Salutations and Queries

25 Oct 2014 21:26 #1 by Sojourner Dusk (SD1976)
Salutations and Queries was created by Sojourner Dusk (SD1976)

November will be my second event, though my first as a PC (fully NPC'd October). I had a few questions which have come to mind over the last few weeks, so I thought I would request help with explanations of the non-Rule ones here.

1) I am considering playing a Khitan. For my character's name, would the convention be Western (Given Name first) or Eastern (Family Name first)?

2) Are sleeping arrangements for a berth at the Inn made IG, OOG, or a combination of the two?

3) What time does Kitchen Prep for Feast usually start? Is it an open/first-come volunteer position, or is it more of a core group that does it?

4) Do I need to have my character's history ready when I create it (in progress of putting it together), or as it will be my first session, can I defer that until after the initial appearance?

That's about all for now. Looking forward to actually being able to interact with players for more than five minutes at a stretch next weekend.

Zasshu Kenta
OOG: Brandon D.
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25 Oct 2014 21:46 #2 by Caelvan (Caelvan)
Replied by Caelvan (Caelvan) on topic Salutations and Queries
Hey Brandon, we may have met last month, we may not, but regardless my name is Conor and I am a New Player Marshal. Let's see if I can answer these questions for you.

1) It is honestly be up to you. Unless a RP MArshal overrules me, there is no official way you have to have your name.

2) If you are part of a land they do reservations for beds usually. However if you are not part of a land it is first come first serve. We always try to find a bed for people so don't worry too much.

3) It's a volunteer thing as well as a kitchen marshal thing, you simply just talk to a kitchen marshal(usually the one cooking feast) and they will tell you the details.

4) You should have a rough idea of your back story, however you don't need a full in depth thing. How much you want to go into is up to you, however the usual question that is asked is usually, "what brings you to Travance?" So keep that in mind.

Hope this helped and see you at the event.

Caelvan Renaith
March Warden of Selandrias
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