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20 Feb 2012 20:29 - 22 Feb 2012 16:07 #1 by Belegchand (mcalo)
Keryth'rina was created by Belegchand (mcalo)
My Fellow Travancians,

Tonight is the night for the observation of Keryth'rina, the Elven holiday of Memorium. As much of our population is made up of Selendrians and Quinarians, I feel it necessary to enlighten the rest of the citizenry of the holiday.

Keryth'rina is a holiday which remembers the lives lost of the Elven people back during the time of the Old World. Here is the tale:

Shortly after the horrid army abolished the gnomes, Uelrog set his sights on the elves. The Elven kingdom was debatably the most glorious and powerful of all the civilizations in the old world, however this was to change soon after the arrival of Uelrog. The storm was powerful and had occupied the attention of the elves. They had not even thought to perform their normal scrying of the boundaries, for they figured none would be out and about in this weather. The storm had made the visibility poor and the sound of heavy rain and thunder would mask the sounds of the approaching army. The Elven watchmen were paralyzed with fear when they saw the mighty beast that was Uelrog. Just when they were beginning to regain their senses Uelrog was upon them and the poor watchmen were picked up, eaten, thrown or smashed. Uelrog then lifted his massive arms up into the air and ripped down the walls so that his army of darkness may begin its siege and slaughter. The elves were taken completely by surprise. Many were not ready for battle and were unarmed; those who were armed were helplessly beaten to death by the mighty fists of Uelrog. The chaos army had wiped out massive amounts of the elves and was suffering little to no casualties. Meanwhile Uelrog destroyed the kingdoms walls, the houses, castles and towers, until nothing was left standing tall.

At the far end of the Elven kingdom and as much as it pained them to do so, the twelve Elven elders, and a handful of elite warriors were preparing to depart. They knew that they were leaving their city in the hands of destruction, but they knew also that their was nothing they could do to prevent it, and that the other kingdoms must be warned. They rode off against the fury of the storm on the greatest of Elven steeds, in hope that they would arrive at the human empire of Kormyre in time to make a difference.

The massacre had gone on for almost half a day, and the Elven kingdom was set ablaze. Well over half of the Elven population died that day and most of the Elven civilization was razed to the ground with the destructive force of Uelrog, everything else tasted the flames of a torch. Although there were many more elves left, Uelrog seemed to be satisfied with the massive death and destruction that they had already caused. Uelrog began to call his army back to the gates so that they may continue on and leave the pitiful survivors to wallow in their brothers’ blood.

And as we remember the lives lost that day, we honor those who have past on since then. In my home back in Quinaria, we have a prayer we say on this day.
Almighty Arawyn, the First and the Last, Creator of Our World, give us your blessing so that we may honor our fallen.

Almighty Valos, King of Light, God of Justice, ensure those who died with valor and honor are granted the peace they deserve.

Almighty Andorra, Queen of Compassion, Goddess of Love, watch over those whom we held dear as they pass from this world into the next.

Almighty Gaia, Beacon of Purity, Goddess of Life, help those of us who live cherish that gift and never allow it to be wasted.

Almighty Galladel, Guardian of Souls, God of the Spirit, judge our fallen, and protect those who deserve it on their way to happiness.

Almighty Brazen, Master of Craftsmen, God of Creation, construct for us everlasting monuments of the fallen, so they may be with us always.

Almighty Enax, Defender of the Land, God of the Law, defend those who follow them, so that they may be blessed with happiness beyond the veil.

Almighty Chronicler, Keeper of the Great Story, God of Eternal Knowledge, record all those who have fallen so that they may live forevermore, and transcribe the horrors of our world, lest we forget.

And now, as a final recognition of those who have fallen, I invite everyone in Travance, be you of any other race or faith, to write the names of those who have passed on, whether they died yesterday, or a thousand years ago.

Travance, you have seen your share of troubles. Your people have seen heartbreak and pain. They have stared at death in the face. But you continue on, you endure. Your people endure. So, tonight, the night of memories of those who are gone, we remember, lest we forget.

