New Player! With coffee!
- Sam
- New Member
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I'm still figuring out the specifics of my character, but one thing I can promise is coffee! If you're looking for fresh brewed coffee in the mornings (and hell probably in the evening), come find me IG! I'm a friend of Taylor (Cyndra Stagsblood). And I literally have not figured out any of my other story yet. Still working on that... but I love brewing and serving, so thought it'd be a good character quirk. Plus, it'll help me meet you and relax until I figure this world out a little
I'm sure I'll have a ton of questions when I show up, but right now I'm sort of cruising through the forums. If you have any newbie tips, I'd love to hear them. I'm not planning to go crazy on my costume until I figure out more what my direction is, but that is something I'm definitely excited to do down the road!
One thing I do want to know, if you are interested in coffee: would you be willing to pay OOG cash (baronial note? haha) for coffee, or IG gold only? Totally no hard feelings/not a dealbreaker if USD isn't feasible for you. I'm trying to scope out interest and get a feel for what to expect.
Great to meet you!
OOG: Sam Gauss
- Amilia Tolunda
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When vendoring on Saturday I am always willing to lend change or a card reader if you need it
I treated my first event with the idea 'what do you forget when you pack for vacation' like a pillow, socks, ChapStick, etc. And go from there. Hope to see you in the gamer this weekend, even if it's just at market faire!
Amilia Tolunda - Romani - Healer
Aimee "Whisper" Whisperleaf - Dryad - Druid - Bard
Maive Lusterwryn - Londwyn - Alchemist
OOG: Julie Anne B
- Caelvan
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Sam wrote: One thing I do want to know, if you are interested in coffee: would you be willing to pay OOG cash (baronial note? haha) for coffee, or IG gold only? Totally no hard feelings/not a dealbreaker if USD isn't feasible for you. I'm trying to scope out interest and get a feel for what to expect.
It's mostly just IG gold. However don't worry too much, because most things that are sent out, when searched have some amount of money on them for you do buy food and drinks etc.
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Gal'Azin Merikh Tazam
Death's Will
Conor Peckham
- Magnus
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First off let me state that mentions of coffee is a fast way to make friends.
Second off advice,
1 bring socks
2 don't be afraid to take risks
3 as you play set goals, even if they are unattainable goals are what drive character development
5 remember we are all here to have fun and help one another so don't be afraid to ask questions
6 seriously though socks
Additionally I know I personally might be willing to shell out a dollar or two for a high end cup, though on months I'm strapped for cash I will more than likely revert back to the free coffee in the inn
Any additional questions or concerns please feel free to contact me
Matthew Majchrzak
Lord General Magnus
"Not Dead Yet!"
- Nalick
- Platinum Member
- In the place where everything changes, but nothing ever does.
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I'm Jeff, one of the New Player Marshals here. Don't worry, prior larp experience is certainly not required - I had none myself before I started coming to Knight Realms and I'm not alone in that, so you've already got a leg-up in the game.
Coffee is a popular commodity at game. If you do decide to sell it, there are rules governing the sale of goods. From the Core Rulebook:
Therefore, the following rules will govern the sale of goods – at the Market Faire or in any game
capacity – at Knight Realms:
1. OOG goods of any value can be sold during game-play at Knight Realms, so long as they are
appropriate to the setting of the game; the Director has final approval on what goods are
acceptable for sale.
2. OOG goods that are worth less than $10 each can be sold for OOG or IG money; the transaction
must be entirely for one or the other.
3. OOG goods that are worth more than $10 each can only be sold for OOG money.
4. IG goods can only be sold for IG money.
5. If your character possesses IG items for which your OOG goods could be used as phys-reps, you
can sell them together for the purpose of enhancing role-play. The IG item should be sold for IG
money, while the OOG good must be sold adhering to the rules above.
Assuming the coffee is worth less than $10 per cup, you would be able to sell a cup for in-game gold or Baronial Notes.
My own character didn't have a backstory until I had been playing for almost two years. Unless your character is royalty, don't sweat it. It does, however, add an extra dimension and if someone asks how you got to Travance, your answer can be more than "Uhh... my sense of adventure?" True story.
The same goes for costuming. While the one I use has never been the fanciest garb, it's certainly evolved over the years. If you're ever looking for help in that department, there's a helpful group on Facebook called the "Knight Realms Costumers Forum" and I would suggest joining that. Beyond that, Taylor's definitely demonstrated her prowess.
Newbie tips? Never be afraid to ask a question, no matter how silly you think it might be. Confused? Put your fist on your head and ask someone what's going on. They'll understand. We've all been there.
Whether it's hot, cold, or somewhere in between, you're going to be running around a forest all day and may forget the essentials like eating and staying hydrated. If your character carries a satchel or a pouch, consider carrying a snack for yourself in there. Water is free at the Dragon's Claw -- the Inn/bar -- so stop by occasionally and have your fill.
