Zombies are coming!!!!
- Aria
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29 Jan 2009 16:44 #1
by Aria (Aria)
Zombies are coming!!!! was created by Aria (Aria)
- Liz
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30 Jan 2009 00:51 #2
by Liz (Liz)
Replied by Liz (Liz) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
the last bit.....chime in on how you are prepared zombies....lol

- Bladesworn
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30 Jan 2009 15:48 #3
by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Trust in the church to protect you... with a disciple like
, even those zombies don't stand a chance.
IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
- Tyra Silverfang
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30 Jan 2009 17:10 #4
by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing)
"There is a difference between a hero and a coward. A Hero wakes willing to risk death. A coward wakes wishing for it."
OOG: Adi
Replied by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
tat is absolutely the most awesome video ever! lol i love star wars
"There is a difference between a hero and a coward. A Hero wakes willing to risk death. A coward wakes wishing for it."
OOG: Adi
- Jurgur'mosh Goretusk
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30 Jan 2009 19:20 #5
by Jurgur'mosh Goretusk (MattF)
Jurgur'mosh GoreTusk
free orc
(OOG-Matt F)
Replied by Jurgur'mosh Goretusk (MattF) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
if it was only true, that would have to be a Gamers dreams actually go to war with zombies.
Jurgur'mosh GoreTusk
free orc
(OOG-Matt F)
- Darkhunter
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01 Feb 2009 13:43 #6
by Darkhunter (Darkhunter)
Bjorn Triplethree
Replied by Darkhunter (Darkhunter) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Gamers dream??
Hehe, I remember the online survey of peoples percentages on how well they would fair in a zombie apocolypse, I got like a 90 or 92 percent chance. But I had a bone of contention, it said the assualt rifle was a wrong pick for a weapon and that a hunting rifle was a better pick. I to this day claim my answer was right. I even sent a email to the person explaining this. never got a reply, but I compared the differnce between two easily accesible options for civilians. for a Hunting rifles I used the remmington 700 ( which the army also uses as a sniper rifle) and for the assault rifle I used CAR 15 ( the Civilian equivlent of the M-4 carbine used by the infantry) never got a reply back so I wonder what the verdict was. I classified the m-4 as a assualt ifle since its included in the CA assualt weapons ban. Which is the Brady organization has its way will go in effect country wide, banning all weapons that look like they should be on a battlefield.
Zombie hunters unit and dont allow them to take our right to bare arms away, we may need em to ward off the zombies later
Hehe, I remember the online survey of peoples percentages on how well they would fair in a zombie apocolypse, I got like a 90 or 92 percent chance. But I had a bone of contention, it said the assualt rifle was a wrong pick for a weapon and that a hunting rifle was a better pick. I to this day claim my answer was right. I even sent a email to the person explaining this. never got a reply, but I compared the differnce between two easily accesible options for civilians. for a Hunting rifles I used the remmington 700 ( which the army also uses as a sniper rifle) and for the assault rifle I used CAR 15 ( the Civilian equivlent of the M-4 carbine used by the infantry) never got a reply back so I wonder what the verdict was. I classified the m-4 as a assualt ifle since its included in the CA assualt weapons ban. Which is the Brady organization has its way will go in effect country wide, banning all weapons that look like they should be on a battlefield.
Zombie hunters unit and dont allow them to take our right to bare arms away, we may need em to ward off the zombies later
Bjorn Triplethree
- Lord Devirr
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01 Feb 2009 13:57 #7
by Lord Devirr (Eliston)
Replied by Lord Devirr (Eliston) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
the problem with the assault rifle is that you end up wasting too much ammunition. where as with the hunting rifle you use single shots with great care so you dont end up gettin eaten by god damn zombie. the whole point is it causes you to save ammo and take better shots. after all head shots are all that really matters.
- Bladesworn
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01 Feb 2009 14:10 #8
by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
As Tommy said, for survival... the hunting rifle is better for Joe Average. Any fully automatic weapon will let Joe Average waste ammo as he/she goes "Rambo" on the undead.
