Awards for March, 2015

Daniel Brust as Albert, Kyle Geyer as Kael, Sean Moulson as Anhil, Chris Zipeto as Shade, and Karen Yashinsky as Ravani
This month, 5 PCs were put into a bad situation from the start, only for it to get worse over time. They each took their affliction in stride and every one of threw caution to the wind as they portrayed unwillingly being turned into evil creatures. They won the hearts of the rest of the game as they struggled with the negative energy overcoming them and for that, we congratulate all five of these amazing players!

Jeff McLean as Malyc
Years ago Malyc descended to the world to wreak havoc among Travance. This month, he returned and struck fear into the hearts of many. Each player who was taken to his throne room brought back tales of the powerful presence and intimidating aura Jeff gave off yet again as the dark God. For making Malyc everything the ruler of the dark pantheon should be, we thank Jeff again for making a memorable and frightening return.

Gus Martino and Steve Oros
Running an event is hard work, and it's even harder when it happens on short notice. When Drew got sick and couldn't continue, Gus and Steve stepped up and filled in where he couldn't be. Without them, there wouldn't have been an event, so let's all thank Gus and Steve for filling in to make it happen!
Honorable mention to Alisia Rueda for spending her whole weekend doing amazing makeup. The monsters she created really made the event for a lot of players and for that we thank her.

Especially in the colder months, it can be difficult to dress up a plain area into the image of what it represents. This month, Pendarvin stepped up its game and made sure everything looked as good as it could. Thank you, Pendarvin, for contributing to the atmosphere of the game, and keeping your area clean and well-decorated!