Urgent! Have you seen Tobar?

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15 Sep 2013 02:35 #1 by Fie! (Triminac)
Urgent! Have you seen Tobar? was created by Fie! (Triminac)
(The message is hastily written, so much so that at some points the quill has torn through the parchment.)
If you have not already guessed, I fear that one Tobar Moroz Rasia is missing, to the best of my knowledge. I had originally intended to travel with the gypsy until the next Baronial Feast; however, on the previous Sunday he was nowhere to be found in the later portion of the day. assuming he has his own business to take care of, I let it be. Hours ago, I had sojourned to his vineyard a short ways away from Travance Proper. When I arrived, the front door appeared to be missing, and so I peered inside.

It was in ruins. I swiftly searched the property for any signs of him--to no avail, rather obviously. In each room lay destroyed furniture and various other paraphernalia. Others were left untouched beside them. Those that were destroyed were smashed and shattered beyond repair; I doubt even a master artisan could restore them.

While I would love to assume that Tobar swiftly dealt with some foolhardy assailants (leaving behind this collateral damage) and has only gone to deal with their leader, I fear that presumption would be less than reasonable. No, the damage almost seems too specific. To clean(?) I want to say. Prior to the last feast, Tobar provided me with tutelage in swordplay, and though in great spirits at first, suddenly, near inexplicably, grew exceedingly dour, grim, and nervous. As if he was expecting some awful to transpire. When nothing did for some time, he was better again. I fear that it finally has, and he stands the victim for it.

If anyone could reassure me of his whereabouts, or at least provide any information that might be of some use to me, please write a missive and either leave it at the Inn, or send it to Tobar's vineyard (it bears no name, but I believe it to be one of the only ones in the area), as I intend to posthumously return there and see if there is anything else I could find.

Please, make haste.

Owen Piper
Admiral of the Kormyrian Royal Navy
Named Successor to Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz

OOG - Josh Heeder
Marshal and Personal Quest Team
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15 Sep 2013 03:26 #2 by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings)
Replied by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings) on topic Urgent! Have you seen Tobar?
I will do my best to find a brother huscarl, and inform the others of the guard as well. Thank you.

IG: Sir Grimkjell Eirson
Knight of Pendarvin
Guardian of Mercy

OOG: William Hannings
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15 Sep 2013 11:29 #3 by Goggs (coryan)
Replied by Goggs (coryan) on topic Urgent! Have you seen Tobar?
Wotcher Mister Piper,

The situation as you describe it shares a number of startling (and somewhat worrisome) similarities with recent events in the Proper. While I am regrettably not at liberty to include much detail in this message, this is likely for the best, as it would only serve as a distraction from the following advice - which, I should say, it is in all of our best interests that you follow:

As a first priority, exercise EXTREME caution when moving around the property. There is a significant chance that Mister Tobar's assailants have installed traps to ensnare well-meaning folks such as yourself, and I should sincerely hate to hear that you had fallen victim to one of them.

Secondly - and perhaps most crucially - take care not to disturb any footprints that might have been left behind. This is of the utmost importance. If you can, please carefully locate footprints that have been left in dusty corners, or as dirty marks upon the boards, and do your best to preserve them.

I hope you'll forgive me for shoving imperatives in your direction, however it's really quite important that you carry out these requests to the best of your ability - at least as regards the well-being of both Mister Tobar and yourself. I had been intending to use the next fortnight to conduct some work for a client and establish new living quarters for my ward, however if you'll permit me, I'd like to join you at the vineyard for a day or two in order to examine the scene a little more closely.

Very good Mister Piper - I look forward to hearing from you soon.

For Queen and Country,

- A. C. Goggins

OOG: Cory W-S
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15 Sep 2013 11:29 #4 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic Urgent! Have you seen Tobar?
Tobar had sent a letter to myself in Oringard a few days ago. I trust in his ability to keep himself safe.
The worst should not be feared, however an investigation of who has ransacked his vineyard should be undertaken.
He will return in time, therefore the matter of destruction should be priority.

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

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-Steve Oros
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15 Sep 2013 14:14 #5 by Fie! (Triminac)
Replied by Fie! (Triminac) on topic Urgent! Have you seen Tobar?
Thank you, milord. While this news does put me at some ease, much can happen in a few days. Even still, I am assured he can handle himself, yet cannot help but worry.

As for Mister Goggins, any assistance you could provide would be much appreciated.

Owen Piper
Admiral of the Kormyrian Royal Navy
Named Successor to Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz

OOG - Josh Heeder
Marshal and Personal Quest Team
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16 Sep 2013 12:53 - 16 Sep 2013 12:54 #6 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic Urgent! Have you seen Tobar?
m'Lord Drega'mire,

I wou' like tae lend me skills at tracking to this hunt for the vandals.

While I am not Tobar's greatest admirer, no man should have 'is property destroyed in this fashion. A War causing destruction is one thing but this smacks of somthin' more dire and targeted. Considering he is of the Guard, perhaps others within the Guard should look to theirs in case it is more than just he who was targets for trouble.

'Tis no small thing to be the recipient of such ill and I know were it me on the receiving end, I'd want tae know who was cause of it and what rot lay behind the one (or more) doing the deed.

Attacks upon those whose job it is to secure safety for all... often lead to more fell acts against all. My opinion of course.

With respect to ye and ye position,

Blackwatch Ranger

Father Duncan MacKenzie

Templar-High Priest of Brazen
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Janos Beecham (alt)
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John Tinney
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Last edit: 16 Sep 2013 12:54 by JTinney (Swordsaint).
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16 Sep 2013 19:32 #7 by Fie! (Triminac)
Replied by Fie! (Triminac) on topic Urgent! Have you seen Tobar?
Update: It is possible that the situation may not be as grave as I had originally believed. Though my previous suspicions remain possible, I have reason to believe that no malevolent force or being was involved at all, but rather, Tobar's personal actions were the cause./ While it remains speculation, without any further evidence, I would prefer not to disclose said reasons on this board at the present time. Should any new information arise, I will be sure to make it known.

Owen Piper
Admiral of the Kormyrian Royal Navy
Named Successor to Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz

OOG - Josh Heeder
Marshal and Personal Quest Team
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