Rules Update: Two-Handed Weapons, and skills that benefit them (+ List Updates)

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29 Mar 2010 19:55 #1 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
The following weapons have been modified:

* Pole Arms do 4 damage, regardless of the end used to strike.
* Bastard weapons and Spears do 2 damage with one hand, and 5 Damage when wielded with two hands.

The following skills have been modified:

Disarm/Retain (Periodic)
This skill allows a character to disarm an opponent’s weapon, or to retain her weapon when struck by an opponent’s Disarm. To disarm an opponent, you must strike the opponent’s weapon that you wish to disarm.  If the weapon is wielded in one hand, the opponent must drop the weapon and cannot pick it up for five seconds. Weapons that are wielded with two hands may not be disarmed with this skill. To use this skill to retain your weapon when struck by an opponent’s Disarm, simply call Retain in response to the attack and continue to wield your weapon. You can use this skill to disarm or retain - not both - once per period.

Rank I: Hone Weapon
This ability allows a smith to work a weapon to provide it with a temporary combat bonus, at a cost of two thirds the CP and one third the time required to make an armament of the same type. A weapon that is treated with this ability adds one to its base damage for the duration of the current period, or two if it is held as a two-handed weapon. This ability cannot be used on an armament that has been ritually enchanted.

Rank II: Reinforce Armament
This ability allows a smith to protect an armament from an attack that would break or destroy it, at a cost of one third the CP and time required to make an armament of the same type. Reinforce Armament can be used up to three times on a single armament at one time, and each use will protect the armament from one such attack, or two attacks in the case of a 2HE, 2HB, or Pole Arm weapon. This ability cannot be used on an armament that has been ritually enchanted.

Strength +1 (Continuous)
With this damage augmenting skill, a character is stronger than a normal person, and can add one to her normal weapon damage, or two to her normal weapon damage if she is wielding a 2HE, 2HB, or Pole-arm weapon.  See the Combat section for full details on how much a character may carry / lift.

The skill Strength +1 has been added to the Dragoon and Warrior list, at a cost of 15 build.

The skills 2 HE/B and Pole-Arm, have been removed from the Ronin List and the Cavalier list.

The skills Small Weapon (1 Build) and Florentine (2 Build) has been added to the Ronin list.

The Pre-Requisites for several Dragoon and Warrior skills have been edited to reflect the following:

- Critical Attack: None

- Blind Fighting: WP +1
- Disarm/Retain: WP +1
- Parry: WP +1

- Puncture Armor: Strength +1
- Cleave: Strength +1
- Stunning Blow: Strength +1
- Break Limb: Strength +1
- Trip: Strength +1
- Resilience: Strength +1

- Incap: WP +2 or Strength +1
- Spirit of the Dragon: WP +2 or Strength +1

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
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30 Mar 2010 08:11 #2 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
For the next 3 events anyone with the Warrior, Dragoon and Ronin lists may re-write their cards is getting a free 1 time ever respend to fit in with these changes. Note that I must approve the changes for this free respend and it must circulate around these lists. Also I will be allowing a grace period for those 3 months to naturally earn the pre-reqs.

In example, Erdrick is a warrior who does not have Strength + 1 but has many stunning blows. I can opt to take the free respend, or naturally over the next 3 months learn the strength + 1 to fill out my pre-reqs. After the 3 month period anyone without the proper pre-reqs will loose the appropriate skills.

Lord Erdrick Brightstar
Guardian of Belladeen
(Samuel Roberts)
30 Mar 2010 08:21 #3 by Alexander Van Zandt (Logan)
Isn't it two days early for an April's Fools Joke? Because this is just silly.

Alexander Van Zandt
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30 Mar 2010 08:42 #4 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
This may become an opinion debate.

As someone who has relied on strength profs for years as my main character, I can say this balances the downside of going with strength of weapon profs. I have been told to my face "If you don't like it, go weapon prof." Why? Because I chose an inferior proficiency because it fit the character?

This liberates those that want to roleplay and be active in combat from having to choose one or the other. A large weapon is slower; and in any game that strive for balance, the slower the animation time, the more the damage. That's the trade off for not being fast.

These changes gives one some arguement for going with strength when before, weapon prof was the be all. As it stands, there are more skill advantages for weapon profs later on. Calling weapon prof useless, in my experience of half a decade of strength prof useage and honest opinion, is just silly.

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30 Mar 2010 09:11 - 30 Mar 2010 09:13 #5 by Gallion (Gallion)
No this is not an April Fools joke. Two handed weapons in general have been at a severe disadvantage due to the nature of boffer combat. You can argue that you don't agree, but most people would disagree with that argument. This change improves their damage ratio, and gives benefits to the weapons that make them slightly more viable in a boffer combat gaming atmosphere. It also changes the dynamic of fighter classes to make more sense in that they choose one of two paths... the Weapon Prof path or the Strength path, and that choice is a result of which weapon type they choose to fight with.

