April 2015 Highlights

20 Apr 2015 17:14 - 20 Apr 2015 18:43 #31 by Thalia Burdorn (abbyl)
Replied by Thalia Burdorn (abbyl) on topic April 2015 Highlights
This event was fun! I only skirted the main plot but had an AMAZING time!

NPCing for Norm and Nick at the very beginning of game, that was fun!

Everyone ran out of the inn, so barshift was pushed back by about an hour and a half. The beholder was a lot of fun! I've never really seen everyone scatter like that before.

Walking around with Jack Thorn/Sorin in the woods trying to ensure that people weren't injured when we heard the screaming coming from Ostcliff. Followed by Jack turning into a black-rimmed eyed corrupted person later on! The two different kinds of roleplay were fantastic Sorin!

Dealing with corrupted people, including Anhil (who is making a habit of this) and Tris (who thalia was VERY glad to see in spite of her being corrupted by the corrupted grove.)

Gaian Mass:
-The return of the Fire Princess (we missed you!)
-Caldor's sermon about love of life actually did a lot to remind Thalia why she was Gaian in the first place after the last few months leaving her feeling stretched too thin.
-Amazing RP with Maralas post-mass at the alter space. Our interactions are something I ALWAYS look forward to.

Matt Magnus as the Lord of Knightmares not only skirting the sanctuaried alter space, but then later on breaking past the Londwyn tent's sanctuary spell to come INTO the tent and freak us out and fight Damian.

The Londwyn Tent. Cassie, Sarah, staying in it was amazing! It looked fantastic.


Kwildar: Nice to meet you
Thalia: You to. I was there when you died... And I should not have said that.

The auction went even better than I thought it would. Almost had to go up against a demon who was playing chess with Haroldson for Anhil, but won out. YAY! Now I have the time I need to teach him! :P


Talks with Lawrence.
Discussions with Tsoli.
Discussions with Belegchand.
Time discussions and math lessons with Verril!

I want to give a serious shout out to everyone who helped us set up the dining room and who helped with service. We really couldn't Feast without all of you, and we really appreciate the help!

Warden Meeting! It's always great to have so many of us in one place we got a lot done! And I look forward to more!

Stayed in during main mod to let my ankle rest after flooring it and had a fantastically immersive moment thanks to Grunnar and Tris who were keeping an eye on the doors, the bards who managed to lighten the mood, and Maralas who discussed mass with me.

During and post-main mod Phocus walks. We had a lot this month, kept us all on our feet. Had a great few moments of RP with Arkelian before I literally flung him through the last veil (what? It's efficient!).

Comforting Illryn outside Pendarvin Statehouse after discussions about Travance, the nature of knowledge and failing or not failing your god.

Pendarvin mod and Rayven's death was really the main highlight for me. And once again has proven that Thalia does not have a cool head when those she cares about are in danger. (Something she may be looking into fixing soon...) The moment the portal disappeared and the armor and mace just lying there... God this one had me crying. Matt D. I blame you! All of this was topped off by going back to the statehouse to get my staff only to get kicked out because Lois was half eaten on a bench bed. That on top of what happened earlier made for a VERY memorable night! And now I get to do the between games fallout. Cousin you will be missed :P

Crystal, Forrest, the RP moments with the two of you were fantastic they always are! Can't wait till WITL

And then I left Saturday night. Could someone tell me how Sunday was? :P

Thalia Stonebar Burdorn
Consul of Kaladonia
Warden of the Phocus
Ambassador to Calasvorin
Manager, Dragon's Claw Inn;

OOG: Abby Leib
Last edit: 20 Apr 2015 18:43 by Thalia Burdorn (abbyl).
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20 Apr 2015 18:25 #32 by Aria (Aria)
Replied by Aria (Aria) on topic April 2015 Highlights
I can't possibly do highlights there are just far to many so if I forget some, sorry.

-First amazing shoutout to tim for his mod and all that he put up with me, also thanks to drew and the others who really helped calm me down.
-Reapearing in kaledonia and interrupting mass (oh I have to be confused, no problem.) I had no clue what was going on.
-within 20 min of returning and hearing my guild sucks.......tsoli!!!! :-)
-returning to the inn to find Caelvan thinking my face was interesting.....oh hes corrupted
-Finding out my brother died, only to freak out, and having Anhils quick thinking be the only thing that saved my life...again
-Reuniting with Rudy
-Nalick going above and beyond to protect me

-kaledonia mod, huge huge thank you to Zach for not only allowing me to feel powerful for once but also letting me do crazy sorcery experimentation
-so much frustration from Caelvan.
-while I sadly had to avoid cake boss, it was so great seeing Ralph again who gave me a huge hug, and allowed me to help dress one of his coworkers who was so good natured about everything.
-all talks with keavy, atrus, and at one point discussing my rl job as matt walks up displaying his new pc, exhibit a
-barbarian hug, and confusion.but new brother
-sorcery experiments, keavy, tari, and atrus are a fun team.
-time travel, pissed off maja...I sobbed for at least 20 min after the mod poor goose didn't know whether to laugh or beg me to stop crying.
-sooooo much abuse I heaped on chimera

Dame Tari Zhafirah Stonebar Deldragon of the Order of the Sagewardens
Dean of Arcane Studies of the Darkwood Acadamy of the Metaphysical Arts

Playing with fire is bad for those who burn themselves.  For the rest of us, it is a very great pleasure....
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20 Apr 2015 19:12 #33 by Atrus (Atrus)
Replied by Atrus (Atrus) on topic April 2015 Highlights
Had a great event all in all.

First time I've been as sore as I am in a long time.

Fun combat encounters

A+ RP with Tari, Keavy, and Angeliana. I believe there were actually some real human interactions there. Not viewing everyone as a potential meal is still slightly novel.

