Barbarians are wild men who hail from high mountains. Not all Barbarians are evil, but because of their haughty and conceited ways, it is not uncommon to find oneself in battle with a barbarian warrior. Be careful when engaging in combat with a Barbarian as they are very strong and very tough skinned. They will however fight with honor in most cases as most Barbarians tribes pride themselves on their word.Barbarian BarbarianBarbarians are wild men who hail from high mountains. Not all Barbarians are evil, but because of their haughty and conceited ways, it is not uncommon to find oneself in battle with a barbarian warrior. Be careful when engaging in combat with a Barbarian as they are very strong and very tough skinned. They will however fight with honor in most cases as most Barbarians tribes pride themselves on their word.
Wolves are canine creatures related to dogs but much more fierce and vicious. Wolves tend to travel in packs and are territorial. Many wolves have been spotted around Travance. Some are easily tamed by rangers or druids and are merely looking for food. Some are extremely wild and are driven by a deep hunger causing them to have little inhibition about attacking and eating a wandering citizen. They are extremely fast creatures and have razor sharp claws and teeth.Wolf WolfWolves are canine creatures related to dogs but much more fierce and vicious. Wolves tend to travel in packs and are territorial. Many wolves have been spotted around Travance. Some are easily tamed by rangers or druids and are merely looking for food. Some are extremely wild and are driven by a deep hunger causing them to have little inhibition about attacking and eating a wandering citizen. They are extremely fast creatures and have razor sharp claws and teeth.
Skeletal Knights are the animated skeletal remains of a person of great power or prestige. More often than not Skeletal Knights are much more powerful than normal Skeletons. Usually a Skeletal Knight can be identified by the fact that it is capable of speech and will tend to wear clothes that are more distinguished looking than your run of the mill skeleton. As with all Undead, Healing, Silver, Magic and Faith based attacks are second best to the service of an accomplished Witch Hunter.Skeletal Knight Skeletal KnightSkeletal Knights are the animated skeletal remains of a person of great power or prestige. More often than not Skeletal Knights are much more powerful than normal Skeletons. Usually a Skeletal Knight can be identified by the fact that it is capable of speech and will tend to wear clothes that are more distinguished looking than your run of the mill skeleton. As with all Undead, Healing, Silver, Magic and Faith based attacks are second best to the service of an accomplished Witch Hunter.
Scaremortals are constructs made from the remains of poor souls that were trapped in the accursed Fields of Fallow. Once small children, enticed by unknown forces, they have been changed by the Fields into horrors that are not living, dead, or undead. They are extraordinarily resistant to physical damage, although fire will dispatch them quickly.Scaremortals ScaremortalsScaremortals are constructs made from the remains of poor souls that were trapped in the accursed Fields of Fallow. Once small children, enticed by unknown forces, they have been changed by the Fields into horrors that are not living, dead, or undead. They are extraordinarily resistant to physical damage, although fire will dispatch them quickly.
The Ogre is a brutal and powerful humanoid that may or may not be related to the Goblinoid Races. Ogres are extremely strong and dangerous to encounter. They do however have a great weakness to magic based attacks and will be cautious while encountering mages.Ogre OgreThe Ogre is a brutal and powerful humanoid that may or may not be related to the Goblinoid Races. Ogres are extremely strong and dangerous to encounter. They do however have a great weakness to magic based attacks and will be cautious while encountering mages.
Mummies are the preserved remains of Kings from long ago. Wrapped in bandages and embalmed in strange fluids, their people attempted to prepare the body of their Lord for the afterlife. Now reanimated by evil magics or sheer force of will of the deceased King, the body walks again, seeking the living for its own foul purposes. Mummies are a powerful form of undead and should one be spotted it would be wise to summon the aid of a Witch Hunter. They tend to have powers of rot and decay and although they are slow moving, they are extremely resilient.Mummy MummyMummies are the preserved remains of Kings from long ago. Wrapped in bandages and embalmed in strange fluids, their people attempted to prepare the body of their Lord for the afterlife. Now reanimated by evil magics or sheer force of will of the deceased King, the body walks again, seeking the living for its own foul purposes. Mummies are a powerful form of undead and should one be spotted it would be wise to summon the aid of a Witch Hunter. They tend to have powers of rot and decay and although they are slow moving, they are extremely resilient.
The Mind Flayer, also known as an Illithid, is a creature of terrible mental powers. Gifted with the ability to control the minds of others, they are highly intelligent and thoroughly evil. Mind Flayers live in subterranean cities much like the dark elves. Their mental powers are usually of such great power that they can dominate entire villages under their control. There is no sure way to kill an Illithid, unless a well devised plan is executed properly.Mind Flayer Mind FlayerThe Mind Flayer, also known as an Illithid, is a creature of terrible mental powers. Gifted with the ability to control the minds of others, they are highly intelligent and thoroughly evil. Mind Flayers live in subterranean cities much like the dark elves. Their mental powers are usually of such great power that they can dominate entire villages under their control. There is no sure way to kill an Illithid, unless a well devised plan is executed properly.
