Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice

08 Jan 2011 01:42 - 16 Jan 2011 16:21 #1 by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton)
Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice was created by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton)
With the halfway point of this damnable winter come and gone, I will be returning to the Proper on the days of the feast.

Watch Business for January Feast
Watchman Miso and Corporal MacTavish, please contact me by post or in person prior to the feast.

Any prospective volunteers to the Watch are encouraged to step forward. If you feel a call to protect your neighbors and your lands, send a message to me by post at the earliest possible moment.

At 10 AM, Saturday of the feast, I will be holding an interest meeting and training session for all interested recruits. Only those with serious interest, willing to sustain hardship, danger, and military discipline need attend. Allow at least two hours for assembly, discussion, and drill. Be prepared to possibly remain longer in the event of a large turnout or extended discussion. If you are unable to attend, speak to me. Accommodations will not be made unless you speak with me first.

Chain of Command
For any militia who wish to work with the Watch, understand you operate under the authority and supervision of the Watch officers. If a Watch officer conducts a patrol, it is expected that patrol is under the experienced command of that officer. Disrespect of the officer on duty will not be tolerated. Disobeying orders, breaking noise discipline, and refusing to take your duties seriously is unacceptable. Failing to pay due attention to the officer on duty places you, your companions, and those we protect in danger. As you are not a Watch member, I can not formally discipline you, but you will not be invited on further patrols, and should expect a thorough scolding from myself.

You don't want a scolding from me. I'm a professional.

Watch members and militia volunteers should especially familiarize themselves with Sir McKraegar, Sir Crestingstar, Squire Argentblade, and Squire Corteccia Mortendale, as these nobles have been closely involved in the operations of the Watch. Similar deference should be given to Baronial Guard Captain Magnus Zero.

If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to me or Corporal MacTavish.

On a lighter note, I will be baking bread to fill out the meals of Watch members and militia volunteers. If you are on duty with me, you will not go hungry. If at any point in the future you are on duty and need food, speak to me and it will be arranged.

This message has been posted in the inn in order to raise awareness of the Kaladonian Watch's activities. All interested recruits or those with questions or concerns should contact Sergeant McKraegar through post at his home address.

Cyric McKraegar
Last edit: 16 Jan 2011 16:21 by .
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12 Jan 2011 21:36 #2 by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic)
Replied by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Boy you stepped into it, didnt think about anything huh?

Dont worry your grave is on the house.

Radu Dragovic-Guild Grave Digger and Carpenter of The Black Orchid Merchant Company

-Death is but a doorway, we are richer to of know you and luckier still to have called you friend-

OOG: Jeff Mclean
12 Jan 2011 21:53 #3 by ColinMcKraegar (ColinMcKraegar)
Replied by ColinMcKraegar (ColinMcKraegar) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Perhaps I'm ill informed or not seeing what my brother has stepped into. But is their any particular reason we should be expecting a grave dug, gratis, Mr. Dragovic?


OOG: Frank Martinez
12 Jan 2011 21:56 - 12 Jan 2011 22:04 #4 by Rose McTavish (Rose McTavish)
Replied by Rose McTavish (Rose McTavish) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
I might wonder the same thing, Mr. Dragovic. So, with all due respect, I am unsure I understand your reasoning here.

OOG - Maxine Mencl
Last edit: 12 Jan 2011 22:04 by .
13 Jan 2011 13:49 #5 by ColinMcKraegar (ColinMcKraegar)
Replied by ColinMcKraegar (ColinMcKraegar) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Mr. Dragovic, please give an account for your statement. Either publicly or privately.

Sir Colin McKraegar
Knight of Kaladonia


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13 Jan 2011 15:35 #6 by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic)
Replied by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Your humor makes no sense to me good Knight, can you explain the joke better?

Radu Dragovic-Guild Grave Digger and Carpenter of The Black Orchid Merchant Company

-Death is but a doorway, we are richer to of know you and luckier still to have called you friend-

OOG: Jeff Mclean
13 Jan 2011 15:41 #7 by ColinMcKraegar (ColinMcKraegar)
Replied by ColinMcKraegar (ColinMcKraegar) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Their is no joke my friend. I have little understanding of what your words meant. Perhaps you did not understand mine. I inquire as to the intent of your words nothing more.

