Awards for September, 2014

Stacey as Tari
It is no easy task to take on the role of Mage Guildmistress, but Tari has found a way to do it with grace and ease. Many times this weekend, we watched her command the role of wise leader, saw her inspire other players to keep in character, and heard her volley some A+ quality IG questions and conversations. Tari has been adjusting well to her new leadership role, and, from what we've seen, has done a good job getting other people involved. Well deserved recognition, Stacey!

Gannon as Malycite Shadow Devil
The town was in an uproar trying to find ways to defeat this creature. Not only did it come out of nowhere, causing so much chaos and mayhem, but Gannon kept up the pace of battle as efficiently as possible. He was on his own, fighting almost half the town over a period of four hours. Creepy, impossible to kill, and we don't think he took a break, ever. Hats off.

Though we try not to actively award people who are directly involved with plot, this one decidedly belongs to Gene. While the story he ran was incredibly heart wrenching (pun intended), what really caught our attention was how present Gene was as not just a Storyteller, but as a Player and a Marshal. His dedication towards making the fantasy of this world as realistic as possible is wonderful. Unrelated to his story, the lengths he is willing to go to in order to assure that players, OOG, feel safe and comfortable is inspiring. Thank you, Gene, for not only giving us a great IG story, but for giving us a great OOG environment in which to experience it.

Curt’s Alchemy Table
Curt’s Alchemy Table is a breathtaking and standout addition to game atmosphere whenever it is set up. This month was no different. With herbs, bottles, and what seemed to be a fully functioning laboratory set up in the corner of the inn, Curt took the bar for immersion and knocked it skyward. Well done Curt!