A message of Mercy

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18 Aug 2010 12:45 #1 by LStarling (Kwildar)
A message of Mercy was created by LStarling (Kwildar)
I seek today to implore all those who worship the Light, be they devout followers of Andorra or otherwise to hold in mind Andorra's third tenant, which is to "promote mercy in the administration of law and order"

This last feast, there was an execution held at the front steps of the Dragon's Claw Inn.  Amongst the charges were murder, and the utilization of necromancy.  Both of these things are very deep crimes against the Gods of Light.  An execution was warranted, under the laws of the Church and the Barony.  In the eyes of Valos and Andorra this was the correct course of action.  Necromancy enslaves, and tortures an already departed soul.

In the aftermath however, I witnessed several actions, and heard several sentiments that pained me greatly.  We are a people of the Light.  Andorra would see that we find the most merciful resolution in these things.  An execution was warranted.  The only way that an execution is merciful, is if it is done quickly, and the body given to the earth respectfully as Galadell would have us do.

It is a painful thing to see one considered a friend perform these actions.  Being betrayed is always painful.  However, as people of the Light, we must be able to walk the most merciful path.  Otherwise we fall to the Darkness. 

I beg the forgiveness of those who may start reading this and be offended.  I rarely do speak loudly and publically about my beliefs and faith outside of the Monastery, but this situation demanded that I not remain as quiet.  Thank you all for your consideration.

With Andorra's Love,
Father Kwildar Zero Darkheart

Lawrence Starling -- IG
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18 Aug 2010 22:07 #2 by Baoyu Kunsai (Baoyu Kunsai)
Replied by Baoyu Kunsai (Baoyu Kunsai) on topic A message of Mercy
There was no Honor in the Mercy you say was given to Yoshimatsu-sama.

A warrior chooses life, and death, by the sword. Yoshi's acts of murder were unforgivable, and his methods of raising the dead shared the disgrace of any shugenja of Night. I do not challenge the decision of the court in the matters of his execution, for it would have been the same in Khitan. A chance, however, at a warrior's death would have been this mercy your amatsu-kami speak of.

I question, where in your laws it allows desecration by enraged kunitsu-kami like the one you call Teag, or the barbarian woman, or even the Executioner as he spit on the body?  

I pray for his spirit to find its way to his ancestors now.

OOG: -Adam C. Schaeffer
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18 Aug 2010 23:53 #3 by Tiriel (Tiriel)
Replied by Tiriel (Tiriel) on topic A message of Mercy
My apologies, Squire Kunsai, if I am misunderstanding you, but are you saying that you feel that the murderer Yoshi deserved "a warrior's death"?

If so, what exactly is a warrior's death, by your people's standards, and why would a murderer who uses necromantic means to kill his victims deserve one?

I believe Father Kwildar is saying that the usual means of execution for Necromancers and their ilk is burning, and that mercy was shown to Yoshi in that his death was clean and without undue suffering.  There is mercy in that.

Brother Tiriel Tellinghast
Cleric of Valos

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19 Aug 2010 01:11 #4 by Janus (Janus)
Replied by Janus (Janus) on topic A message of Mercy
Any who practice Necromancy in any form deserve no mercy.

Janus Ivillious
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19 Aug 2010 02:42 #5 by creed (creed)
Replied by creed (creed) on topic A message of Mercy
    Brothers of light as a former friend of Yoshimatsu I do see the lack of respect in his death
i believe being the person who's life was in fact taken, more than anyone understands this. His death yes that of a warriors but the actions that took place after were un-speakable dis tasteful no means disrespect to the executioner but the spitting on the corpse was by no means necessary. As his Culture decrees a warriors death he should have been given.

        Even though he was a murderer he still was there to protect the Barony  for many of moons, as i said his acts were unforgivable  but a warrior he was a i the after life a warrior he will continue to be as said by his culture if i am not mistaken and should be respected as such.

   Alas this matter shall be handled upon the next Baronial feast, as followers of different gods i may not continue on to say followers of light but as believers in peace, justice, and honor i do say to walk that of the path of mercy and the path of love or the path of dark in which we fight to stop wile rear its ugly head and over come us.

     may Andora's love look over you in your journeys.

Creed Z'ero

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19 Aug 2010 12:22 #6 by Tim P (OrganicGolem)
Replied by Tim P (OrganicGolem) on topic A message of Mercy
I have seen towns members who were devout followers of Malyc swear loyalty to their dark god as they were being executed, who were given more respect than this necromancy user (not even wielder)... I am just saying some people may need to get their priorities straight.

