To all of our friends in Travance,
Some of you may remember me as the rather large, but friendly salesman who worked for the Anvilhorn brothers; some may not remember me at all; but I would like to give you our heartfelt thanks. Kunkle, Hunkle , Dunkle and myself took refuge in the Dwarven kingdoms during the last battles between Mortal and Demon-kind; and for a time we feared ourselves lost. Then word came of your hard won victory; of your heroism, and sacrifices you made for us all.
For that, we thank you, We wish we could have been with you there in person, but know that our prayers to the gods were directed towards your safety and victory.
We will return soon, look for us during the spring thaws; the tents of the Anvilhorns will be found below the Inn as always.
Until then, keep safe, stay well.
In all things, your friend,
OOG: Jeff Mininger