By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid

16 Oct 2010 01:04 - 16 Oct 2010 02:02 #1 by E Archangel (E Archangel)
By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid was created by E Archangel (E Archangel)
My Brothers and Sisters,

I have heard the voice of Klarington. He took me through the weave and showed me a series of events that pieced together a great deal of things for Master Worthington and myself.

I have prayed to the Great God Galladell, Master of Infinite Death, and I believe that I have seen new lights.

Grand Sorcerer Everest left me with these words.
"Search not, for we have everything we need. We have ALWAYS had everything we ever needed."

The time for a new day has come. I believe that a new movement has begun. Not of violence or malcontent, but forgiveness and divine justice.
The Mage's Guild is in desperate need of change. I called upon my beautiful wife Morwenne, my Mentor and cousin Vardemis and my Great friend Janus, as well as my acting Lord Lucious Blackthorne to back me in this endeavor. It started as just compassion within the mage's guild, and has grown to something wonderful.

I say let us give those swallowed by the darkness a chance to return to the light. I have begun research on a ritual that has been lost. A ritual that brings pure clarity to a dark vision and gives someone who is lost a second chance like I was given. The idea is in the birth stages, but I believe I will be making MUCH progress in the tower while watching the fields. Why allow those stuck in the darkness like I was to be stranded there when I believe that ALL can change?
I believe Alisandria is beautiful in sight, let us be beautiful in intent. I say I dream of a future where ones nested in the darkness can come to us and be purified by the light.
Are there snakes amongst us? Yes. I feel there are. BUT instead of hunting them, give them a chance to come forward and be cleansed.
I say let the four lands LEAD  the charge to a new age. An age of enlightened thought.

I call to my brothers and sisters of Travance for help. Who will walk with me?
Father Ethan Archangel
Sorcerer of the White Phoenix

Jediah Frost
Last edit: 16 Oct 2010 02:02 by .
16 Oct 2010 02:18 - 16 Oct 2010 21:15 #2 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
I will walk with you, Father Archangel.  

Travance has become a home to me and mine.  I have never set foot nor heard whisper of a land more hospitable to my Kin as this.  If I can help to spread the compassion and acceptance that has been shown to my people, perhaps I can repay a small part of the debt of gratitude I owe.

-Alexandre Blythewood

OOG: Zach Theis
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16 Oct 2010 06:45 - 16 Oct 2010 11:43 #3 by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing)
Replied by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
I am with you Master Archangel. I have not had the opportunity to meet with you personally, but I will do whatever i may to help in this quest. I have no place to call home, nor rest my head other than where my feet stop walking for the night, but I will aid to help where my head does rest.

Feladryn Al'Maaera

"There is a difference between a hero and a coward. A Hero wakes willing to risk death. A coward wakes wishing for it."

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16 Oct 2010 11:01 #4 by Oren Tenderson (Tormy)
Replied by Oren Tenderson (Tormy) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Father Ethan Archangel,

You have my hopes, my wishes, and my efforts to help you in this noble endeavor.  I have come to know this town as a place of great chances, and great caring. I do what I can to give back to this town, but I continue to wish to do more for the people that have taken me in, and given this life meaning.  Your cause is among the most juste that I can stand behind, and you have whatever help I can supply.

As a fellow Galidellien, I am happy to see that the spirit of his tenants are showing through into a time of light, and hope that I can help from this early stage.

May you have Peace and Prosperity,
Oren Tenderson

Captain Oren Zero Tenderson of the Royal Baronial Guard of Travance.

OOG- William Bartlett
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16 Oct 2010 13:19 #5 by Tiriel (Tiriel)
Replied by Tiriel (Tiriel) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid

you are treading upon treacherous ground here, albeit with the loftiest of ideals.  This ritual you speak of has the sound of coercion, and any being coerced into doing good, is not acting upon their own free will, and hence has not truly earned a place in our society.  I have many questions, and I would like to find time to speak to you, and your allies in this endeavor, about them.  Until and unless I am satisfied by your answers, I cannot commit myself to support you.

I pray you understand my misgivings in this, your results are greatly desired, but the means by which you attain them may be tainted, thus tainting all.

We will speak more of this in person, and sooner, rather than later,

Go with Valos,

Brother Tiriel Tellinghast
Cleric of Valos

Brother Tiriel Tellinghast
Valrkirin Urulokion, in service to Lord Blackthorne
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16 Oct 2010 13:35 #6 by E Archangel (E Archangel)
Replied by E Archangel (E Archangel) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Brother Tellinghast,
I speak not of coersion. For you misread my writing.