Now, if you take someone who has training... an assault rifle would be fine.
If you are forming a Zombie Hunting group whose funtion was to directly confront and assault the undead, then a fully automatic weapon would be fine as well. No need for stealth or subtlety. Simply line up your squad, and let loose at neck/head level and knee/ankle level. Cut down the waves of undead that approaches. Fragmentation/crowd dispersal weapons won't work. Incendiery weapons could prove useful in certain situations.
Mini-guns and SAW (squad assault weapons like M60's and such) would be good line trimmers.
Now, if you take someone who has training... an assault rifle would be fine.
If you are forming a Zombie Hunting group whose funtion was to directly confront and assault the undead, then a fully automatic weapon would be fine as well. No need for stealth or subtlety. Simply line up your squad, and let loose at neck/head level and knee/ankle level. Cut down the waves of undead that approaches. Fragmentation/crowd dispersal weapons won't work. Incendiery weapons could prove useful in certain situations.
Mini-guns and SAW (squad assault weapons like M60's and such) would be good line trimmers.
IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
- Jurgur'mosh Goretusk
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01 Feb 2009 14:13 #9
by Jurgur'mosh Goretusk (MattF)
Jurgur'mosh GoreTusk
free orc
(OOG-Matt F)
Replied by Jurgur'mosh Goretusk (MattF) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Also don't forget our friend El Ray from Planet Terror. Can't go wrong with a good set of knives to back up your fire power. Although good thing with the assault rifle is that if you have control, you can control your shots. I would actually prefer to use my 30-30 just cause I enjoy accuracy. My Cal-Tec 9mm with the extended clip ( not legal in NY state but who cares when zombies are involved). Its light weight, fold able, and is accurate at mid to close quarters. Of course you can't leave your side arm. While I do enjoy the smooth shot of my bursa .380 when dealing with the under we need what we can rely on over luxury. In case on invasion i would have to stick with a good old .357 snub or regular size revolver ( if the first bullet wont fire i bet the other 5 will). Just be sure to keep plenty of reloads. That should do it along with some other small choice firearms that would help in the fight against the once again living.
Jurgur'mosh GoreTusk
free orc
(OOG-Matt F)
- geezer
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01 Feb 2009 15:44 #10
by geezer (geezer)
Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild
An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.
OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal
"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
I have a 7mm Remington 700BDL, which is a great long range, bolt action rifle. So if the zombies were coming across the field, one could knock them down at long range. OTOH, I also have a 30-06 semi-automatic rifle, which with an extended clip I would classify in the assault weapon category. However, for short range, what is wrong with the perfect home protection weapon, say an Ithaca 18" (shortest allowed under the law) barrel pump shotgun in 12 gauge? It holds 8 rounds, is deadly accurate under 50 feet, and has the power to stop and shred almost anything. If they are bunched, like in the movies, one can use buckshot and scatter a 9-15 .32 caliber balls around.
All my options are readily available to the civilian populace, use common off the shelf ammo, and for short range (under 150 feet) are ready as is to get rid of pesky undead.
All my options are readily available to the civilian populace, use common off the shelf ammo, and for short range (under 150 feet) are ready as is to get rid of pesky undead.
Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild
An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.
OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal
"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
- Bladesworn
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01 Feb 2009 16:34 #11
by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
I would disagree about the shotguns. If we are following the "rules" of zombies... tissue damage to them is negligable and only wastes your ammo. Sure... you hit them, they fall, but then they get right back up. Head shots only, and a spread of buckshot at head level would only get 1 maybe 2, if you're lucky. Or go for knees to make them crawl towards you instead of the undead slow shuffle. Shotguns are great vs people... not zombies.
100' feet or greater = hunting rifle or semi-automatic assault rifle (here, you have time to change clips/reload ammo. so rifles without great ammo capacity are ok here)
50' - 100' feet = assault carbine on semi-auto (like the M-4... here you need to watch when you change clips/reload. the less you have to, the better. Ammo capacity, accuracy, and power are key here)
5' - 50' feet = large caliber hand pistol w/ extended clip (you need power and ammo here. accuracy shouldn't be an issue at this close of a range unless you really suck. unload on the ones closest to you before you run)
0' - 5' feet = RUN SUCKA RUN!
