NPC award for March goes to Pat hand for his portrayal of Jaromir the Templar. Pat shined in his performance this month as he played a mysterious and pious character that, in the end, was very understanding and compassionate. He turned an NPC role into something very deep and interesting, showing the struggles without actually speaking of them - a very convincing Galladelian Templar. Thanks Pat!
NPC award for March goes to Pat hand for his portrayal of Jaromir the Templar. Pat shined in his performance this month as he played a mysterious and pious character that, in the end, was very understanding and compassionate. He turned an NPC role into something very deep and interesting, showing the struggles without actually speaking of them - a very convincing Galladelian Templar. Thanks Pat!
Random Quote
Voice from outside: "Is Lethias in there?"
Balthazar: "We don't see him, but that doesn't mean he's not here!"