Arrrrrrgust 2016 Highlights

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17 Aug 2016 19:51 #31 by Starling (starling)
Replied by Starling (starling) on topic Arrrrrrgust 2016 Highlights
First off, a generalized "thank you" to everyone who helps raise the bar at game every month. I love the quality of roleplay from PC's and NPC's alike, and the dedication to immersion and shared fun and story. You are all fabulous.

- Friday night treasure hunting. Or treasure map following. Or "squinting at this piece of paper in the dark and then fumbling around in the caravans for a while", hey, whatever. It was, for Travance, an extremely peaceful field trip. Then, of course, undead pirates everywhere.

- Waking up to the Drega Lands camp flooded with undead was terrifying. Undead NPC's, a lot of you did a great job of being incredibly menacing even through the warded tent. And chasing the healer who wasn't wearing any shoes at the time. Every time I managed to get out of the tent to try and go heal someone (or FIND someone to heal, because it turns out it's dropping in a poorly lit area that's the real killer), I got chased right back in. At least once I leaped into the tent and skidded some distance. The roleplay once more people started showing up was wonderful - Rook, who Starling did not at all expect to see at that moment, healing several very grateful people (including the fellow who offered to pay Starling, which, believe me, she appreciated and would have followed up on if she'd seen his face better). Starling's panicked semi-stand against the undead in the field with Zinnia and Kyras was excellent - once again, Starling tried to heal an undead and got into more trouble than it was worth. I don't remember the name of the skill, but the effect of "you can't use any concentration abilities for five minutes" was BRUTAL. That's literally all I do! I spent five minutes in the tent curled up in a ball clutching my head and crying. (And thus got to watch the heroic scramble to keep Oren alive purely with Heal 5, Heal 5, Heal 5, Heal 5.... Good one, Winged Victory.) I'm really looking forward to playing out the consequences of That Whole Mess.

- Saturday, also known as "Starling Takes Custody of Small Creepy Doll Day" - I loved the series of conversations, interactions, and situations that having the voodoo doll got me into! Watching Jackdaw interact with the Baron was.... well, it was something. Starling is proud that Jackdaw didn't get stabbed or tried for treason.

- Big ol' highlight thanks to everyone who listened to Starling's requests for escort down to Drega, twice. The first time was really, really needed, as we ran into Undead Tempest (I think?) on the way down. I realized I need to build up some stamina for sprinting - I should be able to cross the Ostcliff field more quickly while screaming bloody murder. And to the giant escort crew that took Cade down there the second time, see, it wasn't totally useless after all -- seeing as TWO of the Undead Captains gated in right behind us as we got back to the Inn.

- Speaking of which, Undead Captains, you all were SO GREAT. I'm sad I didn't interact with any of you directly but also not, because I'm small and squishy and taste good with ketchup.

- The trials! There was some seriously funny stuff (CHICKEN? and how apparently Tanywns have a thing for chicken, and everything Silas said while waving that fan) and some great roleplay, and Winged Victory enjoyed helping set up the tables and then claiming front row seats.

- Accidentally attended the Nobles Meeting to turn the voodoo dolls over to the Baron. I mean, someone sure knew it was the Nobles Meeting, but somehow Starling missed that crucial detail. And then Jackdaw got the room playing "I Spy" while waiting for the Baron to appear.

- Therion, that was exactly the lesson that Starling needed. It helped her make a crucial decision, and thank you for doing it while I was dragging around tables in the Inn.

- Feast set up and serving was HECTIC. As usual, thanks, Winged Victory, Thalia, Kitchen Staff, and everyone else who makes feast happen, for coming together to get the tables moved, plates set, and town fed. (And to all the people who stop to interact with your feast servers IG for a moment or two, you're the best and you always brighten my feast!)

- TARTAROS, LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY NYAD. You took a perfectly good Fae Kin and you ruined her! She's all.... peach and humany and shooting guns now! (Also known as, this is a great turn of events and really fun to keep reacting to. And seeing Crystal in Kes garb and makeup but not blue is really, really weird....)

- NPC shift on main mod: Mother Nature delivered! The lightning show while the town was on its way was spectacular, and it was a fun time. Would water balloon zombie again, 10/10.

- Playing extremely weak wolves who couldn't get half the town to even come kill them or chase them away from Statehouses was really funny, too. Best NPC interaction goes to Nestorin, who befriended the whole pack and then walked up to the Inn with five or six wolves circling him and barking at him.