100' feet or greater = hunting rifle or semi-automatic assault rifle (here, you have time to change clips/reload ammo. so rifles without great ammo capacity are ok here)
50' - 100' feet = assault carbine on semi-auto (like the M-4... here you need to watch when you change clips/reload. the less you have to, the better. Ammo capacity, accuracy, and power are key here)
5' - 50' feet = large caliber hand pistol w/ extended clip (you need power and ammo here. accuracy shouldn't be an issue at this close of a range unless you really suck. unload on the ones closest to you before you run)
0' - 5' feet = RUN SUCKA RUN!

IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
- geezer
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01 Feb 2009 20:17 #12
by geezer (geezer)
Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild
An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.
OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal
"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
OK, now I get to try my own "Mythbusters" test on the efficacy of shotguns vs Zombies.
1 - I will save some 1 and 1/2 Gallon plastic containers. I realize that plastic is not as good as bone matter on deflecting pellets, but I must work with the materials at hand.
2 - Fill containers with water.
3 - Take into back yard, mount on something so the containers are between 5 feet off the ground (zombies Jon G., Wally, and my size) and 6 feet (Geoff, Rob, and others). Make certain the spread is 3 -4 feet between them. Stagger a second row behind them, since zombies seem to like to attack in staggered ranks.
4 - At 100 feet fire 12 gauge magnum OO buckshot, aiming at the 1 gallon "head." Check the spread and penetration.
Ditto at 50 feet
Ditto at 25 ft.
What the hell, try it at 10 feet
Since I do not have many 1 gallon plastic containers, this will take a week or three to set up. Plus, I use discarding sabot rifled slugs for shooting, so I have to buy some shot.
1 - I will save some 1 and 1/2 Gallon plastic containers. I realize that plastic is not as good as bone matter on deflecting pellets, but I must work with the materials at hand.
2 - Fill containers with water.
3 - Take into back yard, mount on something so the containers are between 5 feet off the ground (zombies Jon G., Wally, and my size) and 6 feet (Geoff, Rob, and others). Make certain the spread is 3 -4 feet between them. Stagger a second row behind them, since zombies seem to like to attack in staggered ranks.

4 - At 100 feet fire 12 gauge magnum OO buckshot, aiming at the 1 gallon "head." Check the spread and penetration.
Ditto at 50 feet
Ditto at 25 ft.
What the hell, try it at 10 feet
Since I do not have many 1 gallon plastic containers, this will take a week or three to set up. Plus, I use discarding sabot rifled slugs for shooting, so I have to buy some shot.
Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild
An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.
OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal
"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
- Bladesworn
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01 Feb 2009 21:42 #13
by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Try fruit. Water jugs don't represent human heads as well as a watermelon or cantaloupe. The human skull is an amazing composition of different pieces of bones.
There are videos . I am not sure what range, but the destruction and damage looked good. Still, I get the feeling that the range on the video was closer than 50' feet.
I've seen 12 gauge buckshot in action. It can be destructive... but I still stand by my prior assessment that you want power, and ammo capacity at close range. Buckshot will have power, but not capacity. Using it at mid-range cuts away from power, and ammo capacity is still an issue.
There are videos . I am not sure what range, but the destruction and damage looked good. Still, I get the feeling that the range on the video was closer than 50' feet.
I've seen 12 gauge buckshot in action. It can be destructive... but I still stand by my prior assessment that you want power, and ammo capacity at close range. Buckshot will have power, but not capacity. Using it at mid-range cuts away from power, and ammo capacity is still an issue.
IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
- Magnus
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01 Feb 2009 23:25 #14
by Magnus (hippy g0th)
Matthew Majchrzak
Lord General Magnus
"Not Dead Yet!"
Replied by Magnus (hippy g0th) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
so there slow shuffle zombies not fast pathogen zombies right....
