Cheers & Jeers

  • geezer
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19 Aug 2010 17:41 #1 by geezer (geezer)
Cheers & Jeers was created by geezer (geezer)
Although this touches on KR, I wish to make it clear that there is no official connection.

Cheers to all who brought TP and Paper Towels to the bathrooms when they ran low

Cheers to whomever told me about the stopped up sink in the downstairs bathroom of the Inn.  I plunged it,m and when that did not work, passed it up to Geoff, who Dranoed it, and when that did not work, he passed it to James, who got the Ranger, who demonstrated the secret method of plunging ( cover all other holes first).

Jeers to the thoughtless, immature children who lost two pieces at differing times from my smaller chess set.  A pawn was lost Friday night and a rook sometime between 4 pm Saturday and 130 AM on Sunday.  If you cannot replace the pieces when done playing (i.e., reset the board or at least assure all 32 are on it or next to it) bring your own toys to abuse.  I try to keep things IC and use wood, but plastic is a lot cheaper and easier to replace when some idiot loses one.  For those of you who are responsible, this is not directed at you.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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