Letter from the Pontiff

  • Maralas
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21 Jul 2015 11:42 - 21 Jul 2015 11:42 #1 by Maralas (adamdrew3)
Letter from the Pontiff was created by Maralas (adamdrew3)
People of Travance, I am pleased to share this letter with you regarding the state of the Light Clergy. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to seek out a Light Priest or Light Cleric.

<attached letter>

Pontiff Artreus bids you all a good day. He has sent me with word to deliver clarification to the Faithful of Travance in order to aid you in your journeys of spiritual growth.

First, the clergy that were named to the newly created positions of Faith Protectorate among the clerics and templars, and the High Priests and Priestesses of each faith, in no particular order:

Mother Ellie - High Priestess of Valos
Templar Cooper - High Priest and Faith Protectorate of Valos
Mother Maralas - High Priestess of Gaia
Gothi Caldor - High Priest of Gaia
Mother Angeliana - High Priestess of Andorra
Father Nalick - High Priest of Andorra

With regard to Galladel, no representative was present at the time of the declaration by His Holiness. However, if word should reach the Sanctum of suggested candidates and supporting arguments either for or against, they will be considered and appointed as such.

The offices of Pontiff and Cardinal will remain intact, and largely unchanged in purpose. We will still make our pilgrimages, and minister in times of extreme crisis to the High Priests and Faith Protectorates as needed. Also let it be known that the number of Faith Protectorates or High Priests may be any number of individuals who have demonstrated exemplary behavior and have shown great capability in their positions within the Church. No one religion will have a supreme representative, the office of Bishop has been dissolved in the case of Travance. Instead, it will fall to you as the High Priests, Priestesses, and Faith Protectorates to see to your individual flocks. An individual who is both a cleric and a priest may attain both titles, in time.

That being said, you are still strongly encouraged to work together on interfaith matters. Travance needs unity, and there will be obstacles that cannot be overcome with the might of a single group. This reorganization was to encourage the faithful to come to their High Priests or Faith Protectorates and receive counsel on matters pertaining specifically to that deity. One would not ask on matters of love from a priest of Galladel, much the same as a follower of Andorra would not necessarily provide wartime strategy to a soldier. But that same soldier could receive solace from the Andorran clergy on matters of love, and could go to the Galldelian clergy to ask funeral rites for their friend that was a comrade in arms who died in combat. This dynamism is what His Holiness hopes will grow the faithful and will lead you all to better yourselves and your flocks.

If any of you have further questions or concerns, either myself or Cardinal Vesryn will be checking back from time to time to see how things are progressing. We also welcome letters to the Sanctum, as they may then be brought before His Holiness more expediently.

Thank you all for your service, and may you all find new and rewarding ways to travel through your journeys of faith.

In Service to the Light,

Cardinal Renthios Windhaven, Unaligned of Gaia, Student of Saint Larcen Treewatcher

Maralas Silverstream
High Priestess of Gaia

OOG: Rebecca Hines

Logistics Marshal
Last edit: 21 Jul 2015 11:42 by Maralas (adamdrew3).
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