Character redo

12 Feb 2013 13:29 #1 by Chris McKenzie (cgmckenzie)
Character redo was created by Chris McKenzie (cgmckenzie)
I attended the January event as a barbarian warrior and had a blast, but wanted to change my character to a coast haven bounty hunter with an entirely new skill set, as per the 'oops, don't like your character' section of the rules. Unfortunately, I won't be able to go to The next two events because of work and other OOG obligations. I have a few questions about the redoing of characters:

1) will I get to keep any build that I have earned through service points, bought build, and attending the event?

2) I got dysentery(IG) last event and the disease rules state that it builds regardless of me being at the event or not. Does this still apply even though I am building a new character? My concern there is that I don't particularly want to start with a stage 3 dysenteric coast havener from the get go. Sure, there's great chances for role playing, but I'd prefer to not soil my new pants out of the gate.

3) Do I go through the new player welcome mod again immediately upon lay-on now or do I get to just dive straight into the game?

Thanks for the help,
Chris M.

OOG: Chris
IG: Benjamin Daimler
IG: Grobspit Snaggletooth G.D.S
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12 Feb 2013 14:29 #2 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic Character redo
1-Yes u get all credit

2. Don't worry about it... We can remove it

3. I'd say it couldn't hurt to do the intro mod with this new character.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
12 Feb 2013 16:25 #3 by Chris McKenzie (cgmckenzie)
Replied by Chris McKenzie (cgmckenzie) on topic Character redo
Awesome, thanks for the quick reply!

OOG: Chris
IG: Benjamin Daimler
IG: Grobspit Snaggletooth G.D.S
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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