Awards for June, 2014

Jenn Wolfson as Mixolydia Hartwoode
It is with a heavy heart that I sit and write this award for Jenn’s longtime and well-loved character. What started many years ago was very different from what this character developed into. In one simple word – amazing. This event was only one of her many shining moments, but known only to a few, it would be the last we would see her as this PC. This event was her swansong. We all thank you for the wonderful moments and memories. You will be missed.
Honorable mention goes to Teresa as Rowan. Sometimes something very small does something very great.

Christine Beard as Lady Cymoril
Christine had big shoes to fill. Cymoril is such a layered character and a past that was well-known by many players by the time main mod rolled around. To live up to the expectations, and especially to exceed them, is a hard task for any seasoned RPer. Still, the PCs and NPCs had strong emotional connections to the character, and even stronger reactions after seeing her. Excellent Job Christine!
Honorable mention goes to Nathan. His beautiful and seemingly tireless singing was awe inspiring.

Kitchen Cleanup
We would like to thank all of those involved with the unexpected cleanup of the kitchen. It is always good to see how quickly people rise to the occasion when unplanned mishaps occur.

Temporis Keep
Normally, we wouldn't give the award to a mod site, but the Temporis Keep, home of Rowena was breathtaking. Goose and Mark worked very hard on it the day before, and by nightfall on Friday, it turned from a covered pavilion into a magical place one could only imagine, or see in the movies. This writer got to spend (literally) hours there in the dark, waiting for players, listening to music and relaxing in a place that brought a calming feeling both in and out of game. Thanks to those that set it up, as well as anyone that got to spend time there with us. In 25 years of Larping, it was the single most beautiful setting I’ve ever role-played in.