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19 Aug 2010 14:59 #7 by Ming Na (Ming Na)
Replied by Ming Na (Ming Na) on topic A message of Mercy

He committed a crime & faced his punishment like a man. Honor isn't about making the right choices. It's about dealing with the consequences. How quickly people forget the years of service, how many lives he saved to defend others. Many who would speak ill of him have not been here for the years to see all the good he had done. I do not speak ill of the dead, nor should anyone. His body did not deserve to be dishonored, that was unnecessary. His actions frankly do not add up if he wanted some one dead they would be so & no one would be the wiser. The people who new & cared for him can attest to this. Does the crossbow kill or is it the man who pulled the trigger? He was my friend & my brother I shall remember all the light he brought to the world and not one lone act of darkness.

Ming Na

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19 Aug 2010 15:26 #8 by Dorn (Aradiel)
Replied by Dorn (Aradiel) on topic A message of Mercy
How was this man dishonored?

Dorn Marblecarver

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19 Aug 2010 15:42 #9 by Ming Na (Ming Na)
Replied by Ming Na (Ming Na) on topic A message of Mercy
I saw as many did  his body desecrated  shortly after his beheading. His hart was removed or other parts I was not not close to see the bloody details. Make no mistake he deserved what happened just not the disrespect to his body. Companion & care was taken after with proper funeral rights which many where in attendance.

Ming Na 

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19 Aug 2010 15:46 #10 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic A message of Mercy
The body is but the host to our spirit.  When the spirit departs, what happens to the body does not reflect upon the spirit it once housed.  That said, had Yoshimatsu murdered Creed alone, and suffered the ultimate penalty, I doubt that  Brother Caleb Tellinghast would have spit on the husk.  However, by his Necromantic actions he knowingly caused the death of another, a complete innocent.  For this the name of Yoshimatsu must be reviled, for he forsook the path of a warrior as his actions demonstrated.  

The disdain shown his corpse by Brother Caleb was deserved, given the circumstances leading to his execution.

Edwin Haroldson
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19 Aug 2010 17:07 #11 by Dorn (Aradiel)
Replied by Dorn (Aradiel) on topic A message of Mercy
I agree fully with the good Father,

Necromancers are to myself and the Church the lowest form of life, the fact that your "friend" did not even take the time to study magics and merely used scrolls of necromancy make my views of him even lower, thrice they were used and he did kill at least one citizen of Travance. I agree with the judgement of the Baron. The Church of Valos supports this decision in everyway shape and form. If he was indeed such a good "friend" then why was his body not claimed by the vast amount of friends and show respect. Why also if your beliefs were so strong in this did many of his "friends" not step forward and speak up? I was not aware of the removal of his heart, but I honestly only show as much respect to the accused as was shown to the victim in this matter.

If a man does twenty good deeds and then does one bad the good is all but canceled out. It is not a matter of math it is a matter of right and wrong and good and evil.

The Darkness Within

All men, women, and children throughout the kingdom carry within the twin seeds of our defeat.
The unstable germ of chaos waiting to erupt; the unstable thought of the heretic.
The mutants of chaos bear their heresy on the outside; the traitor hides his in his soul. Trust no one.
Suspect all.
Any one of your fellows may carry the mark.
The will of Valos alone cannot protect you.
You must be strong!
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19 Aug 2010 17:33 #12 by Ming Na (Ming Na)
Replied by Ming Na (Ming Na) on topic A message of Mercy
I do not / did not / will not disagree with the actions taken. I agree with the judgment of the Baron.  He was my friend that friendship ended when he took to darkness. Friendship or no as far as I know none where aware of his actions, I for one would not bare false witness.  In any event his body was calmed by his freinds and was given a proper burial I mentioned this before. The purpose of this discussion is not one of guilt, he got want was coming to him. I believe the purpose was a talk on compassion ? After facing the punishment one gets for falling to the dark.

Ming Na

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19 Aug 2010 18:26 #13 by Clove (Mark)
Replied by Clove (Mark) on topic A message of Mercy
    Those words are easy to say if they are coming from the lips from a person who did not know the man. I will never remember him as Yoshimatsu, but simply Yoshi. The fun-loving joker that fought beside me and saved my life more times then there are stars in the sky. His actions were completely contradicting to his nature, but how he handled the consequences was true to his spirit. He did not run, although he easily could have, he did not strike out against us for bringing him in, and he faced the ultimate punishment without fear. I will admit that he deserved every ounce of his punishment, if not more, but the fact remains he has the spirit of a warrior with one mark of taint.