Matthew Majchrzak
Lord General Magnus
"Not Dead Yet!"
- Bladesworn
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02 Feb 2009 00:59 #15
by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Right... we are using the "traditional slow-shuffle" zombies and not the new generation ones (a la 28 Days Later). If we were using the fast suckers... I don't even wanna think about it. :-X
IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
- Matt D
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02 Feb 2009 02:03 #16
by Matt D (MattD)
Elias Ashby
Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store
Lord Templar Rayven Nightwing of the Order of Holy Light
(OOG - Matt D. - Photographer)
Replied by Matt D (MattD) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
I think as a backup to firearms, a lightweight and extremely sharp katana would be nice. I say katana because a curved blade is much easier for slicing. One quick swipe across the throat woud do it I think. Granted ONLY as a last resort, and ONLY if they're the slow moving zombies...
Elias Ashby
Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store
Lord Templar Rayven Nightwing of the Order of Holy Light
(OOG - Matt D. - Photographer)
- Bladesworn
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02 Feb 2009 09:44 #17
by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
You'd want as much cutting power as possible when in melee with slow zombies. The best decapitation weapon would be an axe. All the weight and force is at a heavy, weighted end... made sharp. Also axes can be more utilitarian in purpose than a sword and the haft can be used to block and parry the grasping arms of the zombies.
Yeah... I know, I have put too much thought and energy into this line of thinking and such...
I've been thinking on what to do about teh fast, pathogen type zombies... I'm still thinking it over and mulling things, but I might try to write a small supplement to the survival guide when it comes to fast zombies.
Yeah... I know, I have put too much thought and energy into this line of thinking and such...

I've been thinking on what to do about teh fast, pathogen type zombies... I'm still thinking it over and mulling things, but I might try to write a small supplement to the survival guide when it comes to fast zombies.
IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
- Matt D
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02 Feb 2009 12:44 #18
by Matt D (MattD)
Elias Ashby
Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store
Lord Templar Rayven Nightwing of the Order of Holy Light
(OOG - Matt D. - Photographer)
Replied by Matt D (MattD) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Good point on the axe. Now are talking something with a very broad head like a battle axe? Or a woodcutting axe?
And for the fast zombies, you only need two things. A gun, and a bullet... For yourself. Or maybe a BFG.
And for the fast zombies, you only need two things. A gun, and a bullet... For yourself. Or maybe a BFG.
Elias Ashby
Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store
Lord Templar Rayven Nightwing of the Order of Holy Light
(OOG - Matt D. - Photographer)
- Odo Garaath
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02 Feb 2009 13:58 - 02 Feb 2009 14:01 #19
by Odo Garaath (Odo)
"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."
(Tom Senger )
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
That sounds like an entertaining and informative little event. Add on some meat grilling, and you have a party.
That sounds like an entertaining and informative little event. Add on some meat grilling, and you have a party.
"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."
(Tom Senger )
Last edit: 02 Feb 2009 14:01 by .
- Darkhunter
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02 Feb 2009 14:18 #20
by Darkhunter (Darkhunter)
Bjorn Triplethree
Replied by Darkhunter (Darkhunter) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Okay I will get to the fast moving zombies in a second.
as for distances and types of fire arms. If we are saying the average Joe, would be better off with a hunting rifle, were still wrong. While range and 5+1 rounds are supposedly the best thing, since you dont want to be shooting at zombies in close. Im gunna go from my perspective on that. Hunting rifles are made to hit things far out. Remember this simple equation:
1 Meter = 3 Feet.
Now, with a hunting rifle, the targets you shooting at are generally more then 150 feet to 200 feet away, with Iron sights, no scope. You can shoot farther with a scope.
