Awards for October, 2006
Two awards for PC of the Month for October, because its just too hard choose! One goes to Andrew Herschberger as his Goblin Physician, Runt. He was on a roll this event, and not just with his usual crazy and utterly hilarious antics. Sure, he poked a Matt White Blight with a stick and "lobotomized" poor Aliester to cure his blindness, but he also actually came into Logistics to redeem his Gathering Reagents skill with his helmet full of leaves and berries. He also demonstrated that Runt isn't just a joke, but has feelings and some sense of dignity, when he tried his hardest to find a way to help "rid Thomas of his demons." Andrew really demonstrates what it means to go above and beyond in role-play.
Victor Salvius
The second PC award goes to Joe Supplee as Victor Salvius. Victor really shone through as this month's hero. What started as a decision to risk, and ultimately sacrifice himself, in an attempt to help others culminated into a real opportunity for roleplay and recognition. Joe really impressed himself upon a lot of people this event that had never had a chance to interact with him before, which resulted in what have been said to be some great scenes of roleplay. Congratulations, and keep up the good work!
Vince A.
The NPC award goes to Vince A. this month. While not for any specific role, Vince is always willing to play whatever is needed and goes that extra mile to make it memorable, whether it be cannon fodder, a possessed-then-frantic peasant, or an ancient Ent. Having him as a weekend NPC always seems to make everything go more smoothly, as his experience and guidance it?s a wonderful asset to anyone he works with, often without getting the recognition he deserves. Thank you Vince!Lisa Hill
Player of the Month goes to Lisa Hill, Liz and Julia Hill's Mom. While taking part in making our delicious feasts and donating some really nice thrift store finds, she always takes the time and effort to RP her Hobbit to the pleasure of anyone that interacts with her. Thank you for all the work that you do for the game, you are certainly appreciated!