    This husk of a body, as you call it, may not reflect what happens to ones soul, but it is the mortal embodiment of their memory. Personally, I hold myself to a higher standard and show respect even when I know it would not be returned. Should we not set a better example for others? Also along your line of thinking, when you pass on would you wish your body to be the personal play thing of others? We bury our dead, we preform funerals, and those with any amount of self respect do not desecrate the dead we despised in life.

    As for the friends that did not speak up, we are those friends and we are speaking up now. Many of us were taken by suprise from Yoshi's actions and stunned by the vicious display of savagery after his death, we should have been able to rely on our officials so stop these actions. Should we take such matters into our own hands next time a body is disgraced? Also, to say that good and evil deeds do not matter is correct. He committed murder, a wrong act, but did not fight his sentence, a right choice. For every evil person who freely commits evil acts there is the chance of redemption.

    This leaves me to restate that his actions were completely against Yoshi's nature. Questions I think we should ask ourselves is why does one embrace the darkness over the light? Why would a great man stray from his path? Also, what can we do to keep someone from walking that path without forcing them not to, for if we force a decision we are nothing but mental slavers?
Father Emar Dark-Root

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19 Aug 2010 18:29 - 19 Aug 2010 18:37 #14 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic A message of Mercy
To the Good and Noble citizens and the Holy Clergy of Travance,

Father Kwildar's good message I believe has become lost in translation.  On the Fifteenth day of August in the great Town of Travance, a bold hero and friend to many was indeed lost.  This Yoshimatsu fell the moment his heart sunk into the darkness that each and every single person fights inside themselves.  It was in these moments he thought to aquire and utilize scrolls of the dark Necromantic Arts, that he became lost.  I am sure that all of Travance takes great grevance in the loss of this great Warrior, as he lost his battle with the Light and turned to Darkness.

Andorra teaches of Mercy and Forgiveness.  Andorra also seeks to see the Redemption in all.  Although Yoshimatsu has fallen in his darkest hour to walk no longer among friendship in the great town of Travance, perhaps he will find himself one day redeemed in the eyes of the Light.  May our prayers go with him as he seeks to redeem himself.

I leave you all with food for thought.  This man, once a great hero to the town of Travance much like each and every one of you, turned from the Light.  He lost his inner battles and took it upon himself, in his own right mind, to trap the spirits of the departed in the decayed and reanimated bodies.  Calling upon necromancy is a disgrace and disregards to the departed.

You all have friends in Travance, people whom you can turn too in your darkest hours.  Please remember this when you feel the darkness closing in upon your hearts.  Reach out to those of your friends and remember to always walk in the Light.

I have not been here for long, but I would find myself humbled if any member of Travance turned to me and called me Friend.  Know that the Light is there for all, and any wishing council or a friend may but send me missive.  I will be happy to meet with you.

Walk in the Light, Travance.
Alston Devareux

Forgive my ramblings.

Squire Lucas R. Brand
Squire to Lord Antrim Ardentfyre
Tanis Rily'anna
OOG: Chris Goley
Last edit: 19 Aug 2010 18:37 by .
19 Aug 2010 20:30 #15 by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta)
Replied by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta) on topic A message of Mercy

Join me for lunch?


OOC:  PM me please.

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19 Aug 2010 20:41 #16 by Noctra (Noctra)
Replied by Noctra (Noctra) on topic A message of Mercy
I am not writing here to argue or make excuses. I only wish to list a few facts.

My cousin Caleb is not a cleric. He is a warrior and a follower of Valos.
He was chosen as the executioner. I do not know who chose him or why.
I can only tell you that he was tortured for months by the powerful necromancers of Evernight and sent to Travance to be used against his knowledge, as a pawn.
I almost lost my cousin to the evil of necromancy. Perhaps one can find a way to understand his actions for all that he went through.

I expect I have lost more kin than most, so I do understand your loss.

I am truly sorry that many of you lost a good friend and brother to the dark.

Remember the friends that are still here.

Take heart in Father Kwildar’s words.

May the Light guide your path,

Sister Celestine Tellinghast
Paladin of the White Fox
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19 Aug 2010 21:30 #17 by Dorn (Aradiel)
Replied by Dorn (Aradiel) on topic A message of Mercy
I think that those that were close to him should have know his true heart the most. If he fell from the light as you say, did you not see the signs? Did you not help himm in his moments of the fall? I think those closet to him are to blame and this, after reading how much of a friend and how close many of you were to him peaks my interest in the true question of why, you are right to ask that question.

