPG :
31. The backup trap handler is not whoever has the most HP at the time.
73. Not allowed to name my cudgel Ceremonial Whoopass Stick.
74. My thief's battle cry is not "Run And Live"

[OOG Jenna
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18 Jun 2009 16:47 #14 by LStarling (Kwildar)
Replied by LStarling (Kwildar) on topic consider the cost?
The main thing to remember is that we're only playing for pretend that we're getting hit.... Not actually out to hurt people. :)

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18 Jun 2009 16:55 #15 by schmoopy (schmoopy)
Replied by schmoopy (schmoopy) on topic consider the cost?
right on. thanks for the info everyone.
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18 Jun 2009 21:40 #16 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic consider the cost?

Not actually out to hurt people. :)

Unless you're Andy.  ;)

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19 Jun 2009 11:53 #17 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic consider the cost?
Hey - I enjoy being whacked by Matt W and Roy.  Compared to them, Andy's a wuss.  Come to think of it...

Edwin Haroldson
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