Worst meal ever

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11 Jun 2011 21:48 #1 by geezer (geezer)
Worst meal ever was created by geezer (geezer)
I had signed up for the kraken dinner at the Bloody Stump.  Upon arrival I discovered that Ming Na had placed a corcery prevening me from enterng the dning area, very dpecific as it was only against valosian Ceremoniasts.

The kraken was already cooked and had to be rehated.  There was no butter, so I told one on his minions were there was some of my personal supply, 5 minutes away.  40 minutes later, still not butter.  There was no hammer to break open the claws, not knife to cut nto the tail.  I was forced to partake fo this meager fare on Amizar's orch, hunched over.  IT was the worst meal I ever had the displeasure to suffer in Travacne.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
11 Jun 2011 22:18 #2 by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar)
Replied by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar) on topic Worst meal ever
Father Haroldson, I believe this is a subject you should take up in privet with Ming Na, not on the Dragon Claw Inn bulletin board. I have heard rave reviews about Ming Na's Kraken and other exotic foods available at the Bloody Stump.  Please take up any issue you had with the Kraken meal with Ming Na in privet and not in a public forum.

Templar Ekatarina Esmeralda Kisslinger McKregar, Prophet of the Kindred Oak

Neina Avaren

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11 Jun 2011 22:26 - 12 Jun 2011 00:09 #3 by Jack (Keeperofdice)
Replied by Jack (Keeperofdice) on topic Worst meal ever
Father Edwin Haroldson,
            On behalf of The Bloody Stump I would like to formally apologize for your horrible experience in dining with us.  I would however like to clear the air on the matter in an efficient and public manner.  Then mythal that was on the building when we first began to move it from Tarthan was against Valosian Ceremonialists as well as the Undead.  
            In falling in love with this quaint building and all of it's charm we did not want to disrespect the establishment and change that,  so we were in the process of getting it reestablished.  This is why the Brogan Memorial Patio was created.  So Valsoian Ceremonislists could indeed dine with us in a comfortable environment.  Also,  we did not wish you to be inside the building should the Mythal have suddenly reactivated and you were defenestrated from The Bloody Stump as we value you as a person.
           The baby Kraken had to be reheated so that you did not succumb to a variety diseases or ailments from not eating freshly cooked food.  I assure you that at 4 o'clock when the Kraken was originally cooked and served it was indeed to perfection.  However we did the best to accommodate you when you decided to show up at 8 o'clock to eat your Kraken whilst we were in the middle of setting up for our own private party the celebrate the hard work we have done for the town so far.
           We take pride in our guests and our food.  However also making sure that the decadence is not taken to the extreme limits of self-destructive behavior, we do try our best to make sure to look out for our guests when they do not plan on it.  As such I feel that it is important for you to know, and Dr. Maxwell the High Surgeon of Travance would be happy to validate this:  imbibing vast amounts of butter on a regular basis can indeed lead to health problems down the line.  We being unsure of your dietary norms, had no desire to further you down this path and potentially cause you health problems.  We sincerely hope you appreciate our foresight in this matter.
          Lastly, I certainly understand your need or want to be able to consume your food in a swift fashion as these are busy times in Travance.  I also too know the burden of having to "rough" it.  Why just last week I had to wear the same cufflinks 2 days in a row.  That is just unacceptable!  However,  being as we are both well educated men, and can appreciate the finer aspects of dining,  I'm sure you can see as well as I,  how truly barbaric and vulgar it would be to smash to bits the corpse of a creature that was boiled alive for the sole purpose of getting into your tummy.  The most gracious and classiest thing we can do is show our reverence and appreciation for this fine meal by being as gentle and respectful of the creature that gave it's life to become our very fine meal.
         In closing,  I am truly sorry that your experience with us was a negative one.  However being a man that likes to not see any rift between brilliant minds,  I would like to offer you this:  Anytime you wish,  if you personally come up to the bar while I'm on,  and I'll give you a drink on the house.  Thank you for your time.

Ser Jack Siefer
Knight Of Drega'Mire
Head of Research & Development of Kormyre
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Captain of the K.A.S. Tarrasque

OOG: Gus M.

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Last edit: 12 Jun 2011 00:09 by .
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12 Jun 2011 08:52 #4 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Worst meal ever
If you can come up with a means of extracting the meat from the shell without cutting or smahing, let me know of it,  That being said, I believe we can all agree that I would doubless survice a defenistration, as you incorrectly call it.  The matter of the accomidtions was beyond the pale.  I spoke with Ming Na and did nt receive an adequate response.  Butter - a simple concept, and for the price chaged, not an unraonable request.  You are failing by being too cute.

Ekaterina - if the Stump had a bulletin board, I would post it there.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

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12 Jun 2011 15:05 #5 by Feng Na (gabedm385)
Replied by Feng Na (gabedm385) on topic Worst meal ever
Father Haroldson,
  I would like to formally apologize for your troubles with your meal.  Since I was not in kitchen at the time I can not speak to the specifics of your issues with the Stump but it is my understanding that you arrived for the dinner some hours late.  I am sorry for this oversight on our part since we should have prepared your meal hours after the other guests had arrived.  I shall make sure that your time constraints are better prepared for in the future.  Furthermore, baby kraken are a segmented creature that are perfectly suited to being pulled apart by hand when freshly cooked.  In fact when my uncle served the last of the baby kraken to the staff as a thanks for a job well done it was a simple matter to serve.  Since we Khitanese are used to eating without such tools like hammers and knives and as we prepared it in a Khitanese way, we assumed it would be eaten as such.  I apologize for this oversight and if you dine on kraken next time we will be sure to provide you with a serving boy so that you will not have to worry about eating shell flakes.