Insanities kicking in at the best of times.

A big thank you and shout out to the NPCs on my MM shift, you guys were great, and were awesome all around, thank you all for the patience, and help.

"Only those who have endured the greatest suffering can become the greatest people."

The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Angeliana (Angeliana), Swyft (agentswift), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett)
20 Apr 2015 19:59 #34 by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt)
Replied by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt) on topic April 2015 Highlights
The Saint Astrid Day Massacre!

We are making shirts based on this weekend folks.

Friday Night Watch was sort, as the Beholder finally got me. That was horrifying to say the least. I helped a bit in the kitchen and cleaned the spilled cooler. Then NPCing here and there to help. I was alot to take a break to rp with Jenna(Blacktree) wow...she was so tired and still rped her ass off, I can't get into all all of that here. Jenna thank you and those that let us RP. I am taking a break from writing your PC to type this up...seriously. I spoke at my first mass, thank you Caldor.
Later yet Friday Night...the cube of doom, I had a blast with that, Charlie your a damn good friend, but anything that can upset you in game is a good bit of fun as a small win. Great time with everyone in that mess, I hold you all loved it.

Saturday: patrols, investigations, and good role play.
Cake, was great, and the soft lay off really let my rp in a way my PC needed to do, so Argyle is still growing.I helped a bit in the Inverted Tower Mod. I strongly support that Mod, and will always continue to all that I can to help new players...which is where my next Highlight is from:
I brain farted, and Ben Oakley marshalled me nicely back. He has my vote for Common Sense Marshall of the Month(not a thing, but still) I always enjoy working with the Defranza family and Cooper y'all are great people and bleed for the players, good show!
From the mod to the Kitchen to help them, then I was beat. Remember people, drink water! We all have to look out for eachother.
Guarding the Phocus AGAIN, hey Demon Lord that shit ain't over...later heard about the Demon Lord playing Chess that is awesome!
That moment when Sir Pluvious asks for aid to find the Count and those that got blown away...the right thing is the right thing. Maveith and I spoke of him death...That was a not kool ppl.

Finding other Witch Hunters, and being happy about it...Kayla what was all IG and wow where we wrong, sorry that was messed up.

Croi and Grim dealing with a Planes Walker and me just backing em, only to hear the screams from the Tower and heart break that followed.
Templar Raven Nightwing...laying dead on a table from a Dark Druid ritual, and not being able to investigate, fight, or mourn...cuz vines(thanks Katie and Stacy...and Stacy it was damn good to see you again) Sam you are mad fast, I want to wreck that NPC but I was just not about to keep up. Talia and Argyle grew closer, that was my trying not March to the the Peak and avenge him, and unless I am on MY death bed, I WILL BE ON THAT MOD, too high level idc, I am going on that Mod.
Damn near getting Talia killed in the woods, fighting the hopeless amount of undead to find my fellow Guardsmen dropped and a dead Lois Maxwell! Argyle really would have done anything to save you that Phocus walk, and I was even oog sad at that. The feelz folks, Saturday night I didn't need to fake some of the emotion, it was real. I was so glad to see some people alive. Hearing Torq was turned...being GLAD I wasn't there for it. (Justin I love to fight you, but NOT like that.) I walked another patrol and was just so tired, I'm so sorry for not going in the tower with you all that did,I was so tired folks.
Sunday: Argyle taught and learned his lil celt rear end off. Peaches, I am mad proud of you brother, you owned that and you did great Saturday night. YOU get my vote for PC of the month, your a new player but you Roled Played great fought like a devil, followed orders, and stayed alive. If the Guard had medals, Argyle would put you in for one.

Everyone with the Jax Mod, thanks, love it, want more of it. Goose the make up was boss, the plot is MAD deep, and I love it. Thank you. Goose, please pm me, as I have questions. I am sorry, I have ZERO clue what your real name is...lmao.

The last event was really rough for me, but this was an amazing weekend. Thank you all for making it all the better. Steve Oros...Good show sir. I hope to see you all at the next feast, be safe y'all!

Del Dragon, Argyle
(OOC: Forest Dougan)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Croínamara (Jen), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett), Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Thalia Burdorn (abbyl)
20 Apr 2015 20:03 #35 by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt)
Replied by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt) on topic April 2015 Highlights
Oh, I forgot to add this, Atrus was feeling really rough, and well...dude was a hero.
Argyle: Your a fecking hero man(instill confidence"
Atrus: «shrugs» (mind citadel)
Way to add insult to injury man, great rp, your known for it and it expected from you, but you still earned a shout out.

Del Dragon, Argyle
(OOC: Forest Dougan)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Atrus (Atrus), Swyft (agentswift)
20 Apr 2015 20:31 - 20 Apr 2015 20:32 #36 by Thalia Burdorn (abbyl)
Replied by Thalia Burdorn (abbyl) on topic April 2015 Highlights

A. McCoy wrote: Damn near getting Talia killed in the woods,

Don't you mean by the woods! :P But no that was fun :)

Thalia Stonebar Burdorn
Consul of Kaladonia
Warden of the Phocus
Ambassador to Calasvorin
Manager, Dragon's Claw Inn;

OOG: Abby Leib
Last edit: 20 Apr 2015 20:32 by Thalia Burdorn (abbyl).
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20 Apr 2015 21:09 - 20 Apr 2015 21:10 #37 by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
Replied by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell) on topic April 2015 Highlights
I think this accurately covers Friday night :p www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/nope.gif

Seriously though, this event was STELLAR. I haven't run that terrified since the last time Omni showed up ;-) Honestly, that fear is something I miss from my early days - not all the time, of course, but it's good to be really challenged as a town. While we may not have done so well this time around, I know we'll be a lot smarter next time :)

Seeing old familiar faces around was a blast, and I regret not having more time to spend with our illustrious Mayor during the weekend, and surprise!Frank on Sunday.

