Awards for May, 2005

PC of the Month goes to Michael Oberlander as Rain the Nyad. He was a frantic mess so much of the event over Lasarrus and everyone could see his confliction in his eyes. It was really an impressive display of RP from him and for anyone who interacted with him regarding the whole situation. Obes is really becoming an RP force to be reckoned with!

Porter Furronbrow
PC of the Month also goes to James Williams for playing Porter Furronbrow the Hobbit. This was his first time at Knight Realms and apparently no newcomer to role-playing because he was great! He looked the part through great costuming and makeup, and acted the part of a hobbit even better. Great work!

Liz Reese
NPC of the Month goes to Liz Reese She played a mother Friday night whose daughter needed to be rescued from demons. She was hysterically crying and even after being told she could go to bed while they saved her daughter, she responded that she would wait up until they got back. Upon reuniting it was like they really were reuniting a separated daughter and mother and not just two players. She was amazing!

Mike U. and Aaron "Wally" Brownbridge
Player of the Month goes to Mike U. and Aaron Brownbridge. This past month I was very occupied with classes and these two stepped up and did a lot of work that I normally do. Between character cards, rumors, making schedules, and even coming up with me early on Friday to set up, these two really helped me out greatly beyond the norm. Thank you.