Zombies are coming!!!!

11 Feb 2009 03:50 #61 by Cpt. Blackthorn (Cpt. Blackthorn)
Replied by Cpt. Blackthorn (Cpt. Blackthorn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!

If I may chime in here for a moment, first off to whomever it was who stated that Zombies aren’t real well I have to tell you you’re wrong on that count it has been scientifically documented that zombies are real. That is in the case those created by the practices of Voodoo and Hoodoo the Zombie state is caused by introducing 2 specially prepared Powders into the blood stream.


For the love of god, Zombies are not real. What your talking are not zombies. Zombies are undead. Undead are not  real. Undead are make believe like KR and this Thread. 

If my words offend you or annoy you as they seem to be, might I suggest not reading them. Otherwise, do some research before you attempt to debate with the likes of me... the concept/ term of zomies being Undead who have risen from the grave to feast on the living wasn't concieved and popularized as we are refering to it until George A Romero's 1968 Masterpiece "Night of the living Dead". Which was inpired by many legends and folklore, for instance I reference " The Epic of Gilgamesh" (ca. 2000bc) "an Akkadian epic compiled out of several Sumerian myths depicting the adventures of the semi-fictional King Gilgmesh, illustrates an early form of zombie concept in one of the passages of the sixth tablet, in which the goddess Ishtar issues a threat against Gilgamesh:

"I will knock down the Gates of the Netherworld, I will smash the door posts, and leave the doors flat down, and will let the dead go up to eat the living! And the dead will outnumber the living!" (Wikipedia) how ever in this story the Dead are not mindless, lumbering creatures but merly the dead risen so not truly Zombies as we have come to recognize them.

The Stories of Zombies originated in the carribean as part of the belief and practice of Vodoo as I have mentioned before In which a person is brought under control and rendered a mindless servant by a Houngan/ or Bokor ( priest), or Mambo (priestess) and Science has expolered and documented this practice.

The word Zombie was entered into the english dictionary circa 1871: it is derived from Creole zonbi, which in turn is of Bantu origin, Bantu coming from Africa, A zonbi is a person who is believed to have died and been brought back to life without speech or free will. and are in the service of their master. which could lend claim to them being Undead, However it is the introductions of certain chemicals into the body that induce the "death like State" so that the person appears to have risen from the dead.

I could go on all day... I have done extensive reading an research into Zombie Lore as it is the Premise of a Comic I am co-creating, but do us both a favor and do some research yourself. Otherwise let everyone enjoy this all beit ridiculous  however fun debate/ disscussion.
Thank you

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11 Feb 2009 07:54 #62 by dedrite (dedrite)
Replied by dedrite (dedrite) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Mk2 Terminator armor with Chainfist and an Assaultcannon, that is all.

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11 Feb 2009 09:01 #63 by Matt D (MattD)
Replied by Matt D (MattD) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Joe wins.

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11 Feb 2009 10:03 #64 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
.410 is for shooting skeet or dove.  stick with slugs with that.  Buy a 12 gage (.750) as the throw weight is triple.

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11 Feb 2009 10:34 #65 by Atrus (Atrus)
Replied by Atrus (Atrus) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Bokor aren't priests in Voodoo, they are considered to be black magicians.  Don't confuse priests/priestesses and general practitioners of Voodoo with Bokor, they are world's apart.  It is true however that in Haiti people were punished for various crimes involving Voodoo mispractice, (ie casting harmful spells on neighbors and what have you), well into the 1900's.  I believe they did away with the legal punishments and charges somewhere in the 1940's but it's been awhile since I read up on the subject.

Their are however some more widely accepted theories, ( and most logical in my opinion), involving Voodoo and zombies.  One being a combination of grave robbers and traditional island folklore.  Another thought is that some type of drug was made which induced a coma-like state in which life signs were nigh undetectable.  When the person awakes in a grave buried sometimes very shallowly- you can imagine the trauma induced by that.  So now believing they are spirit-less because some jerk Bokor now "controls" them and their spirit, they have thus become a "zombie".  Add up the folklore/religious lore involving a Bokor's powers, the extremely prevalent practice of Voodoo, and some traumatized victims who aren't heard from for sometimes years at a time, and voila- Voodoo zombies!  Good for movies, not so much for making zombies.  On a side note, Haiti is a third world country and isn't exactly well known for its advanced medical facilities or proper documentation.