Every RP interaction I had this month was golden. I guess the looming spectre of death really brings out the good stuff ;-)

Being felt up by oozes inside Zelretch's bubble. Ewwwwwwwwwww.

Talks with Kwildar bringing Lois to tears.

Hanging out with Doctor Sir Maxwell. WE FINALLY GOT A COUCH. 6 YEARS, AND WE HAVE ONE!

Dr. Heimdall! Man, Matt, you really picked the right table to walk up to :-D I may never forgive you for making Lois facepalm so hard, though. :p "I really don't believe in any of that magic stuff." "DAMMIT, NOT ANOTHER ONE!"

*Gideon walks up to Lois with SRS BZNS face on* "Lois, I need to tell you something very important! ...Hello."

JAX MOD! When I realized that going on this would mean Lois wouldn't be able to do any accounting or Chronicle stuff this month, I had a moment of panic - and then totally relaxed as the weight of responsibility slid off her shoulders ;-) Even with evil tyrant kings and hordes of undead, this may actually turn out to be a vacation for Lois.

So, funny story... A few months back, at Dreamation, Geoff was telling the story of one of his failed sorcery rituals & subsequent Phokus walk. I said that the RP surrounding it sounded really awesome, and so has every other resurrection story I'd ever heard, but Lois was too much of a coward to ever really be in danger, and she'd likely still go through a reanimation first. I guess Steve heard my wish, because a reckless and slightly suicidal Lois got ganked by ghouls on her way to bed. :-D First, no one should feel even the least bit bad OOG about this - 6 years without losing a tag is a long time, and I already accepted the possible consequences of walking alone at night on a high-fatality-rate weekend. The NPCs were very polite about the whole thing, too - calling their "Devour Humanoid" loudly and slowly, and allowing me to look up the skill on my phone so we could all be sure it was indeed a killing blow skill. I have no idea who you were, because I couldn't see a damn thing and I'm terrible about recognizing voices, but you guys were great and a perfect example of how to play a KBA NPC for maximum enjoyment of all parties involved.

The RP of dying and coming back was INCREDIBLE. Brother Aldric brought Lois through - and she didn't make his first resurrection easy, what with the clockwork parts, and aforementioned suicidal nature. In the end, he logic'd her into coming back, though there were still complications. "How do you start the heart again once it's fixed?" "You wind it up with the key." "And who has the key?" *spirit Lois shuffles her feet* "...Arthur Goggins..." Fortunately, Jack Cypher was found, and Lois is alive to do paperwork again ;-)

tl;dr: Be careful what you wish for because Steve just might grant it :p


((OOG: Cassie Stanley, Marshal Deputy))
Last edit: 20 Apr 2015 21:10 by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell).
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20 Apr 2015 21:33 #38 by Narcis (ChrisR)
Replied by Narcis (ChrisR) on topic April 2015 Highlights
I had a lot of fun this weekend, despite leaving all my medications at home and the challenge that presented me....


-Being there for lay on, seeing nightmare omni, knowing exactly what it was because of Stories. Running like a little girl. Trying to stay with George who also was just as mad when we got ahead of everyone then to hear them noisely catch up.
-Dream Knight Steve and Ava don't mix very well. Being told she can't scare the nightmares into submission made her very....scared?
-Being told she was feeding the nightmares when she said she didn't care if Croi Died, then subsequently walking into the group of npcs and trying to grab her away from them. THERE IS A THING CALLED LYING. Also Helping people was a weird theme of this weekend for her. Probably because she had suicidal and helping the people that were in super danger was a good way to try and die.
-Speaking of Dying on that same mod, after feeling like things were going nowhere, walking into a weird passage and getting mcmurdered by Sean's Mummy. Totally caught me by surprise by the fact that nothing attacked me for a while....then all of a sudden did. Not bothering defending because, hey suicidal.
-OOG surprised that two people actually tried to rescue my body. IG assumed that no one tried to rescue her body...again.

-Being Rez and that RP. I'm running out of Rezes but you know who you are we always have good rp when you rez me.
-General rp with Cyndra and Jack. Gotta do more of that
-being desperate isolationed while waiting for a physician to come look at Ava's brain space. I kinda wanted to keep walking into Billiam because he body blocked me away from the door. Ironically that counts as Ava going to her happy place, even if she dislikes being put there by others
-Picnic with George and Ilana, even learning willpower over not eating grapes.
-Illana: "I thought it was an owl" - In reference to what her wedding ring depicts
-Chaos orb, Chaos orb, love playing chaos orb roulette. This time I got blown up because of a mark of chaos. Way to tease me with Dreadnaught Skills Steve.
-Crazy demons coming from there later, for some reason being real oog terrified of Tim. IG avoiding the battle because she doubly knows she'd mess that battle up real bad. Fought some demons anyway.
-Lesson learned: If you give the count your weapon he will try and kill all the goblins himself. You will walk around a battlefield without a weapon and chase him around trying to get it back so you can fight. Ava arrow gathered for a weird amount of that battle because, what else was she going to do.
- Accidentally trying to fix Lord Silverbow, who actually didn't need to get fixed, which allowed his target to get away causing problems. Oops, I'm ig awaiting retribution from that.
-Getting into an argument with Philidin. IT was very much "I understand where you're coming from but you're wrong" to each other and got pretty heated. All over Ib and a Stick.


-More RP with Jack
-Realizing I had a net loss of insanities since I didn't blow chaotic madness this event.

