Seeking Information: Quartz Mountain Range Crystals (Northern) and Academy

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14 Jun 2017 11:24 #1 by Narcis (ChrisR)
As my next step in research on Necrophitus I intend to, partially at least, attempt to look into the Quartz mountain Ranges, specifically the North one and the Academy located within the range. Those who attended Belegchand's information session had hopefully heard my information that I found during the extended feast. If not, I would be glad to inform, but for the purpose of this parchment what matters is that not only are the Arcane Sons (his followers, those who work for him) seeking multiple energy sources amongst those are: Chaos Energy, Elemental Energy, Divine Energy and Magic Energy. We have examples of each of these in Travance's experiences as of late. However, they are also gathering Quartz Mountain Crystals.

I remember being vaguely told what the Quartz mountain Crystals properties are, but am trying to figure out why they are integral to Necrophitus' plan. I know his main tower, with an Academy attached are located in the Northern Quartz Mountains. I also seek assistance or information on the Academy located here. My research shows that no one has been able to find the Academy, and therefore, Necrophitus' Tower. Both of which hold information that would likely be helpful for us.

Should anyone feel like assisting, please let me know and then I will set up a stable place and time to meet. Otherwise all information may be posted here, or sent to me through Raven to Stonefall.

OOG:Chris R.
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14 Jun 2017 11:45 #2 by Mantel (sigma-j)

I would suggest you speak to Lord Tartaros on this matter, as I believe he has spoken on the topic of Quartz Mountain crystals before. As far as I remember, they are integral to the Weave. He may be seeking to collect these crystals to disrupt it so once again he can inflict permanent damage, though I expect I will be corrected. This will at least give you a conversation starter for his Lordship. I will search the Guild Archives to verify my words.

You have my continued assistance.


I may be technically right on a hunch. Here is a copy of the letter, of a year ago, from Lord Tartaros to the Guild and Proper I remembered.

Long ago, when the fey and dragons and immortal races walked the ground we now stand upon, there was no such thing as The Weave. There was no such thing as magic, at least as we know it today. In those times past, when the dragons and fey were called away to the astral realm by the Anastazi, for fear of their servants becoming tainted with good and evil, we did not have the powers we do today.

They fey did not want to leave this world without helping the young mortal races. From the two crystal mountains at the poles of the world, a network of strands sprouted out in colors of yellow, blue, red, orange, green and purple, creating a network of colors across the land. This structure became the weave. And with this weave, the fey taught a mortal man by the name of Necrophitus Arcane how to utilize these strands to summon powers not before known to mortal kind. It was he who learned the powers of the spheres contained within those strands. What the fey had learned, however, was that mortal beings could not fully master all eight spheres of magic, and so they found seven others to teach the ways of magic. These eight students in turn, taught others, forming an academy where all mortal kind could unlock the secrets of the weave.

In this time, the fey imparted one more gift to the mortals. They showed the eight students of the academy how to utilize these strands to accomplish higher magics through the creation of a focus crystal, and thus was born the arts of sorcery. The fey had taught the mortals everything they knew, and so they left the world.

Necrophitus was greedy for power. He wanted more than what they had taught him, so he locked himself away within his tower and began to experiment with the combination of spheres. What he came to discover was that by combining the spheres that cancel each other (fire and water, earth and air, wizardry and enchantment, illusion and warlockery), the spheres would decay, releasing a dark and twisted negative energy that he could manipulate. He had created the dark magic of Necromancy. Normally when magic is used, it releases back into the strands, continuing the cycle of magic that flows through the two poles, this however, only destroyed the spheres and returned nothing back. It was cancerous to the weave.

But Necrophitus did not stop there. He continued to bend and break the weave to his will until he began to snap the strands, causing them to turn black, rot and decay, releasing the same kind of energy, but in much greater quantities. This was how he created the art of Black Sorcery. This was the art of shattering the weave to utilize the negative energy that came from it into powerful, but monstrous rituals.

The others had caught wind of Necrophitus and his necromancy students, so they confronted him, led by the only other student strong enough to stand up to him, Lucindra. Unfortunately, he could not be beaten, and instead fled away, but his damage was done and the dark arts of magic were being spread. Lucindra had to find a way to stop the destruction, or the weave would surely not last. It was incomplete and finite. She came to understand his research and experimented ways to counteract it. With the use of positive energy, she learned to create new strand's of the weave. They would be born of a magnificent white energy that would release off the strand. This energy could be used to cast incredible rituals of purity and light, while the white strand would fade into one of the six colors and embed itself into the weave. She had created the art of white sorcery and it would combat the devastation of Necrophitus.

Since then, the necromantic mages and black sorcerers have wrought destruction upon the weave while the white sorcerers have repaired what damage they could. It was only recently that the Arrantir stones were placed into the pillars in which they belonged, finally completing the full cycle of magic between the two crystal mountains, allowing the weave the replenish itself. The ultimate purpose of the white sorcerers was completed with success. The weave from then on, could not be destroyed.
This is the history of The Weave and Magic.

Mantel Warrane (AWz., QMA; AM, WSS)
Grand Librarian Emeritus, Darkwood Academy of the Metaphysical Arts
Professor Emeritus of Weave Studies, Darkwood Academy
Warden of the Keep, Allied Territory of Corvancia

(OOG Jean M, they/them)

"How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole." - C.G. Jung
14 Jun 2017 15:01 #3 by Moostrav Potrevski ()
Replied by Moostrav Potrevski () on topic Seeking Information: Quartz Mountain Range Crystals (Northern) and Academy
I have one of these crystals in question. I was going to have it encorparated into a weapon, and still may. However if this is something you may want, send me a missive...

Moostrav Potrevski
1 of the 8 Heads of the Potrevski family

Jacob F.
14 Jun 2017 17:34 #4 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic Seeking Information: Quartz Mountain Range Crystals (Northern) and Academy

That Quartz crystal is from Amanthyre Islee and I believe that location is considered the southern mountain range. I may be wrong however, but better to note that just in case.


Marcella Torres
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