The only way that this debatable negatively effects 1 handed weapons, is the pre-reqs, in that if you want access to certain skills, you will need to purchase a single +1 strength, just as strength based fighters will need to purchase a single weapon prof to have access to the others. Aside from that, all changes are a solid increase in power for two handed weapons, which helps to level the playing field in larp combat between these two fighting styles.

A ton of work went into this change and this topic has been already discussed at great length between all the RM and officers. If you wish to chat about it it here than fine, but please keep it civil.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
Last edit: 30 Mar 2010 09:13 by .
30 Mar 2010 10:49 #6 by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas)
Replied by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas) on topic Rules Update: Two-Handed Weapons, and skills that benefit them (+ List Updates)
Nice, like the strength change, might only be a +1 damage but makes me feel a little better, seems like every time I fight using a 2HS anyone with Florentine or a shield and sword I get (Censored), and being a berserker, thats all I can use.

Rupert the adventurer

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30 Mar 2010 11:10 #7 by Odo Garaath (Odo)

Nice, like the strength change, might only be a +1 damage but makes me feel a little better, seems like every time I fight using a 2HS anyone with Florentine or a shield and sword I get (Censored), and being a berserker, thats all I can use.

Trust me, Kid. It get's better down the road. Even more so now.

"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."

(Tom Senger )
30 Mar 2010 11:13 #8 by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas)
Replied by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas) on topic Rules Update: Two-Handed Weapons, and skills that benefit them (+ List Updates)
Do warriors have Wep Prof and Strength or just strength now?

Rupert the adventurer

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30 Mar 2010 11:15 - 30 Mar 2010 11:17 #9 by Oakroot (OakRoot)
Dang!!!! So does this mean nobody is going to see Oakroot running around with a two handed weapon :P... haha after these changes next your going to tell me Cavaliers are going to get more tag skills but these changes certainly do balance the battle field good job... Even though they don't effect me

Brinden Oakroot
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30 Mar 2010 11:20 #10 by Gallion (Gallion)

Do warriors have Wep Prof and Strength or just strength now?

Unless we have stated that Weapon Prof has been removed/replaced from x-list... it hasn't. Please attempt to use this logic and think about it before posting a question. Not to discourage question asking... but if you take a few moments to think about your question before asking it sometimes you may discover you don't need to ask it. If something is truly not understood... then of course, ask.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
30 Mar 2010 11:21 #11 by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas)
Replied by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas) on topic Rules Update: Two-Handed Weapons, and skills that benefit them (+ List Updates)

Rupert the adventurer

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30 Mar 2010 12:53 #12 by Toravisu (Toravisu)
Awesome news!

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30 Mar 2010 13:22 #13 by Thorgrim Ironfeld (MitchC)

For the next 3 events anyone with the Warrior, Dragoon and Ronin lists may re-write their cards is getting a free 1 time ever respend to fit in with these changes.

Might this include Cavaliers too? The loss of 2H skills altogether might warrant it, no? I had considered a 2H axe, now I can't (sniffle). It does emphasize the focus of the class towards one handed (and shield) use, which I think makes sense. I'm curious also if there will be more skills added to help flesh this out more? With shield bash recently downgraded to balance the skill, it would be nice to have one or two more shield oriented attacks (shameless plee!). Perhaps a higher build cost for a packet delivered Shield Punch, used only within 5 feet or weapon length, or even via weapon strike on any part of the target to denote the punch. Some kind of skill that can't be machine-gunned, that brings back the knockdown? :)

BTW, I love the enhancements to 2H weapons. Its needed imho. Now how about some added skills for axe/blunt wielders due to their lack of using stabbing attacks ;) Yeah, I'm asking too much, but you don't don't get.

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30 Mar 2010 13:25 #14 by Erdrick (Erdrick)

For the next 3 events anyone with the Warrior, Dragoon and Ronin lists may re-write their cards is getting a free 1 time ever respend to fit in with these changes.

Might this include Cavaliers too? The loss of 2H skills altogether might warrant it, no? I had considered a 2H axe, now I can't (sniffle). It does emphasize the focus of the class towards one handed (and shield) use, which I think makes sense. I'm curious also if there will be more skills added to help flesh this out more? With shield bash recently downgraded to balance the skill, it would be nice to have one or two more shield oriented attacks (shameless plee!). Perhaps a higher build cost for a packet delivered Shield Punch, used only within 5 feet or weapon length, or even via weapon strike on any part of the target to denote the punch. Some kind of skill that can't be machine-gunned, that brings back the knockdown? :)

BTW, I love the enhancements to 2H weapons. Its needed imho. Now how about some added skills for axe/blunt wielders due to their lack of using stabbing attacks ;) Yeah, I'm asking too much, but you don't don't get.