OOG:Chris R.
Storyteller / Marshal
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20 Apr 2015 23:43 #39 by Caldor Eirson (Caldor)
Replied by Caldor Eirson (Caldor) on topic April 2015 Highlights
There is just way too much for me to go into detail right now, so I will just post my major highlights.

No. 1 Most impressive thing ever: Tsoli and the flipping sword and wand combo. Holy shit dude, that was some serious skills. Most impressive.

Other Hightlights:

Midnight mass with the return of Tari. So awesome. Plus the sanctuary saved lives!!

Beholder! Bugs! Xod learning to punch things from Clove!! What a night of terror!

Morning Maralas Mass

Cake Boss!!

Kaladonia mod was, as always, amazing. I only got to partake in 2 of 3 parts, but it was so much fun. Thank you Christina for being a great grove to battle. Thank you Zach for letting me run with my of the wall ideas! I especially loved making my rabbit form useful again.

Seeing my dead brother Vignar as an enemy during main mod was completely amazing. Gannon and Steve thank you for this.

Druid Meetings and Jaxuarans

Church lessons.

I will I'm sure think of more as it goes on and I will add more posts when my brain is awake.

Caldor Eirson,

Gothi and High Priest of Gaia
Wedding Planner, Match Maker,
Spiritual Advisor To Kaladonia

OOG: Jason M.
Deputy Kitchen Marshal
Land System Marshal

Q: How many people does it take to teach a barbarian how to read?
A: 1 knight, 3 squires, and 1 master of the mages guild.
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21 Apr 2015 00:38 #40 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic April 2015 Highlights

This event was a wonderfully warm one- a good start to the summer fun. With the Fighter Practice the weekend before, all our local crowd was jazzed for this month, not knowing what was to come.

And even knowing in hindsight, I’d not change a thing were I to go back in time. (Considering what happened to Ben Herman/Verril, I’m glad I can’t…)

On to notes/highlights:

-Mad Dash from the Inn when beholder showed. My pulling an actual Hide in Shadows/Cloak of the Green to escape Omni… Epic.
-Encountering Blacktree in a good mood! Holy crap… Finding out later the source of the good mood via a chat in the now safer (for now) Inn… kinda verified a theory where Witch Hunters and their sense of self/emotions are concerned. When shared with her, there was agreement after it being explained.
-Upstairs against the Insect King’s minions. Uthgar being taken over/controlled is going to leave a mark on that one I think…
-Birgitta frozen when taken over…. And the look of horror when I mentioned she was starting to thaw and no answer was had at the time on how to cure/stop her. Just a wow moment.
-A GOOD Conversation with Lorelai. Those have been somewhat rare…

-Volly NPC shift with Zach T’s Kaladonia mod. Bounding Overwatch Archery and master Florentine fighting as a Corrupted Ranger then as a Hexen… too much fun.
-Immediately from that to a trip to Costco for the kitchen that took two+ hours; I kind you not, the lines at that place on a Saturday were longer than Breadlines in the bad old Days of Mother Russia. (I know- it’s not pc but since when am I?  )
-Meeting up with Lord Weaveforger and being told I needed to speak with Sir Danny because it would be better coming from him. I had a feeling what the issue was and the ooc chat on Sunday confirmed it. The RP still to come will be interesting, methinks.
-Cake Boss!! (nuff said)
-Working Feast…. Getting all the food out in a timely manner works when you have a plan. Even with the minor hiccup, no issues.
-Main Mod…. Leslie/Birgitta had a feeling the Phocus would be in danger this night and her idea on guarding it turned out to be spot on….
Whoever thought it was a good idea to not have folks guarding the phocus and barracks area, y’all need to rethink that notion because it was necessary. Arch-Demon Lord of Air got shown the door with a lovely punking and he went looking for something easier to deal with. Blood Spirits and The Black Watch getting it done.
- the sheer number of phocus walks… and the poignant Lois Maxwell return. Clockwork is not what its cracked up to be or so it seems…
-Post Main discussion with Sir Pluvious down in Winterdark. Opinions asked for and answers given. Before I went to bed, I did wonder if I had talked my way into a job without realizing it. >.<

-All the teaching. >.<
-The opportunity to learn about the Jaxuarians…. And maybe learn a language. 
-Completion of Master Warrior path… and discussion on how to submit for authorization to teach the profession to others. For those who asked for lessons from me, cross fingers on a quick resolution. 

Good event, good time and a fun side adventure which is going to result in something neat. Both RP and plot wise, I am sure. 

I know I missed something and when it comes to me, I’ll add it later.

Father Duncan MacKenzie

Templar-High Priest of Brazen
Chaplain, Bloodspirits Mercenary Company

Janos Beecham (alt)
Dragoon of No Importance

John Tinney
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21 Apr 2015 00:39 - 21 Apr 2015 00:44 #41 by Croínamara (Jen)
Replied by Croínamara (Jen) on topic April 2015 Highlights

I have no idea where to start.

Firstly, thank you, Steve, for running one of the most gut punching events I've ever experienced.
Right up there with May-a-geddon and Feelstober on the chart of "How hard can Jen cry in character".

Two days of trading hilarious tactical advice and humorously riffing off of one another, leading up to a terribly rushed,touching, and heartbreaking moment of RP with Malyc Weavewarden as I both IG and OOG realized the implications of what had just happened. The image of him walking away is burned into my memory. Jeramy, it is always a pleasure to RP with you. Thank you.


Kardin. The bard-barian. This kid impressed me so much. He wrote THREE IN GAME SONGS. all his own, all original, all about travance and it's people. it was just ridiculous and heartwarming and I couldn't throw enough role play points at him. He saw croi's distress, wrote her a song, dragged her to the front porch, and sang to her about hope.
He's better at impulse songwriting than croi. I swear. guys. get ready to have your socks knocked off. there's a new bard in town.
Ralph, you are amazing to RP with and I am just so glad that the people you work with seemed to have had such an awesome time getting to fight on our mini mod.
The cake was gorgeous.
Thank you.

