Awards for August, 2015

Kat B. as Ketryn
Also known as Huntress, the work Kat has put into this character has been nothing short of amazing. She spent months drawing a large portion of the game into a plot she herself created and took the consequences for it like a champion. Her level of disturbance was almost contagious. You can't help but feel pulled into the predicament as a sympathizer. She truly deserves this award for everything she has been doing in secret for the last while!

Kirsten as Captain Tempest
Kirsten blew us away with the amount of energy and intensity she put into every interaction. Tempest was on everyone's lips, recounting wild adventures and actions of the character and her history. Thanks, Kirsten, for the passion and swagger you brought to this event!

Chris Lotano
Playing a well known and respected smith, when Brazen himself comes to town, you would expect Chris to be there as his character. Instead, he spent the day building the pirate ship scene for Saturday night, giving up a big moment for his PC to partake in to instead help set the stage for the climax of the weekend. Many thanks to Chris for constantly working hard to bring the game to the next level!

The Church Annex and the Pirate Ship
This month was a hard debate between these two locations. The church annex, while a constant sight at the game now, was in top shape, really inviting the idea of a more laid back place of worship for the light. It has only added to the atmosphere of the game since it appeared and we hope to see it improve even more in the future.
The pirate ship was no small task to build and really came up as the talk of the town when enocuntered. From the flying "cannon fire" to the thin plank to get aboard, this ship really help sell the scene in the greatest way. Excellent job to the team that built this, we salute your efforts!