New Players (April Event)

  • GJSchaller
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12 Apr 2010 18:56 #1 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
New Players (April Event) was created by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Hello, all, and welcome to the KR forums!

A bunch of new folks have signed up, but none of you are signing your posts - it's written in several places (Rulebook, top post in this forum, and the agreement when you sign up for the Forums) that part of the Forums Rules are that you must sign all of your posts with your OOG name, so we know who you are.

Please take a moment to go to "Profile" at the top of the forums, and add your OOG name to your signature.

Thank you!

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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