May the Gods bless you, everyone.

Loremaster Belegchand Dìnephilin, Quinarian

OOG: Matt Calo - Marshal
Last edit: 22 Feb 2012 16:07 by Belegchand (mcalo).
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20 Feb 2012 21:01 #2 by Elawyn (Elawyn)
Replied by Elawyn (Elawyn) on topic Keryth'rina
Thank you Belegchand. To name only a few...

Klarington Everest
Squee Starsong
Malagar Cross
Turin Zephyr
Malcolm Germaine
Lilliana Darkwood
Shalok Kensington
Malin Hylen
Malcom McBride
Brenna, Rose, and Briar Featherthorn-McKain
The Druidess Rihanna
The Heroes lost at the Fall of Hades Horn

Defend the Land for it is the Base of the Pillar,

Elawyn Featherthorn Brightstar
Acolyte of the Circle of Ten & Chosen of Fey Lord Tillion
Guardian of Belladeen

OOG: Kristen M.
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20 Feb 2012 22:59 #3 by Rudolf (Rudolf)
Replied by Rudolf (Rudolf) on topic Keryth'rina
Anna Von Kreutzdorf

Lord Rudolf Von Kreutzdorf of Ostcliff
Golden Rose Trading Company
OOG - Larry Wile (Marshal)
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20 Feb 2012 23:06 #4 by Bat Cooper (Cassius23)
Replied by Bat Cooper (Cassius23) on topic Keryth'rina
Elizabeth Cooper

IC: Bat Cooper

OOC: James Jones
20 Feb 2012 23:17 #5 by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks)
Replied by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks) on topic Keryth'rina

In Service to Travance
Ser Winks Sharpthorn, The Resolute
Knight of Drega'Mire
Soul-Blade of Galladel

Alt: William Sterling
Chief Mechanic of the Kormyrian Sky Flotilla
Lead Engineer of the Travancian Railroad

OOG: Walter Soto
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20 Feb 2012 23:23 - 23 Feb 2012 19:55 #6 by Aemorniel (Aemorniel)
Replied by Aemorniel (Aemorniel) on topic Keryth'rina
Daerun Silverbow
Lindariel Silverbow

and those others lost during the attack on my father's merchant caravan

Loremaster Aemorniel Estelwen Silverbow
The Quill of the Witch Hunter Academy of Travance
Apprentice to the Baronial Small Council
Court Scholar of Pendarvin
Assistant Editor and Columnist of The Travance Chronicle

While Others Succumb, We Overcome

The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited, or erased. It can only be accepted.
Last edit: 23 Feb 2012 19:55 by Aemorniel (Aemorniel).
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20 Feb 2012 23:48 #7 by Misaki (cbodnar)
Replied by Misaki (cbodnar) on topic Keryth'rina
Xianlu Tatsuo / Nero Shadowclaw
Xianlu Miyako / Maura Shadowclaw

Former inhabitants of Nakagawa, Empire of the Sun, Khitan

Misaki Xianlu VonRitter, the Nemesis

Vassal of Pendarvin

"Evil Must Be Destroyed"

OOG:  Cyril Bodnar
21 Feb 2012 00:14 #8 by Jurgur'mosh Goretusk (MattF)
Replied by Jurgur'mosh Goretusk (MattF) on topic Keryth'rina
My Three Dragon Brothers
Sukra Sangkah
Tong Sangkah
Rignog Sangkah

Every member of Black Sand Tribe who died defending Khitan from Empire of Night

Jurgur'mosh GoreTusk
free orc
(OOG-Matt F)
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21 Feb 2012 00:26 #9 by Clove (Mark)
Replied by Clove (Mark) on topic Keryth'rina


OOG-Mark B
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21 Feb 2012 00:36 #10 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic Keryth'rina
The Citizens of Illenvard
Garrison Corvin
Denix Tartaros

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
-Steve Oros
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21 Feb 2012 00:49 #11 by Josephine (mferro54)
Replied by Josephine (mferro54) on topic Keryth'rina
Nadya Zirka
Ladni Oreni Zirka
Vidona Zirka

I will always remember you.

