All guardsmen are to report at the Armory. I need you all to check in, so that my Lieutenants, and I can organize you into the structure we are working on.
Anyone wishing to join the guard, we will be recruiting. If you wish to speak with me before the interview, send me a missive, and we will go over things you will need to do, and where I may place you. Please state your full name, what your reasons for joining the guard, and what you wish to bring to the guard.
To those unable to join the guard but still wish to help, please send me a missive stating how you would like to help, and I will have you added to a list to be approached. Please state your full name, and how you would be willing to assist us.
Do not respond here. Send me missives instead.
Captain Oren Zero Tenderson of the Royal Baronial Guard of Travance.
OOG- William Bartlett