Based off my recollection of the database I do not recall any characters who are cavaliers that use 2 handed weaponry to an extensive manner that would call for a re-write. I will however take people on a case by case basis and hear their arguments about said thought.

Lord Erdrick Brightstar
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30 Mar 2010 13:54 #15 by Thorgrim Ironfeld (MitchC)
Fair enough!

OOG name: Mitch
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30 Mar 2010 16:16 #16 by Misaki (cbodnar)
Dragoons just keep getting stronger and stronger every day  ;)  I can assume that these changes will take place in the Online Rulebook if they haven't already for look-up purposes?

Misaki Xianlu VonRitter, the Nemesis

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30 Mar 2010 16:46 #17 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Rules Update: Two-Handed Weapons, and skills that benefit them (+ List Updates)
If someone is holding a polearm, staff, 2HE/B, or bastard weapon in one hand, can I disarm it?

-Alexandre Blythewood

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30 Mar 2010 17:32 #18 by Secarius (Secarius)
cody.. in refrence to your commentary about weilding a 2HE magainst someone with florentine or a shield.. as a berserker.. this is all i have to say "break shield" "shatter weapon".
I would like to thank to staff and rules people who had input on this change. I think it is an excelent idea and brings a magnificent balance to something that up til now had imo been unbalanced. excelent job of buffing something without de-buffing its counterpart.

ALex S.
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30 Mar 2010 19:09 #19 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)

Dragoons just keep getting stronger and stronger every day  ;)  I can assume that these changes will take place in the Online Rulebook if they haven't already for look-up purposes?

Nah, I figured I'd leave them out and make them oral tradition rules.  :P

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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30 Mar 2010 19:16 #20 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)

If someone is holding a polearm, staff, 2HE/B, or bastard weapon in one hand, can I disarm it?

That's actually a good question - the answer is Yes.  The wording should say "if it is held as a two-handed weapon" (to differentiate holding a Bastard weapon in one hand vs. two), similar to Hone Weapon, I'll reflect it when I [strike]add it to the Online Rulebook[/strike] pass it on as an oral tradition.

A subtlety to also note is that Master Disarm has NOT changed... meaning it can still disarm weapons the normal Disarm cannot.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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30 Mar 2010 19:55 #21 by Secarius (Secarius)
Geoff thank you for reading my mind i was about to ask about master disarm

ALex S.
player of Brax the Barbarian
30 Mar 2010 20:20 #22 by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas)
Replied by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas) on topic Rules Update: Two-Handed Weapons, and skills that benefit them (+ List Updates)

cody.. in refrence to your commentary about weilding a 2HE magainst someone with florentine or a shield.. as a berserker.. this is all i have to say "break shield" "shatter weapon".

True true, very true, but would be nice if they were a little cheaper.

Rupert the adventurer

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30 Mar 2010 21:09 #23 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)

Strength +1 (Continuous)
With this damage augmenting skill, a character is stronger than a normal person, and can add one to her normal weapon damage, or two to her normal weapon damage if she is wielding a 2HE, 2HB, or Pole-arm weapon.  See the Combat section for full details on how much a character may carry / lift.

I just wish to confirm that the +2 only applies to 2 handed edge, blunt, and polearms.  Not to bastard weapons wielded with 2 hands.

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30 Mar 2010 21:13 #24 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
You are correct.

Lord Erdrick Brightstar
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31 Mar 2010 08:22 #25 by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507)
Replied by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507) on topic Rules Update: Two-Handed Weapons, and skills that benefit them (+ List Updates)
So I am inferring from the change to the disarm skill that weapons held in two hands can't be diarmed by standard Disarm at all as opposed to before when stuck with a disarm to a two handed weapon one hand had to be removed from the weapon and have the weapons that specifically say they require 2 uses of disarm to be disarmed.

If the above is rue then I guess the best way for someone with out master disarm to remove my staff from my person will have to use the original disarm . . . Sever Limb  ;D

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31 Mar 2010 09:36 #26 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Or Break Limb.  ;)

"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."

(Tom Senger )
31 Mar 2010 10:37 #27 by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507)
Replied by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507) on topic Rules Update: Two-Handed Weapons, and skills that benefit them (+ List Updates)
Yes but break limb doesn't work for my shameless pun

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31 Mar 2010 14:04 #28 by brik (sonya)
i think these changes are great, thank you  :D

oog - sonya m.
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31 Mar 2010 22:34 #29 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Most of the updates have been entered into the online rulebook.  I need to verify some of the Pre-Reqs with James, and will enter them later this week.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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01 Apr 2010 09:19 #30 by Raxas (Raxas Lonestar)
I like the Changed I'm more inclined to learn how to use a staff now.  Other then making it float around  ;D

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