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11 Feb 2009 13:10 #66 by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen)
Replied by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Quagz, dude, just dye your hair black and you'll be good to go.


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11 Feb 2009 21:50 #67 by McDermitt (Matt Quagz)
Replied by McDermitt (Matt Quagz) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!

If I may chime in here for a moment, first off to whomever it was who stated that Zombies aren’t real well I have to tell you you’re wrong on that count it has been scientifically documented that zombies are real. That is in the case those created by the practices of Voodoo and Hoodoo the Zombie state is caused by introducing 2 specially prepared Powders into the blood stream.


For the love of god, Zombies are not real. What your talking are not zombies. Zombies are undead. Undead are not  real. Undead are make believe like KR and this Thread. 

If my words offend you or annoy you as they seem to be, might I suggest not reading them. Otherwise, do some research before you attempt to debate with the likes of me... the concept/ term of zomies being Undead who have risen from the grave to feast on the living wasn't concieved and popularized as we are refering to it until George A Romero's 1968 Masterpiece "Night of the living Dead". Which was inpired by many legends and folklore, for instance I reference " The Epic of Gilgamesh" (ca. 2000bc) "an Akkadian epic compiled out of several Sumerian myths depicting the adventures of the semi-fictional King Gilgmesh, illustrates an early form of zombie concept in one of the passages of the sixth tablet, in which the goddess Ishtar issues a threat against Gilgamesh:

"I will knock down the Gates of the Netherworld, I will smash the door posts, and leave the doors flat down, and will let the dead go up to eat the living! And the dead will outnumber the living!" (Wikipedia) how ever in this story the Dead are not mindless, lumbering creatures but merly the dead risen so not truly Zombies as we have come to recognize them.

The Stories of Zombies originated in the carribean as part of the belief and practice of Vodoo as I have mentioned before In which a person is brought under control and rendered a mindless servant by a Houngan/ or Bokor ( priest), or Mambo (priestess) and Science has expolered and documented this practice.

The word Zombie was entered into the english dictionary circa 1871: it is derived from Creole zonbi, which in turn is of Bantu origin, Bantu coming from Africa, A zonbi is a person who is believed to have died and been brought back to life without speech or free will. and are in the service of their master. which could lend claim to them being Undead, However it is the introductions of certain chemicals into the body that induce the "death like State" so that the person appears to have risen from the dead.

I could go on all day... I have done extensive reading an research into Zombie Lore as it is the Premise of a Comic I am co-creating, but do us both a favor and do some research yourself. Otherwise let everyone enjoy this all beit ridiculous  however fun debate/ disscussion.
Thank you

Im sorry
I was unaware that you had a BA in Zombie's

Tell you what.
The day the dead rise and walk the earth I will kneel down and call you master.

till then


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11 Feb 2009 23:04 #68 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Wow... this thread has gone on a journey longer and more convoluted than some episodes of Family Guy.  :D

The only things I am interested in now are...
1. Video of someone taking a shotgun and shooting watermelons or canteloupe at varying distances with buckshot to see the effectiveness of that weapon versus multiple targets for head shots.
2. The idea of possibly running a zombie survival larp for fun as a quick, 1-day event using modified nerf guns, boffers, and other such.
3. More folks doing something fun with street signs or other such which depicts the zombie invasion.

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11 Feb 2009 23:40 #69 by Atrus (Atrus)
Replied by Atrus (Atrus) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Speaking of shooting random melons, at varying distances, I'm kinda curious about the effects of different types of ammo on them as well, well the slug rounds will just destroy anything, but maybe rock salt really would mess something up at close range...

Charlie you have a duty to your fellow larpers to shoot/blow up anything that resembles a human/zombie head with anything you can get your hands on.  It's purely for the pursuit of knowledge... and the pleasure of shooting things and blowing things up.

