Circumstance of this past feast

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05 Nov 2012 11:31 #1 by Aemorniel (Aemorniel)
Circumstance of this past feast was created by Aemorniel (Aemorniel)
Citizens of Travance, I am writing this post so that all who have not had the chance to hear fully of the story behind this feast's events and to those who were not able to read the journal we pieced together through the tasks our citizens bravely triumphed through. No one should be denied the knowledge. Forgive me for the length and if I make any mistakes within my telling. I shall do my best for this tale.

To those who do not know what I am speaking of, pages of a journal were found Friday night written by a former clergyman of the Church of Chronicler. My guess would be they were found shortly after the first appearance of the Shades. They had taken upon the appearance of the clergy of the Light Church, such as Templar Raven, and sought out the Chroniclerites of the town and attempt to kill them. All of the Shades we met then and during the big battle are perfect mimics of the person they appear to be, even down to their memories and abilities. Their abilities though have a sort of dark taint. I myself was apparently one of their first targets but when I was unable to be found, Sir Lethias became their chief target since most of the other Chroniclerites had not made it into the proper yet. Easily the town dispatched of the Shades, rallying without hesitation to aid one of the most respected townsmen.

I do not know the first instance this supposed heretic group of Chroniclerites first appeared in the town--those who do are free to add their experience to this missive--but I want it known they were never a part of the church. Those who heard the rumors they were acknowledged by the church and were deemed "heretics", I stress that those rumors were false. Never did Chronicler bless them with his gifts. They were fakes, frauds, and pretenders who wished to discredit Chronicler and his followers.

I met Doctor Aldous D. Structo early Saturday, a fellow Chroniclerite and the man who lead us to the journal pages. He had scryed the locations for them and guided and assisted where he could. The importance of collecting these pages was incalculable. They detailed the account of a former clergyman of the Church of Chronicler who had willingly had their connection with their god stripped away with a ritual of Malediction to better infiltrate this false section of supposed Chroniclerites preaching the desire to return to the "Old Ways". To give a bit of backstory, Chronicler in the past had been considered a dark god because he had been held captive by Malyc and forced to grant dark prayers. His true nature has always been neutral no matter what others may say. Our writer of the journal, whether male or female it is unknown, succeeded in impressing the leaders of the cult. As a companion, the writer also had a man by the name of Keilos--also a former member of the Church of Chronicler who when through the Ritual of Malediction to strip himself of his connection with his god forever for this mission. These two were under orders of Cardinal Ventriss--the leader of the Seekers of Knowledge: a very specific sect within the Church--and assisted by the Seeker Lugona. This is different than the Seekers of Knowledge. To those who do not know what a Seeker is, think of a being that is neither an angel nor a devil but is just as powerful. Lugona instructed our author to write this journal that's scattered pages were collected over the Feast and for good reason. Inside the pages are details of the hierarchy of this cult--titles and such--, life within the cult, observations of their practices, and most importantly--details of their abilties and that of their leader. The crystal spires the brave citizens of Travance destroyed during the great battles were tools of this cult's false god--actually the former arch devil of Malyc named Xia'brien, pronounced (Sha-bree-anne). Xia'brien had at one point been Chronicler's jailor at the time when Malyc had him held captive. In his talks with Chronicler, Xia'brien learned of a relic or special artifact of Chronicler's that was shaped like an ornate scepter. Its power gave the wielder the ability to rewrite history. Desiring this power, Xia'brien fled, leaving the jail unattended to seek the sceptor. In that time Chronicler escaped and was able to return to his true state of neutrality. In this former arch devil's hands, this scepter was detailed in the journal as being used to completely destroy a man. Not only physically--any and all records of the person, memories of their whole existence, was wiped away and forgotten as if the person was never there. It does not matter race, creed, sex, what god you follow--the former arch devil could erase the story of anyone. He is so reviled that all of the light gods, dark gods, and Chronicler hate him.

Unfortunately to gain all this information, when Keilos was discovered by the cultists, our author revealed himself when they gave a quick and clean death to their friend rather than see him become erased. The fate of the author left all those who read the journal in its entirety in tears because it was revealed the author was erased, leaving the journal unsigned. Most tragic of this realization was the fact the writer was one of us--a citizen of Travance. Their last thoughts were of the town, its people, and a final prayer for our safety with a hope word could reach us in time. This person, though nameless, must not be forgotten. They could have fought by your side in battles past, counselled you in lessons, worked along side you, or merely shared a drink. They fave everything, making the ultimate sacrifice, to protect us and to give us the knowledge to weaken this creature. This journal, all that is left of our author, only survived because it was blessed by the hands of Seeker Lugona--the Seeker who lead us to the crystal spires we destroyed--and put up a ward to protect the town from Shades appearing ever again in Travance on Sunday morning. To those who witnessed Xia'bien disguised as Jack Cypher attack Doctor Structo and the Seeker at the last ward, the Seeker is not dead I was told. It was explained to me that he was sent back almost like how a Banishment works on beings of other planes. The problem is it is unclear if or when Seeker Lugona could ever come back.