The M-4 carbine, with a 2x ACOG (made by Trijicon and open to civilian purchase), can hit a 300 meter Target consistently. And with plenty enough of those being head shots. (I know, I went and used the Sim here on the base. And after zeroing the ACOG to the Weapon ((which can be done in 6 rounds if you know what your doing)) Anyone can then use that weapon and have a 94 % accuracy rating according to the computer, with 30 rounds)
300 meters is 900 feet
Now we'll use a remmington 700, bolt action, 5+1 round capacity. with a scope, you can consistently hit targets at 1000 meters, with a well zero'd weapon, alot of those will be head shots. Draw back, everyone sight picture and point of aim is differnt, so the weapon needs to be zero'd to them for something that far. which means you cant just pick up your dead buddies rifle and use it, unless you zero it first.
now 1000 meters, thats 3,000 feet away. if something is that far...you could simply go around it.
900 feet is still a far distance, have a friend go stand 900 feet away, and see how long it takes for him to shuffle to you.
Now that I have my distance point out of the way here comes the attainability point.
Military style assualt rifles are hard to come by, unless you do it illegally. But since there is no real law during the apocolypse, how feasible would a avergae joe be able to get a assault rifle. During the beginning of the outbreak, very unlikely, since the military and police force will be using them. Several weeks in, it will be possible, since now those who were using them are either dead or zombies.
We'll go with the beginning onset of the out break. a Fully automatic assualt rifle isnt just handed out over the counter. Most states, especially california, have strict limitations on weapons. We'll use California for example first. the good ole CA AWB (Assualt weapons ban) Bans any fire arm, that has the following: Pistol grip, bayonet lug, flash surrpressor ( note: I am not talking about a silencer). They also ban .50 cal rifles made by barret. So in the state of california, you cannot get a AR 15/ CAR 15/ AK 47, SKS, so on and so forth.
The states that do allow those weapons, will only allow them in a single shot format., so you only have safe and fire to choose from.
most states ban any sort of fire arm that fires more then 10 rounds ( California/Hawaii/New jersey) all magazins over the countere for these weapons are 10 round mags. Yes you can get higher capacity, but these are generally only for law enforcement. so since were at the beginning of the outbreak, the avergae joe can only get a 10 round mag.
Now, we get back to distance.
When will you be using your rifle the most to shoot Zombies?
My idea, when your scouting for food, supply's, or simple moving to a new locations. Most "Assault Rifles" have a 13 inch barrel, compared to a hunting rifle with it 18 to 20 inch barrel. now that just barrel length.
The M-4 (CAR - 15) carbine with but stock fully extended is only 33 inches long. making it ideal for Urban operations and vehicle use.
how longs a hunting rifle? off hand Im going to say over 40 inches. that gets awkward trying to use like that. not to mention trying to aim it at something at the end of the hall....scopes arnt fun up close.
scope Duribility. Drop a hunting rifle....you have likely thrown your POA off now, and need to go re zero the weapon.
the m-4 and its ACOG are made to be abused roughly. Youll eventually knock you POA off, but it will take more to do so.
So dispite what people say, for me a weapon similair to an assualt rifle will always be the weapon of choice over a hunting rifle for a zombie apocolypse.
Now for the fast movers
If I remember right, they werent zombies persay. Simply people that were driven to a huge rage and hunger due to a virus. the head shot theory is no need.
Simple solution, shoot it till it stops moving, dont have to worry about where you hit it. Just kill it
as for distances and types of fire arms. If we are saying the average Joe, would be better off with a hunting rifle, were still wrong. While range and 5+1 rounds are supposedly the best thing, since you dont want to be shooting at zombies in close. Im gunna go from my perspective on that. Hunting rifles are made to hit things far out. Remember this simple equation:
1 Meter = 3 Feet.
Now, with a hunting rifle, the targets you shooting at are generally more then 150 feet to 200 feet away, with Iron sights, no scope. You can shoot farther with a scope.