Carrying around the swords of dead friends.
All of the RP with Grim.

Being exceptionally rude to the planeswalker and succumbing to the questionable shenanigans of Lord Vincent of Winterdark.

Literally blew raspberries at the planeswalker.

JP,thank you for tolerating me and Grim AND vincent.

P.s. That costume was AMAZING.


Reading the stories out loud to Jun. asldjfalksdjflkasjdflajsdlkf


Taking a chance on the lyric of Boy From Black Mountain, trying to sing in the inn but having to scatter, singing on the porch by the kitchen as everyone scattered, singing again on the steps, and finally summoning a hero and almost falling to pieces over his existence....

"It's not every day one gets to walk side by side with a myth"
"You are wrong. There are legends all around you."

....only to watch as people ignored his warnings, doubt the stories, chastise croi, and all around destroy the towns one-and-only chance to defeat the nightmares; Themselves.

War council with Dame Emiline and being incredibly scared when everyone left after feast rather than stay to listen to her.

Panicking as the Dream Knight began to point out towns members whose arrogance or fears were feeding the nightmares.

".....I am going to die."

Sitting on the ground of main mod as the Dream Knight died, singing to him the song that summoned him, Grim holding her lantern, and Caelvan standing guard.

screaming in Ilyrian(sp?) face as he tried to calm croi down.




Not getting to RP nearly as much with stacy as I would have liked, but glad that I got to spend even that moment with Tari.


Bele being able to shut croi up and calm her down with one truly horrifying sentence.


time to research party hardcore guys holy god.

There was a new player who was on sunday NPC shift with us playing a wolf, and watching her get SUPER into fighting and learning her skills was so much fun to watch.
Welcome to the game, whatever your name is, I am so so so glad you seemed to be having a dynamite time. It was AWESOME watching you get comfortable with the game. Hope to see you again soon!

Cyndra throwing guts EVERYWHERE

Aesyl(sp?): "I wont be around, I have four hours of immigration papers to complete."

best IG answer for NPCing I've ever heard ever.



Lord Silverbow: "Have any good news, Croi?"
possibly the only serious nonsassy moment between the two characters in my three years of playing.

To finish off until I remember more of what I've forgotten:

There are few things I enjoy more than reading the things that Steve Oros writes, so being handed a book of stories written by steve oros in an event ran by steve oros by a character played by steve oros was literally one of the most amazing things I could have ever experienced both as Croi the story loving bard and Jen the person.
just. goddamn.

Three year anniversary of Knight Realms. A++++++++++++RedRiderBBGun.

Croínamara Ull Uidhir of Clan Uidhir
Squire to Knight Captain Magnus
Chancellor of the Arts
Sergeant of the Baronial Guard

Jen F.
Roleplay Marshal
Last edit: 21 Apr 2015 00:44 by Croínamara (Jen).
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21 Apr 2015 03:53 #42 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic April 2015 Highlights

Croínamara wrote: "It's not every day one gets to walk side by side with a myth"
"You are wrong. There are legends all around you."

....only to watch as people ignored his warnings, doubt the stories, chastise croi, and all around destroy the towns one-and-only chance to defeat the nightmares; Themselves.

".....I am going to die."

I know Ilana wasn't as invested in that specific Knight as Croi was, but damn I think we've added something for Ilana may instantly tear up about every once in awhile.

Marcella Torres
Land System Deputy
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21 Apr 2015 07:39 - 21 Apr 2015 07:42 #43 by Caldor Eirson (Caldor)
Replied by Caldor Eirson (Caldor) on topic Re:April 2015 Highlights
More things:

Mad props to Croi for her handling of the bachelor's auction, and everyone who participated.

Every time I bring Someone through the veils, it is such fantastic rp. Swift and Grim were no exception. While I never want my friends or family to die I am honored and thrilled to do that rp with you guys.

Absolutely adore how Flora is letting me resolve more battles with less killing.

Starting some potentially interesting experiments with runes... And getting too busy to follow up.

Hats off to Sharone for a desert so tasty, I wanted some even after cake...

Watching wife shoot stockade prisoner in the butt while Xod torments them was priceless.. We should add it in as an actual punishment.

Tons of amazing makeup work this month. Both pcs, including the wave of Dryad and nyad players, Keavey face bruising and the amazing npc makeups... Especially the north woman who bought grim and Christine's Grove.

Zach - thank you for giving the enemy Rangers bows, even if it was only steady shot. It makes me sad how infrequently we have enemies with bows.

New players... A great crop. I had a bunch at midnight mass, and they were all awesome. Thankfully got to play with them more throughout the weekend. Especially happy to have a bedouin Druidic student. I can't wait to pursue that more.

And speaking of students... A+ rp from Tobias on trying to lock his scientific, medical mind around Caldor's very hippy, spiritual druidics lessons. I'm sure Cyndra would have been easier for you to understand, but I had a blast with it. Side thanks to Gina for joining the lesson at the exact right time to put the perfect amount of snark/sass.

Again, I'm sure there will be more.

Caldor Eirson,

Gothi and High Priest of Gaia
Wedding Planner, Match Maker,
Spiritual Advisor To Kaladonia

OOG: Jason M.
Deputy Kitchen Marshal
Land System Marshal

Q: How many people does it take to teach a barbarian how to read?
A: 1 knight, 3 squires, and 1 master of the mages guild.
Last edit: 21 Apr 2015 07:42 by Caldor Eirson (Caldor).
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21 Apr 2015 11:41 #44 by Albert (deatharcana)
Replied by Albert (deatharcana) on topic April 2015 Highlights
Let's see...


