New Player Joining In July

01 Jul 2016 00:26 #1 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
New Player Joining In July was created by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Hi! I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself since I plan on coming up for the July weekend. (And the hook for next month at the end of this month's epilogue seems to mean that I picked an interesting month to join!) I'm Hannah (or Reyna, since I'll answer to my IG name just as easily as my real name), and I have larped before, just not on this scale.

Are there some New Player Marshals willing to give me some packing advice before the weekend arrives? I have a character, garb, and weapons (and may have some armor), but I was wondering if there was anything else I absolutely needed.

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

OOG: Carter Sneeringer
01 Jul 2016 06:36 #2 by Caldor Eirson (Caldor)
Replied by Caldor Eirson (Caldor) on topic New Player Joining In July
I'm not a new player Marshal, but welcome aboard. I look forward to playing with you. You did pick an interesting plot month to come, and it should be a lot of fun.

My biggest suggestions are socks, a water bottle or canteen, socks, bug spray, socks, sunscreen and socks.

Caldor Eirson,

Gothi and High Priest of Gaia
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Spiritual Advisor To Kaladonia

OOG: Jason M.
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Q: How many people does it take to teach a barbarian how to read?
A: 1 knight, 3 squires, and 1 master of the mages guild.
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01 Jul 2016 09:45 #3 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic New Player Joining In July
Wow, that's a lot of socks. :P

Thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to pack all of those things! I look forward to playing with you too!

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

OOG: Carter Sneeringer
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01 Jul 2016 11:32 #4 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic New Player Joining In July
Hi, Hannah!

Welcome aboard. Did we mention socks? Because you're gonna need socks. Anyway, you'll be wandering through the woods in one of the hottest months of the year, so don't feel pressured to overdo your garb. We have a more lax atmosphere when the weather isn't as accommodating as we'd like it to be, and that includes the winter. If you're more worried about your character looking good than your health, you're gonna have a bad time.

Jason made good suggestions--including the socks! In addition, you may want to bring snacks to either carry around with you or to have near your bunk. Food is available Saturday and Sunday mornings for either in-game gold or cash ("Baronial Notes") at the bar in the Dragon's Claw and the Feast on Saturday night. Most of the time, there is food in the kitchen on Friday nights and donations are encouraged. Midday Saturday in the Inn we have Market Faire, where people sometimes sell food in addition to soap, jewelry, and other things. Other than that, the Camp is approximately 5 minutes from a nearby Quick Chek. Don't be afraid to go there in your garb. They're used to it (the employees, anyway). There is also a Stop & Shop about 10 minutes from the Camp, and a Fresh Emporium and a Wal-Mart each about 15 minutes away if you need anything else.

There's also a new push for people to bring reusable drinking containers so that we don't use so many paper cups. We're trying to go green! So if you have an empty wine bottle or somesuch and want to remove the label or gussy it up a bit for hydrating yourself (you're gonna hear "Hail hydrate!" a bunch), it wouldn't be a bad idea. Either that or a mug or a drinking horn, whatever floats your boat!

We still have three weeks, so there's no rush, but if you have any more questions, post away!


OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
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01 Jul 2016 15:32 #5 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic New Player Joining In July
Thanks, Jeff! I've designed my garb to be weather appropriate based on what I know I can move in, so that won't be a problem. And I'll make sure I bring something to drink out of.

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

OOG: Carter Sneeringer
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04 Jul 2016 17:33 #6 by Onca (Lorelai)
Replied by Onca (Lorelai) on topic New Player Joining In July
Hi Reyna!

I'm Onca, another new player marshal like Jeff. Sorry that we had a bit slower reply to this than usual - it was a convention weekend and thus many of us were not looking here as often.

I do want to suggest bringing sleeping bag or blankets and a pillow, since we just have bunks/mattresses, and if you have a cot or tent you want to bring and setup somewhere, the summer is a great time for it!

Other things to bring would be a towel (as we have showers on site if you want one, or if you do a makeup NPC shift), and toiletries.

