Reclaiming Clan Sharpthorn

26 Jul 2012 20:07 #1 by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks)
Reclaiming Clan Sharpthorn was created by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks)
Citizens of Travance,

It was revealed a week ago that Gaaldron forces had infiltrated Drega'Mire, and enslaved the village where my growing Clan had set down our roots. Gaaldron did this so that they could have not only another front to attack from in this conflict, but also to give themselves more expendable fodder to be ground under the wheels of their war machine. My clan, Clan Sharpthorn, had been working to exist peacefully within Travance, to even become full citizens themselves; and now that existence is threatened.

I called for aid to immediately go and liberate Clan Sharpthorn, and I do appreciate the responses and offers that I received. However I realized, much to my sadness, that if we had all left to take up a campaign against the occupying forces in Drega'Mire, that it would have made our defenses here in the Proper that much weaker. This is undoubtedly what Gaaldron had in mind. And so, I forewent any assistance and undertook a scouting mission on my own. I have only just returned to the Proper. Unfortunately I was unable to get very close to my own village, as Gaaldron patrols ranged far. The things I did see were disheartening. While no new defenses had gone up around the Sharpthorn Holdings, the hobgoblins were treating my people like nothing, worse even than slaves are treated in Gaaldron.

It is my fear that we will be forced to fight my clansmen in battle. If this is the case please understand that my people are being forced into this war. If you see any goblins wearing the colors of Drega'mire (those being red and black), or the symbol of Clan Sharpthorn (that being a thorny black rose), please make the effort to spare them. I realize that Gaaldron may dress up some of their own forces in an effort to have them be mistaken for my clan. If you are one of those that has helped my clan grow and prosper, please see me at your earliest convenience to learn questions to ask that only my clanmembers would know the answers to.

Once the Proper has been secured against incoming attacks, I will lead a force to reclaim the Sharpthorn Holdings. If you wish to assist me, please find me at some point during this moon's Feast.

For King and Country
Chieftain Winks Sharpthorn, Squire of Drega'Mire

In Service to Travance
Ser Winks Sharpthorn, The Resolute
Knight of Drega'Mire
Soul-Blade of Galladel

Alt: William Sterling
Chief Mechanic of the Kormyrian Sky Flotilla
Lead Engineer of the Travancian Railroad

OOG: Walter Soto
Cannon Marshal
Moderators: Damien (Damien)Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
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