-Attempting to shield others from harm with varying degrees of success.
-Making a life or limb decision and regretting it.
-Talks with Maralas, Wulfgar and Lord Vincent at the manor.
-Meeting new faces and old, one particular person got a very tearful reunion from Albert.
-Walking into an intense conversation way out of my character's league and feeling out of place.
-All of the running and healing and responsibilities!
-Hanging out with Winterbros and sharing a lovely meal.


-CAKE BOSS! Am I the only one that wanted to fight him? CAKE BOSS MOD BOSS PLZ
-Talks of faith and opening new doors.
-Giving a gift to a certain someone and feeling very embarrassed!
-Very emotional lesson with Angeliana.
-Meeting another old friend and vowing to see him again.
-Making a vow to Lady Silverbow on the battlefield. Christine I was so upset about Friday!
-Listening in on an awkward Willpower lesson. Babe, I love you and Jeff you were such a sport!
-Warden meeting!
-Fighting alongside friends during Main Mod. All of the healing, all of the parries. I was so tapped out.
-Waking up at the beach of all places and the events that occurred after that.
-So many resurrections! My goodness!
-Lord Vincent and the Planeswalker...this won't be the last we'll see of him.
-Jen Effff I will never forget that strawberry I SWEAR ON IT!

-Hearing awful news and being relieved when finding out it was a false alarm.
-Walking the paths with Clytie.
-Willpower lesson.
-Talks about pies and desserts.

A+ Event everyone.

OOG: Daniel B.
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21 Apr 2015 11:43 #45 by Croínamara (Jen)
Replied by Croínamara (Jen) on topic April 2015 Highlights
Things I forgot:

Peonias trying to save croi and having her being yanked out of his hands by the ferryman's minions as he literally held on and ran with them. I know I was dead for that interaction, but holy smokes that was so touching and heartbreaking. Super impressed, well done.


Xod was amazing thinking up things to describe each participant, I was laughing so hard.

I am so stunned at how much money was actually made for the various IG charities.
Travance, I know we always say that you guys have nothing to spend your gold on, but WOW i didn't realize just how starved you were to throw your money around.


And Arden buying Magnus for Grim oh my god.


All of the nightmare talk with Ilana.
It was amazing how much she just KNEW from years of experience. Possibly the only character to truly *get* how croi believed these things needed to be handled, and that was without even touching the book of stories, but just from her own previous nightmares. I truly love when research IG depends on characters experiences and histories rather than just lore calls. Ilana was an incredibly valuable resource in that respect, and not even from passed mods or plots, but just from her character's deep investment in living with horrible dreams. It was wonderful to RP with you, Mars, and I look forward to all of the RP that stems out of this game.

Croínamara Ull Uidhir of Clan Uidhir
Squire to Knight Captain Magnus
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21 Apr 2015 13:16 #46 by Aysel (smgoebler)
Replied by Aysel (smgoebler) on topic April 2015 Highlights
Thank you all for an amazing first event! After years of promising to come to Knight Realms and a kidnapping by Gina, Jason, and Jen, I am so happy to say that I was not disappointed! As for highlights and memories I have a few...

1. Runabout - When mods collide and you end up running from the Beholder with the rest of the town instead of getting to know the area. And later getting to claim it's Lore: Geography as to why Aysel knows her way around. Nothing is a better first bonding experience than running from the big bad with the entire Proper.

2. The Great Seer Mah'loch and his Otopai - So much fun getting to lead the crazy desert man around in search for his translator, and getting a reading after the fact. I really love getting to interact with NPCs and these two really brought their A-game!

3. I Feel As Though We've Met Before - I roomed with Christine in college, and after so long of hearing about her, I finally got to meet and even study under the lovely Lady Silverbow and share this oh em gee so plentiful water with her was a lovely quiet little scene. Thank you, Christine, for this and everything since.

4. Morning Mass - Being up at a decent hour means you get to partake in all sorts of lovely RP, and one of them is Gaian Mass for Saint Astrid's day. Maralas gave a wonderful service, and was kind enough to give Aysel a copy of the poem she opened and closed the mass with. Time to work on my caligraphy and put it in her notebook!

5. A Druidic Scholar, You Say? - Getting some of my first lessons in Druidics from Caldor and meeting some of the Conclave helped to push Aysel down a path that I am more than happy to let her go down. Character goals now include becoming a Bedouin Druid, and I for one could not be happier for her.

6. Mummies? Mummies! - Researching at the Scholar's table with Belashand and learning that the Rotted Guardian was not just some scary story to keep the little Bedouins in bed at night was a treat. Steve's stories were a great read and really helped me get into the world of the game.

7. (NPC) Bug Squad! - It was a pleasure to serve under the Insect King, and be on the winning side of Main Mod. Especially as the villains. I think it makes for a really interesting game when the players lose, and I can't wait to see how this effects the game down the line.

8. Attic Stargazing - Oh, what a romantic scene between Andrei, the shirtless gypsy boy, and Aysel, the overly-modest desert girl. I really like quiet and intimate scenes when they happen, but instead of butterflies, this one left me in giggles. Sharing the punchline with the player after game off got a big laugh from all parties.

9. Off to the Jaxlands! - And finally, on Sunday morning, because poor Aysel just wanted to chase Lady Silverbow down for a lesson, she ended up joining the Jaxuarians to push the undead out of their homeland. At the sight of the glorious flora and fauna their Grove, the young Bedouin was in awe. The final push down the path of Bedouin Druid has come, and it only took one mod.

Thank you all again for the amazing first event. I look forward to seeing you next event!

Student of Druidics

OOG: Sarah Mae
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21 Apr 2015 13:42 #47 by Wylla H. (Tifferzlives)
Replied by Wylla H. (Tifferzlives) on topic April 2015 Highlights
Wooooooo! Such a great weekend!