- Came up to the Inn after getting off shift, had a great talk with, I believe, Captain Fairweather? Sorry if I am recalling wrong, it was dark and I was exhausted at that point. And then we got attacked by Totally Twisted Deep Sea Nyad Monsters, and WOW. I can't give enough recognition and praise to Blue Kestrel for her reaction after getting hit with Grant Nightmares. If I hadn't seen the attack land, I would have called a safety hold for someone having a panic attack. You always go hard with immersive emotional roleplay, but this was incredible. And it gave me a chance to play up Starling's protectiveness (unarmed and totally undefended, I jumped between Kestrel and an attacking Nyad - and only got hurt once? Such luck.)

- Rook and Starling now have a bet going as to how long before Jackdaw realizes Rook is a Squire.


- Drinking "tea" with Nalick was great; I loved drunk Nalick's reaction to Starling's somewhat inflammatory opinions on religion.

- The very, very late on Sunday afternoon scene where we realized what had happened to Lark: solid roleplay and I can't wait to pursue it.

Squire to Lord Angelica Tellinghast
Viceroy of Drega'mire

OOG: Alice Bryson
Marshal, New Player Rep
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17 Aug 2016 23:10 #32 by Not An Assassin (Salem)
Replied by Not An Assassin (Salem) on topic Arrrrrrgust 2016 Highlights
Quick Highlights!

-Going to main MOD just to Assassinate a dire shark and reap in a bunch of item cards from logistics.
-Baptisted by the true God himself. He also blessed my mask. Now it's a holy symbol.
-*Stares at everything* "wield faith". (I'm not a priest, but it's a funny concept).
-Poker with the fish.
-NPCing with Forest is the best shit ever.
-Making money in the BB even though I'm trying to not tend there anymore.

See you all real soon.

Salem Noire, Lieutenant Commander of the Blood Spirits

Lieutenant Leon Drekken of House Zezima

OOG-Reece Belmont
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17 Aug 2016 23:44 #33 by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
Replied by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell) on topic Arrrrrrgust 2016 Highlights
I spent most of the weekend either being the government or spreading ridiculous rumors about Jonas Kane (the undead monkeys in the basement, how he's secretly in love with Captain Tempest, his brother's buried treasure)... *reads epilogue* Serves me right. :p

Mami Mae's mac & cheese kept me from keeling over. <3 Mami Mae has now officially moved the needle from "never while I am seneschal" to "weeeeeellllll maybe eventually". Not that Lois will admit that she can be bribed with pasta, of course. :-D

Trials! Chicken. Bob & Calven Tanwyn need to take that bit on the road ;-) And Syllus Crone, upon hearing his punishment: "Can I choose death?" Seriously though you guys, even after the initial several-hours-long Baron/Magistrate/Seneschal discussion about the whole thing, Ben put in *additional* hours of effort, and it showed. Cheers, mate!

The private trial.

A weird not-exactly-highlight? Lois is apparently so keyed to someone's emotional state that I found myself getting more and more upset at Friday wore on, and didn't realize why until she found them later, they smiled, and I felt everything melt away. Holy hell that was surprising.

Thalia. Just... Thalia.

Also everywhere I went I found the Exchequer there. If you needed him and didn't find him, get your eyes checked ;-) I love seeing him get more and more involved with all the corners of the Barony.

I swear every time Lois & Kroh were anywhere near each other something strange would happen and we would both just say, "Weeeeiiirrrrd...." at the exact same time.

Seeing Jackdaw really step right into his role as Coast Haven ambassador, and do it so well!

The tobacco pipe found at the crossroads. Creepy!

Aleister said something to Lois that made up her mind on something she'd been agonizing over for a while, and I don't think he has any idea what he just unleashed. Just remember, in the future: it's all Aleister's fault!


((OOG: Cassie Stanley, Marshal Deputy))
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18 Aug 2016 02:23 #34 by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings)
Replied by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings) on topic Arrrrrrgust 2016 Highlights
Playing the drums, even as terrible as I was (sorry Dave), I had fun dancing around and being the Voodoo drummer boy. Or man. really I'm too old to be a boy :P

Playing grim was also great fun, he was even happy for a short, brief, peaceful moment and made merry before Travance happened all over again and murders and such started happening. Where there's a policemen, you find crime, I guess.

The trials were great, even if Grimkjell wanted harsher punishments and perhaps a few more convictions. But he understood it to be a kind of street theater, and the absurd and comedic nature of being a guard in Travance came into very clear focus when Kardin interrupted with his hawking of chicken wares.

Spending time with Billiam, Colin Mckraegar, and Oren and Allyce were great. Grim has a lot to worry about in upcoming months, though we'll see how it goes.