A Lich is amongst the most powerful of all undead creatures. They are Dark Sorcerers who yearned for eternal life and found it through powerful Sorcery turning them into undead. Liches are extremely intelligent and are powerful in magic and sorcery. A Lich can only be killed by destroying its Phylactery, a bottle that contains its essence.Lich LichA Lich is amongst the most powerful of all undead creatures. They are Dark Sorcerers who yearned for eternal life and found it through powerful Sorcery turning them into undead. Liches are extremely intelligent and are powerful in magic and sorcery. A Lich can only be killed by destroying its Phylactery, a bottle that contains its essence.
Little is known about this race of cat-people, other than what can be seen in their physical appearance. They are a mix between a humanoid and a great cat, showing all varieties of that species except tigers. Their most notable feature is a pair of long claws that extend from the backs of their wrists, which they use in combat with deadly efficiency. Reports have been made of these claws being as long as a sword, and as resistant to damage as tempered steel.Jaxuarian JaxuarianLittle is known about this race of cat-people, other than what can be seen in their physical appearance. They are a mix between a humanoid and a great cat, showing all varieties of that species except tigers. Their most notable feature is a pair of long claws that extend from the backs of their wrists, which they use in combat with deadly efficiency. Reports have been made of these claws being as long as a sword, and as resistant to damage as tempered steel.
Normal Goblins are green-skinned creatures who are fascinated with shiny objects and don't have much of a conscience. They sometimes form tribes and chose a leader, but unless they are a part of the Hobgoblin Empire they tend to be disorganized and silly.Goblins GoblinsNormal Goblins are green-skinned creatures who are fascinated with shiny objects and don't have much of a conscience. They sometimes form tribes and chose a leader, but unless they are a part of the Hobgoblin Empire they tend to be disorganized and silly.
Gnolls are tribal humanoids that resemble dogs or hyenas. They are fierce warriors, stronger than most men, and have sharp claws and teeth. There have been rumors in Travance as of late of a Tribe of "Super-Gnolls" living nearby and looking to expand their territory.Gnoll GnollGnolls are tribal humanoids that resemble dogs or hyenas. They are fierce warriors, stronger than most men, and have sharp claws and teeth. There have been rumors in Travance as of late of a Tribe of "Super-Gnolls" living nearby and looking to expand their territory.
Ghosts are pale apparitions of people who have long since died. Usually if a ghost appears it is because of some great injustice done to them or some tragic event surrounding their death. Ghosts generally are not dangerous although they can radiate a chilling aura. Some Ghosts can be seen as a translucent apparition, while others choose to be completely unseen. They have been known to manipulate small objects in our world through great concentration. There are also a few rare recordings of ghosts that are both hostile and have mastered their abilities in a clever manor allowing them to be more dangerous than the common ghost.Ghost GhostGhosts are pale apparitions of people who have long since died. Usually if a ghost appears it is because of some great injustice done to them or some tragic event surrounding their death. Ghosts generally are not dangerous although they can radiate a chilling aura. Some Ghosts can be seen as a translucent apparition, while others choose to be completely unseen. They have been known to manipulate small objects in our world through great concentration. There are also a few rare recordings of ghosts that are both hostile and have mastered their abilities in a clever manor allowing them to be more dangerous than the common ghost.
Fairies are not monsters, at least not most of the time. They are woodland spirits and can be found dancing in the air around fairy mushroom groves and other mystical areas. It is rumored that if you befriend a fairy they may bestow enchantments on you.Fairies FairiesFairies are not monsters, at least not most of the time. They are woodland spirits and can be found dancing in the air around fairy mushroom groves and other mystical areas. It is rumored that if you befriend a fairy they may bestow enchantments on you.
Demons are as much mysterious as they are dark. Not much is known about them other than that there is a multitude of different kinds, from elemental to physical in nature. The only thing that is consistent among the legion of the damned is that they are both evil and powerful.Demons DemonsDemons are as much mysterious as they are dark. Not much is known about them other than that there is a multitude of different kinds, from elemental to physical in nature. The only thing that is consistent among the legion of the damned is that they are both evil and powerful.