I specifically stated that I will look into research for those WHO WISH to be taken from the darkness into the light as I had. It took the emotions of Lady Mikhail and My mentor Mythrien Dragosog to reach me through undeath and give me the opporunity NOT to die, but gave me an opportunity to repent and accept a gift of new life. We must extend hands of peace, but not be ruled by it.

Some things may end in bloodshed, but not all things need to start that way.

The people of Travance are quick to lift sword and ax against anything that is new, or different without first finding facts.

What I offer is the idea of a ritual created by Master Sorcerer Everest. A ritual that ONLY WORKS when the heart and mind of the person casted upon wants the change.

Black Sorcery works on coersion and flasehoods. We do not dabble in such things.

Please re read. I believe you must have looked the first time with a doubtful eye.

Thank you everyone for your support in this endeavor. We are all we have./ We should be treated each other as such.

Father Archangel
Sorcerer of the White Phoenix

Jediah Frost
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16 Oct 2010 17:00 #7 by Malcolm (Malcolm)
Replied by Malcolm (Malcolm) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Father Archangel,

I'm not a great warrior or mage or Seeker of Light like the others here.  I'm only a bartender with a world-weary view of men.  I've known exactly four people that said the kinds of things you say now.  Most are dead, one was corrupted by the 'evil' she sought to vanquish.  And I would stand by them again in a heartbeat.  I'll tell you this, Archangel: Anyone that wishes to free his fellow's hearts from enslavement and their minds from treachery is a damn fine man in my book.  Anything I can do, you just give me the word; I'll see what I can muster.

For Absent Friends and Better Days,

Zander G. Gehnsen IV Esq.
Captain of Our Lady of the Broken Spine

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16 Oct 2010 18:37 #8 by Seámus Aeislin (Seámus_Aeislin)
Replied by Seámus Aeislin (Seámus_Aeislin) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Father Archangel,

I do not believe we have met outside of the market fair this past October feast, and I regret that fact. Be that as it may, especially as a newly baptised member to Galladell's flock, you can certainly count on me and whatever aide I may provide to you in this endeavor. Whatever I can do to help, just give the word.

- Seámus Aeislin

Main - Sir Seámus Aeislin of the Clan MacInnes

Alt - Boryev Solvei, Baro of the Solvei Kampania
OOG - Shane Johnson
Monster Marshal
17 Oct 2010 12:07 #9 by Eden Heimdell (amalthea)
Replied by Eden Heimdell (amalthea) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Father Ethan,

I offer to you any aid I am capable of giving. You have helped to start me on a path, and wherever it leads, I will walk it with faith and trust.

Your friend,
~Amalthea Meril

Eden Heimdell
Vassal of Albriar

OOG Lauren F.
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17 Oct 2010 17:04 #10 by Kleidin (Kleidin)
Replied by Kleidin (Kleidin) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Sir Ethan:

I have always been accepting of other races, and joined the town guard specifically to provent people from attacking various individuals (goblins, ogres, lizard kin, ect) who are often uncivilized, but are more than willing to pay for food if offerd. Usually they coe to Travance proper because of hunger or plague.

If we treat all races with respect and honor, we are better for it.  A kind act will benefit everyone. Magnus Zero has been an inspiration to me on how to deal with most wild sentience.

I know you mostly speak of those who chose the dark path to be brought to the light. But those who may be led to the dark path due to past treatment, or fear due to rumors of the fates of others who have ventured in Travance's direction.

It is compassion we need to cultivate.  Compassion and respect to all. Be it Wild Mages, Goblins, or even Drow,  We cannot afford to randomly atack the unknown (unless they be undead).  anyone can be a helpful ally. Anyone could be a friend.

thank you for your time.

Lady Kleidin du Tenkukai Weaveforger Laurent-Belmont of Kaladonia
Master Witch Hunter, and Elder Druid
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18 Oct 2010 13:56 #11 by Ming Na (Ming Na)
Replied by Ming Na (Ming Na) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
OOG- Delivered in a lacquered bamboo scroll case. The letter is written on fine parchment paper with a expert hand.The ink is dark, smooth, and reflects light as if it was painted glass. The Scroll has a red wax seal with a lotus flower embossed upon it and is open for all to read.

IG- Most glorious greetings

I am but a humble tea merchant but if there is anything I may do to assist you on your endeavor please let me know. Blessings be upon you this day & may your ancestors speak to you with aid.

In service to the people

Ming Nagata

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19 Oct 2010 10:55 #12 by Pappy (Quan)
Replied by Pappy (Quan) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Master Archangel,

           Quan Liu is respectful in the wisdom of you and those mentioned around you and all though I would join the charge to such a noble endeavour I cannot help but be full of misgivings for all the evil which surround, walk among and beset us on every side.
            As student of war my question is this, what assurance can we expect that one forgiven in such a way will not fall from grace to revisit evil, that every soul will have the strength and continued support as you in the journey back from the brink?
            Should your answer be none then, the question becomes who...