I hope this helps! Looking forward to meeting you.


~ Lorelai Sihnon VonRitter
Huntress of Galladel
Head of House VonRitter of the Witch Hunter Academy

Rachel Jump/Onca
(New Player Marshal)
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04 Jul 2016 17:50 #7 by Mantel (sigma-j)
Replied by Mantel (sigma-j) on topic New Player Joining In July
Also! Garb appropriate swimming gear (read: a set of clothes you don't mind getting wet!). It can get hot, and a stop by the Lake is just the ticket sometimes. There's no lifeguard, but you're sure to find more people willing to take a dip if you ask around. Also, often you'll find people down there anyway.

Mantel Warrane (AWz., QMA; AM, WSS)
Grand Librarian Emeritus, Darkwood Academy of the Metaphysical Arts
Professor Emeritus of Weave Studies, Darkwood Academy
Warden of the Keep, Allied Territory of Corvancia

(OOG Jean M, they/them)

"How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole." - C.G. Jung
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
04 Jul 2016 22:08 #8 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic New Player Joining In July
Awesome! Thanks, guys! I'm planning on bringing a tent and a cot, although I didn't think about stuff to swim in.

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

OOG: Carter Sneeringer
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05 Jul 2016 01:40 #9 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic New Player Joining In July
To be honest, any swimsuit will do. On occasion, we do have dedicated players who will go swimming in period-appropriate attire, but it's not a requirement!

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
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07 Jul 2016 10:14 #10 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic New Player Joining In July
I will most like being something to swim in then.

Also, I don't know who to mention this to, but I have Ehlers-danlos Syndrome, which is a connective tissue disorder that comes with chronic joint pain and some limited mobility (how much depends on the day and my personal pain levels, there are days where I can run and jump around and others where I can't get out of bed). After discussing things with my doctor, we have determined that I can safely take a combat role and physically fight with other PCs or NPCs (I don't need a green headband) provided I pace myself, but there may be instances where I need to take a short break from moving or sit down for a few minutes between NPC characters. Would that be acceptable, especially where NPCing is concerned? (It's my understanding that you go back to logicistics between NPC character deaths, is that correct?)

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

OOG: Carter Sneeringer
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07 Jul 2016 11:13 - 07 Jul 2016 11:15 #11 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic New Player Joining In July
We take your safety quite seriously here and if you need to take a short break or sit down, it's absolutely acceptable. Sometime before the event or at it, have it added to the Medical Notes section of you character card. Also, when you go to Logistics for your NPC shift, let the Monster Marshal (the person who's in charge of sending you out as an NPC) know that you can do combat, but nothing too crazy. They should be able to accommodate you. NPC deaths and respawns are planned by the Monster Marshal on shift, but they don't typically go back to Logistics between them.

At Logistics, we'll have the names and numbers of all of our Safety Marshals who are present, on a big whiteboard. They'll all have a phone on them and if you feel like you need them, either call the number or go out of game to let someone know you need to see one of them.


OOG -- Jeff Balla
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Last edit: 07 Jul 2016 11:15 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche).
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07 Jul 2016 12:53 #12 by Mantel (sigma-j)
Replied by Mantel (sigma-j) on topic New Player Joining In July
Not a marshal, but to further clarify your concern: Not between deaths, but it's rare to not return to Logistics at least two or three times in your shift, depending on the role. Especially for combat roles, because we're serious when we say "Hail Hydrate."

Mantel Warrane (AWz., QMA; AM, WSS)
Grand Librarian Emeritus, Darkwood Academy of the Metaphysical Arts
Professor Emeritus of Weave Studies, Darkwood Academy
Warden of the Keep, Allied Territory of Corvancia

(OOG Jean M, they/them)

"How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole." - C.G. Jung
07 Jul 2016 17:03 #13 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic New Player Joining In July
Ok, I'll make sure I note that when I arrive and have at least one phone number for a Safety Marshal. It has been my experience (I've been LARPing for almost two years) that I can handle any medical needs of mine (pain relief, needing a break and sitting down, needing assistance moving, etc.) in character. There has only been one instance where I've needed to break character to ask for help in the entire two years, but knowing that there will be someone on site I can call if absolutely necessary is a relief.

