New Player for September!

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23 Aug 2015 20:18 #1 by Starling (starling)
New Player for September! was created by Starling (starling)
Hey all, another new player checking in and hoping to make it for the September event! I'm Alice, and I'm planning on coming along with a few other players. Andrew (player of Cade Tanwyn) has been telling us epic stories for long enough at this point, time to give it a try! I've been roleplaying for years, but have only occasionally dipped my toes into boffer LARP - I've heard a ton of good things about the RP here - and that it's the opportunity to get some epic costuming on. (In my other spare time what do I do? Cosplay. Not even a surprise.)

I have a few mostly logistical questions (of course I do):
1) What's the prep area like onsite for costumes/hair/makeup?

2) I'm a total coffee addict. What's the feasibility of getting/making a cup of moderately okay coffee in the mornings? (I can and am certainly willing to bring my french press and kettle and make coffee entirely IG. I'm definitely not willing to skip coffee for two days. The blinding headache and vicious mood will make gaming impossible.)

3) Ear prosthetics for Quinarians: I have a pair of ear tips from Aradani that I picked up for a Dragon Age cosplay quite a while ago - I don't know which model they are, and suspect they might be from before Aradani changed their product descriptions. They're about 3" long - would they be acceptable, or should I grab another pair? (I can definitely take pictures of them to clarify if needed.)

Squire to Lord Angelica Tellinghast
Viceroy of Drega'mire

OOG: Alice Bryson
Marshal, New Player Rep
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23 Aug 2015 20:26 - 23 Aug 2015 20:28 #2 by Caelvan (Caelvan)
Replied by Caelvan (Caelvan) on topic New Player for September!
Hey!! My name is Conor and I'm what we call a New Player Marshal(NPM). My job is to help you out and answer your questions...with that said......

1: "Prep area" would be Logistics, however that is mostly for NPCs to prepare everything. Putting on costuming and the like, you can use the bathrooms usually, provided you clean up after yourself.

2: There are a bunch of people who want/need this. There is a coffee machine in the Kitchen, however if you want to make it IG over a fire at one of the camp sites, feel free though.

3: Could we have pictures? There really isn't any required length for ears, my girlfriend who plays a Selendrian has really long ears, while others and myself have shorter ears. It's usually a matter of preference.

Hope these helped, any other questions feel free to message me, or post here. See you in September!!

Caelvan Renaith
March Warden of Selandrias
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Gal'Azin Merikh Tazam
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Conor Peckham
Last edit: 23 Aug 2015 20:28 by Caelvan (Caelvan).
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23 Aug 2015 20:49 #3 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic New Player for September!
Hi, Alice!

I'm Jeff, another New Player Marshal. Welcome aboard! That's actually how I got started playing -- two of my friends told me stories every week for a month or two and then I relented. I haven't missed an event yet. Good on Andrew for getting you hooked. He's a good guy.

Coffee is a well-loved commodity here. As Conor mentioned, there is a coffee machine in the kitchen, along with - usually - creamer, sugar, and hot cocoa mix that people usually stir into their coffee (commonly known as "witch hunter's brew"). There is also a Quick Chek barely five minutes from the Camp frequently visited not just by us, but several other larps as well. Don't worry about taking off your ears or other costuming before going inside, though--they're used to it!

Looking forward to RP with ya,


OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
25 Aug 2015 02:34 #4 by curt pantuso (Nyle M.)
Replied by curt pantuso (Nyle M.) on topic New Player for September!

here's a handy video on how to fire roast coffee beans.

IG: Nyle M.

OOG curt pantuso
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25 Aug 2015 15:58 #5 by Cael Tanwyn (CaelTanwyn)
Replied by Cael Tanwyn (CaelTanwyn) on topic New Player for September!
Hey Alice! Nic here. Can't wait to run riot with you and the feared Crew! Still on for this upcoming September event I hope?

On the subject of quality coffee, the afore mentioned witch hunter's brew is great for a cold night. However, having been a professional in the coffee world for as long as I have I've also been trying to figure out the best way of incorporating my craft coffee setup in game. We should do some conniving on this subject.