IG: Josephine Weaveforger,
Carlotta OZ
OOG: Mary Bouchard (nee Ferro)
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21 Feb 2012 01:22 #12 by rivanyasi (rivanyasi)
Replied by rivanyasi (rivanyasi) on topic Keryth'rina
Kyren Chacov, z''l.

and all the others who perished from the disease.

Na'ar Chacov, Soul of the Stars.

Ayiri Amexis, Sorceress' Apprentice.
Lupta Tamasa, Torn and Blackened.

OOG: Riva A.
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21 Feb 2012 08:47 - 21 Feb 2012 08:48 #13 by Belegchand (mcalo)
Replied by Belegchand (mcalo) on topic Keryth'rina
Thank you everyone who has added names to this sheet.

Despite the end of the official observance, I still beseech any who wish to add names to this list to do so, whether today or any other time in the future. We should honor our fallen every day, not just one day of the year, and hopefully this list will serve as an eternal reminder to us of what kind of world we live in, so that we may live our lives to the fullest while we are still here.

To add my own names:

  • Mother Arothathar Dìnephilin, Chief Healer of the City of Tirioswyena, Priestess of Andorra
  • Loremaster Brannist Dìnephilin, Master of the Red Strand

Thank you all for your time, and may you find comfort and solace in remembering those who have passed.

Loremaster Belegchand Dìnephilin, Quinarian

OOG: Matt Calo - Marshal
Last edit: 21 Feb 2012 08:48 by Belegchand (mcalo).
21 Feb 2012 10:42 #14 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Keryth'rina
Iason Moroz
Gaspard Moroz
Amara Nasreen
Duriken Avaryne Moroz

-Alexandre Blythewood

OOG: Zach Theis
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21 Feb 2012 13:17 #15 by Rannick (Rannick)
Replied by Rannick (Rannick) on topic Keryth'rina


Isaac, Timothy, and Lucky Dog.

And lest the lesson be lost: bad weather is the ally and refuge of the bold - complacency the assassin which goes before daring.

--Rannick Whinnumsen--
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21 Feb 2012 15:58 #16 by Jack (Keeperofdice)
Replied by Jack (Keeperofdice) on topic Keryth'rina
Those killed in the Londwyn expansion efforts. Londwyn, Elven, Flora, and Fauna. May Arawyn forgive us, we did not know.

Ser Jack Siefer
Knight Of Drega'Mire
Head of Research & Development of Kormyre
Sky Marshal
Captain of the K.A.S. Tarrasque

OOG: Gus M.

“Men learn from their failures. I prefer to learn from the failures of others..”
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21 Feb 2012 21:51 #17 by Kadin D (Katie D)
Replied by Kadin D (Katie D) on topic Keryth'rina
Delthen Palahad

Dr Marlena Ashby


Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store

OOG - Katie DeFranza

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21 Feb 2012 21:58 #18 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Keryth'rina
My family, the crew of The Magellan.


Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
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22 Feb 2012 12:53 - 22 Feb 2012 13:06 #19 by Seámus Aeislin (Seámus_Aeislin)
Replied by Seámus Aeislin (Seámus_Aeislin) on topic Keryth'rina
Eileen O'Callaghan, former fiancé.

All of the other members of my clan, my family, that we lost in Kirkwall that night, too many to name here. You will never be forgotten my brothers and sisters.