The journal is still in my hands. To those who wish to read it, it shall be with me at the coming ball. I could never deny someone for wanting to read the story with their own eyes. I must caution though to all of the citizens: this battle is not over. Xia'bien is still out there and he is still in possession of the scepter. This is not a matter just for Chroniclerites, scholars, or anything of that sort. All of our stories are at risk so long as the scepter is in the hands of that beast. Only through use of all of our strengths were we able to succeed in this first battle. I am so proud of all of you and I thank those who helped with the battles we faced. Every person has a purpose in the Great Story--great or small. Only together will we overcome this.

Loremaster Aemorniel Estelwen Silverbow
The Quill of the Witch Hunter Academy of Travance
Apprentice to the Baronial Small Council
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05 Nov 2012 13:14 #2 by THENPC (THENPC)
Replied by THENPC (THENPC) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
I had yet to read the final few pages, but in light of the revelation of their contents, I believe we must speak on the... circumstances of the journal's existence when next we meet.

Adversus Nox Noctis,
Sir Lethias Discretion Nathaniel Peregrin Christopher Wrathchild VonRitter
Knight of Travance
Putting the Shiv in Chivalry Since 1202

Mortem facit omnes aequales, vitam facit omnes fratres
Vince The NPC;
05 Nov 2012 13:28 #3 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Circumstance of this past feast

I would suggest that these pages be bound in leather and stored in the Baronial Library, where they may be read by any subject of Travance. I feel that as many people as possible should know what can be known about our forgotten brother- or sister-in-arms.

-Alexandre Blythewood

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05 Nov 2012 13:45 #4 by THENPC (THENPC)
Replied by THENPC (THENPC) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
I am mostly inclined to agree with Tobar, but this is essentially what I meant by the circumstances of the journal's existence.

You see, the Seeker Lugonia had told me that the journal's existence was preserved despite all other records of such people being erased through the will of Chronicler itself trying to avoid losing such an important part of such an important story.

I am no priest, but to me this practically makes the journal a holy relic, as it means it was protected (or at least touched) by no less than the direct power of Chronicler.

While I agree with Tobar that proper reverence be shown, I believe maybe the journal should be kept closer to the altar. Then again, we were discussing where the altar should be kept at the feast now that we have one, and I can barely think of a more fitting place than the library.

Adversus Nox Noctis,
Sir Lethias Discretion Nathaniel Peregrin Christopher Wrathchild VonRitter
Knight of Travance
Putting the Shiv in Chivalry Since 1202

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05 Nov 2012 14:14 #5 by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby)
Replied by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
If I may say something,

This may sound crazy; but the fact that this book still exists, whether or not it has been done through divine intervention, may also mean that there is a way to reverse the effects of the scepter. Maybe not for everyone that has been erased, but perhaps for this one individual. So long as even the faintest memory may exist in the form of these pages, he or she may not be truely lost to us.

This is just a thought though.

Father Elric Ashby.

Father Elric Ashby, Artificer, Priest of Galladel, Master of the Adventurer's guild, Warden of the Phokus.

Dr. Viktor Solvei, Pioneer Surgeon

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05 Nov 2012 15:28 #6 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
Lethias, I know very little of your church and its policies, but based on what little I do know, I assume that the altar to Chronicler will be open to the public. Relic or no, these pages should, in my opinion, be read by everyone who has learned their letters, and read aloud to those who haven't. I can think of no worse fate than to be utterly forgotten, and we should do all we can to save this brave person from that fate.

-Alexandre Blythewood

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05 Nov 2012 15:39 #7 by THENPC (THENPC)
Replied by THENPC (THENPC) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
Tobar, you are correct. The altar as it currently exists is still portable, but it is the hope of all of the Chroniclerites that one day it grows beyond portability.
The altar, especially if placed in, say, the library, would of course be open to anyone seeking knowledge.

Father Ashby, if the only thing Chronicler's own intervention could save was the journal, and the account of the events, I fear I must doubt that there is a way to restore the author. Even if there was, I feel that the greater reward for a Chroniclerite would be the story surviving, not the author. I feel that as a former priest of Chronicler, the author would agree with that sentiment, and while the author's memory does remain, I feel we should not sully it by seeking to undo their story.

Adversus Nox Noctis,
Sir Lethias Discretion Nathaniel Peregrin Christopher Wrathchild VonRitter
Knight of Travance
Putting the Shiv in Chivalry Since 1202

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05 Nov 2012 16:52 #8 by Aemorniel (Aemorniel)
Replied by Aemorniel (Aemorniel) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
To answer the question of the current idea being thrown around for the future of the journal--I agree. It should be in Travance. A number of the scholars were in agreement when I suggested perhaps consulting Father Osred on the matter since he will be escorting me at the ball on what advice he could give. Lethias we will speak more on the matter in person and I welcome the words of others on what they think. I will say it is not merely a relic that can be appreciated by Chroniclerites only--it is a story all deserve to know if they seek it.

Loremaster Aemorniel Estelwen Silverbow
The Quill of the Witch Hunter Academy of Travance
Apprentice to the Baronial Small Council
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06 Nov 2012 00:48 #9 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
Sorry if this deflates the air of mystery around our faith, but this is fantastic!

