Awards for May, 2006

William Montgomery
PC of the Month goes to Kyle Steel as William Montgomery. Kyle is often unsung for his part during events, but he maintains a consistently high level of RP every event. He role-played the effect from Corsair to its fullest even to the point of amassing a mob of commoners to serve as his Markovian vassals. He is one of those players that really understands what it is to be a Kormyrian and how a normal person would react to his world. He is an excellent model of how the simplest character type, the human warrior, can have just as much depth as any other.

Nick Scott
The May NPC Award goes to Nick Scott as the Dryder. Nick truly impressed me with his portrayal of the Dryder. He took a loose description from Derrick and fell deep into the role, playing off the NPC's curse, devotion to its cause, branded nature, and immense frustration after the Balrog escaped in a way that inspired respect from the PCs present. Nick did an impressive job, and showed of his growing skill at good roleplay.

An Honorable Mention NPC Award goes to Tori, Marybeth's daughter, as Agatha. Her portrayal of the living doll was so creepy it breached on disturbing, actually scaring many of the PCs. Despite having very little experience and being so young, Tori showed amazing ability in RP, and we look forward to when she is old enough to join the game as a full-fledged member.