"Only those who have endured the greatest suffering can become the greatest people."

12 Feb 2009 01:24 #70 by Cpt. Blackthorn (Cpt. Blackthorn)
Replied by Cpt. Blackthorn (Cpt. Blackthorn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!

If I may chime in here for a moment, first off to whomever it was who stated that Zombies aren’t real well I have to tell you you’re wrong on that count it has been scientifically documented that zombies are real. That is in the case those created by the practices of Voodoo and Hoodoo the Zombie state is caused by introducing 2 specially prepared Powders into the blood stream.


For the love of god, Zombies are not real. What your talking are not zombies. Zombies are undead. Undead are not  real. Undead are make believe like KR and this Thread. 

If my words offend you or annoy you as they seem to be, might I suggest not reading them. Otherwise, do some research before you attempt to debate with the likes of me... the concept/ term of zomies being Undead who have risen from the grave to feast on the living wasn't concieved and popularized as we are refering to it until George A Romero's 1968 Masterpiece "Night of the living Dead". Which was inpired by many legends and folklore, for instance I reference " The Epic of Gilgamesh" (ca. 2000bc) "an Akkadian epic compiled out of several Sumerian myths depicting the adventures of the semi-fictional King Gilgmesh, illustrates an early form of zombie concept in one of the passages of the sixth tablet, in which the goddess Ishtar issues a threat against Gilgamesh:

"I will knock down the Gates of the Netherworld, I will smash the door posts, and leave the doors flat down, and will let the dead go up to eat the living! And the dead will outnumber the living!" (Wikipedia) how ever in this story the Dead are not mindless, lumbering creatures but merly the dead risen so not truly Zombies as we have come to recognize them.

The Stories of Zombies originated in the carribean as part of the belief and practice of Vodoo as I have mentioned before In which a person is brought under control and rendered a mindless servant by a Houngan/ or Bokor ( priest), or Mambo (priestess) and Science has expolered and documented this practice.

The word Zombie was entered into the english dictionary circa 1871: it is derived from Creole zonbi, which in turn is of Bantu origin, Bantu coming from Africa, A zonbi is a person who is believed to have died and been brought back to life without speech or free will. and are in the service of their master. which could lend claim to them being Undead, However it is the introductions of certain chemicals into the body that induce the "death like State" so that the person appears to have risen from the dead.

I could go on all day... I have done extensive reading an research into Zombie Lore as it is the Premise of a Comic I am co-creating, but do us both a favor and do some research yourself. Otherwise let everyone enjoy this all beit ridiculous  however fun debate/ disscussion.
Thank you

Im sorry
I was unaware that you had a BA in Zombie's

Tell you what.
The day the dead rise and walk the earth I will kneel down and call you master.

till then


Dude that was a little uncalled for I didn't sling obsenities at you why would you feel the need to do so to me? If I some how offended you I appologize. My intent was merely to educate you I am not sure even why you engaged in a disscussion that you obviously have no interest in, other then to perhaps attempt to agitate or rouse others. Which I guess you have done successfully since I continue to foolishly engage in this dialogue with you.
Just to clear up, I never claimed to have a "BA" or any other degree in this matter. I did however state that I have spent time researching the subject as I have done with many different subject matter. I regularly engage in this activity in which I open these things called books and obtain knowledge from them I call it reading, and the amazing thing is anyone can do it. Aside from reading on the subject a lot of my information comes from the time I spent disscussing with a very learned man and an expert on the subject of ; the occult (especially Witchcraft & Voodoo), mythology, theology, and supernatural Phenomenon among other things. I prefer not to mention his name out of respect. I don't claim to be an expert I do however feel as though I have a significant amount of knowledge and I like to share it. This I felt was a fun topic, I stress was, and that is a shame. If you or anyone else is interested in it there is a great section on Zombies in the "Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy"

Look you seem like a decent guy and you seem well liked by others on here, and that says alot about ones character. You must be very passionate about your opinions, otherwise you probally wouldn't have cursed at me, I can respect that. I tend to get carried away I know this because I am passionate about my own opinions. I am not looking to offend anyone or make enemies, so if I did I again appologize. Let us agree to disagree on the subject and let that be the end of it.