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

OOG: Carter Sneeringer
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Mantel (sigma-j)
13 Jul 2016 11:32 #14 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic New Player Joining In July
Ok, so I have most of my gear (or it's being shipped in the mail), including lots of socks. Nice thick socks that will prevent blisters. I also have a tent and a cot, so I will not need to take up a sleeping space in one of the cabins or the barn. I have plans for bringing my own food (with the exception of Saturday's feast), and I have a bear proof way to store it. Is there anything else I absolutely need?

Also, I'm really excited for this weekend! I looked at the prologue and got filled in on the basics of what's going on. With what Reyna can know in game, I know she's both nervous and looking forward to a good fight! And I'm just looking forward to the weekend as a whole!

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

OOG: Carter Sneeringer
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13 Jul 2016 11:53 - 13 Jul 2016 11:53 #15 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic New Player Joining In July

Reyna Berk wrote: Ok, so I have most of my gear (or it's being shipped in the mail), including lots of socks. Nice thick socks that will prevent blisters. I also have a tent and a cot, so I will not need to take up a sleeping space in one of the cabins or the barn. I have plans for bringing my own food (with the exception of Saturday's feast), and I have a bear proof way to store it. Is there anything else I absolutely need?

1. I'm glad you asked.

2. What I find helps me, is doing a head-to-toe check that I usually do right before I head out the door. For me, it's making sure that I have all of my character's garb and accessories, usually starting at my feet.

3. A way to tell the time, whether it's an old-fashioned timepiece with or without a chain or an old flip phone with insane amounts of battery life that you'll totally check discretely for atmosphere sake.

4. It'll be the middle of summer and that means bugs and the sun will be jockeying for the top spot of who's the bigger pest. Sunscreen and/or bug spray if you think you'll need them.

Also, I'm really excited for this weekend! I looked at the prologue and got filled in on the basics of what's going on. With what Reyna can know in game, I know she's both nervous and looking forward to a good fight! And I'm just looking forward to the weekend as a whole!

Yay! I'm looking forward to it too!

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
Last edit: 13 Jul 2016 11:53 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche).
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14 Jul 2016 00:01 #16 by Mantel (sigma-j)
Replied by Mantel (sigma-j) on topic New Player Joining In July
Seconding Jeff, always double check that you have the garb's "feet," as it is the easiest thing to leave home without.

Andrew G. and I BOTH did this at Week in the Life. I was stuck with my street-feet, rather than my usual boots.

Mantel Warrane (AWz., QMA; AM, WSS)
Grand Librarian Emeritus, Darkwood Academy of the Metaphysical Arts
Professor Emeritus of Weave Studies, Darkwood Academy
Warden of the Keep, Allied Territory of Corvancia

(OOG Jean M, they/them)

"How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole." - C.G. Jung
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17 Jul 2016 12:14 #17 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic New Player Joining In July

Reyna Berk wrote: I will most like being something to swim in then.

Also, I don't know who to mention this to, but I have Ehlers-danlos Syndrome, which is a connective tissue disorder that comes with chronic joint pain and some limited mobility (how much depends on the day and my personal pain levels, there are days where I can run and jump around and others where I can't get out of bed). After discussing things with my doctor, we have determined that I can safely take a combat role and physically fight with other PCs or NPCs (I don't need a green headband) provided I pace myself, but there may be instances where I need to take a short break from moving or sit down for a few minutes between NPC characters. Would that be acceptable, especially where NPCing is concerned? (It's my understanding that you go back to logicistics between NPC character deaths, is that correct?)

Hi there Hannah!

I'm John, one of the safety marshals here at Knight Realms.