And for that now I wonder who was really to blame, thank you for your concerns, now I will have my people look into your souls and hearts and find out if you let him down or at worse were to blame in some way. You concerns are valid, I see that more now. Be prepared to answer for your friend. If he fell we must know why.

So thank you for your concern and showing me what might be the heart of the problem here. Prepare yourselves, for now you will know, and Travance will know if there is guilt or taint within you! If you are free of these things then you have no worries.

Dorn Marblecarver

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19 Aug 2010 22:23 #18 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic A message of Mercy
Chancellor Ming knows much of honor, but I ask him what compassion is due to one who left a bound person to the mercies of an undead, whose overwhelming drive is to ravage the living?  This person was not the target of the assassin, but what is, in an effort to obfuscate the matter, called collateral damage.

Compassion was shown by the Baron in ordering a quick and painless execution.

Mercy was shown by not obliterating him for his consorting with Necromancy.

It is one thing to know what Necromancy is, for to know one's enemy allows one to fight on one's chosen ground.  To actually employ it, however, is absolutely, incontrovertibly unforgivable in any instance.  To unleash it on one with whom one has no quarrel, even professional in the instance of this assassin, is morally and ethically reprehensible.

I can make no clearer statement on my position, which is upheld in the Canons of the Church and numerous Papal Bulls, most notably "Nihil Necromancus" issued by Gregory V in 1031 in which he stated that Necromancy, in any form was "to be eliminated root and branch." from the Church of Light

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

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19 Aug 2010 22:39 #19 by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507)
Replied by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507) on topic A message of Mercy
I find it disheartening that one man could make us fall into distrust and suspicion. It has been but five days since the incident and we are now almost at each other’s throats, wondering. Who will be the next to succumb the darkness? Everyone was shocked to find that Yoshimatsu had turned including his friends. Necromancers are scum but it is cruel to see his friends’ names dragged through the mud along with him. They are just as much his victims as the person he murdered. They lost a dear friend when he spurned the path of virtue, and then they had to lose him again when he was executed. From what I have been taught since my baptism to Andorra we are to trust until we have been given reason to trust otherwise. That is what his friends did. They were just as shocked as the rest of us to learn of Yoshimatsu’s crime. I know some of them and they have never had reason to suspect them of any wrong doing. They are good people. Do not let the actions of one man make you question the rest. If we cannot feel that that we can genuinely trust each other than how can we ever truly coexist.

-- Typhon Scylinga

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19 Aug 2010 22:44 #20 by Ming Na (Ming Na)
Replied by Ming Na (Ming Na) on topic A message of Mercy
My only thought that are left unsaid is this...how does it reflect on us if we who hold to the light tare apart a body? His hart was removed thus disgracing a corps. To be quite clear I am not talking of mercy for a necromancer or one who would employ there use, but saying that such acts on his body afterwords where shameful on our part.  I would not do such to anyone friend or foe but I guess we are arguing believes and schismatics now which are best done over tea or a nice smoke of a pipe.  Be it evil or no such acts are or should be beneath us. The rest was already addressed above when talking about the crime and the just ruling.

In service to the people

Ming Nagata

OOC: Dan Gill
19 Aug 2010 22:58 #21 by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta)
Replied by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta) on topic A message of Mercy
I was not there this moon.  I did not see the exchange.  I did not know of this ill nor did I know this person well.

I've read wise words here, those written in passion both right and left on this subject.  I have reread the original note.

I therefore as a lay person must ask.

When a person falls to the darkness that is said to be seeded in us all, do they bring forth the same feelings in others when such as this happens?  Hate, disgust, reviled, spit upon, a heart hacked out of a body, those actions of mutalation seem to speak to me as the very same negativity that starts that same germanation in the hearts of those who witnessed the act and thus acted so.  Yes or no?

This is not in referances to the Justice given but in the reactions and actions taken by those in witness.  I've seen warriors claim heads in battle of those they haad slain, to prove as dead and I have seen the same for those who sought to prove themselves the better warrior through the defeat.  Then I have also seen the same for those who 'wanted a piece to lord over others' or simple revenge.  Intent counts does it not?

Why was this done and what did it start within those who did so?