Sir Colin McKraegar
Knight of Kaladonia


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13 Jan 2011 15:45 #8 by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic)
Replied by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Oh well sense you are not a learned man...

Dear Bad People,

To keep you from working to hard, as I know you are very busy please see attatched list of those whom are our first line of defense so you can easily kill them.

Thank you for your time,
The Dumb Good People

That clear enough?

Radu Dragovic-Guild Grave Digger and Carpenter of The Black Orchid Merchant Company

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OOG: Jeff Mclean
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13 Jan 2011 15:49 #9 by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic)
Replied by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Oh and you may want to read the Baronial Laws about who they are required to listen to, I dont think you can pick and choose. The Lords won't like that much.

Radu Dragovic-Guild Grave Digger and Carpenter of The Black Orchid Merchant Company

-Death is but a doorway, we are richer to of know you and luckier still to have called you friend-

OOG: Jeff Mclean
13 Jan 2011 15:54 #10 by ColinMcKraegar (ColinMcKraegar)
Replied by ColinMcKraegar (ColinMcKraegar) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
I must say. I enjoy your candor. Now that I understand your intention, I appreciate your original statement.


OOG: Frank Martinez
13 Jan 2011 15:56 #11 by ColinMcKraegar (ColinMcKraegar)
Replied by ColinMcKraegar (ColinMcKraegar) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
I don't think you understand all that you read Mr. Dragovic. I'd be more than happy to explain it to you in person.


OOG: Frank Martinez
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13 Jan 2011 21:10 #12 by McDermitt (Matt Quagz)
Replied by McDermitt (Matt Quagz) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
I would like it explained to me as of how my name was placed on this list? I do not recall ever offering my service's to this so called "Watch".

As a matter of a fact is this not the same thing as the Royal Guard?

Sir Slack McDermitt the Boar
Knight of Travance
Steward of Valdalis
Master of the Mages' Guild

oog-Matt Q
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13 Jan 2011 21:55 #13 by Hadrian Thane (GBino)
Replied by Hadrian Thane (GBino) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Sir McDermitt -

The main difference that I can see is legal authority. The Royal Guard is commissioned by the Baron, whereas, presumably, the Kaladonian Watch is commissioned by the Lord of Kaladonia.

As to why your name is on the list, and the Knights of Winterdark are on the list, whereas the Knights of the other 3 lands are not, I cannot comment. Nor can I comment on why the Royal Guard is presumably insufficient to properly patrol and police the Barony.

Lord Abendroth

/* OOG
* Rob G.
* Rules Marshal, Margrave
14 Jan 2011 01:27 - 14 Jan 2011 01:50 #14 by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton)
Replied by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Lord Abendroth, Sir McDermitt,

This Watch is a volunteer organization begun in the months prior. We previously confined our activities to Kaladonia, but have sought to extend our patrols and aid in the defense of the roads of the Proper in light of recent events.

The listing of the Chain of Command is based on assumptions on my part. I assumed that the nobility of the other lands would not have interest or time to work with the Watch, seeing as for most of the year it has no impact on their lands or activities. The right of command of all nobility remains, but I felt as that was public knowledge I did not need to explicitly mention it. The authority of Winterdark, as it is the Count's seat, seems immediately involved in all lands and their activities, so I asked my volunteers pay particular heed to its presence and orders, and in the absence of other officers to seek out its advice and instructions.

This is not the same thing as the Royal Guard, as it does not have power to make arrests or detain suspects within the Proper. This is a volunteer organization that seeks to assist citizens with minor concerns and engage in routine patrols and cabin checks while the Guard deals with more serious matters. We are not paid by the Barony.

If you have further concerns, please address them to me by post. It is far more effective to respond in detail to individuals than to the public.

If any wish to have their name removed, I can oblige.

