New Player Here
- Ezequiel Cantor
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I will be brief. This is not my first time coming, and much to the persuasion of a whole slew of people, I finally showed up, albeit as a NPC demon for all of last Saturday during December's Finale. I was trying to come to the Winter Solstice for either to introduce my character and/or another NPC set, but personal stuff happened and I never really got my clothing set up so there went that plan.
Anyway, I have already chosen who I want to play as, and have an actual character style in mind that I will send to the storyline director in the near future, but I may have some questions involving certain rules. For now, I have one, so please provide as much information as you (legally) can involving this.
First off, according to the listed potions that can be created by Alchemists, Physician, Assassins, Healers, etc, is that the definitive list, or are there others that can be created/discovered/exploited/etc. This is so that I can get a general idea on what to find, and what character to choose. Thank you.
"Once upon a time there was a man who died. The less said the better."
IC: Ezequiel Cantor - A "Physician." Nothing more. Nothing less
OOC: Jason C.
- Caelvan
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The lists that have crafting alchemy on them are only ones to craft alchemy. As far as the recipes. The only way to craft a recipe that works that isn't listed is to get the alchemist promo secret recipe. In which you speak with the director on what the recipe does, and you can create it once per event. (After obtaining the skill itself)
There are other recipes you can do further down the line if you choose to become a heroic alchemist(pioneer occultist) through flasks
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Gal'Azin Merikh Tazam
Death's Will
Conor Peckham
- Goggs
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As concerns deviations from the potions listed in the rulebook: here's a snippet from the Alchemy section, under Recipes:
... There are additional compounds that may occasionally be discovered in Knight Realms, but their recipes are not available to PCs.
There are also a couple of Alchemical compounds that are listed in the rulebook, whose recipes are not available to PCs. One such is the Smoke Bomb:
Smoke Bomb
These are an exotic alchemical product, the secrets of which have never been unlocked, nor is the origin of how these items makes it into the black market known. When used, a Smoke Bomb allows a character to call a hold and proceed to take 10 strides in any direction towards the closest shadow. Once reached the character must immediately expend a use of the skill Hide in Shadows. If the Smoke Bomb is used and there is no shadow within 10 strides of the character or the character does not have an available use of the skill Hide in Shadows, the Smoke Bomb is expended and the character remains in the spot where they used the Smoke Bomb. A Smoke Bomb is considered a Trinket. You must have the skill Fence on one of your lists to be able to use this Trinket.
I hope that helps! Looking forward to seeing you again.
OOG: Cory W-S
"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a Maul."
- Thalia Burdorn
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Can't say that I'll be any help with this question, but looking forward to seeing you in game!!!
Thalia Stonebar Burdorn
Consul of Kaladonia
Warden of the Phocus
Ambassador to Calasvorin
Manager, Dragon's Claw Inn;
OOG: Abby Leib
- Dame Clytie Silverfang
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I doubt I have the authority, or even enough knowledge, to be a real help. I know that rules marshalls will give you definitive answers if you post your question on the Realizing the Character/Rules forum. I know this , while not the same question, may be of use as well.
I do hope to meet you next game, whether in character, out of character, or both!
- Ezequiel Cantor
- Senior Member
- Posts: 176
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@Goggs: I had known about that, but I wanted to be sure. While there are a lot of potions out there, in terms of game balance, they probably have a finite restriction on what is and is not approved.
"Once upon a time there was a man who died. The less said the better."
IC: Ezequiel Cantor - A "Physician." Nothing more. Nothing less
OOC: Jason C.
- Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang
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That being said, I will not be at January and I hope to see you as soon as I am able too. Can't wait to RP/Slaughter you mercilessly on the battlefield!
Kanas Silverfang
OOG: Jeremy Schwartz
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