The M-4 carbine, with a 2x ACOG (made by Trijicon and open to civilian purchase), can hit a 300 meter Target consistently. And with plenty enough of those being head shots. (I know, I went and used the Sim here on the base. And after zeroing the ACOG to the Weapon ((which can be done in 6 rounds if you know what your doing)) Anyone can then use that weapon and have a 94 % accuracy rating according to the computer, with 30 rounds)
300 meters is 900 feet
Now we'll use a remmington 700, bolt action, 5+1 round capacity. with a scope, you can consistently hit targets at 1000 meters, with a well zero'd weapon, alot of those will be head shots. Draw back, everyone sight picture and point of aim is differnt, so the weapon needs to be zero'd to them for something that far. which means you cant just pick up your dead buddies rifle and use it, unless you zero it first.
now 1000 meters, thats 3,000 feet away. if something is that far...you could simply go around it.
900 feet is still a far distance, have a friend go stand 900 feet away, and see how long it takes for him to shuffle to you.
Now that I have my distance point out of the way here comes the attainability point.
Military style assualt rifles are hard to come by, unless you do it illegally. But since there is no real law during the apocolypse, how feasible would a avergae joe be able to get a assault rifle. During the beginning of the outbreak, very unlikely, since the military and police force will be using them. Several weeks in, it will be possible, since now those who were using them are either dead or zombies.
We'll go with the beginning onset of the out break. a Fully automatic assualt rifle isnt just handed out over the counter. Most states, especially california, have strict limitations on weapons. We'll use California for example first. the good ole CA AWB (Assualt weapons ban) Bans any fire arm, that has the following: Pistol grip, bayonet lug, flash surrpressor ( note: I am not talking about a silencer). They also ban .50 cal rifles made by barret. So in the state of california, you cannot get a AR 15/ CAR 15/ AK 47, SKS, so on and so forth.
The states that do allow those weapons, will only allow them in a single shot format., so you only have safe and fire to choose from.
most states ban any sort of fire arm that fires more then 10 rounds ( California/Hawaii/New jersey) all magazins over the countere for these weapons are 10 round mags. Yes you can get higher capacity, but these are generally only for law enforcement. so since were at the beginning of the outbreak, the avergae joe can only get a 10 round mag.
Now, we get back to distance.
When will you be using your rifle the most to shoot Zombies?
My idea, when your scouting for food, supply's, or simple moving to a new locations. Most "Assault Rifles" have a 13 inch barrel, compared to a hunting rifle with it 18 to 20 inch barrel. now that just barrel length.
The M-4 (CAR - 15) carbine with but stock fully extended is only 33 inches long. making it ideal for Urban operations and vehicle use.
how longs a hunting rifle? off hand Im going to say over 40 inches. that gets awkward trying to use like that. not to mention trying to aim it at something at the end of the hall....scopes arnt fun up close.
scope Duribility. Drop a hunting rifle....you have likely thrown your POA off now, and need to go re zero the weapon.
the m-4 and its ACOG are made to be abused roughly. Youll eventually knock you POA off, but it will take more to do so.
So dispite what people say, for me a weapon similair to an assualt rifle will always be the weapon of choice over a hunting rifle for a zombie apocolypse.
Now for the fast movers
If I remember right, they werent zombies persay. Simply people that were driven to a huge rage and hunger due to a virus. the head shot theory is no need.
Simple solution, shoot it till it stops moving, dont have to worry about where you hit it. Just kill it
Bjorn Triplethree
- Bladesworn
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02 Feb 2009 14:56 #21
by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
If we go by the 28 Days/Weeks Later version... the "zombies" are just drugged out people. So, for those folks, head shots aren't necessary. In fact, I think the police have a preffered method when facing drugged out psychos... high caliber stopping power and aim for the chest. Aiming for the chest and using a weapon that causes high collateral damage is actually good. They might not feel the pain, but it will screw them over. Also if you use ammunition that is made for human targets to do a ton of damage (ie, non-armored folks, so you want fragmenting rounds that tumble and cause vicious trauma as it rips through the body), then that's also cool.
IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Now for the fast movers
If I remember right, they werent zombies persay. Simply people that were driven to a huge rage and hunger due to a virus. the head shot theory is no need.
