Dragoons I must speak of somthing

03 Sep 2010 03:31 - 03 Sep 2010 11:10 #1 by Wou Tou Shen (Wou Tou Shen)
Dragoons I must speak of somthing was created by Wou Tou Shen (Wou Tou Shen)
::::::NOT SHEN:::::

My Brothers and sisters
and to the people we call friends

Thank you for taking the time to read this message. I unlike most times do have a few things to  say and even though I hate to take this much time out of my training; This I feel s worth that time.
Over the last year I have seen a lot of changes, changes in our land, changes in its people and the one that effects me the most; changes in the dragoons. We have done a lot of things this last year. Some good; some bad either way though we have been a standing presence. But just to be a presence isn’t in my opinion good enough if our over all perception is not positive. The over all perception of the dragoons needs to change. 9 moons ago I attempted to unify us. I attempted to bring leadership through my cousin, you rejected this idea and put on the table the idea of a unique type of council leadership that should be put into motion and I conceded to this but in the time since nothing has been done to really help the younger dragoons to understand more about themselves, nothing has been done to help the dragoons as a whole hell there hasn’t even been any type of gathering at all unless I put it into motion. But really up till four moons ago I didn’t really let it bug me, Everyone it seems to me is out for themselves more then the clan, this wasn’t  right but again I didn’t let it bother me. But  3 moons ago something happened to me that I feel only palinthorn could have put in motion, he showed me that the way to a strong, unified and successful clan future is through the past. He gave me visions that lasted for 3 moons, many visions of the distant past that allowed me to better understand what my role is to be now. The dragoons are not just a scattered force that people try to direct, we once fought along side the fey, we created and conquered kingdoms just as easy as we swing a pole arm, we ruled over civilizations; we together are a force not to be contested. This is the very reason why the king himself has chosen our kind to have as his personal guard, this is why I have been approached by nobility in our town to see if they could have a contingent of dragoons to guard them. But first; before this can happen, we have to come together, and it seems that this isn’t going to happen unless someone steps forward, so I am going to do the one thing that I knew I wasn’t ready to do 9 moons ago or even 5 moons ago, but I cannot turn away the role that I feel palinthorn has shown me. Therefore I am attempting to step forward to try and lead us in the direction of unification for the dragoons. Now I know my other sith brothers are capable of this task as well, however I feel that there priorities are just to scattered to give this the focus that is needed to be accomplished and nothing will get done. Now I understand that some people think me ill-mannered,  ill-tempered, distasteful and maybe many other things, but I say this; I am not a perfect being nor have I ever claimed to be but I can say this I will try not to be as me ill-mannered,  ill-tempered or distasteful. The one thing that cannot be said however is that I am a bad leader, that is the one thing I know I do well I just didn’t feel it was my place until now to do this role. And as my first attempt at showing that I am for change and to alter my thinking. Last moon I was weak from battle and a khatian woman came to my aid, she was kind enough to heal me as much as she could and as a show of my gratitude, I gave her a thank you peck. But for some reason she was less then pleased at my chosen way of showing that gratitude, So I am publicly apologizing to this woman and if you know me you know this is not something I do often or take lightly. It wasn’t my intention to show you displeasure. Now please all of you who read these words. understand that I am , and always will be Kamen Warclaw and my overall mentality will not falter for that is who I am. Like me or don’t it phases me neither way, my brothers and sisters need me here and now I understand that more then ever before. Of course I understand that there may be  some of my brethren that may feel that I may not be the man for this role and I respect that however I will not stay my course unless I am beaten by one of you in a combat of honor although I hope it doesn’t come to that for we need to unify under one strong clan. Before I attempt to move forward with this of coarse I would like to see all my brethren next moon on the afternoon of feast day around 2 so I can hear your thoughts on this, we can go to the dragoon site and council but if you feel you need to speak before then send me a missive

Till then
Kamen Warclaw

Wou-Tou Shen

Be one in mind and body.

I am the stone that stands firm atop the largest mountain in Pendarvin, the strongest winds, nor the harshest rains will not move me.
(oog derrick)
Last edit: 03 Sep 2010 11:10 by .
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