Dark Elves are an evil and diabolical race of subterranean elves. They have pointed ears, dark skin and light or silvery hair. A small number of Dark Elves encountered bear a brand that identifies them as a friend to surface dwellers. But the majority of Dark Elves are vile monsters who murder surface elven children in the night. They are usually assassins and necromancers and when traveling in groups can be extremely dangerous. Their society is Matriarchal and so they are ruled by a Matron Mother. Their major weakness is light, natural and false, as it blinds their sensitive eyes and even irritates their skin.Dark Elf Dark ElfDark Elves are an evil and diabolical race of subterranean elves. They have pointed ears, dark skin and light or silvery hair. A small number of Dark Elves encountered bear a brand that identifies them as a friend to surface dwellers. But the majority of Dark Elves are vile monsters who murder surface elven children in the night. They are usually assassins and necromancers and when traveling in groups can be extremely dangerous. Their society is Matriarchal and so they are ruled by a Matron Mother. Their major weakness is light, natural and false, as it blinds their sensitive eyes and even irritates their skin.
Ghouls are undead with a bestial nature to them - where most lesser undead lack intelligence, ghouls show an animal-like cunning, as well as a hunger for the flesh of the living. They will commonly break off what they are doing to feast on an easy target, ripping their limbs off to gnaw on them. The touch of a ghoul is dangerous, and can paralyze its prey, making it easy to feast on.Ghoul GhoulGhouls are undead with a bestial nature to them - where most lesser undead lack intelligence, ghouls show an animal-like cunning, as well as a hunger for the flesh of the living. They will commonly break off what they are doing to feast on an easy target, ripping their limbs off to gnaw on them. The touch of a ghoul is dangerous, and can paralyze its prey, making it easy to feast on.
The Dark Naga is a snakelike creature who has the ability to shape change. In their true form, the torso resembles a scale covered human while below they slither upon a long snakelike body and tail. They make their dwellings in swampy marshlands and are also known to eat the brain of an individual who has died, gaining all off the knowledge, strength and skills of the victim. A favored tactic of the Dark Naga is to assume the form of the victim and attack with their powers, lowering the morale of her opponents.Dark Naga Dark NagaThe Dark Naga is a snakelike creature who has the ability to shape change. In their true form, the torso resembles a scale covered human while below they slither upon a long snakelike body and tail. They make their dwellings in swampy marshlands and are also known to eat the brain of an individual who has died, gaining all off the knowledge, strength and skills of the victim. A favored tactic of the Dark Naga is to assume the form of the victim and attack with their powers, lowering the morale of her opponents.
Thankfully, only one of these beings is known to exist, and was recently defeated. Known as Glacius, it was an extremely powerful creature both physically and mystically, capable with ice and water magics as well as it's terrible claws. It had subjugated a tribe of Fire Trolls from the nearby Rift though terror and sheer will, and lead them in an assault against Travance as a staging ground for his conquest of New Gaaldaron.Ice Ogre Ice OgreThankfully, only one of these beings is known to exist, and was recently defeated. Known as Glacius, it was an extremely powerful creature both physically and mystically, capable with ice and water magics as well as it's terrible claws. It had subjugated a tribe of Fire Trolls from the nearby Rift though terror and sheer will, and lead them in an assault against Travance as a staging ground for his conquest of New Gaaldaron.
A Were-Leopard is a type of were-creature also known as Lycanthrope or Shape-shifter. They are cursed with a terrible disease that makes them part man, part Leopard, with out control over their forms or abilities. Bone carved weapons are known to be a deterrent to these foul beings. Like undead, many Witch Hunters make a career out of stalking and slaying these wretched souls.Were-Leopard Were-LeopardA Were-Leopard is a type of were-creature also known as Lycanthrope or Shape-shifter. They are cursed with a terrible disease that makes them part man, part Leopard, with out control over their forms or abilities. Bone carved weapons are known to be a deterrent to these foul beings. Like undead, many Witch Hunters make a career out of stalking and slaying these wretched souls.
A Were-Tiger is another type of Were-creature also known as Lycanthrope or Shape-shifter. They are cursed with a terrible disease that makes them part man, part tiger. Unlike most were creatures Were-Tigers have an easier time learning control over their transformations. Silver weapons are known to be a deterrent to these foul beings. Many Witch Hunters make a career out of stalking and slaying these wretched souls. It is rumored that a Were-Tiger's teeth are quite valuable, and can used in powerful rituals.Were-Tiger Were-TigerA Were-Tiger is another type of Were-creature also known as Lycanthrope or Shape-shifter. They are cursed with a terrible disease that makes them part man, part tiger. Unlike most were creatures Were-Tigers have an easier time learning control over their transformations. Silver weapons are known to be a deterrent to these foul beings. Many Witch Hunters make a career out of stalking and slaying these wretched souls. It is rumored that a Were-Tiger's teeth are quite valuable, and can used in powerful rituals.

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"I must learn to concentrate on my magic lesso... Ooo, butterfly!"