Cyric McKraegar
Last edit: 14 Jan 2011 01:50 by .
16 Jan 2011 10:40 #15 by Baoyu Kunsai (Baoyu Kunsai)
Replied by Baoyu Kunsai (Baoyu Kunsai) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
*Not Baoyu*

Mister Gravedigger,

I do believe such a list of lists already exists.

Just up the way on the Baronial Board of great and important matters. Though admittedly it more oft than nigh runs outdate.


OOG: -Adam C. Schaeffer
17 Jan 2011 12:57 #16 by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton)
Replied by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Wrath is correct. Mr. Dragovic, my information was taken from the public listing of all nobles of the Barony, nailed on the Baronial notice board.

Since the list seems to have caused some upset, scratched it out.

Cyric McKraegar
17 Jan 2011 14:50 - 17 Jan 2011 15:32 #17 by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar)
Replied by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
I always thought that it was common knowledge who the nobles of each land were, and that it was their sworn duty to protect us. If we all know this, and any big bad gets a hold of any one of us, they can easily get this information out of us and use that to isolate those individuals, and then attack the town while they're isolated. So having them posted up anywhere just seems a tad redundant. There is also an outdated list of the town guard that if any big bad wants to he/she can use to go after them. For a town full of secrets we seem to like to write down names. I guess that's the double edged sword of a title.  Have people know who you are so they can help you?  Or have someone know who you are to kill you?

May Gaia Protect you,

Sister Ekatarina McKraegar

Templar Ekatarina Esmeralda Kisslinger McKregar, Prophet of the Kindred Oak

Neina Avaren

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Last edit: 17 Jan 2011 15:32 by .
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17 Jan 2011 15:28 #18 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
A list of nobles and officials is posted publicly, so I see no harm in re-posting elsewhere.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

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17 Jan 2011 17:43 #19 by Corvin Ralenfolly (SteveM)
Replied by Corvin Ralenfolly (SteveM) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
The Nobles of Travance feel no need to hide their identity from Evil, it is their sworn oath to uphold the laws of Travance and the wishes and Desires of the King.

These laws that they uphold are to put in place to hold back the ravages and desires of evil men and their gods.

Posting by Subjects creating further order in the chaotic world that we live in is encouraged.

Corvin Ralenfolly

Steve M.
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18 Jan 2011 11:54 #20 by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic)
Replied by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
So much buisness to come ! I love this town !!!

Radu Dragovic-Guild Grave Digger and Carpenter of The Black Orchid Merchant Company

-Death is but a doorway, we are richer to of know you and luckier still to have called you friend-

OOG: Jeff Mclean
19 Jan 2011 01:07 #21 by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton)
Replied by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Dragovic, you've proven yourself an obnoxious boor. If you have nothing constructive to say, go back to frolicking in these graves you appear to so love digging.

Cyric McKraegar

Cyric McKraegar
19 Jan 2011 10:36 #22 by Alexander Van Zandt (Logan)
Replied by Alexander Van Zandt (Logan) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Obnoxious, maybe, but a boor? I find that he is educated enough to realize that forming a peasant "militia" is laughable. I care little for what you do but perhaps you should enlist in Lord Brightstar’s Kaladonian Guard so that you may enjoy proper training and authority of law.

Regardless, calling Radu a boor is something I find offensive and believe should be withdrawn…

Alexander Van Zandt
Sword of Mercy

oog: Matt W.
19 Jan 2011 11:26 #23 by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar)
Replied by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
If comments are to be withdrawn, should Radu withdraw his comment where he calls my brother Collin, Knight of Kaladonia, "not a learned man". Since that is an insult to a noble.


Templar Ekatarina Esmeralda Kisslinger McKregar, Prophet of the Kindred Oak

Neina Avaren

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19 Jan 2011 11:47 #24 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
I was originally going to stay out of this topic as I felt my Knight Colin and his brother Cyric would be able to handle speaking about this matter with little involvement from myself. However, since you, Logan, have invoked my name and some of your comments in regards to this situation strike me as off, I feel that my response is now warranted.