The most important tip of all is, have fun.
I like your enthusiasm, Sam. If you have any more questions, post them here. Otherwise, I'll see you on Friday!
OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
- Cael Tanwyn
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Definitely don't sweat the hardcore costuming right away. There are some players who have been at this for years and while the elaborate nature of their costumes can be impressive, don't let it be overwhelming. Your look will develop with your character, and there's no rush on that as long as you're having fun.
As for coffee, one of my OOG jobs is as a barista, so I've actually been developing ideas on how to start a fully operation coffee shop in-game. You should look up my character when you arrive and we can maybe collaborate.
On a similar note, find any of the Tanwyns (me and my in-game brothers), and we will get you taken care of! One of our primary focuses as a familia is to help provide a smoother transition to Travance for all newcomers.
So hopefully I'll see you on Friday, and until then keep asking the New Player Marshals any other questions you might have. They are all wonderful and will bend over backwards to help!
Tanwyn, Cael
"We align the stars."
Head of the Tanwyn Familia
OOG: Nic White
- Velius
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Sam wrote: AOL Arts&Entertainment chat rooms anyone?!!
Rhy'Din 4 Life.
Sam wrote: I'm sure I'll have a ton of questions when I show up, but right now I'm sort of cruising through the forums. If you have any newbie tips, I'd love to hear them. I'm not planning to go crazy on my costume until I figure out more what my direction is, but that is something I'm definitely excited to do down the road!
One thing I do want to know, if you are interested in coffee: would you be willing to pay OOG cash (baronial note? haha) for coffee, or IG gold only? Totally no hard feelings/not a dealbreaker if USD isn't feasible for you. I'm trying to scope out interest and get a feel for what to expect.
Great to meet you!
These are pretty general tips I've picked up over the years that are handy whether you're new or not.
- Bring a plain belt. Even if your character does not use one for their costume, you will want one for NPC duty for securing tabards, weapons, etc. The same goes for pants with pockets/a basic belt pouch. Walmart has flat-front black khakis for just a few bucks.
- Bring a plastic sandwich bag, preferably with a slider. Keep your character card in there so that when you hand it in it looks exactly like it did when you got it. Keeps the logistics guys sane when your card isn't a wet, muddy mess. Also handy for item cards.
- On a related note: Bring a pen. If you want to make friends fast, bring several pens.
- If you need to have your phone on you to be reached for emergencies and cannot have it on silent, consider setting your ringtone to something like a bird chirping, an animal (not a bear), etc.
Regarding Coffee:
I have seen the most decked-out, powerful knights defeated by goblins, and I have seen the lowliest, unarmed peasant defeat a demon lord from the bowels of the Seven Hells by bribing him with coffee.
Nalick wrote: Assuming the coffee is worth less than $10 per cup
Where are we? The Starbucks inside Disneyland???
OOG: Drew C.
"I don't always NPC. But when I do, it's for years at a time."
- Nalick
- Platinum Member
- In the place where everything changes, but nothing ever does.
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Velius wrote: Where are we? The Starbucks inside Disneyland???
Perhaps he'd returned from a jaunt through the rainforest, where he gathered the beans himself in the sweltering sun.
OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
- Woolsey Bysmor
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Like really love coffee.
Looking forward to meeting you.
-OOG Michael Smith
- Wili
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Wilindé Aläciel
AKA Wili
Blackbird Manager Extraordinaire
OOG-Kelley Commeford
- Esten
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OOG: Sam M
IG: Esten
- Thalia Burdorn
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Thalia Stonebar Burdorn
Consul of Kaladonia
Warden of the Phocus
Ambassador to Calasvorin
Manager, Dragon's Claw Inn;
OOG: Abby Leib
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NPC of the Month
Chris K. as Godhand
We usually try to avoid giving this award to NPCs directly related to the weekend plot. Chris Kane’s role was, in fact, supposed to be only a very short one, but PC interaction kept him in-game to play the role for the rest of the night and he did great job weaving his tale and interacting with the players. Thanks for a great time Chris!
Honorable mention goes to Jenny-Lynn, the Mermaid at the lake. Her costume was amazing and she really got PCs involved in the encounter and the weekend’s storyline.
Chris K. as Godhand
We usually try to avoid giving this award to NPCs directly related to the weekend plot. Chris Kane’s role was, in fact, supposed to be only a very short one, but PC interaction kept him in-game to play the role for the rest of the night and he did great job weaving his tale and interacting with the players. Thanks for a great time Chris!
Honorable mention goes to Jenny-Lynn, the Mermaid at the lake. Her costume was amazing and she really got PCs involved in the encounter and the weekend’s storyline.
Random Quote
"You'll find Travance is the place of exceptions. The exceptionally powerful, but also the exceptionally stupid. Sadly, you'll find that usually these two qualities are found in the same person."
~Mythrien Dragonsong to a new townsmember