As for the prevention of your entering into the Stump, it was my uncle's intention that if he were going to open a tavern frequented by everyone, including people he called "seedy" (I assume they like to garden) then it would be good to keep such prominent members of the clergy out of such places to prevent reputations and clothing from being sullied (from dirt and plant clippings I assume).

I am sorry for the misunderstandings and I would like to thank you for your feedback.  Please forgive this small Khitan for the oversight and I hope we get it right next time.  I am still getting used to your ways here and I was unaware of your need for weapons to attack your food.

Feng Na
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12 Jun 2011 18:16 #6 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Worst meal ever
Your premise is flawed, Feng Na.  I arrived first at 3 pm, and was told by the only person on the premises that dinner would not be until 8.  It seems messages were sent to all parties save one about the time change.  I should not be hard to find as I spent all my time between the monastery and the Inn.

Do not concern yourself with the next time, for I assure you there will be no next time.  As to your suggestion that baby kraken is easy to eat without any implements, I scoff at that.  I would be willing to wager that you cannot properly extract all the meat without tools

You must grant me a degree of skepticism as to your uncle's train of thought concerning his baring only one person with a powerful Sorcery

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
12 Jun 2011 18:32 #7 by Father Zahir al Nawar (Zahir)
Replied by Father Zahir al Nawar (Zahir) on topic Worst meal ever
Father Haroldson,

As a customer of the Bloody Stump who partook in the kraken and like my khitanese compatriots, use no tools to eat certain meals, found it quite easy to extract the meat from the shell. The meal was quite good in fact.

If you are looking to slander the establishment, you might take notice that your employment by the Dragon's Claw leaves you looking quite biased and your argument in the vein of a petulant child. Especially given that those of the Bloody Stump have tried to address and rectify the situation.

If yours is a legitatmate complaint that Ming Na is not addressing, then there are more than he who could PRIVATELY address your concerns.

If you are trying to do the public of Travance a service by submitting a review of their service and food, I would again submit that you do so in the manner of an adult and priest of good standing, rather than like a petulant child.

Brazen's Blessings Upon You,

Father Zahir ibn Hatim al Nawar
Priest of Brazen

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12 Jun 2011 18:37 - 12 Jun 2011 18:43 #8 by Ming Na (Ming Na)
Replied by Ming Na (Ming Na) on topic Worst meal ever
OOG- From the investors of the stump not Just from Ming Na

After serving hundreds of people over the two moons we have been open we have had only one complaint so far. Serving the common man as well as the Count, the Baron, every Lord and nearly all the nobility it is hard to wonder how our service is terrible?   I mean I am sure that Deer, Black Bear racks of ribs from exotic animals are then common place?
Being from Khitan we are use to bowing, but I have not mastered bending over backwards for you, last moon I did so to the extreme and hearing my back nearly snap it twain.  I was advised by my physician to no longer attempt to do so as I could never reach the desired posture you would require in order to please you.  We at The Stump have worked hard to bring the very finest exotic foods across the rift to Travacnce & while your experience was not to your likely it would seem that you are truly alone in your displeasure. I would like to mention that five other people dinned in the private party at the same time as you eating the exacted same meal with zero complaint or care as did I.  I would suggest that the level of exotic meals and white linen affair that you expected from the seedy stump did not meet with what you thought it would be that you take the fastest chariot across the rift and dine at Tavern that serves a Red Kraken with a hot vat of butter.
But as I mentioned to you before.  This issue will never come up after this past moon as there is no amount of Gold, Gems, Magical items, or Legendary items of the First Age on the face or buried in some deep dark cavern that would entice me to bother to lift a finger let along other wise serve you. Thus solving your issue with service. And sparing myself and further undo stress.
The Minion you mentioned has a name and is in fact NOT a minion his name is Zelrich!! who ran off into the dark for your butter and searched for the sad creamed cow confection out of the kindness of his heart, some thanks for the attempt from you to him would be polite at the very least. Zelretch went off to look for butter as a personal favor on behalf of Rudolf.   Looking for Quan Lui.  When unable to easily find him, he remained around for another forty minutes seeking Quan Lui out,  respecting the edict that you had put forth in regards to the kitchen, and not wishing to be arrested.  
And like others have mentioned as well as I first mentioned in the very first post about the stump it was moved brick by brick at no small sum to Travance it is very bad luck to rename a tavern let alone change and magics that may be upon it. The stump has been very well received by all manner of beings even Corsair has officially sponsored the place.

In service to the people

Ming Nagata

OOC: Dan Gill
Last edit: 12 Jun 2011 18:43 by .
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12 Jun 2011 20:41 #9 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Worst meal ever
Father Zahir al Nawar
Your oblique reference to slander is in itself a joke as my second vow to Valos is never to knowingly tell a falsehood.  I hope you are not implying I have forsworn myself. 

Originally I did express my displeasure privately, but as I did not receive what I considered to be an adequate reply decided to bring my views to a public forum.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
12 Jun 2011 20:54 #10 by Father Zahir al Nawar (Zahir)
Replied by Father Zahir al Nawar (Zahir) on topic Worst meal ever
Father Haroldson,

As your original and subsequent posts were not coherent enough to guess what you were truly saying, I was simply running the gamut of all the possibilities. I would never accuse a priest of forsaking their vows unless it was as plain as the beard on your chin.

As you have made it clear and there is understanding, I would still say a more mature response fitting with your station should have been put forth. But that is merely an opinion of another priest.

And it would be fair to note, even a child's truth of a parent taking away their toy is a parent's truth of taking away the sword the child was playing with.

Brazen's Blessings Upon You,

Father Zahir ibn Hatim al Nawar
Priest of Brazen

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