Simple solution, shoot it till it stops moving, dont have to worry about where you hit it. Just kill it
If we go by the 28 Days/Weeks Later version... the "zombies" are just drugged out people. So, for those folks, head shots aren't necessary. In fact, I think the police have a preffered method when facing drugged out psychos... high caliber stopping power and aim for the chest. Aiming for the chest and using a weapon that causes high collateral damage is actually good. They might not feel the pain, but it will screw them over. Also if you use ammunition that is made for human targets to do a ton of damage (ie, non-armored folks, so you want fragmenting rounds that tumble and cause vicious trauma as it rips through the body), then that's also cool.
IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
- Darkhunter
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02 Feb 2009 16:02 #22
by Darkhunter (Darkhunter)
Bjorn Triplethree
Replied by Darkhunter (Darkhunter) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
generally a .308 hollow point, or .40 cal or greater round.
.9mm and .223 is like stabbing someone with a ice pick, youll have to put several rounds in em to eventually drop em.
If you know where to look, you can pick up just about any pistol round in a Personal Defense round. this type of round had a steel rod in the center or the bullet, and when the bullet mushrooms out keeps it in one solid piece. Concept behind this is tranferance. ie- your charging me at 10 feet per second, I hit you with a bullet that is traveling at 1,600 FPS. The bullet enters you, mushroom, but is not allowed to fragment. Now that kinetic enegry that was hitting you is now being transfered to you. While your not going to fly back at 1,600 FPS as teh round would have slowed down significantly, you still going to get put on your rear end.
.9mm and .223 is like stabbing someone with a ice pick, youll have to put several rounds in em to eventually drop em.
If you know where to look, you can pick up just about any pistol round in a Personal Defense round. this type of round had a steel rod in the center or the bullet, and when the bullet mushrooms out keeps it in one solid piece. Concept behind this is tranferance. ie- your charging me at 10 feet per second, I hit you with a bullet that is traveling at 1,600 FPS. The bullet enters you, mushroom, but is not allowed to fragment. Now that kinetic enegry that was hitting you is now being transfered to you. While your not going to fly back at 1,600 FPS as teh round would have slowed down significantly, you still going to get put on your rear end.
Bjorn Triplethree
- Jurgur'mosh Goretusk
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02 Feb 2009 18:02 #23
by Jurgur'mosh Goretusk (MattF)
Jurgur'mosh GoreTusk
free orc
(OOG-Matt F)
Replied by Jurgur'mosh Goretusk (MattF) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
JHP's all day every day, I still like my .9mm Kel-Tec though.
Jurgur'mosh GoreTusk
free orc
(OOG-Matt F)
- Secarius
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03 Feb 2009 16:59 - 03 Feb 2009 17:13 #24
by Secarius (Secarius)
ALex S.
player of Brax the Barbarian
Replied by Secarius (Secarius) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
i'll be fine with my bow, home-made grenades, and sharp pointies thank you very much.
that and once they do show up i know where the local precinct is.
also.. you only REALLY need to be bite proof... if you can protect your head (motorcycle helmet) or can actually come by a propper millitary helmet.. thats good.. more for actually protecting your mellon from bumps and falls and flying debris than bites..
so it being said that yuo really only need to be bite proof.. leather is the way to go.. motorcycle leathers. "if it will protect you from falling off a motorcycle @ 60mph than it will protect you from a Zombie bite" chaine armor or plate armor.. is too heavy and cumbersome to be viable in a zombie situation.. remember zombies arent swinging swords or axes.. they are trying to bite you. and if it isnt a zombie and tis attacking you.. its using guns or explosives.. so in either of those cases chaine and plate are worthless. any chaine or plate metal armor that would protect you enough from bullets or explosives would be so thick and heavy you wouldnt be able to move aorund long enough, well enough, or fast enough to get away from the zombies.
IF you insist on wearing something bullet proof.. id suggest taking the vest and helmet off of one of the dead cops you will find or a dead national guardsman.. there will be tons of them... provided you dont live out in the middle of nowhere like some of you do.
once you have gathered gear; vest and helmet from a cop/soldier, handgun, shotgun/assault rifle from them also...they wont be needing it anymore... you should find your way to a non land locked body of water. a large river or the ocean. find yourself a boat there and get on it. then get yourself to alaska.. cuz apparently zombies never get to alaska...
final recap.
