Awards for August, 2005

Farmer Thomas
PC of the Month goes to Aaron B. for Farmer Thomas. He used the skill 'Luck' to kill himself for the sake of RP. Sacrificing your character's life because you're following role-play to its logical conclusion is the ultimate act of playing a PC at Knight Realms. It just doesn't get any more dedicated to RP than this!

Ralph A. and Kate B.
NPC of the Month goes to Ralph A. and Katie B. for their mud people! They were nothing short of fantastic in role-playing those parts and to voluntarily get yourself so incredibly filthy while at the same time entertaining every person within eyesight is a commendable feat.

Conrad Santini
NPC of the Month also goes to Conrad S. for the Arch-Mage. He did an awesome job role-playing being a mage from across the rift who wasn't used to the differences of a frontier town like Travance. Great job!

The Raffle Crew
Player of the Month goes to Joe Bondi, Marybeth Elkins, and Terry O'Brien for holding the diabetes raffle. I know they probably saw it as us doing *them* a favor, but Knight Realms as an organization to the outside world and as a community to the players inside benefits greatly from things like this. Internally, we all feel proud to be associated together and with this game when we can pull together and do a good thing. And of course, using our game as a forum to raise money and awareness for good causes benefits the good name of Knight Realms externally. Most importantly though it was a success and a decent amount of money was raised for a very good cause. Thanks again to everyone who participated and a special thanks to Joe, Marybeth and Terry for organizing it.