Is your land disheartened from these cold months? Do you need an entertainer for formal occasions or grand and joyous festivals? Look no further!
Good morrow, my fellow people of Travance!
This request is mostly for the nobles and leaders of the lands, but all may read:
I like to go from town to town and passing cities to perform and make merry with the many wondrous folk we have in the Barony. In the past, I've made my way to those settlements which have the burden of heavy hearts and the plague of hopelessness. Now, I look for a new destination and a new mission to bring joy to the people of Travance! Either tack your response to this post or send me a private missive if you wish for this bard's services (I shall be within the Proper this week).
Signed and Sung,
Rowan Uidhir
-Rowan Uidhir
-Fira Sinclair, Ambassador of Valdalis
(OOG) Teresa Amore