MAYBE fire axe for opening doors
vest, helmet & weapons off a dead cop/soldier
no chaine maile, no plate armor
find way to openw ater
get to alaska
but not too far north cuz there's vampires up there
that and once they do show up i know where the local precinct is.
also.. you only REALLY need to be bite proof... if you can protect your head (motorcycle helmet) or can actually come by a propper millitary helmet.. thats good.. more for actually protecting your mellon from bumps and falls and flying debris than bites..
so it being said that yuo really only need to be bite proof.. leather is the way to go.. motorcycle leathers. "if it will protect you from falling off a motorcycle @ 60mph than it will protect you from a Zombie bite" chaine armor or plate armor.. is too heavy and cumbersome to be viable in a zombie situation.. remember zombies arent swinging swords or axes.. they are trying to bite you. and if it isnt a zombie and tis attacking you.. its using guns or explosives.. so in either of those cases chaine and plate are worthless. any chaine or plate metal armor that would protect you enough from bullets or explosives would be so thick and heavy you wouldnt be able to move aorund long enough, well enough, or fast enough to get away from the zombies.
IF you insist on wearing something bullet proof.. id suggest taking the vest and helmet off of one of the dead cops you will find or a dead national guardsman.. there will be tons of them... provided you dont live out in the middle of nowhere like some of you do.
once you have gathered gear; vest and helmet from a cop/soldier, handgun, shotgun/assault rifle from them also...they wont be needing it anymore... you should find your way to a non land locked body of water. a large river or the ocean. find yourself a boat there and get on it. then get yourself to alaska.. cuz apparently zombies never get to alaska...
final recap.
MAYBE fire axe for opening doors
vest, helmet & weapons off a dead cop/soldier
no chaine maile, no plate armor
find way to openw ater
get to alaska
but not too far north cuz there's vampires up there
ALex S.
player of Brax the Barbarian
Last edit: 03 Feb 2009 17:13 by .
- McDermitt
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03 Feb 2009 17:23 #25
by McDermitt (Matt Quagz)
Replied by McDermitt (Matt Quagz) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
- Jurgur'mosh Goretusk
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03 Feb 2009 17:33 #26
by Jurgur'mosh Goretusk (MattF)
Jurgur'mosh GoreTusk
free orc
(OOG-Matt F)
Replied by Jurgur'mosh Goretusk (MattF) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA- that's all I could do after reading Matt's post
Jurgur'mosh GoreTusk
free orc
(OOG-Matt F)
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03 Feb 2009 20:28 #27
by geezer (geezer)
Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild
An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.
OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal
"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
100 meters = roughly 110 yards. All else made good sense, Rob.
Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild
An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.
OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal
"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
- Secarius
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03 Feb 2009 21:43 #28
by Secarius (Secarius)
ALex S.
player of Brax the Barbarian
Replied by Secarius (Secarius) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
well Matt,
you will be sorry when the zombies come and you're a soul-less flesh eatting cadaver and im not.
you will be sorry when the zombies come and you're a soul-less flesh eatting cadaver and im not.
ALex S.
player of Brax the Barbarian
- McDermitt
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03 Feb 2009 22:07 #29
by McDermitt (Matt Quagz)
Replied by McDermitt (Matt Quagz) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
no i wont because they don't exist.
KR aint real dude
KR aint real dude
- Momo
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03 Feb 2009 22:15 #30
by Momo (Momo)
Morgan Jones!!!!!!!
' We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl...year after year...running over the same old ground, what have we found? The same old fears...wish you were here.' - Pink Floyd
Replied by Momo (Momo) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
omg xD
runnn! Zombiez~
lol, nice
this is why hackers pwn. >_o
runnn! Zombiez~
lol, nice
this is why hackers pwn. >_o

Morgan Jones!!!!!!!
' We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl...year after year...running over the same old ground, what have we found? The same old fears...wish you were here.' - Pink Floyd

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