Awards for May, 2014

Jenna Leder as Ehlenathelasa Blacktree
Jenna's portrayal of Ehlenathelasa has always been exemplary, the dedication she puts forth to the smallest things from altering her prosthetic ears to show the effects of a Ghoul attack to her day-to-day attitude add a degree of subtle, realistic depth to her character. Her enthusiasm to play the part really showed this month as she whipped up a veritable lynch mob to hunt down a lycanthrope all the way around the camp. Even though she failed to capture her prey, it was still a great show that quickly changed the tone of the encounter from the hunted, to the hunters. Keep up the great work, Jenna!

Romeo as Julius
Few people can make a mood transition from jovial to sinister so quickly, but Romeo really pulled it off. Even those who didn't witness the wedding fiasco personally could hear the chilling screams across the camp. His whole performance was spot-on and a memorable moment for all who witnessed it first hand!

Tim Ponjican
Despite being taken out of action early on during the Main Mod, Tim decided that rather than leaving the site to get himself resurrected or loafing about as a spirit, he would instead throw on a white headband and offer to help marshal the encounter. It's an impressive quality when someone can take such a bad situation for their own character and, rather than get upset over it, still want to help the game run smoothly.

The Bloody Stump
The Stump has been coming together nicely over the past few months, and being the site of a rather rowdy brawl only made its ramshackle charm all the more apparent. Sometimes you don't have to look good, to really look good.