OOG: the message trails off...

Quan Liu Shen
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20 Oct 2010 00:52 #13 by Magnus (hippy g0th)
Replied by Magnus (hippy g0th) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Master Quan liu,

There is no assurence that those who wish for repent will not fall back to the wasteside, but there is also no promise that those of us who try our damndest to do right will remain that way, all we can do is hope, trust and work towards a better future

That being said, Master Archangel, if there is any thing i can do to help simply ask.

Matthew Majchrzak


Lord General Magnus

"Not Dead Yet!"
20 Oct 2010 06:56 #14 by Gabriel Llopiz (Xenas)
Replied by Gabriel Llopiz (Xenas) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Master Archangel,

    I too wish to help you. If you need anything, please let me know.

                                              Alexander Reins.

Always a pleasure,
Felix Suarez
[OOG: Gabriel L.]
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20 Oct 2010 18:08 #15 by Aria (Aria)
Replied by Aria (Aria) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Master Archangel,
Of course you know that I will help with whatever you need.  Please let me know if there is anything I can do and I will most certainly be there.

Dame Tari Zhafirah Stonebar Deldragon of the Order of the Sagewardens
Dean of Arcane Studies of the Darkwood Acadamy of the Metaphysical Arts

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20 Oct 2010 22:15 #16 by Secarius (Secarius)
Replied by Secarius (Secarius) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
    I wish and will pray for nothing more than your utmost success. That those consumed and corrupted by darkness have even a sliver of light left within them can come forth to be redemed. without worry of being murdered in "The Name of The Light" before they have an opportunity to be redemed in this method... If it is possible.
That being said I am saddened that I will not be able to bear witness to it as There are other places that have greater need of my presence than Travance.

Via Con Lux
Sic Semper Tyrannus
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23 Oct 2010 22:15 #17 by Alex (Wormwood)
Replied by Alex (Wormwood) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
To Mr. Ethan Archangel and the misguided mob,

May i ask what the intended goal is in this pursuit? I inquire only because we presently have a ritual in place for such issues. It's known as Due Process of Law.  

After having read over your original proposition what must have been a dozen times, i've yet to find any merit to pouring resources into an experimental magic that will be used only on criminals who will be EXECUTED ANYWAY. Unless, of course, you intend to utilize this "cleansing" as a suitable alternative to the law! As much as i support removing the taint of dark gods, i also have seen with my own eyes people who are truly repentant turn from that path without your vaunted sorcery! Additionally, where is the magic to drive the predatory instinct from the rapist? The greed from the thief? The wrath from the murderer? Hear me now, this is a waste of time and borders on an affront to the King's laws.

What each of you so quick to support this endeavor must come to grips with is that these criminals WILL be put to justice, no matter what witchcraft they have been subjected to. Do not be fooled by the flowery words of salesmen. Within Archangel's ample document, the ratio of words used to ideas communicated is shockingly awry. You cant possibly even know what you're pledging yourself to! Nothing was explained! There is no stated goal! I understand that it is the nature of those who have so little to cling to anything touting concepts like "hope" and "redemption", but what must be realized is that not everything with a good message is a good idea. If i stand on a bridge and cry to the heavens poetry about the social progress my jumping will cause, it does not change the fact that when i hit the ground the only thing that will be different is the quality of my health.  

in service to the Crown,
Sir Malcolm Luther Germaine
Lion of Mordavia

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24 Oct 2010 03:08 #18 by Malcolm (Malcolm)
Replied by Malcolm (Malcolm) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid

To suggest that due process of law is equipped to understand the motive and multitudinous driving forces behind a man's life choices is absurd and absolutely laughable!  The law doesn't care why a man killed another or stole a loaf of bread or forged a signature, only that he did.  Churches and laws and governments fall short, always have, always will.  So when the establishment fails, the individual man picks up the slack and does what he can for his fellows.  Archangel is suggesting exactly that, and that is what I'm supporting.

And frankly, seems to me that all you are is a prime example of a man who needs to fuel his own ego by burying the good intent of others.  You start your message off with 'misguided mob', implying that you seek to 'guide' this poor group of ours, and yet all you do is berate and abuse and insult, never once offering an alternative.  If you want to be a nay-saying bully, take it some place else.

Zander G. Gehnsen IV Esq.
Captain of Our Lady of the Broken Spine

"Now you remember, you hear? You treat this ship like a lady.  Make certain you always bring her home."