Tanwyn, Cael

"We align the stars."
Head of the Tanwyn Familia

OOG: Nic White
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26 Aug 2015 23:59 #6 by Starling (starling)
Replied by Starling (starling) on topic New Player for September!
Thanks for all the help and answers (especially regarding the coffee, highest of priorities)! I'm glad to know there will be coffee available in the kitchen, and Nic, we can definitely put our heads together regarding an IC coffee set up.

Here are the ears with a size reference, and on (not actually glued down, not something I can handle on a weeknight).

Squire to Lord Angelica Tellinghast
Viceroy of Drega'mire

OOG: Alice Bryson
Marshal, New Player Rep
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27 Aug 2015 00:10 #7 by Caelvan (Caelvan)
Replied by Caelvan (Caelvan) on topic New Player for September!
Those ears are perfectly fine.

Caelvan Renaith
March Warden of Selandrias
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27 Aug 2015 03:06 #8 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic New Player for September!

Starling wrote: I'm glad to know there will be coffee available in the kitchen, and Nic, we can definitely put our heads together regarding an IC coffee set up.

You guys should definitely start an in-game business of selling coffee. You'll make a not-literal killing.

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
27 Aug 2015 06:33 #9 by Caldor Eirson (Caldor)
Replied by Caldor Eirson (Caldor) on topic New Player for September!
Speaking purely as a player and a coffee drinker, I think it would be amazing if you guys set up a late night/early morning coffee shop in game.

Caldor Eirson,

Gothi and High Priest of Gaia
Wedding Planner, Match Maker,
Spiritual Advisor To Kaladonia

OOG: Jason M.
Deputy Kitchen Marshal
Land System Marshal

Q: How many people does it take to teach a barbarian how to read?
A: 1 knight, 3 squires, and 1 master of the mages guild.
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27 Aug 2015 07:38 #10 by Ketryn Shiverthorn (Ketryn)
Replied by Ketryn Shiverthorn (Ketryn) on topic New Player for September!
Hey Alice,

Those look great!

Honestly, people who play elves wear a whole range of ear lengths. I personally have gone with the shorter ears for my wood elf but there are plenty who wear longer.

Also, as for'll fit right in! :> A whole bunch of us get a big kick out of nerding out over sewing and costuming for our garb. I'd recommend building a costume that can be layered for the colder months where layers can be taken off for the hotter ones. If you plan on doing a lot of sneaking around white is a really poor clothing choice because it stands out like a beacon in the moonlight at the camp during the night (or maybe it's the perfect choice....)

The coffee at the inn is...well, it's very nice that they make it and I really appreciate it but if you want really ultra high quality brew you'll need to make it yourself. I wouldn't recommend going to the trouble of building a fire in one of the lands' fire pits because it can take a good long time depending on the weather and the potential for being interrupted by an NPC encounter is high. Here's what I've found to work well: Sometimes I carry a little peizoelectric camp stove with an itty bitty fuel tank and make coffee in character with my chemex and a kettle. The other option I sometimes go with is cold brewing in advance and packing it with me if I need to wake up quickly in the morning. If you would like to set up a small coffee stand in game during an event I'd be happy to talk with you or help out.

Huntress Ketryn Shiverthorn
Private of the Baronial Guard

OOG- Kat B.
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27 Aug 2015 11:29 #11 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic New Player for September!

Kat reminded me of a wonderful thing. Not long ago, someone created the "Knight Realms Costumers Forum" on Facebook, where people ask for costuming advice, commissions, post pieces they've made, share helpful videos, and a whole lot more. I strongly suggest joining the group. It might be just the thing.


OOG -- Jeff Balla
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28 Aug 2015 15:47 #12 by Magnus (hippy g0th)
Replied by Magnus (hippy g0th) on topic New Player for September!
Hello I'm matt, another one of the new player marshals, if there is anything you need feel free to get in touch

Matthew Majchrzak


Lord General Magnus

"Not Dead Yet!"
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