My inactivity, thanks to outside reasons, kept me away, but it is wonderful knowing our faith has the loyal few that ensures this story is told and kept alive.

See you fellow parishioners at the Ball!

~Dorian Birchwood

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06 Nov 2012 14:13 #10 by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby)
Replied by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
Even if there is nothing to be done to save the author themself, I believe that it is only right to hold a memorial service for this person. This way not only their story, but perhaps part of their spirit, will continue to live on.

I hope that others also feel as I do.

Father Elric Ashby.

Father Elric Ashby, Artificer, Priest of Galladel, Master of the Adventurer's guild, Warden of the Phokus.

Dr. Viktor Solvei, Pioneer Surgeon

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06 Nov 2012 14:39 #11 by Aemorniel (Aemorniel)
Replied by Aemorniel (Aemorniel) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
It may sound presumptuous but the feast in the month of February is close to Memorium--a holiday celebrated by my people where we light candles to honor those who have passed. It is not exclusive to the Quinarians and would be a fitting time to remember not just the author but also others who have had their stories cut short.

Loremaster Aemorniel Estelwen Silverbow
The Quill of the Witch Hunter Academy of Travance
Apprentice to the Baronial Small Council
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06 Nov 2012 14:50 #12 by THENPC (THENPC)
Replied by THENPC (THENPC) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
If a memorial is to be held, I pray I will be fated to be present for it, as my duties will be taking me far from the proper until January, at least.

Adversus Nox Noctis,
Sir Lethias Discretion Nathaniel Peregrin Christopher Wrathchild VonRitter
Knight of Travance
Putting the Shiv in Chivalry Since 1202

Mortem facit omnes aequales, vitam facit omnes fratres
Vince The NPC;
06 Nov 2012 16:36 #13 by Charani Yhatzi (MaliHH)
Replied by Charani Yhatzi (MaliHH) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
We will figure out a proper time for a memorial, and the proper way to put one together. Aemorniel, while the timing of the February feast sounds very fitting, I must admit that I hope we will hold it at another date--I will be away dealing with scholarly matters at that time. We should also keep in mind that while the author's friend Keilos seems to not have been from Travance, he also gave his life and his faith to help find the truth of the matter. Perhaps giving his life was not as great a sacrifice as giving his memory, but we should keep him in our thoughts as well.

As for the altar, it is currently in my possession, but as Lethias stated we hope that it will soon grow beyond portability, and it will of course be placed somewhere open to everyone. I think the library would be a very fitting place.

~Charani Yhatzi

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06 Nov 2012 16:45 - 06 Nov 2012 16:45 #14 by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar)
Replied by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar) on topic Circumstance of this past feast

Loremaster Silverbow,

I will not be at the ball or around in December, but when I return in January I would like to read it. I will message you closer to to January feast to arrange a time that we can meet.


Neina Avaren

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Last edit: 06 Nov 2012 16:45 by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar). Reason: Spelling error
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06 Nov 2012 16:47 #15 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
You are all in a dire misunderstanding.

February the 20th is the date of Keryth’rina which is a sacred holiday celebrated by the Selendrian and Quinarian culture. Keryth'rina means Memorium.

On this day we reflect upon the loss of the Elven Kingdom to the accursed Uelrog and his goblinoid armies. It was during this dark time many ages ago that the Elves were almost lost to Arawyn. Through time this day of remembrance has grown and now we light candles on this day for any of those lost to us in times of war and conflict. Aemorniel was saying that during our annual Keryth'rina we will light a candle in remembrance to yet another Hero of Travance.

Please look for a posting on this public area in my hand soon for details on the upcoming Keryth'rina.

That being said, I would please ask everybody who reads this to respect and honor one fact more than most. The documenting journal pages we have of our unsung hero represent more than one man's determination and desire to do good. It represents what a Travancian is capable of. You should all come, take the time to read these pages and find renewed spirit and self-awareness, because it is the spirit of this unsung hero that will live on within you all. The name is not important, it is the deed. This person and their deed will live on forever as a manifesto to the Spirit of a Hero.

It is not the time of Memorium now, but if you wish to show your respect to this hero. Light a candle tonight and think upon what it means to have the spirit of a hero.

Tanis Rily'annia
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06 Nov 2012 20:03 #16 by Aemorniel (Aemorniel)
Replied by Aemorniel (Aemorniel) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
Well said Tanis. You found the words I found unable to convey through my message. I am proud to call you my student.

Loremaster Aemorniel Estelwen Silverbow
The Quill of the Witch Hunter Academy of Travance
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07 Nov 2012 09:41 #17 by Josephine (mferro54)
Replied by Josephine (mferro54) on topic Circumstance of this past feast
This is not the first time I have heard of the elven tradition of Memorium, but once again I find myself struck by its beauty. Tanis, I will do as you suggested and light a candle for this not quite forgotten person, and I hope that when February comes I will be able to join whatever ceremony is held for Keryth'rina.

-Carlotta OZ

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