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12 Feb 2009 07:10 #71 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Blowing things up and fires - two of the big three guy things. 

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12 Feb 2009 23:51 #72 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
BTW... not sure how good it is at zombie killing (which I doubt it is from the weapon specs), but from what I've read, the AR-7 henry US Survival rifle seems to be the best long-term survival rifle there is now, since it's lightweight, simple-designed, and hardy that requires little maintenance work.  Also, since it's a .22lr, you can carry a ton of the ammo around and not get bogged down by weight.

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17 Feb 2009 12:49 #73 by Secarius (Secarius)
Replied by Secarius (Secarius) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
as long as they arent swarming you, and you have the luxury of picking them off at distance it's just fine. a .22 will hollow out a domepiece quite nicely at range

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18 Feb 2009 00:37 #74 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
I was recently reading a magaizne article and some hunters, survivalists, and other shooting enthusiats were talking about the merits of a magnum .22.

For those curious, a magnum round is simply a bullet that hold more powder in it that a standard bullet.  More powder equals more velocity and energy behind the bullet.

So, if you were a person doing a long range hike, trek, or were going to be in the rough for an extended amount of time, and wanted to carry as much ammo with you as possible, along with a ton of other supplies... the weight of over 100 rounds of magnum .22 would be easier to deal with than carrying the over 100 rounds of 9 mm.

The idea of a .22 magnum used for hunting is actually very feasible and could be useful in zombie killing.  Cost, weight, and overall efficiency would be pretty good.  However, I still have niggling doubts on the idea that a .22 is enough bullet to do the sufficient brain damage to a zombie to drop it without needing a 2nd round.

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18 Feb 2009 03:42 #75 by Matt D (MattD)
Replied by Matt D (MattD) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
You should talk to my ex fiance then paul. Her father went boar hunting with a .22 magnum and bowie knife. It was a silly ritual where 12 guys surrounded the boar and one of them was chosen to use the .22 magnum pistol to bring it down. Impressive power behind that little bullet, depite being at 20' range.

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18 Feb 2009 09:29 #76 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
It is illegal to hunt "big" game, i.e., deer bear, etc, with a .22 as it has negligible killing power unless it is a penetrating head shot.  And unless you are using a jacketed bullet, it might not penetrate.  Hunting squirrel, rabbit, etc is fine.

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18 Feb 2009 15:11 #77 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!

It is illegal to hunt "big" game, i.e., deer bear, etc, with a .22 as it has negligible killing power unless it is a penetrating head shot.

I highly doubt I am going to care about the "legality" of using .22 ammo when killing zombies, who usually can only be killed with penetrating HEAD SHOTS.  :P

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24 Feb 2009 23:24 #78 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Zombie Survival Class.

Never let it be said that the people in NYC and especially in Brooklyn don't know the seriousness of the threat of zombies.  :D

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24 Feb 2009 23:29 #79 by Secarius (Secarius)
Replied by Secarius (Secarius) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
this thread is like the living dead.. it just wont die...

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16 Mar 2009 20:17 #80 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Since this is about Zombies... THREAD NECROMANCY!

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17 Mar 2009 02:44 #81 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
2:41 am... can't sleep, insomnia... and the only response I can think of is...

Never did see that video of shotgun use... so I'm guessing that it's been dismissed as a viable zombie weapon.

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17 Mar 2009 04:18 - 17 Mar 2009 04:22 #82 by Secarius (Secarius)
Replied by Secarius (Secarius) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Geoff why did you have to do this... /cry everytime i though this thread was dead IT COMES BACK TO LIFE... also apparently Moral Orel is a necromancer.. he read from the necronomicon to bring his granpa back to life so as to "not laugh at god and his gift of life"

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Last edit: 17 Mar 2009 04:22 by .
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17 Mar 2009 10:13 #83 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Zombies are coming!!!!
Waiting for dry weather (firm ground, so even if it rains mud will not be horrendous. ,whichl probably meas near the end of spring.  As to a video, onely if a participant brings a camera.

Edwin Haroldson
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