First, allow me to educate you and everyone reading this as to how the various guards and militias of the barony of Travance actually work. First and foremost, there is the Border Guard of the barony. Their job is simple: keep a majority of the troublesome wildlife and native humanoid creatures that seek to damage the barony out of the barony. Also, there is the Baronial Royal Guard. Their job is the safety of the proper itself and those that reside within it. Remaining of that are the militias and guards of the separate lands.

Your comment about this "peasant militia" is ignorantly stated as most if not all of the personal defense of each land is more or less just that: peasants who are trained and equipped by their lords to defend the lands given to them. I would not be so bold as to state that the guard you are captain of is such a militia, as I am not versed in the hierarchy of the Alisandrian court, but I would venture to say they are quite similar in origin.

Beyond the semantics of guards and militia an important thing to note is that the personal guards and militia of each land have nearly no say while in proper. Generally, their active presence as an organization is discouraged within the proper as they could potentially interfere with the actions of the royal guard. However, it has come to my attention that the captain of the guard as well as the Baron have been negotiating with at least my militia - or Kaladonian guard, as you wish me to call them - to aid the Baronial guard in their job of defending the barony. For this reason I approved Colin and Cyric to move forward with the documents placed here. Now if I am mistaken or misinformed, I request that Captain Zero or one of the representatives of the baron contact me with an official statement in regards to this topic.
Finally, while I do believe the judgment of Radu's person to be in haste and perhaps rude, I do also believe Radu and Cyric to be men that can solve the problem themselves. Though I will say that a person like yourself, Logan, who is oft the one interrupting baronial announcements or performances during the feast, finding something as simple as the word boor to be offensive is what is truly laughable.

Lord Erdrick Brightstar
Guardian of Belladeen
(Samuel Roberts)
19 Jan 2011 12:59 #25 by Alexander Van Zandt (Logan)
Replied by Alexander Van Zandt (Logan) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Lord Brightstar,

Thank you for the clarification of the military forces of Travance. I am sure that will enlighten many of those reading this.

Secondly my comment to the formation of a peasant "militia" is not directed at the makeup of said militia but its formation. Peasant or Civilian Militias are conscripted by the "authority" of the populace in some cases with the intent for good or in response to the lack of law and in other cases unlawfully in revolt. The reason they are laughable is that they most often lack the proper command structure and formalized military training at higher ranks to effectively conduct military exercises.

The various Guards of Travance utilize our trained peasant ranks effectively because our guards are conscripted with the authority of the crown and are provided the military expertise of the knights and other senior officers like myself who have had extensive military training and are capable of leading the ranks of trained soldiers and civilian ranks in sound military tactics. The goal of which is to achieve the greatest success while minimizing causalities. Peasant militias which generally lack this guidance are often plagued with mortifying death rates against well led forces.

That is not to say that there have not been successful peasant/civilian militias in the past but I would argue that they are the exception not the rule.

I personally do not see the need for a civilian militia since Travance has a formalized guard structure to provide law and order as well as military support to the Baron. But that of course is a decision of the Nobility which I respect and would honor either way.

Alexander Van Zandt
Sword of Mercy

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19 Jan 2011 13:27 #26 by Shiver (Shiver)
Replied by Shiver (Shiver) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Vassals of Alisandria,

Please be silent on this matter from this moment fourth.


Lucius Blackthorne
Lord of Alisandria

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Men are felled by what they fail to believe in."

((Joe Bondi-Marketing Officer))
19 Jan 2011 15:26 #27 by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton)
Replied by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
This has gone so far off from my intended goal for this posting.

Lord Brightstar, Lord Blackthorne, thank you for your intervention. I request that you have the guards prevent further posting on this topic, by myself or others.

Any who have personal matters with me, Watch related or otherwise, contact me privately. Thank you all for your consideration.

Cyric McKraegar

Cyric McKraegar
25 Jan 2011 08:27 #28 by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton)
Replied by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton) on topic Kaladonian Citizen's Watch notice
Unexpected matters will be keeping me from the Proper this month. I will not be running a meeting, but please refer all interest to the Kaladonian nobility and Cpl MacTavish.

Cyric McKraegar

Cyric McKraegar
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