(OOG Note- A number of notices hang from crossbow bolts stuck into trees at crossroads and other common areas around the proper.)
Come to the Alisandrian Harvest Festival! Being held at the Alisandria Statehouse this Saturday, there will be contests and competitions of all sorts!
Test your strength against one of our strongmen! Sample from an assortment of alchemy and a plethora of potions! Try your aim on the crossbow range! Challenge a member of the Crimson Watch to a duel! Winners will be eligible for prizes!
Come enjoy all that Alisandria has to offer, from our fine cider and lavish food to our adorable Fallow Pigs and fierce fighters!
Revelry will commence one bell past noon on the day of feast and continue until four bells! All are invited!
--Posted under the authority of the Alisandrian Public Relations Ambassador