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24 Oct 2010 04:01 #19 by Alex (Wormwood)
Replied by Alex (Wormwood) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid

I will be happy to collect the fine for your insults. You will do well to remember that the law is less lenient on repeat offenders, and my patience with blowhard barkeeps tends to be short at best.

That said, at no point have i stated that the law exists to help understand the motives of criminals. It exists to protect the weak and the lawful from them. It is the guiding hand of the mighty, the insightful, and the merciful that will direct the repentant back from darkness, not the law itself. The point is this: that same guidance will still be required before this ritual is enacted, unless we begin the wholesale brain washing of dark clergy! I say to you, take this energy, this want to make change and actually DO SOMETHING with it, rather than holding hands and hoping Ethan Archangel can LITERALLY WAVE A MAGIC WAND AT YOUR PROBLEMS!

Now, whatever your forgettable name is, you also call into question my authority to guide. I ask you, child, how many clerics of Aguara have you converted by force of your dish water? How many priests of Galmachis have you brought from darkness with your bleeding heart? Your words are that of a child who mistakes his father's discipline for anything but care. A boy who chafes against the perceived tyranny of his parents, failing to realize that if they were not there he would be eaten by wolves.

I am Sir Malcolm Luther Germaine. I have crusaded to the heart of the chaos waste, for you! I have guided dark warriors, like brother Lynuven, to a path of righteousness! I have seen the rehabilitation of black priests, like father Ilidian, to completion! I fight hard to remove the tyranny of Enax from the hearts of our people, even when it is unpopular to do so! My very wife has the blood of demons coursing through her veins!! How dare you suggest i am anything but a reclaimer of righteousness, a warrior for change!? It is you, boy, that understands nothing of the motivations of men, first and foremost your father! Your own ignorance of my exploits is not evidence of lawful men's inability to turn the recalcitrant back into an ally without witchcraft.

Your willingness to buck the truth in lieu of a softer, gentler lie is testament to the masses' desperate need of guidance. While i may hate you, i am here for you.

in service to petulant children,

Sir Malcolm Luther Germaine
Protector of Order  

OOG: Alex B.
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24 Oct 2010 11:14 #20 by Oren Tenderson (Tormy)
Replied by Oren Tenderson (Tormy) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Sir Malcolm Germaine, and those who would hear me,

I do not wish to insult, or clash against your words.  I do not wish to try and change your mind, or distract you from things that deserve your attention.  I do however wish to state the following, and hope it does not offend you, or even sway the hearts of those who read it.

I wish to put energy behind this cause that may assist in the retrieval of men and women from the brink of the unsavable.  You may have had the gifts required to pull people from the dark and assist them to walk the path of light, but not every man is as strong.  If this cause is wayward, then the time I may spend on it, would only have gone to buying pigs, and selling bacon.   I do not want Ethan to take away my hardships with the wave of a wand.  I want to face mine with the strength that I do have.  This is for those who wish to come to the light, and do not possess the strength to for that long walk from the dark.

To many, there is no undeniable cause, and can only hope the one they choose is better than others they turn away from.  I suppose this idea grew in our hearts for the darkness that has been seen in these past months.

With soft words, I thank you for your time.
Oren Tenderson.

Captain Oren Zero Tenderson of the Royal Baronial Guard of Travance.

OOG- William Bartlett
24 Oct 2010 20:45 #21 by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton)
Replied by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Say what you will about Germaine, at least you always know where he stands. There's a lesson in there for you, Travance.

Cyric McKraegar

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26 Oct 2010 19:14 #22 by Magnus (hippy g0th)
Replied by Magnus (hippy g0th) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
If some one serves out there sentence of execution and is willing to undergo a ritual to remove lets say a necromantic taint, so they may live a better life after serving there punishment then i fully approve of this. I'm not suggesting that laws be ignored but if this magic can help reduce repeat offenders than i am all for it.

Secondly collecting fines for crimes is my job, and i ensure it will be taken care of the next baronial feast.

Matthew Majchrzak


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26 Oct 2010 21:09 #23 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Of which crime did the magistrate convict someone?

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

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26 Oct 2010 23:30 #24 by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic)
Replied by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
I want to be a Captain of the guard so I can collect fines to, how do I get to do this?

Radu Dragovic-Guild Grave Digger and Carpenter of The Black Orchid Merchant Company

-Death is but a doorway, we are richer to of know you and luckier still to have called you friend-

OOG: Jeff Mclean
27 Oct 2010 09:28 #25 by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton)
Replied by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton) on topic By the Grace of Galladell, I call for aid
Radu -

We all know only the prettiest man in town gets to be the Captain of the Guard.

Perhaps you could challenge Captain Magnus to a better-hat contest?

Cyric McKraegar

Cyric McKraegar
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