Birgitta Drexel (Primary)
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19 Aug 2010 23:09 #22 by Secarius (Secarius)
Replied by Secarius (Secarius) on topic A message of Mercy
Yoshi Matsu has been found guilty of necromany and punished by the laws of men. He did not run or hide from his punishment as a coward. he faced it head on. in this he showed honor. it is in this as to why the carving up of his body like a Yuletide goose was unwarranted.

it is not for men to judge him. that rite is the sole providence of Galladell. and upon the time of his final death it will be so.

his execution and exile are complete.
there is no more men can do
there is no more men should do

i worry for those who felt so compelled to desecrate his body and those who allowed it to occur
inspite of the foul taste the act for which he was punished was and is to me. once his head left his shoulders. no more should have been done or been allowed to occur.

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19 Aug 2010 23:12 #23 by Toravisu (Toravisu)
Replied by Toravisu (Toravisu) on topic A message of Mercy
So to be completely clear, to all who believe that the body has no comparison to the soul I hope believers that die before me die with your eyes closed I would hate to see what happens to you.

Toravisu Inuzuka
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Defender of the weave.
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-Travis R.
19 Aug 2010 23:25 #24 by Father Zahir al Nawar (Zahir)
Replied by Father Zahir al Nawar (Zahir) on topic A message of Mercy
Many of you know I am a blunt yet truthful man. Please hear my words and let us move forward from this.

When one who walked a righteous path falls to the wayside, we have all failed them. But in the end, the decision is usually made by that individual. And that is their own failing by their own hand, in which they will pay for in this world or the next.

Many events have transpired which have heightened emotions and strengthened resolve. But we must never lose sight of the fact that while we all hold to various beliefs; be they religious or cultural; we must work with one another and not against.

Too many times have I seen those who enforce laws or cultural beliefs forget the true meaning of those laws or beliefs is to guide and inspire the innocent & punish the wicked; not to demean or inspire fear in all.  

This seems to me to be a problem of understanding the beliefs of those we live amongst. One need not agree but at least understand.  If you have not the willingness to try and understand one another, then you should not judge each others hearts.

There are strong feelings surrounding this Yoshimatsu and his crimes. This particular incident has been dealt with and is concluded. How we tread forward  from this point will either bring us together or tear us further apart.  

Let us forgive but not forget, lest we fail others who show signs of Yoshimatu's weakness.

Let us understand each other, be it religious or cultural beliefs, so that we may grow closer as allies, neighbors and friends.

Let healing begin for those who have been wronged by such evils and offer them comfort and companionship so that they may never face these horrors alone.

Please above all else, let us begin to heal so that we may guide, inspire and heal others.  It all begins and ends with us. Let us not fail each other. Too much is at stake.

Father Zahir ibn Hatim al Nawar
Priest of Brazen

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19 Aug 2010 23:29 #25 by Secarius (Secarius)
Replied by Secarius (Secarius) on topic A message of Mercy
well said
well spoken

ALex S.
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20 Aug 2010 00:37 #26 by Belegchand (mcalo)
Replied by Belegchand (mcalo) on topic A message of Mercy
My Fellow Citizens of Travance

I have sat back and watched as the topic of this execution has been discussed by all, and I wish to remain silent no longer.  I never met Yoshimatu.  I can speak neither for nor against his value as a human prior to the incident.  However, with passions rising between those who did and those who did not, I feel that we must all ponder the knowledge we know and seek appropriate action.  For those who are unaware of me, I am a Chroniclerite scholar of the Arcane arts, and have discussed the topic of the darkness that is Necromancy with those far more seasoned than I.  Necromancy is perhaps the darkest of all arts.  It is expressly forbidden by many organizations, namely, in this situation, the Barony of Travance, the Mages' Guild of Travance, and the Church of Valos.  The charge for necromancy is death.  This was carried out.  There is no use arguing what has been recorded in the Great Story.

That being said, we must leave the jobs of the Gods to the Gods.  All actions are recorded by the great Chronicler in the Tomes of History.  As said before, Galladell will judge the actions of Yoshimatu and the actions taken by others following his execution.  It is not for us to interfere with the wishes of the Gods.

In times such as theses, we must remember the tenants of Chronicler.  His first three tenants are useful to us all in these times of great thought and confusion.  First, we must look to understand all sides of the matter, now more than ever.  If we can understand Yoshimatu in his final hours, whether it be from a friend or foe, we may be able to figure out what caused the darkness to overcome him and why he did not fight it.  Second, we must record the knowledge we find, so that it remains accessible to those who seek it.  And finally, we must share the knowledge as to what could have triggered his change of heart and what made this apparent in his actions so that the darkest form of the Arcane arts is prevented from appearing in Travance and stealing the lives of her people.