- Seámus Aeislin of the Clan MacInnes

Main - Sir Seámus Aeislin of the Clan MacInnes

Alt - Boryev Solvei, Baro of the Solvei Kampania
OOG - Shane Johnson
Monster Marshal
Last edit: 22 Feb 2012 13:06 by Seámus Aeislin (Seámus_Aeislin).
22 Feb 2012 14:35 #20 by SlightlySaneBillliamm (SlightlySaneBillliamm)
Replied by SlightlySaneBillliamm (SlightlySaneBillliamm) on topic Keryth'rina
To me Mom and Father Collin Bran McKraeger, and all the clansmen lost in the Highland war, against the bastard Queen

Also O'rian McBride
Remember the tales and tell them boldy

"Slightly Sane Billliamm"

ooc: gene stern
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22 Feb 2012 15:30 #21 by THENPC (THENPC)
Replied by THENPC (THENPC) on topic Keryth'rina
Lilith Wrathchild

Adversus Nox Noctis,
Sir Lethias Discretion Nathaniel Peregrin Christopher Wrathchild VonRitter
Knight of Travance
Putting the Shiv in Chivalry Since 1202

Mortem facit omnes aequales, vitam facit omnes fratres
Vince The NPC;
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22 Feb 2012 16:27 - 22 Feb 2012 16:28 #22 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic Keryth'rina
My nephew Hol'gin, born still some years ago.

-Odo Garaath

"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."

(Tom Senger )
Last edit: 22 Feb 2012 16:28 by Odo Garaath (Odo).
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23 Feb 2012 00:20 - 23 Feb 2012 00:25 #23 by LStarling (Kwildar)
Replied by LStarling (Kwildar) on topic Keryth'rina
Lilianna Dupree ferch'Llewellyn

Sir Thomas Ahlman -- Never forgotten as he truly was.

All those lost in Alok Malagan. No matter what the race or creed.

Lawrence Starling -- IG
"Really, bee! I don't smell flower-y!"
Malcolm Mallardi -- OOG
Last edit: 23 Feb 2012 00:25 by LStarling (Kwildar).
23 Feb 2012 10:37 #24 by Ehlenathelasa Blacktree (ehlena)
Replied by Ehlenathelasa Blacktree (ehlena) on topic Keryth'rina
*appears to have been torn down*

All hunters die. But not today.

OOG Jenna L.
Main: Ehlenathelasa Blacktree
Alt: Hazar Bint Sha'Haban
Alt: Erim Walker [Retired]
23 Feb 2012 10:39 - 23 Feb 2012 13:31 #25 by Ehlenathelasa Blacktree (ehlena)
Replied by Ehlenathelasa Blacktree (ehlena) on topic Keryth'rina
The above unsigned post has been removed. All subjects are reminded that messages posted in languages other than the Common Tongue without providing a written translation will be taken down.

Thank you for your cooperation
Lt. Blacktree

All hunters die. But not today.

OOG Jenna L.
Main: Ehlenathelasa Blacktree
Alt: Hazar Bint Sha'Haban
Alt: Erim Walker [Retired]
Last edit: 23 Feb 2012 13:31 by Rudolf (Rudolf).
26 Feb 2012 23:28 #26 by Mother Marika (Ophelia)
Replied by Mother Marika (Ophelia) on topic Keryth'rina
The Korsova clan. I know not if they are all perished, but I shall keep them in memory always.

Julietta Marinescu

Master Marika Korsova Laurent Belmont
Priestess of Galmachis
Soul Warden
Shadow Hunter
"For eternity."

Doctor Winifred Sterling
"Oh I'll have to cut it out...again..."

OOG- Samantha Maksoud
Logistics Marshal

"Intelligence is the wife, imagination is the mistress, memory is the servant."-Victor Hugo
27 Feb 2012 09:55 - 27 Feb 2012 15:28 #27 by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar)
Replied by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar) on topic Keryth'rina
The Father I Never Knew, Collin McKregar Senior
My Mother Esmerlda Dalca & My Sisters

I do not know if he is lost for good or of the roads took him from me but I'd wish to add my love, Remi Kisslinger

Templar Ekatarina Esmeralda Kisslinger McKregar, Prophet of the Kindred Oak

Neina Avaren

OOC: Ann A.- Logistics Marshal
Last edit: 27 Feb 2012 15:28 by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar).
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