Running from the beholder right from the get go. Going to the graveyard and trying to pull people back out of the tunnel. Saving Roland. Immediately going to bed afterwards. Waking in the morning being told I healed Arkelian in my sleep. Eating breakfast and seeing a spirit walking through the inn. Bringing her back through the phocus. Chaos orb and demon lord. Chili lunch! Bachelor auction was super entertaining. Tower mod was fun and Wylla may have acted out of anger at one point. Helping to save Roland again. Feast was delicious as always.

NPCing main mod for the first time was fantastic. I loved it. Wandering main mod was a cool idea. Fighting the count, what?! Bodies all over the field, NPC and PCs alike.

Andorran hug of death!

Back in game finding out Roland did die. As did Maveith. Drinking at the bar with Maveith. Listening to Creepy Bard and Trent sing is always super fun. Talking with Biron. Sitting with Gregory and Damien and another fellow while thye play cards. Tips for back rubs!

Getting some lessons in and teaching one as well. Watching friends set off on a long journey. Who knows what could happen? Can't wait to see everyone at WITL!

(OOG Tiffany Yoder)
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21 Apr 2015 13:48 #48 by Croínamara (Jen)
Replied by Croínamara (Jen) on topic April 2015 Highlights
Quick question: Who heard me singing on the steps and asked

"....that was important, wasn't it?"

that was such a big goddamn highlight for me, and i can't remember who you were.
But thank you, that was wonderful.

Croínamara Ull Uidhir of Clan Uidhir
Squire to Knight Captain Magnus
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21 Apr 2015 13:56 #49 by Tobias (Tobias)
Replied by Tobias (Tobias) on topic April 2015 Highlights

Croínamara wrote: Quick question: Who heard me singing on the steps and asked

"....that was important, wasn't it?"

Happy to claim credit for that. I remember wanting to usher you inside for safety, realizing this wasn't something interruptable, and thinking, at least I can block beholder gaze with my body for a few seconds?

Tobias Armitage-
OOG- Jason Feldman

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21 Apr 2015 14:22 #50 by Mirwen Silverbow (Mirwen)
Replied by Mirwen Silverbow (Mirwen) on topic April 2015 Highlights

Tobias wrote:

Croínamara wrote: Quick question: Who heard me singing on the steps and asked

"....that was important, wasn't it?"

Happy to claim credit for that. I remember wanting to usher you inside for safety, realizing this wasn't something interruptable, and thinking, at least I can block beholder gaze with my body for a few seconds?

Does Unbreakable Voice beat Beholder's Gaze? :P

Lady Mirwen Silverbow of Pendarvin
Master of the Mage's Guild
Mage's Guild Scribe


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21 Apr 2015 15:45 #51 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic April 2015 Highlights
Something I forgot:

Gin Yuki walking into the Inn Saturday afternoon, announcing that he'd bought all of Caldor's chili, and that anyone who wanted a bowl could have some.

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
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21 Apr 2015 16:01 - 21 Apr 2015 16:01 #52 by Belketra Folles (pleasantexample)
Replied by Belketra Folles (pleasantexample) on topic April 2015 Highlights

Nalick wrote: Something I forgot:

Gin Yuki walking into the Inn Saturday afternoon, announcing that he'd bought all of Caldor's chili, and that anyone who wanted a bowl could have some.

Especially a highlight for the broke new players!


OOG: DJ (She/her)
Last edit: 21 Apr 2015 16:01 by Belketra Folles (pleasantexample).
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21 Apr 2015 16:26 #53 by Croínamara (Jen)
Replied by Croínamara (Jen) on topic April 2015 Highlights
Oh my god.

Atrus and Anhil individually causing Croí to flub with rude remarks and butt jokes.

How did I forget that.

Croínamara Ull Uidhir of Clan Uidhir
Squire to Knight Captain Magnus
Chancellor of the Arts
Sergeant of the Baronial Guard

Jen F.
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21 Apr 2015 17:28 #54 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic April 2015 Highlights
Temporarily removing Cyphers insanity. The look on everyone's face when I 'cured' him. "Ilana, I think you broke him."
She's still not quite sure.

Marcella Torres
Land System Deputy
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21 Apr 2015 20:02 #55 by Caldor Eirson (Caldor)
Replied by Caldor Eirson (Caldor) on topic Re:April 2015 Highlights
Omg... The gelatinous cube... So cool, so creepy..

Caldor Eirson,

Gothi and High Priest of Gaia
Wedding Planner, Match Maker,
Spiritual Advisor To Kaladonia

OOG: Jason M.
Deputy Kitchen Marshal
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Q: How many people does it take to teach a barbarian how to read?
A: 1 knight, 3 squires, and 1 master of the mages guild.
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21 Apr 2015 20:20 #56 by Jenn (JennF)
Replied by Jenn (JennF) on topic April 2015 Highlights
This was my first event back in 4 months and I'm glad I went. Went on a late night adventure with Jonasa Kane. Also, winning two "gentlemen" in the auction.