So, my fellow citizens, do not fight one another; do not respond to inquiry with hate or malice, for the inquiry is not out of anger or resentment towards you, but for the search of knowledge to protect those who you hold close.  If those who were close to Yoshimatu can figure out anything that may have caused his change of heart, or if they can uncover, through recollection, a way to see the darkness arise in a person, then perhaps the innocent can be saved, and almighty Chronicler above will not have to record such darkness.

I pray that we may keep our emotions in check in this trying time and follow Chronicler's fourth tenant: to not interfere except in the pursuit of the first three, for, at times such as these, brash actions may result in greater pain and suffering than before.

May Chronicler Guide You In All Your Endeavors

Belegchand Dìnephilin
Devout Chroniclerite and Scholar of the Arcane Arts

OOG: Matt Calo - Marshal
20 Aug 2010 02:02 #27 by Baoyu Kunsai (Baoyu Kunsai)
Replied by Baoyu Kunsai (Baoyu Kunsai) on topic A message of Mercy
In my homeland, there are tales of men who fight wars blindly. They do not question their leaders, be they mortal masters, or a great spirit of the heavens. These men are not fools because they fight with any less vigor than an honorable man. They are fools because they fight for a cause that is not their own. A cause not in their hearts. They simply, do not know.

I blame no one for a lack, of knowledge, who did not know to seek it.

As the appointed Captain of the Khitanese chosen to aid in matters related to our homeland of Jade, by both honorable Baron William Montgomery of Travance, and Honorable Daimyo Mujina Kitsuki of the Empire of Jade, I ask that unless you have full knowledge of the events surrounding this past moons execution that you speak no further on this. Yoshimatsu was one who choose to serve me out of duty and was most honorable in that duty to the last. Be as it may, though your vigor for your beliefs is honorable, and admirable, none of you were present for his trial or interrogation.

Under Domination by honorable Master Silverbow of the Mages Guild, Yoshi admitted to his actions. To those that speak zealously, his murders were not ones of previous meditation, but of circumstance to attempted theft. His use of necromancy through scrolls was a surprise to all. Perhaps Yoshi was pointing us in the direction of a greater threat, had he realized it or not, for where did he obtain these magics if they are illegal? Now that he is dead how will we know?

For my kin, I respected and honored the wishes of my lord to carry out this lands methods of executions. I did not however realize what dishonors would follow and I am sorry. Do not take your anger out on those that do not understand our ways.

For the people of this land, as I do not understand this light or dark you speak of, I am at a loss of correct words to answer your opinions.

What is done cannot be, undone. I have spoken my peace.

OOG: -Adam C. Schaeffer
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20 Aug 2010 02:24 #28 by Liz (Liz)
Replied by Liz (Liz) on topic A message of Mercy
Squire Baoyu-sama,

I apparently missed a great deal in my eagerness to leave. If someone will write me about it, I would be greatly appreciative.

As for the other words written here. I will hold my tongue as is wise.

Mae Fang Zhang
Healer of the Empire of Jade

Lieutenant of the Baronial Guard

Mae Fang Zhang
Healer of Khitan
"Go with honor and your ancestors shall guide you."

Lt. of the Baronial Guard
"Well... who likes a dull life? There's work to do."

OOG: Liz Reese

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22 Aug 2010 04:23 #29 by Corvin Ralenfolly (SteveM)
Replied by Corvin Ralenfolly (SteveM) on topic A message of Mercy
This was a message of Compassion by a Priest of Andorra

This is not a place to ask one to lunch or show off your colorful inks and your fancy penmanship.

This not a place to tell everyone your tales of friendship and your memories of a Necromancer, a man who by using this magic has destroyed parts of the world, possibly forever; by his actions of enslaving good people souls in to horrid forms which he used to kill members of this town.

This was a discussion by Kwildar, of the Mercy shown by the Church and the Barony by allowing an execution and not the burning alive of a Necromancer.

As per the law, in fact, the very first law of the public laid down upon the subjects of Travance is that of necromancy.

None shall practice Necromancy.

Whosoever breaks with this law shall be publicly executed, shall be stripped of all belongings, and upon the decision of the Baron may be exiled or obliterated.

Unless someone of higher position then myself or ranking member of the church says otherwise, I am closing this topic of discussion unless it pertains to Father Kwildar's message.

If someone here wishes to discuss something in response to what I have said, do so with me privately.

Corvin Ralenfolly

Steve M.
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