
15 Sep 2010 12:04 #1 by Father Zahir al Nawar (Zahir)
Notice was created by Father Zahir al Nawar (Zahir)
My fellow Travancians,

During these times of tribulation, I have spent many a day in the forge praying to Brazen and asking for his guidance. There have been many changes in our home ranging from crisis of faith, new towns members and divisions of faith, heart & soul.

If there is one thing we need to do now more than ever, is to come together. While we all have separate faiths, goals and motivations in our lives, we can accomplish great things if we all come together as one. This comes through understanding and acceptance of our differences rather than fighting over them.

So with this in mind, Brazen has guided my path and in doing so, will hopefully help guide some of yours as well.

As Minister of Religion in Drega’mire, I wish for all who reside in this land to meet with me at your earliest convenience over this feast to speak on your beliefs, convictions and faith. And you may do well to remember, that while you may not follow or believe in a god, faith still does exist.

As a Priest of Brazen, it is my intention to unify all Brazenites. I wish to meet with any Brazenites who are new to Travance and to speak with the existing ones so we may work toward this goal together. I also wish to speak with the leaders of the Church of Chronicler so we may better understand each other and learn how we may help each other as well.

I also invite those of other faiths to meet with me. Although our beliefs and faiths are different, our understanding of each other should be our greatest strength, not our greatest weakness.

As a Travancian, I ask that anyone in town who has any questions about anything, do not hesitate to speak with me.  I am always open to anyone’s questions and comments and wish to help in any way that I am able.  We can share a drink or a smoke or simply sit and chat. 

While we; as a people, are always on the sword’s edge, the act of sharing one’s company and talking time to enjoy each other makes living and protecting one another that much more worthwhile.

I hope to speak with many of you this feast.

Father Zahir ibn Hatim al Nawar
Priest of Brazen

oog: Chris Ayala;
Monster Marshall
Moderators: Damien (Damien)Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
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