Greetings from afar!

  • Kevin M.
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30 Apr 2018 16:41 #1 by Kevin M. (Grahukantar)
Greetings from afar! was created by Kevin M. (Grahukantar)
Hello everyone! I've been reading about Knight Realms for quite some time.. reviewing the site and reading the rules, etc. I love the depth of the story and the rules and would love to participate! Here are my challenges:

1. Never played a LARP before although I have years for table top and online RP experience.
2. Not a physical person. Have some medical issues that would limit my ability to run/fight etc. (my wife also).
3. I live in CT. It's about 3 hours away. :(

Any suggestions to help overcome these is appreciated.

Thanks for your input.

Kevin M.
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01 May 2018 10:54 #2 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic Greetings from afar!
Good morning, Kevin!

I'm Jeff, one of your New Player Representatives--I'm here to solve or reduce whatever challenges I can.

1. Before I started at Knight Realms, I hadn't played any table-top games nor did I participate in any online RP, so you're already years ahead of where I was. That experience will come in handy in a LARP.

2. I'd be happy to work with both of you on figuring out character concepts that wouldn't have to do much fighting and/or could get out of dodge if need be. Either send me a message here or start up a group chat with the three of us on Facebook and we'll get the ball rolling.

3. If this means you need a ride, I have some friends who live near there or pass through on their way up. Either that or make a thread here on our carpool board:

Otherwise, if you wouldn't mind elaborating #3, I'd appreciate it.

Welcome to Knight Realms!


OOG -- Jeff Balla
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