I want to thank you for mentioning your medical issue- it has given me some homework to do prior to game. ;) If possible, please find me when you get in on Friday- I will be usually found somewhere between Logistics, the Inn and the Blood Spirit Encampment out in the woods... I would like to speak with you on this and make sure I got it straight on what you can and cannot do. :)

My number is listed on the wipeboard in Logistics so if you cannot find me, they or you can call me.

Again, as others have said, welcome to the Game and hope you have some serious fun!!

Father Duncan MacKenzie

Templar-High Priest of Brazen
Chaplain, Bloodspirits Mercenary Company

Janos Beecham (alt)
Dragoon of No Importance

John Tinney
Safety Marshal/ EMT
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Mantel (sigma-j)
17 Jul 2016 20:13 #18 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic New Player Joining In July
I will definitely be in touch with you, John. I can garuntee you will find a lot about EDS online that doesn't apply to me. There are three types, and I have a mild form of the most mild type, which is joint hyper-mobility. Simply put, my body doesn't hold itself together well and hurts all the time no matter what I'm doing. I will explain it a bit better there, but that's the general gist.

Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I know I will have an amazing time, and I already know that I will be back as often as I can!

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

OOG: Carter Sneeringer
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18 Jul 2016 07:16 #19 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic New Player Joining In July

Reyna Berk wrote: I will definitely be in touch with you, John. I can garuntee you will find a lot about EDS online that doesn't apply to me. There are three types, and I have a mild form of the most mild type, which is joint hyper-mobility. Simply put, my body doesn't hold itself together well and hurts all the time no matter what I'm doing. I will explain it a bit better there, but that's the general gist.

Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I know I will have an amazing time, and I already know that I will be back as often as I can!

Thats about the level I suspected, based on what you stated. Even so, knowing more about it and how it affects you is a good idea. Look forward to the conversation. :)

Father Duncan MacKenzie

Templar-High Priest of Brazen
Chaplain, Bloodspirits Mercenary Company

Janos Beecham (alt)
Dragoon of No Importance

John Tinney
Safety Marshal/ EMT
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Mantel (sigma-j)
20 Jul 2016 20:14 #20 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic New Player Joining In July
I hope I'm not being annoying by asking yet another question! This one is about character appearance.

My character has a scar that would only be visible if I were to wear a bikini while swimming. If I end up bringing one and decide to go for a swim, would I need to find a way to do the makeup for that? Because the only methods I know of now would wash off in water or with sunscreen or bug spray.

If I do need to, maybe someone could suggest a makeup technique that I could try out tomorrow while I'm packing/making any final preparations?

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

OOG: Carter Sneeringer
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20 Jul 2016 20:47 - 20 Jul 2016 20:52 #21 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic New Player Joining In July
Asking questions is a great way to not be annoying, because then you'll do things knowing the right answer!

Anyway, since I know very little about make-up, I'll try to point you in the right direction. Feel free to both check out the "Knight Realms Costumers Forum" on Facebook if you want to ask about waterproof make-up methods/techniques, or here on the forums in the Off-Topic section. I feel like it'd be going above and beyond, but I'm totally not going to stop you from going the extra mile for the roleplay!

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
Last edit: 20 Jul 2016 20:52 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mantel (sigma-j), Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
20 Jul 2016 21:07 #22 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic New Player Joining In July

Nalick wrote: Asking questions is a great way to not be annoying, because then you'll do things knowing the right answer!

Anyway, since I know very little about make-up, I'll try to point you in the right direction. Feel free to both check out the "Knight Realms Costumers Forum" on Facebook if you want to ask about waterproof make-up methods/techniques, or here on the forums in the Off-Topic section. I feel like it'd be going above and beyond, but I'm totally not going to stop you from going the extra mile for the roleplay!

Thank you! Haha, I'm a cosplayer, so there's no such thing as above and beyond when it comes to level of detail if I can physically and financially pull it off!

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

OOG: Carter Sneeringer
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21 Jul 2016 02:29 #23 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic New Player Joining In July
I appreciate it! I'm just saying that I don't want to put any undue burden on you, especially for your first event!

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
The following user(s) said Thank You: Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
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