Getting in fights with the mod bosses I'd be helping later in the day was also deeply amusing, and my short conversations with Tobias about various moments of frustration, and the thought of Grimkjell trying to find his actual purpose again came to him. It's cyclical, really. Grimkjell falls into frustration and despair every summer, and during September and October everything crystallizes and he remembers who he is.

JOhn Tinney, Katie Defranza, and matt Defranza taking care of me when I realized my injured knee had swollen up. (I'm fine, don't worry, I just had a tennis ball instead of a knee cap for a while.)

Late night adobo beef and vegetables with James and Luis.

Serving feast like ya do.

Missing out on Rook's squiring, which is amusing as grimkjell tends to keep an eye on changes politically.

Arresting and interrogating two townsman sunday morning.

And the perfect moment of Grimkjell zen, where a running crook tries to flee from him only to be stopped by a slam/cripple combination move, with me not staying over him long. I just let the other guards handle it after the he contemptuously flattened his target.

Meeting Sean's new Alisandrian Vassal, and trying hard for Grimkjell to come up with a flattering tale of his own prowess, only for him to awkwardlt try to pass it off on Tobias. Like he does all the ahrd jobs, haha.

Seeing Sediq and marty, and seeing sediq bravely confront several mod bosses politely.

Hanging out with Matt Calo generally. He's a rad dude.

IG: Sir Grimkjell Eirson
Knight of Pendarvin
Guardian of Mercy

OOG: William Hannings
Land system Marshal
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18 Aug 2016 22:46 #35 by Faila (Faila)
Replied by Faila (Faila) on topic Arrrrrrgust 2016 Highlights
Marshalling Shane's kelpie mod. It was great to watch the NPCs (who deserve applause for their willingness to get sand pretty much everywhere) and PCs interaction. Nothing makes a marshall happier than having PC's say they had fun at the end of the mod.

Pendarvin shield wall during main mod. The thunk of water balloons was very satisfying.

Discussions with Chet . . . which started to make Faila very nervous. And thoughtful discussions with Imrahil.

A brief talk with Clytie (they seem to always be brief) that pulled a lot of pieces together for Faila.

As always I am sure I am forgetting many things . . .


IG: Faila Stormshard Steelson
Owner of Steelson Smithing and Culpepper Drumworks
"May your heart be brave, your mind fierce, and your spirit strong."

Alt: "Gigi"
Dealer in rare books and librarian

OOG: Crystal G.
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19 Aug 2016 12:18 #36 by Kestrel (Kestrel)
Replied by Kestrel (Kestrel) on topic Arrrrrrgust 2016 Highlights
I'll hopefully write out a full one later, but I wanted to give a quick shout out to the npcs and marshals for that late night twisted nyads attack the inn mod. You accidentally slammed Kestrel with backstory so hard that she's holding on to that rune of change self she got for as long as possible rather than spending next feast trying to figure out how to break it. Way to go Derek, also completely unaware of backstory, hitting me with grant nightmares XD That was awesome, you are all awesome, I had an amazing time.

Ser Kestrel Laurent-Belmont
Dame Warlord of Kaladonia
First Mate of the Winged Victory
Master Hunter & Council Member for House Laurent-Belmont
Fyperia's Wisdom - Knight Champion of High Queen Fyperia Maitel

Alt: Cynon Terrwyn of Grimwyr
House Liones
Lieutenant Commander of the Kormyrian Army

OOG: Crystal R.
New Player Representative
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Dame Clytie Silverfang (itsgonnabemay), Belketra Folles (pleasantexample)
19 Aug 2016 18:37 #37 by Sergei Petsho (Bran MacInnes)
Replied by Sergei Petsho (Bran MacInnes) on topic Arrrrrrgust 2016 Highlights
Things I have forgotten: when a god tell you that you think too scientifically to understand his answers to your questions, I think that means you're playing Londwyn correctly.

Inadvertent bondage lessons while teaching.

Seeing and hearing excitement from NPCs as they come back from an encounter that I created. It's hella gratifying to see people really getting into the things I write or create on the fly.

"What do you take me for? Some kind of big damn hero?"
Sergei Petsho, Voivode and Steward of Inovar, Owner and Masseur Extraordinaire of Magic Hands Massage.

"What, it's for my research, I swear!"
Nigel Whitworth, Gentleman Apothecary

"Here, kid, suck on this and shut up for a while."
Aengus MacAengus Hesperus, Professional Old Person

OOG: Chris Zipeto
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Swyft (agentswift), Faila (Faila), Mantel (sigma-j)
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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