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15 Jun 2010 13:05 #1 by geezer (geezer)
PvP was created by geezer (geezer)
I wanted to make a comment but the topic was locked.  I have been a target of PvP forever, due to Edwin's wealth and possessions, among other things.  The bigger attempts

1-Two death assassins failed.
2-A sorcerer and two master rouges hit me for 400 GP.
3 -The same 4-5 heavy weights that killed Andy robbed me.  If I had a choice, I might have taken a death.  Frankly, if they had not come as a gang, I probably could have taken any one of them, or at least survived.  I heard them outside but thought it was Kate/Rosa coming in at some miserable hour after having been escorted to the monastery.  It was not ganging up, but a well thought out plan to rob me.  Damn you Kate for staying someplace else Saturday night and not telling me. :)
4 -I was killed in honor combat and as Charlie gave the guy some props (actual props, not for his RP skills)

I mention no names, because those EVIL bastards know who they are and it is for others to find out IG.  All I have is suspicions about one of them, for things completely unrelated to the above events.

I include all this because OOG I know who all these folk are.  I socialize with some of them on occasion and enjoy their company.  One of them is my second favorite enemy (both PC and NPC, with Derrick being my favorite NPC enemy).  As I said when I commented on my Player of the month award, it is easy to take it with good grace because they are not doing it because I am Charlie, but because I am Edwin.  That would be personal and against everything a good RPer should do ,if it was personal

Geoff - if the intent was not to have this thread continued elsewhere, I apologize and if you feel it should be taken down, no problem.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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