L. Rosette Luminita Catalina Tanir
(Kitchen Marshal)

Jenn F
"If I can survived that...then I can survive this..."
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22 Apr 2015 00:01 - 22 Apr 2015 01:10 #57 by Chumana Lind (msneden2)
Replied by Chumana Lind (msneden2) on topic April 2015 Highlights
So much happened this weekend. This was my first Knight Realms event and it was definitely something.
I spent most of the weekend still adjusting to how things worked, but I did find things I enjoyed and probably will continue to enjoy in in the future.
Having my fortune told in the middle of being chased by the beholder
I loved socializing in the tavern in general. I met so many people that way. The seemingly continuous flow of someone offering to pay for the whole bar was definitely nice too.
Going on a walk with a group of new players ,randomly running into a noble, and being told who to go to for bardic lessons from there (Very much appreciated)
The mass. That was very interesting to watch and roleplay too.
Cake Boss. I hadn't heard anything about them coming so that was real surprise.
Sparring practice with other new comers. The amount of people who came over or wanted to help was very touching to see in and out of character.
The feast. The actual event itself was very fun and I enjoyed the people I worked with while helping to set up. Aysel makes for a wonderful cleaning partner, just going to put that out there.
Going on a walk in the woods with people. Luckily we avoided the monster attacks
Finding letters from the huntress outside the bar and the person I was talking to about it turn out to be the person I was looking for bard lessons from. That was a bit of funny coincidence. Croi was a treat. I really look forward to seeing her again.
Seeing people out of costume was interesting after being in character all weekend.
I look forward to seeing people again next time I can come.

Chumana Lind

OOG: Marley S

Chumana Lind
Private of the Baronial Guard

(OOG: Marley Sneden)
Last edit: 22 Apr 2015 01:10 by Chumana Lind (msneden2).
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22 Apr 2015 01:43 - 23 Apr 2015 09:51 #58 by Swyft (agentswift)
Replied by Swyft (agentswift) on topic April 2015 Highlights
I haven't been this sore since I first started playing at KR. Also... empathic healer in a town filled with terrified people... Unfair!

Nice job, sending Omni out at lay on on Friday. It made me glad I was an OOG NPC!

Caldor's awesome Grove resurrection. We had some deep moments there. Jason, you rock!

Discussions and perspectives with the Dream Knight, Croi, Angeliana and Atrus...

I was so freaked out Friday night that I went to bed with my weapon in my hand so that I could parry if I needed to! Interesting “nightmare”I had that night in Drega'Room... Thanks, Steve...

Early morning visit to Jed proved an experience as now the place is absolutely decked OUT. Snakes and nooses and chimes and weird bird feeders everywhere! To say nothing of the shack's interior overhaul. Judge and Padma did a fantastic job! (The tiki torches at night made that path difficult to find the bravery to continue up it...)

Meeting Pox again and finding out he and Jed have a history... amazing RP there, but it seemed so hostile at first, I thought a fight was going to break out.

Croi and the Demon Lord squaring off, using fanfare of Bravery as defense!

Getting Atrus the essence he needed to cure his disease within five minutes of him asking thanks to Rudolph!

Cake Boss! Holy moly, what a big to-do. That cake was awesome!

Hilarious conversations with Kit regarding Jed's aptitude at the dreaded Butt Tuba. I laughed so hard I couldn't even make a sound...

Fun times with gypsies at Feast! Pappa Gypsy's question! Sorry to disappoint but the rp was so great! <3

Main mod was horrifying. Period. End of story.

Props to Annora trying to hold things together. I had a great time working with her and TRYING to stick with Drega'Mire. It was really easy to lose everyone in the dark, absolutely terrifying chaos. It seemed like any direction I turned, there was a horrible “boss” to face!

So many people to heal! So much confusion!

Tried standing up to the Demon Lord. Almost worked. Then I got dropped because I forgot everything Croi told me. When brought back up, ended up being chased everywhere I went by him. It was so scary, I think I lost a piece of my poor little mind that night. Thank goodness for Angeliana and her sanctuary!

I was scared to death for the entirety of main mod. That was rough.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, then came the Karkat shenanigans at the inn later on!

Having Karkat say, telepathically to Swyft “I'm going to carve your face off,” was just too much after that crazy night. I felt totally justified bolting out of the inn!

Haroldson was bent, I can't believe he started dragging me over to Karkat, yikes! Ilana, you are just too wonderful, trying to cure my “phobia!” Thank-you for trying! In the end it took Terezi getting annoyed and creating an odd truce of sorts.

...And then we went on a mod together.

I never know what to expect at this game, lol! I love it!

The “oops” moment of conversation on the way to the mod was epic... hehe.

Fun times with Jonas!

Almost forgot, fun times bringing Annora back through the Phokus, lol. You scamp, you!

Getting involved with the Jaxuarian plot! Oh my gosh the costumes and makeup were grade A! Also, you guys rp'd it fantastically! It made Swyft want to be all "oh yeah I'm katta too!" I am absolutely thrilled! I had so much fun on the mod that began our between game adventure. I want to get to know my katta cousins and learn their ways! I cannot wait to see what happens next!!

I know I've forgotten moments, but I always enjoy every one. I make a new friend every game! Thank-you all!

Dame Swyft T. Glitterfang-Johnson-Ludwig
-Knight of Corvancia
- Carnifex of Aguara
- Designer of Stonefall Couture: "Because you're never too bad to look good!"

(OOG: Renée Day)
Last edit: 23 Apr 2015 09:51 by Swyft (agentswift).
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22 Apr 2015 01:53 #59 by Croínamara (Jen)
Replied by Croínamara (Jen) on topic April 2015 Highlights
Renee, that reminds me;

It was the hardest thing in the world for Croí to grab Swyft during main mod and just look at her and say "You can't." as swyft kept screaming that she had to go heal people. just. my god. the look on your face. it tore me in half, lady.

Croínamara Ull Uidhir of Clan Uidhir
Squire to Knight Captain Magnus
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22 Apr 2015 01:55 #60 by Swyft (agentswift)
Replied by Swyft (agentswift) on topic April 2015 Highlights
Jen, omg.


Dame Swyft T. Glitterfang-Johnson-Ludwig
-Knight of Corvancia
- Carnifex of Aguara
- Designer of Stonefall Couture: "Because you're never too bad to look good!"

(OOG: Renée Day)
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